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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,商务信函,与小作文区别: 大作文有本身的特点,1.读者不同 对内/对外,2.内容点的数量不同 3/5,3.阅读量 小/大,4.字数的要求 40-50/120-140,信函的要求,1.研究收信人的兴趣所在,2.采用的恰当的语气,3.语言自然真诚,I have pleasure in informing you,x,I am pleased to tell you,o,4.言简意赅,5.有礼有节,善解人意,注意礼貌用语: your kind enquiry,your esteemed order,6.避免行文冗长,7.避免陈词滥调,8.措词精确有力,选用简单的词汇,instead of say,will you be good enough to please,in the near future soon,at the present time now,come to decision decide,express a preference for prefer,for the reason that because,保持词语释义的一致性 避免多词一义,send deliver dispatch forward,business firm organisation company corporation,9.重视文章的开头和结尾,开头部分:,1.开头部分要恰到好处,2.不要使用否定性的或不礼貌的词语,3.要从对方的观点出发,不能以自我为中心,4.开始句一定要切合正题,5.首段不宜太长,6.开始句最好提一下上次联系的情况,结尾段落:,1.明确指出希望对方采取的行动,2.如果对方不是行动的执行者,一定要指明动作的执行者是谁,3.说明该行动的具体实施细则,4.指明最后的期限,5.赞赏对方,但除非对方为你做过什么,否则不要随便道谢,6.避免使用消极性的词汇,7.如若需要,表明愿意提供帮助的态度,8.结尾段落不宜过长,检查:,1.布局是否合理?,2.拼写是否正确? 标点符号用得是否恰当?,3.是否包含所有的要点? 所传递的信息是否准确?,4.措辞是否简明,准确,礼貌?,5.语言是否自然,真诚?,6.是否做到从对方角度出发,体谅对方?,7.全文的总基调是否合适? 能否产生预期的效果?,8.如果自己是收信人的话,是否愿意收到这样一封信?,如果所有的答案都是 YES ,那就万岁万岁万万岁!,开头结尾常用的表达方式,开头:,Referring to previous contact:,Thank you for your letter of/dated(日期),With reference to,Further to,In reply to,Stating the reason for writing:,I am writing to enquire about,to confirm that,to apologise for/about,in reply to your(提到上次交往),with reference to (提到上次交往),Ending a letter,If you have any further questions, please contact me,on (联系方式) /at+电话号码,If you have any further questions, please do not,hesitate to contact me directly/please feel free to,contact me,I look forward to hearing from you soon.,in due course.,in the near future.,注意考试当中的格式问题,一封信的 inside address subject date signature title,carbon copy等在BEC中级写作考试中均可一省略,商务信函-题目分类,1.订单类 handling order,2.询问类 enquiry and reply,3.投诉类 complaint and apology,4.告知变化类 notice of changes,5.邀请类 invitations,1.订单类 handling order,You are the owner of a clothing factory. A customer,has sent you a letter summarising a recent,negotiation. You have written some notes on the,letter.,Write a120-140 words reply to the buyer using the,letter and your notes.,Write on your Answer Sheet.,Dear Parveen,It was good to see you again last week and we are delighted,(So are we!),that your silk blouses will be included in our,winter catalogue. As promised, listed below are the points,agreed at the meeting.,1.The contract is for the Sheba range of silk blouses in three,colours.,(which colours?),2.You will grant us exclusive import rights for the blouses in,the UK.,3.The quantity will be 5000 pieces, with a further option 3000.,(we agree 4000?),4.The price per piece will be $5.65 for the first 5000. You will,confirm the price for the optional 3000 pieces.,($5.25for the option pieces),5. Payment will be by letter of credit.,6.The initial order will be ready ex factory by 1 August 1999.,(Not possible-15,th,at the earliest),I trust you will find this in order. I look forward to your written,confirmation in due course.,Best regards,Stephanie powell,Chief Purchaser,Letter of Credit信用证,Issuing Bank Advising Bank/Negotiating Bank(通知行),(开证行) Negotiating Bank(议付行),Applicant (开证申请人) Beneficiary(受益人) Seller,Buyer (Bill of Lading Shipping Documents draft),文章分段两种方法,段落,1.缩进式(Indented Version),2.平头式(Block Version),Dear Stephanie,Thank you for your letter of 1 March. We are delighted that,the Sheba range will be in your catalogue.,There are ,however, some small points which need clarifying.,The Sheba range comes in six colours . Please look at the,samples and confirm which three colours you would like.,You referred to the further option of 3000 pieces. I thought,we agreed on 4000. Please confirm the correct figure.,I can confirm the optional pieces will cost $5.25 each.,Unfortunately, due to a full order book, we are unable to,deliver by 1.8.99. The earliest date would be 15.8.99. I hope,this will be acceptable.,I look forward to hearing from you soon.,Yours sincerely,Parveen,2.询问类的题目enquiry and reply,The company you work for is expanding rapidly and is,looking for new premises. Your Managing Director is,Interested in Waterside Industrial Park, and has asked you to,write a letter to find out more information.,Read Waterside Industrial Park s,advertisement,below, on,which your managing Director has already made some notes.,Then, using all your Managing Directors handwritten notes,write your letter to Rosemary Brown at Waterside Industrial,Park.,Do not include postal addresses.,Write 120-140 words on a separate sheet.,WATERSIDE INDUSTRIAL PARK(Which other firms are in the area?),A variety of large and small unites available.,(sizes?),Financial help available for many companies moving to the,Area,(Who would qualify?),Excellent road and rail links with all parts of the country.,Skilled labour force for manufacturing or service sector,business,(Labour costs compared with other areas?),For an information pack, please contact : Rosemary Brown,(Ask for this),Waterside industrial park,Phone(11) 8008866,Fax(11) 323 6644,商务知识积累,estate 1. 