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,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,小编:李苏林,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,1,【轻松搞定】,四级听力,2,听力概述,1.,影响听力的主要因素,2.,克服心理障碍,自如面对,3.,精听与抄听相结合,4.,灵活运用所学内容,扩大知识面,5.,博览群书增强背景知识,消除理解歧义,6.,培养良好的听力习惯,7.,充分利用与考试相关的因素进行联想、推测,8.,尽量进入英语思维,减少反应时间,3,听写要点和方法,1,原句照搬法,复合式听写练习中,,9-11,三个空是对考生听力实力的真正挑战。其实对于四级考生来说,最保险的办法就是照搬原句,只要精力集中,思维锁定听到的两三句话,可以凭短期记忆把它们直接听写下来 。,4,听写要点和方法,1,原句照搬法,录音第二遍,9-11,空后停顿时间较长,考生只要不分神,完全可以把记住的几句话一口气写下来。前提是记录过程要流畅,如果拼写出现障碍,不要犹豫,先记下前两三个字母,待全部内容落实后再继续思索,实在想不出拼写,不妨用自己熟悉的同义词替换一下。,5,听写要点和方法,2,关键词重构法,如果短期记忆力较弱,平时听写训练不够,无法适应一次听写一个长句或两三个短句,总写完前几个词就忘掉后面内容,可以试试关键词重构法。听写时的紧张情绪太影响短期记忆,容易让人遗忘,这种情况促使我们顾全大局。,6,听写要点和方法,2,关键词重构法,为了不漏掉要点,先把长句或几个短句中的关键词记录下来,这些词包括每个句子中的主语、谓语和意义特殊的定语、状语。录音的前两遍尽量把组成句子构架的名词、动词、形容词、数词记录下来,第三遍开始补充介词、冠词、助动词、连词等相对次要的一些文字。即使补充不完整也没关系,因为要点句的框架已经出来了,可以自己组织语言或凭有限的记忆把它们恢复原状。,7,听写要点和方法,1.,The flight was not due to board for 45 minutes, I went to a caf, sat down, and ordered a cup of coffee.,Flight not due 45 m, went caf, sat, ordered coffee.,8,听写要点和方法,2.,Would rock music work as well as piano music did? No, the scientists say. In fact, the less complex music might even interfere with the brain,s reasoning ability.,Rock music work well piano music? No. Less complex music interfere brain reasoning ability.,9,听写要点和方法,3.,I gave up trying to make a new appointment because it would take more time and effort than I want to spend.,I gave up trying to make new appointment,it more time effort I want spend.,10,听写要点和方法,3.,复杂词句替换法,做听写练习时一种恐惧感油然而生,不少考生对自己的单词拼写准确性缺乏信心,一句话中总会碰上一两个不易拼对的单词。如果遇到听写填空,只能抱怨自己平时背单词偷懒,以致缺点被迫暴露出来,但复合式听写却给考生创造了一次转败为胜的机会。听写要点时考生使用的语言不一定和原句完全一样,可以在意思不变的基础上把难单词替换为简单同义词,把复杂的句子替换为简洁的表达。只要要点准确完整、替换词不出现歧义就算听写成功。,11,听写要点和方法,4.,The policeman told him that he had been exceeding the speed limit and demanded to see his documents.,The policeman warned him that he had been speeding and asked to see his papers.,12,听写要点和方法,5.,He had retired from the convenience and pleasures of his city home to live alone in natural surroundings.,He had left the pleasures of his city home to live alone in nature.,13,听写要点和方法,6.,The next stage in the development of agriculture was the realization that particular fruits or roots were more abundant in certain places than in others.,In the next stage of agriculture development, people realized that some fruits and roots grew more in certain areas.,14,Very few people get college degree before 11, but,Michael was an exception. He started high school,when he was 5, finishing in just nine months. He,became the,1,youngest college graduate when he,was 10 years and 4 months old, earning an,2,degree. Now at 11 Michaels working on a masters,degree in,3,intelligence.,But Michaels,4,hasnt always come easy.,5,his intelligence, he still lacks important life,6,.,In one class, he had to struggle to understand,7,Novels, because he said, “Im 11. Ive never been in,love before.”,15,Another challenge was his size. _,_.,He likes computers so much _,_.,He wants to make robots do all the heavy,tasks.,_,_.,16,In police work, you can never predict the next,crime or problem. No working day is identical to,any other, so