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Click to edit Master text styles,Second Level,Third Level,Fourth Level,Fifth Level,PPG Liquid Coatings,Click to edit Master title style,The Knowledge College,CONFIDENTIAL,Painting Overview,環境管制納入涂裝要求,關鍵性管制,設備,過程,操作/系統安全性,涂料儲藏,涂料儲藏溫度控制溫度1,0-35度,先進先出,安全性,Premix,環境,Need keep the overall environment clean, routine practices should be followed to maintain a dust free environment.,T/H control to correlate with paint supply booth and spray houses setting-Spec from PPG- so as the viscosity can be properly controlled.,Well ventilated working and booth areas.,工作場所通風良好,Operator Health,作業員健康,Premix,Equipment,設備,Agitator, the better with disturb function.,.,調漆員攪拌運作,?,Stop Watch,碼表,Weight Scale,天平,Viscosity Cup,粘度杯,Shaker,攪拌器,Filter, the better no recycle using,過濾器最好不要重復使用,Mask, smock,gloves, safety glass etc.,面罩工作服手套防護眼睛等。,Premix,制程,By paint setup SOP/SIP/Record document system setup.,All tools/container need clean before use.,Blending paint, hardener and reducer according to PDS,黏度量測前涂料要攪拌勻,.,量測涂料黏度时核對溫度,記錄黏度涂料溫度及攪拌時間,Critical Application Controls,黏度,溫度,涂料運輸,噴涂,攪拌混合溶劑,Technical Service Support,Basic System Controls,基本系統管制,Booth Temperature (20-30C),溫度,(20-30C),Booth Humidity (50-60%),儲藏室濕度,(50-60%),Room Humidity (45-65%),室溫濕度,(45-65%),Conveyor Speed,Fluid Flow and Air Pressures,Viscosity and Temperature,Film Builds,噴涂,?,Oven Temperatures,烤箱溫度,Note: In most cases the environment is not controlled.,Agitation,Critical,in maintaining,consistent,coating pigment dispersion and viscosity.,If proper coating agitation is not achieved:,Cure or gloss variations can occur as a result of improper catalyst mixing,Potential pigment settling resulting in gloss variations,Inaccurate viscosity readings,Two Component Mixing,Critical,in achieving proper coating color, cure, and uniform gloss,Automated mixing equipment requires routine calibration checks, by volume or weight,If components are not blended accurately:,Off color appearance,色差,Inconsistent gloss appearance,光澤不一致,Inconsistent film curing, not completely dry,薄膜不一致,噴太濕,Lack of film hardness,膜硬度不足,Loss of performance propertie,s,Premix Note,Viscosity to be measured after completing agitation. Recommendations on PPG process control chart.,Filtering, mesh size to be recommended by TSSR of PPG.,Once being mixed, document time mixed for considering the pot life and paint consumption. Again, provided on PDS and Process Control sheets provided by PPG.,一旦混淆文件條款規定保質期以考慮儲藏罐壽命及涂料使用量。再者在,PDS,之上并由,PPG,提供程序管制圖。,Viscosity,The degree of thickness of a liquid,.,液體濃度,The measure of a liquids,resistance,to flow.,相對流動性對液體阻力的測量,Viscosity affects:,Paint Fluidity,涂料流動性,Atomization,霧化,Pigment Dispersion,色差,Problems with Viscosity,Viscosity too Low:,粘度太低,Runs and Sags,流漆,&,下陷,Solvent Popping,熔解太快,Mottling metallic,雜色-顆粒的,Excessive Fog & Overspray,過多的塵霧和不粘噴涂物,Hiding Power - Black and White,漏黑-反白,Viscosity too High:,粘度太高,Orange Peel,橘子皮,Dry Spray,噴太干,Higher Fluid Pressure,霧化壓力過高,Poor Atomization,霧化不足,Temperature,Critical,in controlling viscosity.,Material must be in the specified temperature range for accurate viscosity readings & maintain,consistent,application,If the material is outside the specified temperature range and NOT monitored,:,Inaccurate viscosity readings,Poor atomization,Poor or excessive coating flow out,Pretreatment,Degrease. IPA or recommend solvent according to substrate material.,Dust free. Air flow and electrostatic,Dry the substrate,Before coated, the surface should be cleaning and dry,When on line prior to painting, de-ionize air blow off to eliminate static charge on surface.,在線上噴涂前用靜電刀除塵,。