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32pt Smallest 28pt,28pt Smallest 28pt,28pt Smallest 28pt,28pt Smallest 28pt,Ogilvy & Mather,Heading 48pt,Ogilvy & Mather,Brand Stewardship,品牌的故事,奥美的观点,行销新趋势与品牌的故事,今日欧美行销最热门的话题品牌资产,Brand Equity,未来的行销是品牌的战争,品牌互争长短的,竞争,商界与投资者将认请品牌才是公司最珍贵,的资产。此概念极为重要,因系有关如何发展、,强化、防卫与管理生意业务的一种远景,.,拥有,市场比拥有工厂重要多了。唯一拥有市场的途径,是拥有具市场优势的品牌。,为何如此,?,许多企业乐于付高价购买品牌,过多削价促销,“,教育”,消费者以价格为购买基准,削弱品牌忠实度,许多行销人员想充份利用品牌资产,来发挥最大功效,销售渠道本身开始建立自己的品牌,Shared Values 共同的价值观,We work not for ourselves, not for the company, not even for the clients. We work for brands.,“我们工作,不是为自己,不是为公司,甚至不是为客户。我们是为品牌而奋斗。”,品牌是什么?,In English, brand literally means a stamp of identity,在英语中,品牌就是,“形象标签”,Brand has now come to mean the,product,as presented to the consumer through communications.,“品牌”在当今社会,就是通过市场传播介绍给客户的,产品,。,有关品牌的独特看法,品牌是一种错综复杂的象征,它是品牌,属性、名称、包装、价格、历史、声誉,广告方式的无形总和。品牌同时也因消费者,对其使用者的印象,以及自身的经验而有所界定.,大卫,奥格威,1955,年,产品是工厂生产的东西;品牌是消费者所购买的东西。产品可以被竞争者模仿,但品牌则是独一无二,的,产品极易迅速过时落伍,但成功的品牌却能持久不坠。,-Stephen King(WPP Group),我们(消费者)建立形象就如鸟儿筑巢一样:从我们随手撷取的稻草杂物建造而成。,- Jeremy Bullmore,词汇介绍,何谓产品,?,何谓品牌,?,产品,具象的:你可以触摸、感觉、看见它,物理属性:款式、特性、价格,有适当的特性能满足消费者对其功能与价值的期望,但这一切并不足够,.,品牌,个性,信任,可靠,信心,一个朋友,地位,共享的经验,消费者对产品如何感受的总和,形成品牌的原料,具体面,色彩,销售文件,媒体环境,质地,直效行销,员工制服,重量,促销,运送车外貌,通路,广告,电话礼貌,价格,字体,抱怨处理,竞争者,音乐,招牌,品牌占有,旁白,抽象面,使用者如何接近品牌,他们使用时的日常经验,友谊与感受,想法与态度,需求与欲求,形成品牌的原料,建立品牌的原料,消费者从我们提供的原料中建造品牌,.,以及所有与它们相关的经验与历史。,在重要的功能利益点以外,尚存在着决定所有忠实度与购买决策的情感层面。,每个品牌中都一定有个产品,但不是所有产品都可成为品牌。,强势品牌的好处,一个公司可以拥有最强大的资产,售价较高,获利较高。,高获利容许更大的产品发展,主导地位,更大弹性对抗竞争者的活动,如功能的改善,低价,战术促销,销售渠道私有品牌。,消费者比较宽大为怀。,占有率比较稳定。,产品线延伸。,“What British Airways does is to go beyond the function and compete on the basis of producing an experience.”,Sir Colin Marshall,Chairman of British Airways,Harvard Business Review,英国航空公司的做法已超越飞航本身,而是,以营建顾客的亲身感受为其竞争力。,“We need to look at our business as more than simply buiding and selling personall computers. Our business is the delivery of information and life-like interactive experiences.”,Andy Grove,Intel Chairman,Challenging his colleagues at a speech at,last years Comdex meeting,我们应该这样看待我们的业务:我们不是简,单地制造和销售个人电脑,我们的产业是传,递信息和创造生活中互动的体验。,品牌模范生,强势突出且与消费者保有非常特殊的关系,Apple,与,IBM,可口可乐与百事可乐,英航与国泰航空,Shell,与,Esso,品牌管理失当,昂贵的错误示范,如:,1986,年的新可口可乐上市,1986,年,8,月,Coke Classic,1990,年,Coke II,为何,Coke II,失败,?,因为可口可乐与使用者之间的强劲情绪与共享经验被忽视,.,因为他们的调查没有考虑到整个生活大环境,.,或言可口可乐在消费生活中的意义为何,?,品牌何时欣欣向荣,当有人对品牌付予爱心,情感,关怀之时,当有人真正了解并重视目标对象的生活时,当有人与使用者或潜在对象有亲密而定期的对话时,传播扮演的角色,传播是为了建造品牌,,我们的责任是协助管理品牌资产。,何谓,Brand Equity?,一个品牌的资产与负债,其名称,象征符号,,得以附加或减除一个产品或服务对其所属,公司或顾客提供的价值。