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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Welcome to our class!,Unit 4,Astronomy: the science of the stars,1,地球,2,太阳系,3,恒星世界,4,恒星的演化,5,恒星的形成,6,星团,7,银河系,8,宇宙岛,河外星系,9,活动星系,10,星系集团,11,最遥远的星系,12,仙女座星系,距离,300,万光年,人们怎样去研究如此遥远的天体?,13,What are these?,Black holes,14,Stephen,Hawking,(1942- ),Albert Einstein,(18791955),Issac,Newton,(16421727),15,Unit 4,Astronomy:,the science of the stars,The earths atmosphere,(The surface of the earth),The Solar system,16,?,HOW LIFE BEGAN ON THE EARTH,What was there on the earth before life could begin?,Why do scientists think there has never been life on,the moon?,17,Read the passage and answer the questions,18,1 why was the earth different from other planets?A It produced a lot of heat B The water reminded C Water disappearedD It was the oldest planet2 Why was life able to develop on the earth but not on other planets?A The earth had a solid shape B The earth did not have harmful gases in its atmosphereC The water stayed on the earth but on other planetsD The earth was not too hot but not too cold,19,3 Why was it necessary for plants to grow before animals?A Animals needed plants to protect them from the sun B Plants provided oxygen for animals to breatheC Animals could hide from hunters in forests.D It was easier for plants to grow.4 What problem is caused by human being?A They exist everywhere on the earthB They cause global warming C They find new methods of growing cropsD They enjoy hunting and fishing,20,Can you put the order of development of life into a time line?Use the,reading,to help you.,( ),A insects and amphibians appear,( ),B a solid ball,( ),C reptiles appear,( ),D a cloud of dust,( ),E shellfish and other fish appear,( ),F dinosaurs appear,( ),G small plants grow on the water,( ),H plants begin to grow on dry land,( ),I presence of water,( ),J mammals (including humans) appear,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,21,?,?,?,Why was it wrong in the film and stories to show,dinosaurs and people together?,Because dinosaurs died out long before human,beings came into being.,Why do you think that humans are the clearest,animals on the earth?,Because they have larger brains than any other,creatures,(,生物,.,尤指动物,),on the earth so far.,22,.,Have you ever heard of these stories,?,Pangu separates the sky from the earth.,Nuwa makes men,23,Assignments:,1,to get familiar with the new words as well as the text,2 to get the main idea of the reading passage and write it down,24,无极娱乐,无极娱乐,hxh25kyd,秀一眼,明秀慢慢举手,动了动筷子,不言不笑。福珞不在这里,告了个罪,跑厨下照应去了,只怕出错。她是没出错,可宝音人不离席,就出了彩,输赢还用问吗?台上一群猴儿们闹腾完,孙猴儿打败天兵天将,喝完酒高卧去了,剩一群小猴儿满台翻滚,只不回山,吉祥话叫得震天响,是在讨赏,老太太笑笑,大少爷给了个“赏”子,金花红锦的盘子一个个捧着金银上来,各桌有脸的长辈或自己动手、或呼喝孩儿们代劳,金银锞子珠子都闪闪的往台上撒,落在红毡台上,沙拉叮咚的,可比下雨好听。诸扮了猴儿的小娃娃们,顶着猴脸、撅着红屁股、翘着毛尾巴,满场爬着接着抢着,有的还似真似假打起架来。第六十四章 胜负已分看星芒,(2),孙猴儿已然饮醉,不便再上台主持公道,小猴们即席选出俩头儿来,毛乎乎腆胸捋臂、拌嘴对拳,斗了场好戏,惹出台下一片笑声。有个小猴儿忽发现拣的东西里,有一种不是金、不是银,是用金色银色纸包的糖果。金子银子要上交给老板,糖果可是能自己吃的!乐得小猴儿蹦高打个空心筋斗,其他小猴儿也发现了,顿时都玩儿命的打滚蹿高挠腮卖萌求食。你可以打包票,整整一年里,没有哪位寿星能像苏老太太似的,得到小猴儿这么热诚的奉承了。这些糖果,当然也出自宝音的心思。猴儿们终于心满意足的退下,台上换了一目,,四郎探母,,席面上热菜也一道道的上了来。这应该是福珞的强项,毕竟她把谢府最好的大厨占住了,这段时间的大部分精力,也都投入于几道大菜的准备中。不能说她错,毕竟一桌宴席,热菜才是主角。但宝音闲闲一招,却直接让福珞郁闷到吐血。宝音叫乐韵去跟大师傅们说:“该炒时,多炒点。该煎时,多煎点。反正一两也是煮、二两也是做,又不麻烦。多出来那点你们分给我们一桌吧。”真的不麻烦,福珞和宝音虽在竞争,老太太也没发话说,一方可以阻止下人替另一方做事,最多说,一方已经先占的资源,另一方不能去抢。火烧得这么旺,锅有这么大,鱼肉鸡鸭油盐酱醋备了这么多,大师傅下刀时多划拉一点儿进锅里同炒,这个,不能算抢占资源吧?福珞只能气呼呼脸红脖子粗站着看宝音占她便宜。等第一道大葱牛肉丝要出锅的时候,她忽而笑了。这个菜,大厨选葱、选牛肉,都选得很精,牛腹上就切下来那么最肥美的一块备着,比一盘所需固然多些,以备不测,但也没有多少余量,装够了给福珞的一碗之后,只剩半碗的份量。宝音再能占便宜,总不能从福珞这边扒一半走吧?回头上了桌,她每道菜都比福珞这桌少一半,瞧她怎么打算!乐韵不慌不忙又看了看手抄的小单子,唔,到传盘子的时间了,相信 绝不会让她失望。果然器皿司照宝音手令传来的大菜盘子,不是乐韵先前向明秀谎报,25,


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