资产=assets 2. 房地产 real estate,relocate to a new estate office 新的办公大楼,business estate/park 商务区,industrial park 工业区,property market 楼市,real estate broker 房地产经济商/中介,property consultancy 房地产中介,premises agent 房地产中介,lease 租 lessor 出租方 lessee/renter/tenant 承租方,put out to lease 招租,accommodation 使用面积,Job offer 招聘 Job Application 求职 申请,Job Hopping 跳槽 Job Applicant 应聘的人,Candidate 候选人 recruit v. 雇佣/聘用n.应聘成功的人,Pick/Select/shortlist v. 选拔,CV/resume 个人简历,Job Description 工作描述,employer-employee relation 劳资关系,employee/union relation劳资关系,management-union relation 劳资关系,industrial relation 劳资关系,industrial dispute 劳资纠纷,industrial action 罢工 =strike,Workforce 工人群体 personnel/staff 员工,Infrastructure 基础设施,补充公司类别: public company 上市公司,PLC- Public Limited Company 上市公司,Private Company 未上市公司,state-owned company 国有公司,publicly-owned company 公有公司,满分范文,22 July,Dear Mrs. Brown,Subjects: New Premises,With reference to your advertisement in the local newspaper,I would like to have more information about the above.,Could you tell us which other firms are in the area, and what,are the sizes of the units available for rental .,Regarding the financial help mentioned, could you inform us,who would you qualify for it and how to apply.,Another point to clarify is the skilled labor costs compared,with other areas.,Finally, we would be grateful if you could send us the,information pack to our address.,We look forward to hearing you from you soon.,Your sincerely,Alya Maideen,询问类常用句型,I am writing to enquire about,I am interested in your,I would be grateful if you could send me,I would like further information about,3.,投诉与道歉信,投诉信(Letter of Complaints)的结构:,1.投诉的事由,2.详诉事件/投诉理由,3.提出要求,投诉信常用句型:,I am writing to complain about,I am not satisfied with,I must therefore insist that,例题,You recently attended a one-day training course on health,and safety. You were disappointed with the course and you,have decided to write a letter of complaint to the training,company. Read the advertisement below, which gives details,of the course. You have already made some notes on the,advertisement. Then, using all your handwritten notes, write,your letter to Moira Geddings at GBG Certification Services.,Do not include postal addresses.,Write 120-140 words on a separate sheet.,GBG Certification ServicesGood for business, good for you,Regardless of whether you are in a manufacturing,or service industry, you are required by law to,operate your business in a manner which is safe and,healthy for your workforce. Our courses will help you,provide a safe and legally sound working,environment for your staff.,Our one-day courses include:,Experienced and highly-qualified trainers,(trainer was sick-replacement poor),High-quality information packs,(pile of loose photocopies),Small groups (maximum 8 people),(not true),price includes lunch and refreshments,(explain what was wrong with lunch),All one-day courses run Monday-Friday from,9:30-17:00.,(start late),For more information contact:,Mora Geddings,GBG House,Summerfield Road,Oxford OX8 4DN,满分范文,Dear Mrs. Geddings,I write regarding a training course on health and safety which,I attend 27 November.,When I booked this course, I chose your company as it came,highly recommended and the courses seemed to be of a high,standard. I was promised an experienced trainer but,unfortunately he was sick and the replacement was not as,good as expected. Regarding the information packs these,were only a pile of loose photocopies, which was not,promised. The class supposed to be about 8 people but in,mine there were about 15. Finally, should make it clear that,the class started 1 hour late, and the lunch that was not,served, was cold.,I am sure you can understand my disappointment. I,would therefore be glad if you could investigate this,matter.,I look forward to hearing from you.,Yours sincerely,Lisa Kostevska,索赔:,compensate indemnify refund apologize,claim v./n. 索赔 claims 赔偿金,claim against the insurance company,bring/lodge a claim against 对提出索赔,take legal action against 对提起诉讼,道歉信的结构,1.表示歉意,2.解释原因,3.处理意见,4.