,Cleaning,Before using, all equipment should be clean.,Beside for normal rinse solvent, paint reducer is generally a good solvent for flushing prior to loading coating.,After using, all equipment should be clean immediately.,Avoid contamination of materials when switching between materials.,在轉換材料時避免材料污染。,Paint Supplying Room,Paint pot cleaning and system flush,Temp. and Humidity control in room,室內溫濕度管制,Safety for pressure pot,壓力罐安全性,Viscosity inspection regularly,Painting,-Environment,環境,Temperature control in booth,無塵室溫度管制,Humidity control in booth,無塵室濕度管制,Lustration Grade: No less than 100k grade,清潔等級不小于100,k,Dust free at the entrance to booth,風淋門除塵,Input air filter,安置空氣過濾器,Input air heat,輸入熱空氣,Painting,Painting should be separated from molding area,噴漆段應和“成品”區分開。,Cleaning clothes for worker,保持工衣清潔,Air exchange,換氣,Painting,-Equipment ,儀器,Robot or spindle type,機器人或轉軸類型,Program according to part,HVLP or Conventional type gun,HVLP,或常規漆槍?,Conveyor type,傳送類型,Booth type, water wall or dry filter,無塵室裝備水帘幕或濾網,Water tank in booth,保持水帘幕的水流,Air Spray Basics,Atomization: the break up of fluid into small droplets,Definition of Air Spray: uses compressed air to break up fluid into small atomized droplets.,Advantages of Air Spray:,Versatile Application Tool ,工具通用,Low Capital Investment ,降低成本,Versatile Fluid Feed Systems,供料系統通用,Fine Finish :,節省涂料,Excellent for Metallics,極好的金屬性,What is HVLP?,HVLP,spray uses a high volume of air, delivered at low pressure, to atomize paint into a pattern of low-speed particles,.,The high pressure of conventional sprays tends to “blast” the material into small particles.,常歸霧化高壓將材料變成小顆粒,。,In contrast,HVLP,relies on air delivered at 10psi or less to break the material into small particles.,相比之下,HVLP,依賴空氣在10,Pis,或清除細小顆粒,HVLP,will work with any medium solids material that can be atomized by the gun.,HVLP,將使噴槍霧化的涂料噴涂于任何固體材料。,HVLP,Advantages:,High transfer efficiency,Less overspray,Booth maintenance,無塵室防護,Material costs,成本,Waste disposal,報廢處理,Disadvantages:,Slower production rates,Not all materials break up well (i.e. high solids),Painting Process,Atomization,霧化,Fluid flow,液體流量,Gun Position/Angle of Application,噴槍位置/應用角度,(范圍),Fluid and Air Pressure Recording,液壓&空氣壓力記錄,Film building,涂膜,Flash time between passes,記錄噴涂時間,Flash time before oven,進烤箱時間,Atomization,Defined as the breaking up of paint into tiny droplets to form a mist from a liquid,涂料進入霧化腔內分解為液霧,Used to:,應用,Shape the spray pattern,制定噴霧模式,Guide the paint to the part,Form droplet size,霧化,Problems with Atomization,Atomizing Air too High:,霧化太高,Dry Overspray,Excessive Fog,過多塵霧,Inconsistent Gloss,不一致光澤,Lower Film Builds,較低薄膜層,Atomizing Air too Low:,霧化太低,Runs and Sags,熔化&下陷,Orange Peel,橘子皮,Solvent Popping,熔解太快,Excessive Film Builds,過多薄膜層,Fluid Delivery,Defined as the amount of material (in ounces or cc per minute) being emitted from the tip of the fluid nozzle.,定義從噴嘴單位時間涂料流量(每盎司或,cc,每分鐘內),Fluid delivery affects:,液體傳送影響,Atomization,霧化,Film build,涂膜層,Fluid flow affected by,液體流程受以下因素影響,Viscosity,粘度,Pump and Regulator fluid pressures,吸取涂料壓力,&,調整液體壓力,Orifice size of fluid nozzle / tip,液體噴嘴/口徑,Adjustment of gun fluid control