there is no,1,day for a police,officer. Some days are,2,slow, and the job is,3,;,other days are so busy that there is no time to eat. I,think I can,4,police work in one word:,5,.,Sometimes its dangerous. One day, for example, I,was working undercover, that is, I was on the job,but I was wearing,6,clothes, not my police,7,. I,was trying to catch some robbers who were stealing,money from people as they walked down the street.,Suddenly, _.,17,Another police arrived, and together, we arrested,three of the men; but the other four ran away.,Another day, I helped a woman who was going to,have a baby. _,_.,I put her in my police car to get her there faster. I,thought she was going to have the baby right there,in my car. But fortunately, _,_.,18,第一部分 听力理解,一,.,短对话,(一) 送分题,1.,计算,a.,日期,b.,时刻,c.,基本数字,d.,价格,19,2.,地点题(人物、职业、身份),a,.,hotel,b,.,restaurant,c,.,post office,d,.,shop / store,e,.,book store,f,.,library,g,.,school,h,.,bank,i,.,airport and customs,20,2.,地点题(人物、职业、身份),j,.,railway station and bus station,k,.,court,l,.,hospital,m,.,drugstore,n,.,filling station and garage,o,.,recreational and leisure activities,p,.,countries and states,q,.,directions,21,2.,地点题(人物、职业、身份),a. hotel,front desk; reception; room service; register;,reservation; to book a room; to check in; to,check out; porter; single room; double room;,suit; bathroom,b. restaurant,cafeteria; bar; waiter; waitress; order; reserve;,menu; bill; tip; go Dutch; my treat; taste; pie;,dessert; have a sweet tooth; main dish; drink;,hot dog; toast; sandwich; pizza; whisky; wine;,beer; alcohol; soft drink,22,2.,地点题(人物、职业、身份),c. post office,postage; postcard; parcel; package; express;,regular mail; registered mail; special delivery;,air-mail; zip code; envelope; mail; yellow page,to dial; extension; long distance call; stamp;,collected call; to install a phone,d. shop,department; supermarket; groceries; size;,style; fashion; brand; price; cost; cash; color;,expensive; cheap; bargain; in stock; on sale;,out of stock,23,2.,地点题(人物、职业、身份),e. book store,buy; return; edition; periodicals; hardback;,paperback; regular price; on sale; out of print;,order,f. library,latest issue; up-to-date information; overdue;,be due; to renew; borrow; return; circulation;,to pay fines; author catalogue; call number;,subject catalogue; card catalogue; bookshelf;,indicator number; alphabetical order; card;,reference book; ,24,2.,地点题(人物、职业、身份),g. school,registration; graduate; enroll; quit school;,term; semester; academic year; quiz; exam;,experiment; doctors degree; masters degree;,bachelors degree; tuition; dormitory; clinic;,scholarship; credit; campus; canteen; science;,Students Union; Students Center; freshman;,sophomore; junior; senior; undergraduate;,graduate student; lecture; compulsory course;,optional course; assignment; paper; seminar;,subject; topic; presentation; liberal arts; gym.,25,2.,地点题(人物、职业、身份),h. bank,open an account; a savings account; balance;,a checking account; cash a check; bank clerk;,interest; interest rate; fixed deposit; exchange;,current account,i. airport and customs,air-line; air-host / hostess; depart from Gate 2;,arrive at Gate 3; flight 101; luggage; take