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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,European Churches,Part1,:,What is the church?,Part2: Main styles,Part3: Typical churches,Part4,:,Some pictures,What is the church,?,Religion is an important part of the European peoples life , so we can see many churches in urban and rural country in Europe.,The church is a place that Christian (Catholic,klik,天主教, protestant,prtistnt,新教, orthodox,:dks,东正教,,,etc.) hold a mass of religious matters . Also, nowadays European people hold weddings in churches.,European churches can be divided into four kinds of architectural style:,Roman style(,罗马风格),the gothic, ,ik,style,(哥特风格,),baroque style,(巴洛克风格),modern socialist church,(现代主义教堂),.,Roman style architecture emerged in the ninth century to 15,th,century, is one of the main European Christian church buildings. Roman style architectures features are: the line is simple, lively,modelling,mdli,massiness, stocky, and some of the building has the characteristics of feudal,fju:dl,castle.It,is the embodiment,imbdimnt,of power of the church.,罗马式建筑兴起于公元,9,世纪至,15,世纪,是欧式基督教教堂的主要建筑形式之一。罗马式建筑的特征是:线条简单、明快,造型厚重、敦实,其中部分建筑具有封建城堡的特征,是教会威力的化身。,Italian Pizza Cathedral,意大利比萨主教堂,Gothic churchs structure system is composed of stone skeleton,skelitn,coupons and flying buttresses,.,哥特式教堂的结构体系由石头的骨架券和飞扶壁组成。,Baroque architecture is developed on the basis of a construction and decoration style between 17th and 18,th,century during the period of the Italian Renaissance,rensns,architecture. Its characteristic is free and the pursuit of dynamic,dainmik,。,It is fond of richly decorated and carving and strong colors.,巴洛克建筑是,17,18,世纪在意大利文艺复兴建筑基础上发展起来的一种建筑和装饰风格。特点是自由,追求动态喜好富丽的装饰和雕刻、强烈的色彩,The first baroque style structure :,Roman Jesus church,Modern socialist style means succinct,sksikt,ss,-, elegant, also has kind living environment,现代主义风格意味着简练,优雅,仍有亲切的生活环境,Three famous churches,Notre-Dame Cathedral,巴黎圣母院,Saint Peters Basilica,圣彼得教堂,Milan cathedral,米兰大教堂,Victor Hugo,Notre-Dame Cathedral,巴黎圣母院,巴黎圣母院兴建于,12,至,14,世纪,是欧洲早期哥特式建筑的主要代表,有作家形容它重如大象,轻如飞蛾,是法国建筑史上的杰作。正面一对,60,余米高的塔楼,巍峨而壮观,上面有内容丰富、精美绝伦的反映宗教题材的雕刻。,Notre Dame Cathedral,was built from 12 to 14 centuries, it is the main representative of the early Gothic architecture in Europe. Some writers described it as heavy as an elephant, as light as a moth,m,m:,飞蛾,.Its a masterpiece,m:stpi:s, ,ms,-,杰作,in the history of French architecture. There is a pair of more than 60-meter-high tower in the front, theyre magnificent,mnifisnt,宏伟的, with rich content and reflect the religious themes in exquisite,ekskwizit,carving.,走进大教堂光线骤然暗淡下来,教堂内高大宽敞而幽暗,顿时让人产生一种庄严肃穆的感觉,仿佛进入一个与世隔绝的境地。 作为欧洲建筑史上一个划时代的标志,巴黎圣母院的正外立面风格独特,结构严谨,看上去十分雄伟庄严。它被壁柱纵向分隔为三大块;三条装饰带又将它横向划分为三部分,.,而教堂内部则极为朴素,几乎没有什么装饰,Into the cathedral , the light suddenly dimmed,dimd, the church spacious,speis,and dark, and people have a solemn feeling suddenly, as if into an isolated place. As a landmark of European architectural history , in the positive facade,fs:d,of Notre Dame the style is unique, well-structured, and looked very,majestic,mdestik,. It is separated of three blocks by pilasters,pilst, ,pails,-,in vertical direction and three decorated with turn it horizontal,hrizntl,divided into three The church interior is extremely simple, almost no decorations,Saint Peters Basilica,bzilik,圣彼得教堂,in,Vaticano,Saint Peter, the apostle,psl,(? To about 64/67BC) Early Christian Church referred him to the leader of Jesus twelve,disciples,disaipl,. The Catholic Church believes that he is the first generation of the,Pope,pup,(about 33 years to about 64/67 years),圣彼得(使徒)(?约,64/67,年) 早期基督教会所称耶稣十二门徒之首。天主教会认为他是第一代教皇(约,33,年约,64/67,年,),它是巴洛克式建筑的典型标志,。堪称世界上最大的天主教堂,据说它将教堂建筑艺术的精华集于一身。教堂中央直径达,42,米、高度达,138,米的圆形穹顶,圣彼得教堂之所以著名,不仅仅因为它是世界上最大的教堂,还在于它是意大利文艺复兴时期的建筑家与艺术家米开朗琪罗、拉斐尔等大师们的共同杰作,It is the typical signs of Baroque architecture and the worlds largest Catholic church .It is said that Saint Peters Basilica,rolled the,essence of the art of the church building into one. The churchs circular dome central diameter is 42 meters, height is 138 meters.,It is so famous not only because it is the biggest , but also it is the common masterpiece of the Italian Renaissance,rensns,文艺复兴,architect and artist Michelangelo,mi:kel:ndel,:, Raphael and other masters,Milan cathedral,米兰大教堂,米兰大教堂是意大利米兰的重要地标。整座建筑物融合哥特、文艺复兴、新古典等多种建筑风格,其中教堂正面以三角形状构建而成,四周有数百座尖塔成林,和高达,108,公尺的主塔相衬,仿如相互扶持,伸向蓝天,展现了哥特式建筑的特色。 对哥特式建筑迷而言,它是装饰精致的杰作:,“,用大理石写成的一首诗,”,。,Milan Cathedral is the most important landmarks of Milan, Italy. The whole building integration,intirein,of the Gothic, Renaissance and new-classical and a variety of architectural styles . The front of it is,the triangular shape and it surrounded by hundreds of minarets,minret,forest phase contrast and up to 108 meters of the main tower, just like mutual,mju:tul,support toward the blue sky. It shows the characteristics of Gothic architecture.,It is a fine decorated masterpiece for Gothic architecture fans: a poem written in marble,仅教堂外部就用了,2245,尊雕塑、,135,个尖顶、,96,个怪兽状滴水嘴和约,1,公里长的窗花格。不管从那一个方向看,米兰大教堂呈现的壮丽风貌及丰富的历史内涵,都很令人感动。,Only the Churchs external has 2245 statues, 135 spire, 96 gargoyles,:il,like,monsters and about one kilometer long tracery,treisri,. From any direction to see the Milan Cathedral, the magnificent style and rich historical connotations,knutein,is very impressive.,Some other famous European Churches,都灵圣里克斯丁大教堂,柏林杜奥莫大教堂,科隆大教堂,兰斯大教堂,圣家族大教堂,维也纳保罗大教堂,


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