valve,液體噴槍調節器管控閥,Triggering action of applicator,外界加壓作用,Problems with Fluid Delivery,Fluid Delivery too High:,Runs or Sags,Solvent Popping,溶劑揮發,Mottling metallics,砂粒,High film builds,薄膜太厚,Orange Peel,橘子皮,Fluid Delivery too Low:,Dry spray,Low film builds,Poor Hiding,Adjustments,System Adjustments:,there are two types of air spray systems:,調節系統兩種霧化類型,Pressure Feed System,進料系統,There are two area of adjustment in the pressure feed system:,air,and,fluid,.,進料系統有二個調整區域空氣&液體,The,air pressure,is controlled by an air regulator in the main air line to the gun.,氣壓由空氣調節員在主要的供氣線上管制。,Fluid flow,is controlled either by a fluid regulator, or the regulator on the pressure pot.,液體流程由液體調整器和壓力罐調整器管制。,Siphon Feed System,虹吸管進料系統,Only the air is adjusted in the siphon feed system.,在,虹吸管進料系統中,僅是空氣被調整過的,Adjustments,Pattern Adjusting Valve,式樣調節閥,The pattern adjusting valve regulates air to the “horns” of the gun air cap. Horn air controls the shape of the spray pattern.,式樣調節閥管控噴槍帽處喇叭口氣流。喇叭口氣流管控霧化形狀。,Air Adjusting Valve,空氣調節(霧化調節,),閥,The air adjusting valve controls only the flow of air (CFM) to the air cap and has no effect on air pressure (PSI).,空氣調節閥僅管制空氣流程(,CFM),不影響氣壓(,PSI),Adjustments,Fluid at Gun Adjustment,噴槍調節器的功能,Fluid Adjusting Valve:,液體調整閥,The fluid adjusting valve controls the volume of fluid by restricting fluid flow. It does not affect the pressure (PSI) of the fluid.,靠限制液體流程管控,液體調整閥容量不影響液體壓力。,When fluid regulation is possible (pressure feed systems) it is best to regulate pressure rather than restricting material flow with needle.,液體調節可能時最好管控壓力而并非用針限制材料流程。,Film Build,Defined as the amount of material left on a surface after the solvent has evaporated.,Measured in mils or microns.,測量精度千分之一或微米,Wet mils - at application,Dry mils - after oven cure,Film build is affected by:,Atomizing air,Fluid delivery,Viscosity of Paint,Operator Technique - line speed vs spray gun set up,Problems with Film Build,Dry Film Build too High:,Blistering,水泡,Cracking,斷裂,Orange Peel,橘子皮,Dry Film Build too Low:,Chalking,漏黑,Chipping,雜質,Fading,褪色,Gloss Retention,保持光澤,Dell- Mystic Silver,XPM 21330 Monocoat,Operation Instruction,(Substrate: Plastic),Pretreatment,(Degrease & remove dust),Mystic Silver,Spray 4coats,DFT: 20-30 um,Bake,60 x,20 30 mins,Packing,flash,5 min,Cooling to room temp.,XPM 21330 : 980-35239 : M850-59572,( Monocoat ) ( Hardener) ( Thinner ),= 4 :1 :1.5 2 (by weight),Viscosity:9-13 sec/IWATA/25,),EH/2002/8,Dell- Ion Silver,XPM 21332 Monocoat,Operation Instruction,(Substrate: Plastic),Pretreatment,(Degrease & remove dust),Ion Silver,Spray 4coats,DFT: 20-30 um,Bake,60 x,20 30 mins,Packing,flash,5 min,Cooling to room temp.,XPM 21332 : 980-35239 : M850-59572,( Monocoat ) ( Hardener) ( Thinner ),= 4 :1 :1.5 2 (by weight),Viscosity:12-14 sec/IWATA/25,),EH/2002/8,Baking,Oven setting point,Line speed,Baking time,Box oven,Time between line oven and box oven,Reworking,Parts need to be sanded and then IPA wiped.,部分需要打磨并,IPA,處理。,500-1000 Grit Sandpaper used to abrade surface.,以500-1000#砂紙打磨表面。,Clean the surface before and after sanding.,Repeat entire process as before.,整個制程的循環。,Safety in Paint Spraying Operations,噴漆霧化操作的安全性,Safety In Paint Spraying Operations,General Safety Considerations,一般安全性考慮事項,Bonding & Grounding,粘合&接地,Pressurized Equipment,Guns:,噴槍,Do not point gun at any part of body,禁止用噴槍噴射人體的任何部位。,Do not place hand or fingers over spray tip,禁止將手掌或手指置于噴槍射口處。