off;,departure; arrival; smoking section; seat belt;,non-smoking section; boarding pass; declare;,baggage claim tag; an aisle seat; duty free;,26,2.,地点题(人物、职业、身份),i. airport and customs,fill in the form; pay duty on; flight attendant,j. railway station and bus station,platform; carriage; conductor; passenger;,taxi driver; pull in; pull out; sleeping car;,emergency brake,k. court,jury; judge; counselor; lawyer; case; sue;,appeal; accuse sb of sth; charge sb with sth;,trial; sentence; service,27,2.,地点题(人物、职业、身份),l. hospital,doctor; surgeon; dentist; nurse; patient; burn;,general ward; private ward; isolation war; cold;,observation ward; consulting room; feel sick;,emergency room; out-patient department; flu;,in-patient department; ambulance; insomnia;,bruise / wound; dizzy; fever; infection; pain;,vomit; chill; cough; itch; lose ones appetite;,a sore throat; high / low blood pressure;,stomachache; diarrhea; prescription; Open,your mouth, and say “Ah after me”,28,2.,地点题(人物、职业、身份),m. drugstore,pharmacy; make up a prescription; pills; dose;,tablet; powder; capsule; mixture; antibiotics;,digestive; sleeping pills,n. filling station and garage,grease the car; fill up the tank; brake; battery;,emergency brake; steering wheel; a flat tire;,windscreen; super; two gallons of super;,three gallons of regular,29,2.,地点题(人物、职业、身份),o. creational and leisure activities,theater; cinema; exhibition; go to the movies;,dancing hall; fashion show; watering flowers;,kitchen; barbers; haircut; concert; Karaoke;,garden; amusement park; party; Disney Land;,teahouse; journey; travel; barbecue,p. countries and states,America; the States of California; New York;,Alaska; Chicago; Washington; Los Angles;,Hawaii; Atlanta; Boston; Britain; England;,London; Canada; France; Paris; Italy; Rome,30,2.,地点题(人物、职业、身份),q. directions,right; left; in front of; next to; close; beside;,by northwest; southwest; northeast; above;,southeast; bottom; over; beneath; underneath;,across the street; at / in / on the corner; top;,down the street,31,3.,细节题,a.,物品名称,b.,时间列举,c.,地点位置,d.,人物列举,e.,数字列举,f.,兴趣爱好,32,(二)测试重点与方向,强调,建议,/,请求,因果,否定,反问,虚拟,比较,推断,释意,33,强调,The best; the most important; the first; obviously;,not only but also; the only; nothing but; truly;,nothing could be stronger / faster / better /,less / more terrible; cant agree more; theoretically;,above all; understandably; as a matter of fact;,literally; surely; actually; factually; virtually;,in particular; predictably; particularly; practically;,undoubtedly;,34,建议,You might as; If I were you; Maybe you,should; Shall we?; Perhaps we should;,Why not?; Lets ; Youve got to; Youd,better; Youve to; How about?,请求,I wonder if ? Would / Will you please ?,Would you mind ? Could / Can you ?,How about ? Could you do me a favor?,提议,Shall I ? Can I ? Would you like ?,Do you want me to ? How about?,35,接受,/,同意,Thank you; OK, please; Id love/like to, thanks;,Great idea; Yes; Sure; No problem; Of course;,Its very nice of you doing so; Out of question;,By all means; Thats a good idea; Its up to you;,I wouldnt have missed it for anything;,I cant agree with you more;,拒绝,No way; No, I dont think its necessary; Sorry;,Please