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Is Jimmy better now?,Yes, he is.,2. How long can he get up?,Two hours each day.,3. Can he go to school today?,No, he cant.,4. What mustnt he eat?,He mustnt eat rich food.,5. What must Mrs. Williams do,?,Keep the room warm.,DR:,How is Jimmy today?,Mrs. williams:,Better. Thank you, doctor.,DR:,Can,I see him please, Mrs. Williams?,Mrs. Williams:,Certainly, doctor.,come upstairs,.,come/go upstairs上楼,DR:You look very,well, Jimmy.,You are better,now, but you mustnt get up yet. You must stay in bed,for another two days.,DR:,The boy,mustnt,go to school,yet,Mrs. Williams.,And he mustnt eat,rich food,.,Mrs. williams:,Does he,have a temperature,doctor?,DR:,No, he doesnt.,Mrs. williams:,Must he,stay in bed,?,DR:,Yes. He must,remain in bed,for another two days.,He can get up,for about two hours,each day,but you must,keep the room warm,.,DR:,Wheres Mr. Williams this evening?,Mrs. williams:,He,s in bed, doctor. can you,see him please?,He,has a bad cold, too!,Note on the text,1.情态动词,must 必须(表示应该做某事),Must,是一个表达的情感很强烈的情态动词意思是必须,应当,=have,to,can 能,会 (表示有能力做某事),e.g. She can swim.,She must swim.,must,用法很简单,,没有人称没有数,,动词原形跟在后,,肯定变否定,,must + not,,,一般疑问句,,must,要提前,,肯定回答,must,,,否定回答,needn,t,。,must,must 必须,Must,I go there?,Yes, you,must.,We,must,deliver the goods on time.,我们必须按时交付货物。,must + not = mustnt,不应该,不可以,Fill in the blanks,use,must,or,mustnt,I _ get up,.,我必须起床。,must,The boy _,go to school.,这个男孩不可以去上学。,mustnt,They _,eat rich food.,他们不应该吃油腻食品。,mustnt,He _ watch television.,他不应该看电视。,mustnt,_ he remain in bed?,他必须待在床上吗?,Must,must,用法很简单,,没有人称没有数,,动词原形跟在后,,肯定变否定,,must + not,,,一般疑问句,,must,要提前,,肯定回答,must,,,否定回答,neednt,。,must,2.,each,和,every,的区别:,Each,指两个或两个以上中的每一个,,强调逐个、单个。,它有两种词性:,形容词,起修饰限定作用,,代词,可单独使用。,each,boy ,每一个男孩,each,of the boys ,男孩中的一个,each,of my hands,每一只手,each,side of the street,街道的两边,Every,指三个或三个以上的每一个,,强调大家一起。,every,只能,做,形容词,every,student,(,不能,写为,every of the student,),Every,one of my fingers,.,Every,boy loves their school.,Every,one works hard in our company.,3.,Keep sth,保持,(,某种状态,)”,Please keep quiet / silent!,请保持安静!,Keep,v.,保持,保留,继续,贮藏,耽搁,(,1,)保管;保存;保留。,Keep the change.,零钱不用找了。,Keep,(,2,),保持。,其后常接,复合宾语,,,表示使(某人或某物),保持某种状态或使某一动作继续。,Keep, keep + sb/sth + 介词。,If your hands are cold, keep them in your pockets.,如果你觉得手冷,就把它们放在口袋里, keep + sb/sth + 形容词。,These gloves will keep your hands warm.,这种手套保暖好。, keep +sb/sth + 副词。,The cold weather kept us indoors.,寒冷的天气使我们呆在家里。, keep + sb/sth + V-ing 形式,,表示“让某人 / 某物一直”,,强调动作的持续性,。,Im sorry Ive kept you waiting.,很抱歉,让你久等.,Keep moving.,继续走,别停下,The child kept crying.,这孩子一直哭。, keep + sb/sth + V-ed 形式,,表示“让某人 / 某物一直被”,,宾语是 V-ed 形式,表示的动作的,承受者,She keet her eyes shut and stayed where she was.,她紧闭双眼,呆在原地未动。,Fill in the blanks,_s Jimmy today?_, thank you, doctor._ I _ him please, Mrs. Williams?