,操作性价值现有品牌的净赚价值,策略性价值未来延伸可行性的价值,品牌资产,提供给顾客的价值,提供给企业的价值,提供给顾客的价值,:,提升消费者对资讯的解析与处理,提升消费者购买决策的信心,提升消费者使用满意度,提供给企业的价值,:,提升行销活动的效率与效果,提升品牌忠实度,提升价格,/,利润,提升品牌延伸能力,提升通路的杠杆效应,提升竞争优势,开花结果的,Brand Equity,品名或,符号知名度,品牌忠实度,品牌联想,其他,专利资产,品质,认知度,品牌联想的价值,联想,协助消费者处理与调阅,记忆中的资讯,差异化与定位,购买的理由,创造正面的态度与感觉,品牌做产品延伸的基础,品牌联想的种类,国家,/,地域性,产品属性,抽象物,顾客利益点,竞争者,产品级数,生活型态,/,个性,名人,使用者,/,顾客,使用,/,应用,相关价格,品牌,-,名称与标志,品牌忠实度的金字塔,一心,一意,忠贞于某品牌,喜欢某一品牌,并视之为朋友,满意的购买者,品牌转换要付出代价,满意且习惯性购买者没有改变的理由,品牌转换者,/,价格敏感,/,品牌冷感症,练习:请写出下列品牌的,定位,/,价值,情感利益点,理性利益点,广告执行特点,万宝路,麦当劳,金霸王电池,好奇纸尿裤,举例,万宝路,定位,/,价值,美国西部的口味,情感利益点,男人的豪迈,理性利益点,(无),广告执行,牛仔形象,绝对紧密一致,举例,麦当劳:,定位价值,有价值,好时光,情感利益点,享受欢乐,温馨,满足,理性利益点,多样性,价格价值感,品牌传递方式,食物,店面,员工,广告,广告执行,家庭,孩子,标志,,举例,金霸王电池:,定位价值,最持久的电池,情感利益点,可靠的,不会令人失望的,轻松诙谐的。,理性利益点,供电持久,广告执行,有趣的电动玩具,,Logo,的呈现相同,好奇纸尿裤,定位价值,快乐宝宝,情感利益点,满足妈妈对宝宝快乐成长的希望,理性利益点,防渗漏(在中国:干爽),广告执行,宝宝演出的成人世界,举例,成功的品牌故事,麦斯威尔咖啡,1982,年台湾的冬天好冷,雀巢当时等于是咖啡的代名词,麦斯威尔在台湾准备出击。,1982,年,11,月上市,运用名人孙越建立品牌知名度。,鼓励大家从喝茶转到喝咖啡,并试图区分美国式与欧洲式咖啡。,结果创造了极高的知名度,(67%),,并抢占,15%,的市场。,发展期,继续孙越,强化品牌辨识。,主题广告传达与朋友分享的概念。,推出咖啡礼盒好东西要与好朋友分享。,随罐赠送咖啡杯,只送不卖。,开发随身包与随身杯,并藉之举办爱,分享,行动的慈善活动.,麦斯威尔成为极具威力的品牌,紧追雀巢咖啡,1988,年,- 1989,年,市场许多咖啡品牌,雀巢的价格下降。,以,孙越作代言人的最后一支影片。,1990,年至今,继续分享的定位。,1994,年,麦斯威尔“好东西和好朋友分享”,当选为台湾消费者最受欢迎的口号。,KCRC,九广铁路公司,定位,了解人们愉悦、舒适、有效率的旅游需求,并矢志持续不断地改善提升服务水准。,策略,运用人性价值加诸于,KCRC,,创造其个性并,建立好感。,火车旅游极易引发人们的怀旧情感,使人回忆起年幼时的温馨感人,广告即捕捉人们年幼时愉悦的记忆与经验,并与,KCRC,的服务相联结。,执行方式,透过儿童来描绘,KCRC,,结合无邪、好玩、,团聚、有趣的情绪,以勾起人们的记忆,并涌出温馨的感觉,塑造感性的情境,促使大众对,KCRC,产生良好的印象。,结果,在,KCRC,形象调查的结果显示,有关服务属性,的分数都有改善。主要的消费群都反应良好,,而,KCRC,的重要官员们一致认为广告非常,成功,。自,1991,年以来奥美因此广告活动已在各地,赢得超过十项大奖。,Brand Strength,品牌力量之强弱,可用七项元素分析:,1.Leadership,在市场主导的程度,2. Stability,在市场屹立了多久,3.Market,市场本身的稳定性,,科技与流行变化速度,4.Internationality,品牌国际化的涵盖程度,5. Trend,和消费者相关的长期,趋势走向,6. Support,投资在支持品牌的费用,与持续度,7. Protection,品牌注册及相关法律,保护行动,1990,年全球十大品牌,1.,可口可乐,2.,家乐士,3.,麦当劳,4.,柯达,5.,万宝路,6. IBM,7.,美国运通,8.,索尼,9.,奔驰,10.,雀巢,1996年全球十大品牌,1.,麦当劳,2. 可口可乐,3. 迪斯尼,4.,柯达,5.,索尼,6. 吉列,7.,奔驰,8. Levis,9. 微软,10.,万宝路,建立一个新品牌如同销售一个概念与定位,了解市场,整体市场大小,市场成长情形,竞争,潜在市场,目标市场,机会点,订定品牌策略,4P,Product,产品,Product Design,产品设计,Quality Standard,品质标准,Package Design,包装设计,Affordability,付得起,Profitability,有利润,Competitive Price,竞争价格,Pricing,价格,订定品牌策略,4P,Place,地点,Launch Plan,上市计划,Channel Strategy,通路策略,Focus Strategy,集中策略,Advertising,广告沟通,Communication,Trial Strategy,试用策略,Consumer Promotion,消费者促销,Special Event,特殊活动,Promotion,销售促进,品牌维系,检查品牌状态,态度与使用之追踪调查,竞争环境,行销课题,待解决之问题,重新定位,品牌资产,态度与使用的变化,竞争情形,品质改善,目标对象,机会与风险,你应该了解的奥美“品牌管家”Brand Stewardship,O&M,产品 品牌,消费者拥有品牌,PRODUCT,COMMUNICATION,BRAND,产品,市场传播,品牌,奥美的品牌管家,一个完整的作业过程以确保所有品牌相关活动(传播),能反映、建立、并忠于品牌的核心价值与精神。