dont; No, its not really; I cant ; Im sure,not; its so kind of you, but; Id grateful, but;,I am afraid not; Thank you all the same,36,因果,because; as; for; since; that; hence; therefore;,consequently; reason,in consequence; due to; owing to; thanks to;,because of; on account of; as a result; result,from; result in; give rise to; be attributable to;,contribute to; attribute to; not that; lead to;,so that; suchthat; in order to; bring about;,be responsible to; occur from;,37,否定,never; scarcely; seldom; rarely; hardly; resist;,unable; impossible; incapable; unnecessary;,unbelievable; little; ill-minded; no one; out of;,nobody; none; nothing; neither; nor; dislike;,ignore; fail; refuse; hate; stop from; miss;,deny; overlook; keep from; anything but;,far from; without; instead of; short of; beyond;,too to; rather than; prefer to; no way;,out of the question; not at all; doubt; exclude;,escape; lack; reject; decline; against; past;,unwilling; reluctant; let alone; the last;,38,否定,not the least of; should better than to do;,be more than; had expected to; at a loss;,Id love to, but ; is yet to be decided;,in vain; should have done; I meant to do;,unlikely; avoid ,39,反问,M: Do you enjoy learning English?,W: Enjoy? ,Q: ,M: Didnt you find the book you want?,W: Yes, I did. / No, I didnt.,40,M: Wouldnt you get bored with the same,routine year after year teaching the same,things to children?,W: I dont think I would be as boring as,working in the office. Teaching is most,stimulating.,Q: What does the woman think about office work?,A) Its awfully dull. B) Its really exciting.,C) Its very exhausting. D) Its quite challenging.,41,If,主句,现在,were; did,would / should / could / might be / do,过去,had been / done,would / should / could / might have been / done,将来,should do / were to be,were; did,would / should / could / might be / do,虚拟,42,倒装,Had we set out half hour earlier, we would,have avoided the traffic jam.,含蓄虚拟,but for; except for; without; with; otherwise,e.g. But for my brothers help, I couldnt have,finished the project.,固定句式,wish; as if / though; if only; it is (high / about ),time that; would rather that; in case; for,fear that; lest,43,比较,more than; not asas; not soas; preferto;,would ratherthan; instead of; superior to;,inferior to; unlike; no more than; no less than;,nothing compares to; parallel; match; equal;,dwarf; overshadow; the same as; twice as,much as; like; similar; resemble; than any,other; different from,44,推断,1.,语音,语调,2.,虚拟语气,3.,第二说话人往往是答案,4.,英,美文化背景知识,W: Look here, darling. The paper says people tend to feel unwell if they sleep less than six hours a day.,M: That may be true for you, but it certainly isnt true for me.,Q: What can we conclude from the mans answer?,45,M: Think it over carefully, you must have left it,somewhere.,W: But the problem is that I have to have it now. I,need it to use my car, and when I get home, to,open the door.,Q: What has happened to the woman?,M: Lets see if the basketball game has started yet.,W: Started? It must be clear who is winning by,now.,Q: What does the woman mean?,46,释意,above all; after all; access to; account for; at home;,a good case in point; anything but; at a