_, doctor.Come _.,How,Better,Can,see,Certainly,upstairs,You _ very well, Jimmy.,You are _ now,but you _ get up,_.,You _ stay in bed for,another two days.,look,better,mustnt,yet,must,The boy mustnt _ to,school yet, Mrs. Williams.,And he mustnt eat _,_.,Does he _ a,temperature, doctor?,No, he _.,go,rich,food,have,doesnt,_ he stay in bed?,Yes. He must _ in bed,for another _ _.,He can _ _ for,about two hours _ day,but you _ keep the,room warm.,Must,remain,two days,get up,each,must,_s Mr. Williams,this evening?,Hes _ _, doctor.,_ you see him please?,He _ a bad cold, too!,Where,in bed,Can,has,Leo,must,stay in bed,for another two days,.,_ _ _ Leo stay in bed?,2. Jimmy,has,a bad cold. (变为一般疑问句),_ Jimmy _ a bad cold?,Yes, _ _.,3. We,must,keep the room warm,. (提问),_ _ you _?,How long,must,Does,have,he does,What,must do,对划线部分提问,Ben speak,s,English and Chinese,.,_ _ _ Ben _?,Ben,can,speak,English and Chinese,.,_ _ _ Ben _?,Andrew has some brothers and sisters.,_ Andrew _ any brothers _ sisters?,(变一般疑问句),What language,does,speak,What language,can,speak,Does have or,Dont.!,不要!,You mustnt.!,你不应该!,Lesson 64,play with matches,玩火柴,make a noise,弄出噪音,发出响声,lean out of,the window,探身窗外,Dont,不准.不要.,You mustnt,不可以不应该.,Dont,read in bed.,You mustnt,read in bed.,You mustnt,_,.,= Dont,_.,This is a match.,play with matches,.,play with matches.,You mustnt,_,_.,= Dont,_.,This is the library .,talk loudly,talk loudly,You mustnt _.= Dont _.,drive draiv ,so, su,quickly kwikli ,You mustnt _.= Dont _.,lean out of,身体探出,the window,You mustnt _.= Dont _,.,make a,noise,发出噪音,You mustnt _.= Dont _.,break, breik ,打破,break,the vase,Homework,1.背诵63课,2.会读63-64课单词,3.完成63-64课配套练习,日常用语,帮忙,(一)典型句型,Do you know whats wrong with the?,怎么了?出什么问题了?,2.,-,Are you OK/fine there?,-,Everything is fine.,3.Do you have an extra pen?,Mine broken.,Can you lend your pen to me?,Could you lend me your pen?,I cant find mine.,4. Could you do me a favor?,Can you help me?,Please give me a hand.,* do sb a favor,帮某人忙,5. Ill be glad to help.,Im happy to help.,Its my pleasure to help.,* be glad/happy to do sth,乐意做,6. If you need any help, let me know.,You can rely on me for help.,You can come here if you have any,problems.,* rely on,依赖,相信,7. I wish I could help you, but Im busy now.,There is really no way I can do it.,Sorry, I cant help you.,8. Im sure Jim will help.,(否定句),I think everyone could help you.,Youd better,rely on,yourself.,* be sure,确定,9.,-,Do you need any help?,-,No, thanks. I dont need a hand.,-,Do you want any help?,-,I dont want to trouble you.,-,Need a hand?,-,I can do it on my own.,* Sorry for troubling you.,(典型对话1),A: Do you know whats wrong with the,printer,?,B: Let me see. I think it,ran out of,paper.,A: Ill get some. Thanks.,B: With pleasure.,* printer,打印机,run out of,用光,A:,Do you need any help?,B:,Sure, if you dont mind.,A: Of course I dont mind.,B: Can you help me print this?,A: OK.,B: Thank you.,A: If you need any help, let me know.,(典型对话2),A:,Whats wrong?,B: This machine doesnt work.,Can you help me?,A: I wish I could help you, but Im busy now. You can ask Tom for help.,B: OK,B:,Can I ask you a favor,Tom?,C: Sure.,B: This machine doesnt work.,C: Let me take a look at it.,(典型对话3),A:,Whats up?,B: There is so much work to do. Im crazy.,A: Need a help?,B: Thanks. I dont want to trouble you.,A: OK.,Take care of yourself.,* take care of oneself,照顾某人自己,(典型对话4),


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