,建造今日的品牌(短期的销售),忠于品牌核心价值与精神,使品牌持久不坠,(长期销售),何谓品牌管家?,以完整手法集中在品牌,并管理品牌与消费者的关系。,奥美一直努力在创造,发展并维持一些世界上的领导品牌。,品牌管家能确保无论客户或代理商的作业小组以此为首要之务。,一个活络,持续的计划,去涵盖所有品牌相关的活动。,为何如此做?,利润依赖成功的品牌,品牌忠实度的品质是成功的驱使者,忠实度介于使用者与产品之间,一种强劲,关系,的结果。,所有形式的传播。对那层关系,影响其巨。,奥美企图成为主导发展并强化那层关系的代理商,我们的每一步,每一种形式的传播技巧将着重于品牌了解的各项工具,培养洞察力,(Insight),、 想像力,与,创意点子,以强化品牌。,品牌的栽培,1. 检视品牌,有无资产,3. 定期追踪,品牌状况,2. 确认或定义,品牌精髓,4. 品牌精髓反映于,所有传播工具,Brand Stewardship品牌管家,It is simply a means of understanding the consumers feelings about a product and then turning them into a brand relationship.,简单地说:“品牌管家”意味着,理解消费者对产品的感受,,并将之,转化为与品牌的关系,。,在中国建立品牌是否真的很困难?,音乐行销,周华健和张学友为什么是品牌?,知名度高,消费者对其品质的认知,忠实度已存在,有特定的联想与个性存在,已与消费者建立某种独特的关系,看起来,还有一段路可以走下去,分析方式,收集品牌产品相关事实,形成品牌行销计划,形成品牌传播计划,Sales,偏好,消费者A&U,对广告的偏好及知名度,消费者的生活形态,4P的决策几历史,行销目标,行销对象,行销策略,理性和数字,逻辑,左脑的分析,Insight,有没有,完全看个人,是否可能在理性的过程中,加入感性的步骤,使我们有意识地去探索消费者右脑的无限可能,Soft Values&Hard Values软性的价值&硬性的价值,如果你要塑造一个歌星,Hard Values,音色,歌路,外形,年龄,Soft Values,个性,风格/调子,歌曲内涵个性,歌迷和歌手的关系,有哪些这个歌手的特质决定了着份关系,决定成功的本质/哪些价值观和歌手的哪些特质应该保持,唱片的传播策略,唱片的行销策略,计划的执行,Hook勾子Boot临门一脚,勾子 Hook,勾住消费者,使他驻足的原因,临门一脚 Boot,促使他前进与向往的理由和动力,Hook + Boot = Consumer Insight + Brand Insight,消费者洞察力 品牌洞察力,你对消费者的认识和洞察力,以及,你对本品牌的了解,从它的过去和潜能,,去设想未来品牌能够满足消费者的部分和本质,品牌塑造的过程好象在做媒,品牌,及其独特的,价值观,消费者,及其个人的,价值观,互动,产生关系,因此品牌在消费者生命中,占有一席之地,身为专业的传播人,你必须能,够锐利,能辩识双方的价值观 - 共通和互动,够感性,能找到启动消费者心扉的按钮,够坚持,能持续地建造这种关系,“品牌管家”是一套工具帮助你成功地建造彼此的关系,品牌七步,第一步,收集资料,第二步,品牌检验,( Brand Audit ),第三步,品牌探测,( Brand Probe ),第四步,品牌写真,( BrandPrint ),第五步,运用写真,第六步,发展策略,第七步,每年检查,( Brand Check ),品牌七步,这些步骤不是秘笈,也不是完全不能,改变使用的顺序。,例如:品牌探测和“品牌检验”是互换的过程。,你必须了解自己要在这段过程中,寻找,什么,,,才知道怎么用。,探索品牌的有形和无形资产,Probing the tangible and intangible assets of the brand,确定理想的品牌价值,Definition of the optimal brand values,BRAND AUDIT BRAND PRINT,品牌检验 品牌写真,Brand Audit 品牌检验,为什么要“品牌检验”,找出除了功能面外的抽象元素:情感,联想,视觉,记忆 ,从中寻找品牌价值与消费者价值观的接轨处和互动点,品牌“生命的意义”,什么是品牌检验(B,rand Audit),找寻勾动本品牌在消费者心中识别性的趋动元,(Brand Triggers),找寻本品牌在消费者心中引燃的情感,及感性的元素。,了解本品牌引发的记忆和联想。,我在他的生命里,到底扮演什么角色,是否需要改变,要怎么改变,?,Brand Audit - 1 品牌检验 - 1,Think about the specific things that trigger this Brands identity in your mind ,思考那些可以令人联想起这个品牌形象的具体的事情 ,When you hear the Brands name, what immediately springs to mind?,当听到这个品牌,是什么东西最先跃入您的脑海?,What else? 别的方面?, Visuals or images? 视觉的或印象?, Packaging or product elements? 包装或者产品内涵?, Bits of advertising? 一点广告的印象?, Signs of Symbols? 