loss;,at ease with; as to; ahead of schedule;,back up; before long; be no exception; be bound to;,behind schedule; on schedule; by chance;,beyond compare / hope / description / endurance /,comprehension / words / control; by no means; by,the day;,call off; call for; catch sight of; be caught in; come,across; contribute to; cope with; count on; crash,into; cut short;,47,释意,date back on; day in and day out; depend on; die,out ; do away with; do sb a favor; do ones best;,drop by / in on; drop out; due to,end up; enjoy oneself; essential to; except for; fall,behind; fed up with; figure out; find fault with;,focus on;,face to face; fall asleep; fall sick; fall back on; for,the time being; free of charge; full up; get along,with; get nowhere; get over;,generally speaking; get rid of; get used to; give sb,a lift; give birth to; give rise to; go about; go to extremes; go off duty; on guard against;,48,释意,hand up; hold on; have an impact on; hold ones,breath; hold up; heart and soul; hang about; head,for; learn by heart; lose heart;,in spite of; in bad taste; in case in detail; in general;,in harmony with; in honor of; in ones favor;,in question; in terms of ; in the long run; join in;,interfere with; involved in ; in turn;,keep secret; keen on; kill time; keep in touch with;,keep an eye on; keep body and soul together;,49,释意,last but not the least; lead to; lay off; look forward,to; look into; look down on; look out; lose face;,lose heart; lose weight;,make a fuss; make living; make a reservation;,make ends meet; make for; matters of concern;,mind your own business; mistake sb for sb else;,more or less; make fun of;,no matter how; no more than; not morethan;,off the top of ones head; on purpose; on ones own;,now and then; now that; nothing; serious;,50,释意,on behalf; on and off; on sale; on the contrary;,out of date; out of the question; out of question;,owing to; oweto; on the tip of ones tongue;,pass on to; pay a fine; pick up; rack ones brain;,rain cats and dogs; rather than; regardless of;,read between the lines; resign ones post; resort to;,result in; result from; round the corner;,safe and sound; serve as; serve sb right; set aside;,show ones cards; shut up; sleep like a log; sold out;,sooner or later; so what;,51,释意,stand a chance; stand by; stand for; be supposed to;,stand in ones way; stand on ones own feet;,stay up late; stick to; sum up;,take great pains; take ones time; thank goodness;,take the trouble doing sth; take turns; talk back;,tired of; turn up; turn down; turn off; take apart;,tell the difference between; theres nothing like;,the least that,under arrest; under obligation to do sth; under the,weather; up to date; up to the point; upside down;,be used to; used to; use up,52,释意,walk dog; walk of life; want ad; whats the point of;,well-balanced; well off; what is more; wear out;,when it comes to;,on the spot; in step; out of step; keep ones word;,at the cost of; at all event; at intervals; adhere to;,all but; turn ones back on; white elephant;,why not; without any trace; wipe out; work out;,wishful thinking; with regard to; year round;,go wrong with; You bet! Thanks to; turn down;,turn to; take