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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2016/6/24 Friday,#,英语中表示“可能”的词的用法,英语中有许多此表示“可能”,但归纳起来,无非就三类:,1.,情态动词,may,和,can.,2.,形容词,likely, possible, probable.,3.,副词,maybe, perhaps, possibly, probably.,一情态动词,may (might),和,can (could),1,.,can,在肯定句中,表示客观的,(,理论的,),可能性,并不涉及具体某事是否会发生,常可以说明人或事物的特征。要表达具体某事实际,发生的可能性时,不可用,can,须用,could, may, might,。,如:,(1)A left-luggage office is a place where bags,can,be left for a short time ,especially at a railway station.2003,全国,28,行李寄存处,尤其是在火车站,使人们可以短期存放行李的地方。,(,客观可能性,),(2)Accidents,can,happen on such rainy days.,这种下雨的天气可能会发生事故,.(,客观可能性,),(3)Peter,may,come with us tonight ,but he isn,t sure yet.1993,全国,27,彼得今晚可能来我们这儿,但还没确定,.(,实际可能性,),(4)We,may,go camping next Sunday.,下星期我们可能去野营,.(,实际可能性,),2,.,may not,表示“可能不”,,can not/can,t,表示“不可能”,,can(could),可用于疑问意义。,如:,(1)- Is John coming by train ?,- He should ,but he,may not,.He likes driving his car.2002,全国,,25(,表示“可能不”,),(2)A computer,can,t,think for itself ;it must be told what to do .1991,全国,15(,表示“不可能”,),(3)Mr Bush is on time for everything .How,can,it be that he was late for the opening ceremony ?2001,上海,27,试比较:,This,can,t,be done by him .,这不可能是他干的。,This,may not,be done by him .,这可能不是他干的。,Can,this be done by him ?,这可能是他干的吗,?,(,此处不可用,may,,,may,用于疑问句表示“可以”。但此句可以说:,Is this likely to be done by him ?),另外,,could ,might,并不一定与过去的时间有关,而表示可能性弱于它们相应的现在时形式。,如:,This could/may/might be done by him .,这件事有可能是他干的。(语气依次递减),二、形容词:,likely , possible , probable,1,.,likely,是常用词,只“从表面及想来看很有可能”,常用句型,:,sb./sth be likely to do or,It is likely that.,如:,They are likely to become angry with him .,他们可能会对他发怒。,It is likely that he will come.,注意,:,(,1,)、,likely,表示,“,有可能成功的,”,、,“,有希望的,”,意思时,不能用另外两词。,e.g,What is the likeliest time to find him at home?,什么时候最可能在家里找到他?,(,2,).,likely,在作副词时,前面一定要加,very,或,most.,e.g They,ll very likely ask for an increase in the budget.,他们很可能要求增加预算。,2,possible,指“由于有适当的条件和方法,某事可能发生或做到”,强调“客观上有可能”,但常含有“实际希望很小”的意思。,如:,I will do everything possible to help you .,我将尽一切可能帮助你,.,常用句型,: It is possible for sb. to do something,It is possible that,e.g It is possible for one man to finish this.,It,s possible that he will accept the terms.,注意,:possible,不能以人作主语,也不能说,make sb. possible,应说,make it possible for sb. to do sth.,e.g This made it possible for him to go abroad for further studies.,3 . probable,语气比,possible,强,指有根据、合情理、值得相信的事物,带有大概、很可能,的意思。,如:,The home team , far ahead , is the probeble winner.,主队份遥遥领先,很可能成为胜利者。,注意,: probable,也不能以人作主语,也不能用于,It is probable for sb. to do sth.,句型,但可用于句型:,It is probable that,e.g It is probable that the winner will get a prize.,另外,这三个形容词,likely , possible , probable,都可用于句型:,It is +adj.+to do sth./that-clause. It,作形式主语。但只有,likely,可以用于句型:,sb./sth be likely to do sth .,如:,(1),It,is probable that it will rain today.,今天很可能会下雨。,(,第一个,it,是形式主语,第二个是天气。,),(2),She is the most,girl to win the prize.,A.possible B.probable C.likely D.perhaps,因为主语是人,所以答案应是,C.,表示“有希望的”。,试比较:,(,) It is probable to rain today.(It,指天气,),(,) It is likely to rain today.(It,指天气,),但可以说:,He is impossble to teach.(=It is impossible to teach him.),注意:不定式动词与主语存在着逻辑上的动宾关系时,句子才正确。,三、副词:,maybe , perhaps , possibly , probably,这四个词都有“可能、或许”的意思,但用法略有不同:,maybe,和,perhaps,基本相同,常用于句手,,maybe,多用于口语。,如:,Maybe/Perhaps the weather will get better.,天气可能会变得好一些。,probable,是“很可能”的意思,可能性比其它三个大。,probably,常与,will,连用,而,possibly,常与,can,could,或,may,连用,,may,与,possibly,连用表示的可能性更小,,can/could,与,possibly,连用以加强语气。,另外,,quite possibly,表示“很有可能”,,very/most probably,意为“极有可能”。如:,(1),She,most/very probably,thinks she is right when she says things like that.(,极有可能,),(2),Eric,s father is a skilled worker and has repaired a lot of this kind ,so he will,succeed in repairing this bike.,A.probably B.maybe C.may be D.perhaps,(A,可以和,will,连用,因此用,probably.),(3) No sooner had she seen the frightening snake than the little girl started to run as fast as she,could .,A.,perhaps B.maybe C.possibly D.probably,(,和,could,连用,,因此用,possibly,选择,C ),


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