,Engage trigger lock when not in use (airless),不通風-停止供氣時鎖緊閥門。,Inspect for physical damage or loose fittings before use,使用前檢查設備磨損或零件是否匹配。,Always have tip guard in place when in use (airless guns),槍頭在停噴時注意保護。,Do not exceed Maximum Allowable Working Pressure (MAWP or MWP),禁止超過最大工作壓力(,MAWP,或,MWP),Pressurized Equipment,Air/Paint Hose:,空氣管/涂料管,Inspect for cuts, abrasions, bulging, leaks, loose connections - REMOVE DEFECTIVE HOSES FROM SERVICE IMMEDIATELY,檢查發現管道有切口表面磨損凸起漏洞連接松脫等現象。立即解決并更換有缺陷的管道。,Provide strain reliefs on connecting ends of high pressure hose,Assure hose is compatible with coating/cleaning solvents to be used,保証管道中所供給的涂料/清潔溶劑能被充分使用,Do not exceed Maximum Allowable Working Pressure (MAWP or MWP),禁止超過最大工作壓力(,MAWP,或,MWP),Do not exceed maximum recommended temperature,禁止超過被推荐溫度的最大值,Do not pull on hose to move equipment,禁止拉動管道來移動設備。,Pressurized Equipment,Pressure Pot:,壓力瓶,Inspect for physical damage before each use - REMOVE FROM SERVICE IMMEDIATELY IF DAMAGED,在實際使用前檢查每種使用儀器是否有損如有立即更換。,Check lid gasket condition before each use,使用前檢查蓋子墊圈的封閉性。,Assure pressure relief device is in place and operable before use,使用前保証降壓裝置有地方可操作。,Secure all lid retainers before use,使用前固定好所有的蓋子。,Do not exceed Maximum Allowable Working Pressure (MAWP or MWP),禁止超過最大工作壓力(,MAWP,或,MWP),Fire/Explosion,Potential Causes Of Fire/Explosion:,潛在性火災,Static electricity,靜電,Electrostatic arc,電弧,Chemical Incompatibility,起反應的化學品,Use of non-approved electrical equipment,使用未被認可的電器設備,Smoking,吸煙,Defective electrical equipment,有缺陷的電器設備,Spontaneous combustion,自燃,Fire/Explosion,STATIC ELECTRICITY,靜電,Caused by the contact and separation of materials,材料相互間摩擦產生靜電,Generated during the agitation, dispensing, filtering, mixing, atomization/spraying of liquids,液體在攪拌分發混合過濾霧化中產生,Primary control method is,Bonding & Grounding,主要管制方法粘合&接地,Bonding & Grounding,Definitions,定義,Bonding,-,The connection of two (2) or more conductive objects together by means of a conductor (wire),匯接各條傳導線經一主導體接,Grounding,- The connection of one (1) or more conductive objects to building or earth ground by means of a conductor (wire),接地-傳導物由一主導物或多條金屬線連接于地面,Bonding & Grounding,Assure that the following equipment is Bonded / Grounded:,確認下列設備是否接地,Spray booth,壓力罐,Conveyor,運送裝置,Work holders,作業固定架,Hooks,鉤,Paint supply container (unless applying water based coatings via electrostatic equipment),涂料補給容器(消除非水溶劑涂料容器靜電,),Pressure pot,壓力罐,Spray gun (through hose),噴槍(噴管),Solvent/waste containers,溶劑廢料存放桶,Fire/Explosion,SMOKING,煙,Common Sense,基本常識,?,Fire/Explosion,SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION,自燃及燃燒,Increase in the temperature of a material to the materials ignition temperature - without the addition of external heat,原料加熱溫度達到著火點-無外界壓力,Coating/solvent contaminated filters, wipers, and other ordinary combustible materials are subject to spontaneous combustion,溶劑污染過濾器清理避免其它常規依然品自燃及燃燒,Dispose of contaminated combustibles in a closed top container,在密閉容器內丟棄易燃品,Chemical,ROUTES OF EXPOSURE,泄漏途徑,Inhalation,吸入,Skin absorption,皮膚吸收,Eye/skin contact,眼皮膚接觸,Ingestion,攝取,Chemical,避免泄漏:,避免接觸眼睛,:,安全眼鏡,/,遮蔽保護,防護眼鏡 /面罩,避免皮膚接觸,Avoid skin contact:,Chemical resistant gloves,抗腐蝕手套,Chemical resistant apron,防腐蝕圍裙,Avoid inhalation of vapor,避免揮發性涂料吸入:,Keep containers closed / covered,保持容器關閉遮蔽,Assure adequate ventilation,保証適當通風,Wear respiratory protection,戴防毒面具,


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