shelter; the other day; apart from;,appeal to; as a result of; as long as; as usual;,53,释意,bring about; but for; by and large; by means of;,by the way; chances are that; check in; in season;,check out; cheer up; come up with; doze off;,dream of; draw on; draw up; drive sb mad; if only;,every other day; exceed the speed limit; expose to;,take effect; on earth; feel like; flat tire; be fond of;,for fear of; for sale; go ahead; go Dutch; go over;,good for nothing; heavy traffic; in addition to;,have sth in common; have intention of doing sth;,have sth done; have the final say; in particular;,in advance; go after;,54,释意,keep sth in good order; keep in mind; leave alone;,keep ones promise; know for sure; keep track of;,leave out; let alone; let down; live up to; make sure;,make no difference; make up; not to mention;,make up for; no wonder; none of ones business;,not as good as; nothing but; make sense,55,二,.,长对话,(一)基本形式,(二)测试题材,(三)测试要点,56,(一)基本形式,开始话题,(,问候,/,背景情况,),进入主题,(,讨论,/,结论,/,观点碰撞,/,解决方法,),结束,(,态度,/,建议,/,决定,/),57,(二)测试题材,1.,校园生活类,学校,/,专业,学校概况、学费高低、教学水平、专业兴趣、未来发展方向,课程设置,选课、课程难度、学习负担、时间急迫、缺课逃课、补课、评价课程,/,老师,作业,/,论文,作业、论文、导师要求、征求解决办法、学习资料,考试,复习、占用时间、参考书目、成绩,58,(二)测试题材,课外生活,朋友相聚、学校竞选、学校内外公益活动,图书馆,借书,/,杂志、图书证、馆内设施、查询资料、超期罚款、馆内规定,住宿,租房、房屋状况、室友、周边交通、配套设施,暑期安排,打工经历、旅游计划、假期培训,1.,校园生活类,59,(二)测试题材,2.,社会生活类,购物,购物需求、商品情况、讨价还价、服务态度、商品质量、顾客投诉,休闲,休闲方式、休闲时间、必备品、休闲与工作协调,家庭,成员分工、家庭财务、成员关系、子女学习,时间,流行趋势、时尚观念与演变,60,(二)测试题材,3.,工作类,招聘,职位、手段、要求,面试,职位、内容、工作时间、有无经验、资历、薪资、福利待遇、最终决定,工作安排,负责内容、负责人、完成时间,工作交流,对工作态度、对待遇、工作时间的看法、工作前途,兼职,兼职内容、待遇、工作与学习冲突,61,(二)测试题材,科普知识,自然现象,气候变化、地理变迁、自然灾害、认为因素,生物生态,生物讲话、濒危物种、生态环境恶化、保护环境、生态平衡,科学现象,太空、计算机技术、医学、科技进步与新发明、对人类的影响,62,(二)测试题材,4.,新闻采访与文化教育类,时事报道,时间起因、目前情况、影响时间因素、将来趋势、总体评价,人物采访,人物介绍、成就地位、对某个问题看法、对自己某项成就或研究介绍,教育制度,当前问题、解决措施、教育改革、带来的影响,学校介绍,学校历史、学生规模、学校软硬条件、学校地位和成就、学校政策,文化艺术,音乐、艺术展览、电影与电视、文化冲突、文化交流,63,(三)测试要点,1.,测试方式,主旨题,推断题,细节题,2.,测试方向,(,同短对话重点测试方向,),64,(三)测试要点,答题要略,1.,选项均为动词,(-Ving / -Ved),问题多为建议某人做某事或目的,2.,选项含,had better; should; would rather; would,like,等时,问题多为观点或建议,3.,选项含,think; like; dislike; enjoy; agree; disagree;,mind,等时,问题多为某人的评价或感受,4.,选项含形容词或副词等比较或最高级时,问题多,为人或物间优劣或不同,65,(三)测试要点,5.,选项均为名词,/,名词词组时,问题多为某一事件主,题,6.,与对话主题或其他选项内容差距大的多不是答案,7.,若有两个选项意思相反,则其中定有一个是答案,8.,不符常规的多不是答案,9.,最为概括的选项多为答案,66,三,.,篇章短文,(一)测试类型,1.,人物故事,2.,社会习俗,3.,文化教育,4.,科普知识,5.,社会问题,6.,日常生活,7.,交通旅游,67,三,.,篇章短文,(二)答案出处,1.,短文开头与结尾处,2.,列举或举例处,(,见写作“连接”,),3.,各类逻辑关系处,(,见听力短对话,),4.,强调处,(,见听力短对话,),5.,比较或对比处,(,见听力短对话,),6.,含年代、数量、价格、时间等数字处,7.,表建议处,(,见听力短对话,),8.,引言处,9.,动作行为、目的建议、研究结果、解决方法,68,篇章短文四步自我训练法,Step 1,第一遍听磁带时认真做题,对所选取的每段文章都要认真仔细听,注意时间,模拟考场氛围。做完后还要注意统计对错个数,并分析选项特点,练习快速扫描选项的能力。,69,篇章短文四步自我训练法,Step 2,脱离文字材料再听,4-5,遍录音。此时绝对不允许照着文字材料听,应该反复使用录音机上的重复键,尽最大努力听懂全文内容。听第,5,遍或第,6,遍时,可以一边听一边将全文听写下来,然后对照文字材料,看看自己写下来的有什么问题。分析听不懂的原因,是语音、词汇还是语法?然后有针对性地加以解决。,70,篇章短文四步自我训练法,Step 3,在足够熟悉此段中的内容后,打开文字材料,一边听录音一边看,并在短文中标出相应考点和问题答案,仔细体会,分析自己为什么被某些干扰项误导。,71,篇章短文四步自我训练法,Step 4,跟着磁带大声朗读,以提高自己的语速。如果自己的语速能基本跟上听力材料的语速,再做同类型题目,困难就不大了。,72,消除听力练习过程中以下错误做法,1,消极被动式,很多同学在听力过程中没有动手的习惯,听就是听,在做题时才努力回忆与该题有关的信息。甚至有的同学喜欢闭着眼睛听或者把头低下来,伏在桌子上听,并认为这样注意力更集中,但往往容易走神,听的效率非常低。,73,消除听力练习过程中以下错误做法,2,多而不精,对于已经听过的材料,很多同学都很少再听,这是一个极


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