unit2 passage A大学体验英语

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2016-10-26,#,Passage A,All Great Journeys Start with a Dream,Unit 2 Song of the Soul,Passage A,. Lead in free talk about the theme,. Text analysis,2.1 read for general idea of each paragraph,2.2 read in depth,2.3 a summary,. language points,What is dream?,target,goal,ambition,hope,wish,strong desire,imagination for the future,vision,nightmare,daydream,fantasy,Dreams during sleeping,Warm up discussion,Group discussion and Speech,1. Discuss the topic “All great journeys start with a dream” with your group mates.,What is “great journey”?,What is “dream”?,How do you understand the sentence “All great journey,start with a dream”?,2. Share the opinions of your group with the other class-mates.,2.1 read for general idea of each paragraph,2.2 read in depth,2.3 a summary,. Text analysis,2.1 general idea,Read for the general idea of each paragraph,1.,underline,the key words or sentences,2. make a,summary,of each paragraph.,Para.,Key Points,Summary,1,2,3,4,5,6,2.1 general idea,Para.,Key Points,Summary,1,2,3,4,5,6,vision, aspiration, fervent hope, the song of soul, meaning and purpose,The author,believes,our dream is the song of soul,and,life with a dream is filled with meaning and purpose.,Neil Peart, expresses the relationship between life and a dream,Richard M.DeVos, write about the flame of hope,Two examples given by the author: Neil Peart & Richard M.DeVos,on/off switch of our dream,the on/off switch is used as a metaphor for our control of our dreams.,accomplishing, make a commitment,Any worthy dream is a dream worthy of accomplishing.,The first sentence and the last sentence,Our dream dont have to be grand to be great and we all have the power to follow a dream that will make a difference to us and those we meet.,James Allen expressed the same idea,The author makes a summary of the passage with James Allens ideas on dream.,2.2 Read in depth,Read Paragraph 2-6 again to find more detail about:,Para.2 the comments on dreams from Neil Peart and Richard M. DeVos;,Questions:,How did Neil Peart express the relationship between life and a,dream?,How did Richard M. DeVos write about the flame of hope?,Para.3 the law of life,Question: what is the law of life?,Para.5 the example of my aunt,Questions:,What job did my aunt do in the department store?,What was the dream of my aunt?,How did my aunt influence the others she meets?,Para.6 James Allens comments on dreams,1. the comments on dreams from Neil Peart and Richard M.,DeVos,Neil Peart:,Life is just a,and a dream must give it,.,生命就像一只蜡烛,而梦想将其点燃。,Richard M. DeVos,:,No life is more,than that of the individual who nurses a dream, an ambition, always wishing and hoping, but never giving it,to happen. He nurses the,dream, but never lets it break out into,.,一个人心怀梦想和大志,时时刻刻地渴望和希望,却没有尝试将这一切付诸现实,还有什么比这更悲剧性的吗?他的梦想只能发出摇曳的微弱光亮,却永远不能迸发出火焰。,nurse: feel (it) strongly,flickering: weak, not strong,2.2 Read in depth,candle,flame,tragic,a chance,flickering,flame,2. the law of life,Since it is the law of life that we find what we look for, if l look for, I will find them.,生活的发则就是如此,唯有所求,方有所得,我欲寻求破解之法,则我必会成功。,2.2 Read in depth,solutions,3. the example of my aunt,What job did my aunt do in the department store?,What was the dream of my aunt?,How did my aunt influence the others she meets?,My aunt, who,in a department store for most of her life and whose dream was to be the,and most,salesperson,everyones day and,the lives of thousands,2.2 Read in depth,sold gloves,friendliest,helpful,brightened,touched,Have you done something small that makes a difference to others?,4. James Allens comments on dreams,Dream,dreams, and as you dream, so shall you become. Your,is the promise of what you shall one day be; your,is the prophecy of what you shall at last unveil.,Have great dream, and you will fulfill your dream as you dream. Your vision decide what you will be in the future; your ideal can predict what you will become.,去怀拥崇高的梦想吧。怀有梦想,你就会美梦成真。你的愿景是你有朝一日必将如斯成长的承诺,你的理想是你要将自己的抱负最终展示于世的预言。,shall: must,必定,2.2 Read in depth,lofty,vision,ideal,Use what you have learned from the passage to help others,Case: I graduated from college a year ago, and now Im living in agony every day.,I dont know what Im capable of. I cant find a job.,I majored in computer at college, but I feel my four years learning is in vain.,Now Im living an upside-down life sleeping during the day and going online all night.,I feel like Im a walking dead, with no purpose. What am I living for? Does my life have meaning?,Tips:,begin learning, go travelling to relax, connection with optimistic friends, back on normal life pattern, take more exercise, dependence on illusions of the Internet, escape from reality,Put theory into practice,Case:,I have many thoughts, but Im always lazy to get moving. I find it difficult to take