符号标记?,What do these stimuli suggest or signal about the Brand?,上述内容导致人们想起这个品牌的那些特点?,Brand Audit - 2 品牌检验 - 2,Thinking about the feelings and emotions the Brand evokes in you ,思考这个品牌在你心中产生的感觉和共鸣 ., What specific feelings and emotions do you experience in connection with using this Brand?,使用这个品牌时,你有什么特别的感觉和情绪?, How does this brand make you feel about yourself?,使用这个品牌让你如何看待自己?, What do you feel when you see others using this brand?,当别人使用这个品牌时,你有什么感觉?, What is the mood of this brand? 这个品牌的感情色彩?, How do the feelings and emotions this brand evoke in you differ from those its leading competitor might evoke? 使用这个品牌与使用主要竞争品牌的心情和感受有何不同?,Brand Audit - 3 品牌检验 - 3,Since using a Brand makes it part of your life,Brands have personal memories or associations attached to them ,既然使用一个品牌会成为你生活的一部分,所以品牌维系着一个人的记忆和联想., What personal memories or associations does this Brand bring to mind?,这个品牌能带给你什么样的记忆和联想?, Describe an episode in your life or the life of someone close to you that illustrates this.,描述你自己或你生活中认识的某个人对这种品牌的特殊感受.,Brand Audit - 4 品牌检验 - 4,除了上述品牌功能,品牌还能给我们的生活带来更多的内容, 除了它的技术功能外,这个品牌还能带来那些别的品牌无法实现的东西?, 这个品牌独特的贡献是什么?, 使用这个品牌可以使你对使用这个类别的产品产生什么观点?, 您自己的行为方式和思考方式中那些内容可以强化品牌对你的作用?,Brand Probe 品牌探测,运用各种调查方法,来探测品牌与消费者关系的真相,刺激与投射,用来了解复杂或问不来的问题,品牌自杀法,品牌比喻/拟人化,品牌再生,角色扮演,日记法,是品牌检验前后的辅助工具,BrandPrint 品牌写真,Brand Print 品牌写真,Once individual Audits have been consolidated, the output is the Brand Print.,一旦品牌检测得以完成,其结果就是品牌写真,It is a description - usually in writing - of the unique relationship between,this,brand and the consumer.,品牌写真是一种描述 - 通常是文字描述 - 是关于这个品牌和它的消费者之间独特的关系的描述,品牌核心的精髓,品牌得以成立的理由,本质,最好可以浓缩为一句话,为什么要“品牌写真”?,这是品牌的“定义”,它的DNA,不能/不应改变的本质,所有相关策略(创意/媒介/公关)都不应违背“品牌写真”的精神,让品牌小组的全体成员了解“我们在做什么”,激发创意人员的才情,所有名词到底要做什么,品牌检验(Brand Audit):,寻找一般市场调研中找不到的感性因素及非理性层面,品牌探测(Brand Probe):,运用各种技巧来了解消费者“说不出的话”,品牌写真(BrandPrint):,写出一段话来主导日后该品牌与消费者的关系,BrandPrint,BMW - Core Assets 宝马 - 核心资产,Power under control 可控的动力,A feeling of superiority achieved by being the tamer of a powerful, passionate beast,驾驭脱缰野马般的激情和优越感,A perfect sense of harmony and balance,完美融合的感受,A car with pure power and passion under its skin,充满内在力量和激情的轿车,BMW - BrandPrint 宝马 - 品牌写真,宝马是超级驾驶机器。充满男子汉气概,没有丝毫的笨重和古板,驾驶宝马赋予驾驶者以控制感和力量感,宝马的内涵是秩序与和谐。它是精密准确的汽车。它光亮的车身下,蕴藏着无限动力,一触即发。,能够拥有宝马是对车主的成功地位的肯定,因为并非人人可以享受这份荣耀。这一点从来不会公开宣扬。但宝马车主都知道这一点。,宝马是驾驶的奖赏,驾驶一辆工程设计的杰作,JAGUAR,美洲豹,Jaguar 美洲豹,A brand that had lost hope and rational advantage.,一个曾经失去希望和理性优势的品牌,The Brand Audit revealed that it was trying to be what it was not.,品牌检测揭示,它曾力图成为一种其他什么内涵的东西,And that its “quirkiness”was an asset.,它的“古怪”(外观)曾是一种资产,Jaguar - BrandPrint 美洲豹 - 品牌写真,The difference between Jaguar and other cars runs deeper than sheet metal and engineering:,Its about soul, passion and originality.,A Jaguar is a copy of nothing ,just like its owners.,美洲豹与其他汽车的区别绝非材料和设计而是灵魂、激情、原创力。