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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,What is a Menu?,什么是菜单,?,In French means “,A Detailed List,”,在法语里的意思是,“,细致的清单,”,Labeled as working,Documents,or “,Blueprints”,菜单同样称之为工作资料的标识或蓝图,A Communication, Marketing and Merchandising Tool,是一个沟通的纽带,连接市场和商品,生意和生产,Must be in,Harmony,and,Balance,to achieve the desired outcomes,它必须是协调和平衡的,以此来达到所期望的结果,1,Evolution 发展,A lists of Food,最初菜单只是食品的清单,In seemingly random fashion with the food being Raw, Prepared or Cooked,慢慢开始介绍食品存在的方式和烹饪方法,With the Formulation of Menus, Artistry and Flair began to Influence the Various Ways and Style of Cooking,随着菜单的表达更具有艺术性和鉴赏性,直接影响了多元的烹饪方法和风格,Today Foods from all Corners of the Globe are readily Available in Different Menus.,当今,可以轻而易举地得到来自世界各地的食品,因此菜单的制定更为广泛,2,Consideration to Planning Menu,菜单制作的考虑,Competition,Location,Customers (spending power),Modern Trends in Food Fashion,Space & Kitchen Equipment,Number and Capability of Staff,Availability of Supplies,Costing,竞争,地点,顾客,(,具有消费能力的,),食品流行趋于现代,厨房的设备和空间,员工的数量和能力,有效的原料供给,成本计算,3,Starting Process,最初的程序,Competition,竞争,Location,地点,Customers (spending power),顾客,(,消费能力,),4,Consideration Options,考虑抉择,Modern Trends in Food Fashion,食品流行趋于现代,Space & Kitchen Equipment,厨房的设备和空间,Number and Capability of Staff,员工的数量和能力,Availability of Supplies,有效的原料供给,5,Most important Element,最重要的因素,Costing,成本计算,6,Types of Menu菜单的种类,Ala Carte Menu,零点菜单,Set Menu,套餐菜单,Function /Buffet Menu,宴会自助菜单,Cyclic Menu,循环菜单,7,Ala Carte 零点菜单,Literally translates to “,According to a Card,”,直面翻译为“以卡片为根据”,Free to choose the,Number & Type of Dishes.,菜单被客人用来选择菜品的数量和类型,The Dishes are “,Cooked to Order,”,所有菜品依照订单制作,A,Waiting Time,有等待的时间,Each Guest, (or table) is served at his or her,Own Pace,依照不同客人的速度服务,8,Set Menu 套餐菜单,Table dhote,Menu, “,Table of the Host”,可以称之为桌餐的灵魂,Fixed,and,Limited Number of Courses,通常设定好菜的道数,Most Commonly 3 to 4 Course,通常为三道菜配咖啡,There is Some Choice of Dishes within the Course,有时有可选择的主菜,The,Price is Set or Fix,菜单价钱是固定的,All Guests are Served the,Same Meal One Course at a Time,所有的客人在同一时间服务,9,A typical 3 Course Set Menu三道菜菜单,Entre or Starter,头盘,Main Course,主菜,Dessert,甜品,Coffee or Tea,咖啡,茶,10,A typical 4 Course Set Menu,四道菜菜单,Example A,Appetizer,头盘,Soup,汤,Entre,主菜,Dessert,甜品,Coffee or Tea,咖啡,茶,Entre in America is main course,But In Europe, Entre is refer to as first course,Example B,Entre or Starter,头盘,Main Course I,主菜,1,Main Course II,主菜,2,Dessert,甜品,Coffee or Tea,咖啡,茶,11,Function/ Buffet Menu,宴会及自助菜单,Special Occasion ; Weddings or Parties,特别适用于大的宴会,Fixed Price,有固定的价钱,Similar to Set Menu, but Offers Little to No Choice,类似于套餐菜单,只有少量的选择,It can be Four to Eight Courses or More,可以是,4-8,道菜或是更多,Buffet it can be choice of International or Local,自助餐形式可以是国际的或中式的,12,Menu Cycle循环菜单,These are Compiled Menus,To cover a Period of Time: One, Three, Six or Twelve Months.,是用于覆盖一段时间内的编制好的菜单,13,Which area uses Cyclic Menu?,哪些区域用循环菜单,Horizon Club,Lobby Lounge,Caf,Restaurant,Banquet,Gourmet Shop,豪华层,大堂酒吧,咖啡厅,西餐厅,宴会厅,美食店,14,Why Cyclic Menus?,为什么使用循环菜单,Planning,Training,Ordering,Consistency,Cost saving,有计划,可培训,订单容易,标准统一,节约成本,15,Menu Structure,菜单的结构,Length,Design,Language,Presentation,Planning,菜的道数,菜式设计,语言运用,外观表现,菜单计划,16,


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