再次道歉,道歉信的常用句型,Letters of apology,I am writing to apologize for/about,This was due to,Unfortunately, we have been unable to,I am sorry for any inconvenience this has,caused.,I can assure you that we will,例题,You are the secretary in a company which makes,plastic tableware. Your boss has left the letter below,for you to answer.,Write a letter of 120-140words to Ms, Jerome,explaining the reason for the damaged goods. Use,the information in her letter and the notes from your,boss.,Do not include addresses.,Write on your answer sheet.,Chris: please write back to Ms Jereme,QUALITY,with regrets, etc. We mustnt lose,CAFETERIA INC.,this customer.,NEW ROAD,Thanks,MELBOURNE,6 October 1997,The manager,Plastic-A-Plenty Co.,Gough Industrial Estate,Melbourne,Dear Sir or Madam,PLASTIC TABLEWARE-Product nos. 0821(forks),and 7234(bowls) We have used your company as a,supplier to our restaurants for several years,(5years,to be exact.),and until recently the quality of your,products has always been good.,However, on 2 September this year, we took deliver,of some plastic tableware which was of extremely,poor quality. Many of the bowls were chipped,(we,will replace them free of charge),and several of the,folks were broken. We cannot use them in our,cafeterias.,I do hope that such a delivery will not be repeated,and that you supplies to us in the future will again be,of high quality.,(So do I! It was the faulty packing,machine-now repaired),If, however, we receive any,further faulty plastic tableware from you, we will be,obliged to find another supplier,(tell her it wont,happen again shes an excellent customer, so,please offer our apologies),to provide us with,goods which meet our own high standards. I am sure,you will be able to provide us with a satisfactory,explanation.,Yours faithfully,Ann Jereme,Restaurants Director,满分范文,Dear Ms Jereme,Thank you for your letter of 6 October. After,supplying your restaurants for 5 years, I was,extremely sorry to hear that the batch of bowls and,forks which you received on 2 September was not of,usual quality.(表示歉意),After careful investigation, we found that the cause,of the problem was a faulty packing machine. It has,now been repaired. I can promise you that this type,of problem will not happen again.(解释原因),According to the sales contract between us, we will,of course, replace your faulty delivery free of charge.,(处理意见),I would like to offer our apologies once again and,thank you being an excellent customer.(再次道歉),Yours sincerely,4.,告知变化类 notice of changes,You work in the Sales Department of an international,company. Manuela Garcia, an important client, is,visiting your company for a day. There are some,changes to the itinerary you sent her last week.,Write a letter of 120-140 words to Ms Garcia, using,the original and your handwritten notes, informing,her of the changes.,Proposed itinerary for one-day visit of Manuela,Garcia,Wednesday 20 October,11:00 Ms Garcia arrives on flight 1 B 432 from,Madrid John Sallis to meet Ms Garcia at airport,11:30 Arrive at company,45 (Original arrival time too optimistic),John Sallis to give Ms Garcia an introductory,tour of the company,12:30 Launch at White Hart restaurant,(Restaurant full. Its now the Swan hotel),(John Sallis, Carol Snape, Sue Smith, Ms. Garcia),(Carol cant make it. Explain why?),14:00 Meeting in boardroom,(John Sallis, Carol Snape, Sue Smith, Ms. Garcia),15:30 Coffee break,16:00 Product presentation,(give some details),(John Sallis, Carol Snape, Sue Smith, Ms. Garcia),18:00 John Sallis to take Ms Garcia to the airport,(John has to go early. Sue will take Manuela to the,airport ),19:30 Ms Garcia departs on flight 1 B 886 to Madrid,Dear Ms. Garcia,Further to last weeks correspondence, I am writing,to inform you that we have to make a few changes to,the original itinerary for Wednesday 20 October.,Firstly, in order to allow plenty of time for you to,travel from the airport, your tour of the company will,be slightly shorter than the hour which we had,originally planned. Secondly, please note that as the,White Hart is full on Wednesday, lunch will be at the,Swan Hotel. Carol Snape will, however, not be,joining us due to a previous engagement.,It has been confirmed that Tom McAllister will show,the new video about our new natural shampoo range,at 16:00. As John Sallis has to leave early, Sue,Smith will accompany you to the airport for your,evening flight.,If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to,contact me.,Yours sincerely,6.,邀请信,经典句型:,Inviting/Offering,We should like to invite you,We should be very pleased if you could,We should be delighted if you could,Thanking,Thank you (very much) for your kind invitation to,It was very kind of you to invite me to,I was delighted to receive your invitation to,Accepting:,I would be very pleased to,I should be delighted to,Declining:,Unfortunately, due to I am unable to,


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