actions. For example, I want to improve my interpersonal skills, but I dont know how to start.,Tips:,schedule, short-term objective, long-term goal, within the time limit, supervise, information age, pressure, force, stick to,enjoy public contact,strengthenlanguageexpressionability,listenmorecarefullyandresponsively,effective feedback,Put theory into practice,We all have dreams. Our dream, or aspiration, or vision, is the song of our soul. It is our dream that 1)_ our life with meaning and purpose. Many a successful person 2)_ a dream to the flame of hope toward victory. We all have 3)_ in realizing our dreams. But once we believe we can do it, we will find solutions to the problems we 4)_. If you believe in your dream, the next step is to make a 5)_ . With your commitment, great power will be 6)_ and seemingly insurmountable hurdles will be 7)_ to insignificant obstacles. Our dreams dont have to be grand to be great. We all have the power to follow a dream that will make a 8 _ to us and those we meet. As we dream, 9)_ shall we become. Our vision is the 10)_ of what we shall be in the future.,fills,compared,problems,stumble on,commitment,released,reduced,difference,so,promise,2.3 a summary,more . than (line 1, para. 1),1) to a larger or extra number or amount (of),2) when “more” is used before a noun, it is used to mean that it is more like the first thing rather than the second,Example,Hes,more like a movie star than,a lifeguard, really.,他不像救生员,倒像个电影明星。,Simulated Translation,苏尖叫,并不大声,声音里更多的是惊讶而不是恐惧。,Sue screamed, not loudly,more in surprise than,terror., Language Points,vision,n,. (line 4, para. 1),1) the ability to see,视力,2) an imagined mental image of sth,幻景,想象力,Example,I have a,vision,of a society that is free of exploitation and injustice.,我的愿望是这个社会没有剥削和不公。,Jane blocked Crosss,vision,and he could see nothing.,简挡住了克罗斯的视线,他什么也看不见。, Language Points,aspiration,n,. (line 4, para. 1),desire or hope to achieve sth,Example,Janes,aspirations,to help others come from her own misfortune as a child.,简帮助他人的愿望来源于她童年的不幸。,His early death caused many of his political,aspirations,to remain unfulfilled.,他的英年早逝导致他的许多政治抱负没能实现。,aspire,v.,to have a strong desire or hope to do or have sth,Example,Few people who,aspire to/ after,fame ever achieve it.,渴求, Language Points,nurse,v,.,(,line 15, para 2,),1) to take care of someone / an animal while he or it is ill,2) to spend a lot of time taking care of something,3) to feel a desire or an emotion for a long time,Example,These young trees were carefully,nursed,by the head gardener.,She has long,nursed,a passion for Japanese art.,Translation,简任然能感受到被拒绝的痛。,Jane still,nurses,the pain of rejection., Language Points,break out into sth,(,line 20,,,para. 2,),begin suddenly to do sth,Example,I,break out into,a cold sweat merely thinking about snakes.,只要一想起蛇我就会突然间浑身冒冷汗,.,Translation,我们似乎不为什么也能突然吵起来。,We seem to,break out into,an argument about absolutely nothing, Language Points,seek,v,.,(,line 27,,,para. 3,),to search for, look for or try to find or obtain (esp. sth which is not a physical object),Example,Watson said yesterday that he would not,seek,re-election next,year.,After the meeting he,sought,out the person who had spoken,about the plans.,seek to do sth,try or attempt to do sth,Translation,泰勒先生正在努力填补他欠保险公司的钱。,Mr. Taylor is,seeking to,recover money that he is owed by the,insurance company., Language Points,accomplish,v,.,(,line 29,,,para.4,),to finish sth successfully or to achieve sth,Example,I feel as if Ive,accomplished,nothing since I left my,job.,Translation,还不到十分钟,学生就完成了这个任务。,The students,accomplished,the task in less than 10,minutes., Language Points,commit,v,.,to promise or give (your loyalty or money) to a particular principle, person, or plan of action,对,作出承诺,Example,I think I can come tonight but I wont,commit,myself till I know for sure.,The government claimed to,commit itself to improving,health care,commitment,n,. (line 30, para. 4),a promise to do sth or to behave in a particular way,Example,She is known chiefly for her,commitment,to,nuclear disarmament,裁减核军备,.,Id like to thank the staff for having shown such,commitment,.,committed,adj,.,willing to work hard and give your time and energy to sth,Example,The party are,committed,to helping those who are not able to help themselves.,We are,committed,to withdraw our troops,(,a group of soldiers,),by the end of the year., Language Points,(just) as so,used to compare two people or things, when they are the same the general idea is that “just as X is true / is so, Y is true / is so.”,Example,As you dream, so shall you become.,怀有梦想,你就会梦想成真。,As,soul is to a body,so,is love to a home.,灵魂之于肉体,正如爱之于家,As air is to human being, so is water to fish.,空气之于人,正如水之于鱼。,Translation,你如果播种,你就会丰收。,As,you sow,so,shall you reap., Language Points,


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