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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 3,Science and nature,1,Dolly is together with her mother.,What do you know about Dolly?,2,Dolly,the worlds_,cloned_, was,created by,scientist,in,.,died in,at a much younger age than,_.,first,mammal,Scottish,1996,2003,normal,3,Four hundred years ago, Chinese people created the cloned images in,journey to the west, but now it has become reality in life.,4,The kitten in the picture is called CC. Its name is from “Copycat”.,It was born in December 2002.,5,These female pigs are also cloned. They were born on Christmas Day 2001. They were Noel, Angel, Star, Joy and Mary.,6,The name of the first cloned monkey is ANDi. It is from “inserted DNA” spelt backwards. The playful coffee-coloured monkey was born in 2000.,The technology is,different from that,used for Dolly.,7,The pair of calves were born on 5 July 1998 in Ishikawa, Japan. They were two years younger than Dolly, being second adult animal clones in the world.,8,The mule in the picture is the worlds first cloned mule. It was born,on 4 May 2003. His name is Idaho Gem.,9,cloned chicken,10,the cloned deer,11,Do you think it would be a good idea to clone humans some day?,Why or why not?,12,The island (逃出克隆岛),剧情介绍,Enjoy a movie trailer,预告片,Video,1.rmvb,One,Video,2.rmvb,Two,13,UNIT 3,The perfect copy,Teaching aims:,To get more knowledge about cloning.,To grasp effective ways to express positive and negative opinions.,14,Title understanding,How can you understand the word,copy,?,A.,model,B.,clone,C.,similarity,D.,imitation(模仿),15,“,Cloning” is producing an exact copy of a plant or an animal using its cells.,Scientific terms,clone,16,Reading strategy,Understanding,scientific terms,Understand,some difficult scientific terms,17,What is the,main idea of the text?,Listening,18,Careful,reading:,Para. 1.,What have scientists announced?,Whats the authors opinion about cloning?,They have cloned the first human embryo,.,Neutral(中立的).,On the one hand,On the other hand,19,Para. 2,Whats the name of the first cloned mammal?,Did it live as long as the normal sheep?,What were many people worried ?,Dolly,No,They were worried that cloning would lead to more diseases,20,Para. 3.,Does Ian want to create copies of humans?,What does he think cloning should concentrate on?,No,Creating new tissues and organs that could be used to cure diseases like cancer.,21,Para. 4,Whats the problem with the 41-year-old saleswoman Faye Wilson?,Does she welcome the,idea of cloning a baby?,She cant have a baby.,Yes.,22,Para. 5,Is cloning human embryos illegal in all,countries?,What has an Italian physician declared?,No.,He wants to be the first to clone a human being.,23,Para. 6.,What animals has China succeeded in,cloning?,Have scientists in China just focused their,efforts on cloning animals?,Cows and goats.,No,they also have focused on cloned tissues,.,24,Read the two letters carefully, and,judge whether the statements are true or false:,Pauline Carter thinks:,1. The nature will pay back if we toy with nature,2. We should clone fewer babies to reduce Earths population.,3. The lady who cannot have a baby can adopt an orphan, but not have a cloned baby.,T,F,T,25,Coline Jake thinks:,1. The news that the first human embryo has been cloned successfully is very terrible.,2. Human cloning is a good way to save her daughter who has died.,F,F,26,Find the reasons why people are pro- or anti-cloning,in the article and letters and write them in the table below,cure diseases like cancer,help those who are unable to have children,help those who want to clone their dead children,Lead to more diseases in the animal world,cloning shows no respect for human life,we should be having fewer babies in order to reduce Earth,s population, not cloning more,might produce a real-life Frankensteins monster,27,Thank you!,28,


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