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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Chapter 2 Contrastive Studies of English and Chinese,Lecturer,:温彬,Tel,:,E-mail,:,1,、,Synthetic & Analytic,1,),A synthetic language is characterized by frequent and systematic use of inflected forms to express grammatical relationships.,2,),An analytic language is characterized by frequent use of function words, auxiliary verbs, and changes in word order to express synthetic relations.,English: synthetic-analytic language (old English was synthetic + modern English is analytic),Chinese: a typical analytic language,1.1,Inflectional & Non-inflectional,Inflection: In grammar, an inflection is a change in the form of a word that shows its grammatical function.,Notice: nouns, pronouns, verbs are inflected; the endings er, -est are non-inflectional suffixes.,1,、,Synthetic & Analytic,The use of inflected forms could express:,Parts of speech,(词性),Gender,(性),Number,(数),Case,(主格,/,宾格),Person,(人称),Tense,(时态),Aspect,(体),Voice,(语态),Mood,(情态),Non-finite verbs,(非限定动词),1,、,Synthetic & Analytic,1.2 Word Order: flexible & inflexible,1.3 English and Chinese use different function words,1,、,Synthetic & Analytic,English function words:,Article,(冠词),Preposition,(介词),Auxiliary verb,(助动词),Coordinator,(并列连接词),Subordinator,(从属连接词),1,、,Synthetic & Analytic,表示语义引申,and, not only. but also, as well as, neither. nor,表示选择,or, either. or,表示转折或对比,but, yet, however, nevertheless,表示因果关系,for, so, therefore, hence,Coordinator,(并列连接词),Subordinator,(从属连接词),引导时间状语从句,when, while, as, after, before, since, untill, as soon as, once,引导原因状语从句,because, as, since, now that, considering (that),引导条件状语从句,if, even if, unless, in case, provided /providing (that), suppose/supposing (that), as (so) long as, on condition (that),引导让步状语从句,although / though, even if,引导比较状语从句,than, as (so).as,引导目的状语从句,lest, so that, in order that,引导结果状语从句,so.that, such.that,1,、,Synthetic & Analytic,Chinese function words:,Particle,(助词),aspect particle,(动态助词):着,了,过,structural particle,(结构助词):的、地、得,emotional particle,(语气助词):吗,呢,吧,Connective,(连接词),English sentences can be reduced to five basic patterns.,English subject-predicate structure appears rigid.,Chinese subject-predicate structure is usually varied, flexible, and supple.,2,、,Rigid & Supple,Hypotaxis,(形合法):,P47,Parataxis,(意合法):,P47,3,、,Hypotactic & Paratactic,English resorts to overt cohesion,(显性接应),relatives,Relative or conjunctive pronouns and adverbs (who, whom, whose, that, which, what, when, where, why, how),connectives,Coordinate or subordinate conjunctions (and, or, but, yet, so, however, as well as, when, while, as, since, until),Prepositions and others,3,、,Hypotactic & Paratactic,Chinese relies on covert coherence,(隐性连贯),Word order,语序,Contracted sentences,紧缩句,Four-character expressions,四字格,Grammatical or rhetorical devices,Repetition, antithesis (,对偶,), parallelism (,排比,),4,、,Complex & Simplex,English sentences are complex.,Subordination (,从属结构,),:,subordinate clauses and phrases,Chinese sentences are simple.,Coordination (,并列结构,),Loose or minor sentences (,松散句,),Contracted sentences (,紧缩句,),Elliptical sentences (,省略句,),Run-on sentences (,流水句,),Composite sentences (,并列形式的复句,),Formal written English is in an impersonal style, featured by passives, sentences beginning with introductory it, and abstract nouns as subjects.,Chinese perfers to use a personal style, featured by more actives, actives in form but passives in sense, personal (animate)subjects, or subjectless and subject-omitted sentences.,5,、,Impersonal & Personal,translation methods:,English impersonal subjects,变为,Chinese personal subjects,English passives,变为,Chinese actives,5,、,Impersonal & Personal,English prefers to use passives, and why?,The agent of an action is self-evident or unkown, or it is unnecessary or impossible to mention the agent.,Syntactic factors: for cohesion, balance, end focus, end weight,Rhetorical factors: for variations,Stylistic factors: more passives in information writing,6,、,Passive & Active,Chinese prefers to use actives, including those active in form but passive in sense.,6,、,Passive & Active,7,、,Static & Dynamic,Static,Nouns (they refer to entities that are regarded as stable),dynamic,Verbs (they can indicate action, activity and temporary or changing conditions),English is featured by nominalization (,名词化,).,Chinese is more dynamic, employing verbs, adverbs, verbal phrases, repetition and reduplication of verbs.,translation methods:,the English nominal style,变为,the Chinese verbal style,1) English nouns,变为,Chinese verbs,2) English adjectives,变为,Chinese adverbs,3) English prepositions,变为,Chinese verbs,7,、,Static & Dynamic,In English, nominalization often results in abstraction.,Chinese prefers to use concrete or specific words and employs rhetorical devices, expressing abstract ideas by metaphors, similes, allegories and so on.,translation methods:,English abstract words,变为,Chinese concrete words, figurative expressions or verbs,8,、,Abstract & Concrete,translation methods:,English abstract words,变为,Chinese concrete words, figurative expressions or verbs,8,、,Abstract & Concrete,English is indirect.,Euphemism,Understatement,Litotes,Indirect negation,Tactful implication,Periphrasis,Chinese prefers to be direct and straightforward.,9,、,Indirect & Direct,To avoid repetition, English often resorts to substitution, ellipsis, variation and so on.,Substitution: English often uses pro-forms or substitutes,Ellipsis (zero- substitution): English usually leaves out the same words from a sentence.,Variation: English often uses synonyms or near-synonyms, superordinates, hyponyms or general words.,10,、,Substitutive & Repetitive,Chinese often repeats the same words.,Reduplication: character-reduplication,Repetition,Antithesis,Parallelism,10,、,Substitutive & Repetitive,Thank,You!,


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