美洲豹不是任何汽车的翻版,正如她的拥有者一样。,Jaguar - Results 美洲豹 - 结局,5.4%,8.3%,10.4%,12.5%,CNN,What is the Product CNN产品,CNN is a cable communications network with affiliates in more than 125 countries 横跨125个国家的有线电视网,News, current events and information are broadcast live, 24 hours a day 全天24小时现场报道新闻,事件,信息,Programs include CNN Headline News, CNN World News, Moneyline, Style, Larry King Live and Crossfire 节目线包括CNN标题新闻,CNN世界新闻,金钱线,风格,Larry King Live,交锋,CNN,.the worlds news leader,世界新闻领袖,Brand Audit,History as it happens 正在发生的历史,A “,pulse,” 一个“间歇”,connecting to world 让你和世界连接,a link with home 和家的一种联系,Built for people like me who must be aware, take part, be stimulated 专为和我一样的人们:需要了解,参与,被激发,As a viewer, Im in classy company 作为一个观众,我是有格调的,O&M,What is the Brand? 品牌是什么?,CNN powers the imagination, provokes passion. makes,possible a kind of universality,CNN激发你的想象,唤醒你的激情 让你可能成为世界人,CNN is our planetary theater, Staging. as it happens.,the DRAMA of our lives,CNN是我们这个星球的剧场,上演正在发生的事 ,我们人生的,戏剧,Kleenex,Kleenex - one of the most recognized brand names in the world .,But,世界最知名的品牌之一,但是,only this year did K-C commit to building as a global brand,K-C最近才决心把它建造成为一个全球性品牌,no one anywhere understood the brand essence,没有人了解这个品牌的本质,The Situation 处境,Uncover the truth about the Kleenex brand worldwide,在世界范围内发掘 Kleenex品牌的真实面,(We have the business in parts of Asia, South America, South Africa and the Gulf States),(除欧美外,亚洲,南美,南非和海湾地区),O&M Initiative 奥美发起,First ever bottom-up market-by-market Brand Stewardship process in over 25 countries.,Asia,- Local/regional process led by Client and Agency,Europe,- Regional Process by central team (London),South America,- Local Market Prints developed with Central Team,U.S.,- O&M Chicago led process,The Process,An iterative process which came closer and closer to the true (and desired) Brand Essence.,Euro BrandPrint,-,U.S. BrandPrint,-,Worldwide BrandPrint,-,The Result,8 “Core Truths” seem to emerge from our local BrandPrints.,Core Truths,Many elements of the Kleenex consumer/brand relationship hold true worldwide.,Core Truths,1.,Kleenex is a global “Trustmark” 全球性的“信任标志”,“Its a brand thats stood the test of time.” (South Africa),“It sets the standard for quality” (Mexico),“I grew up believing it is the real thing . its the bridge to our past and our heritage.” (Middle East),“Its a trusted, reliable name . its the best.” (Australia),“Kleenex is a sure buy. theres no risk.”