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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Shopping at the Arts and Crafts Stores,工艺品店购物,1,Purpose of Shopping,1. Situation,About one half of the worlds total spending on travel goes to shopping.,2. objective,souvenirs to give as a gift or to remember the travel experiences,2,3. advice given by the tour guide,To recommend traditional local handicrafts or typical souvenirs with their unique features and exquisite workmanship,4. caution,Any shoddy, vulgar and unreasonable goods should not be sold to your guests,3,Tips for tour guides to follow,1. give a brief account of the shopping arcade where you your guests, so that they will have a general idea about what to buy in the store.,2. Try to find what your guests want to buy, and render assistance in their choice of goods.,4,Tips for tour guides to follow,3. Help them cash travelers checks,4. Make arrangements for the packaging or shipping of the goods selected and bought by any guest in your group.,5,Special Terms,Counter 柜台,Stall, stand 售货摊,Show window 橱窗,Shelf 货架,Cash desk, cashiers desk 收银处,Price tag 标价签,Fixed price 有定价,Discount 打折扣,Change 零钱,To keep the bill 留发票,To wrap up 包装,Free of charge 不收费,To deliver 送,Be sold out, out of stock售空,Glassware counter玻璃器皿部,Enamel ware搪瓷器皿,珐琅,6,Special Terms,Jewelry,jewels首饰,珠宝,Jewelry case首饰盒,Ornaments 装饰品,Ring, finger ring戒指,Signet ring印章戒指,Necklace 项链,Brooch胸针,Pendant坠子,Bracelet镯子,Chain bracelet手链,Ear ring耳环,Eardrop耳坠,Trinket小饰物,Safety-pin别针,Cuff-link袖扣,链扣,Diamond钻石,Gold jewelries金饰,Silver jewelries银饰,Pearl珍珠,Antique, curio 古玩,7,Special Terms,Imitation仿制品,Genuine真的,Fake假的,Calligraphy书法,Amethyst紫水晶,Crystal水晶,Lacquer ware漆器,Carved lacquer ware雕漆,Porcelain瓷器,Pottery陶瓷,Shell carving贝雕,Egg-shell china薄胎瓷,Silk painting绢画,Silk flower绢花,Batik蜡染画,Palace lantern宫灯,8,Special Terms,Woven rattan articles 藤编,Rush products 蒲制品,Silk fan绢扇,Sandalwood fan檀香扇,Snuff bottle鼻烟壶,Bamboo scrolls竹帘画,Double-sided embroidery双面绣,Cross stitch 十字绣,Drawn work抽纱,Brocade织锦,Lace花边,蕾丝,Straw ware草编,9,Useful Sentences,1. You want t buy some Chinese silk and satin, dont you?,2. Is it made of pure Chinese silk?,3. Its velvety and the color is brilliant.,4. Is the color fast?,5. You can only wash it in lukewarm water.,6. What the width?,10,Useful Sentences,7. Its two feet and four inches wide.,8. I want to make a Chinese fashion coat. How many feet should I buy?,9. There is the satin suitable for making cushion covers there.,10. Artistic tapestry is the highest form of expression of the rug weaving art, an exquisite handicraft of superb artistry in typical Chinese style.,11,Useful Sentences,11. Which do you prefer, the linen one, the figured Dacron or the brocade?,12. The background is pale blue with traditional Chinese painting of flowers and birds.,12,


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