(Brazil),“Its imported and classy.” (Thailand, Taiwan),Core Truths,1.,Kleenex is a global “Trustmark”(cont),In many markets, Kleenex is a “badge”.“It says Im quality conscious . it upgrades me to be a Kleenex person.” (South Africa),“If I see Kleenex in someones bathroom, I know the person is of high value/status.” (Germany),“It is proof of good taste.” (France),Core Truths,2.,Kleenex means “clean” Kleenex 意味着“干净”,“The name is,Kleen,.ex. That says pure.” (Korea, Malaysia, Thailand),“Its crystal clear waters, pine trees, snow.” (UK),“The brand name communicates its purpose.to be,clean, cleaner than all the competition.” (Costa Rica),“Its hygienic for you and your kids, even for emergencies.” (Germany),“My daughter got a fly in her eye, its a delicate area and I wanted the best. Something sterile, clean, soft.” (UK),Core Truths,3.,Kleenex has “always been there”,Kleenex “一直伴随着我”,A brand with heritage: “Its been around forever.” (Malaysia),“It pioneered facial tissue and made using a handkerchief unclean.” (Brazil),An ubiquitous brand: “In the kitchen, in the bathroom, in the bedroom, in the car.” (Costa Rica),“You appreciate Kleenex most when you discover she isnt there for you.” (Europe),Core Truths,4.,Kleenex evokes the fondest memories,Kleenex “唤醒最深的记忆”,“When I got my first paycheck, I surprised my girlfriend with a box of Kleenex. I was so proud.” (Korea),“My friend brought a box of Kleenex to the cinema.and we all cried through Forrest Gump.” (Germany),“I really needed Kleenex when I lost my first love.” (France),“I wrote my phone number for a guy on my Kleenex.” (Brazil),Core Truths,4.,Kleenex evokes the fondest memories (cont),“At family dinners, Kleenex is always at the center of the table.” (Asia),“Its my little indulgence. It pampers me. The comfort of a soft touch in todays harsh world.” (South Africa),Core Truths,5.,Kleenex means “home” Kleenex,象征着“家”,“Its a luxuriously soft and cozy comforter.” (France),“Its a little piece of order and calmness amidst the storm.” (U.K.),“A gentle, caring mother whos sometimes taken for granted.” (U.A.E.),“Its having someone wipe away your tears.” (Asia),“The last thing my mother put in my lunch box every day.” (Bahrain),Core Truths,6.,Kleenex “knows you” Kleenex “,了解你”,“Kleenex could write my biography.” (Saudi Arabia),“I grew up with Kleenex, its been there for me constantly. in good times as well as bad.” (Philippines),“Kleenex is caring and tender.an earnest, genuine friend.” (Hong Kong),“Kleenex is my ally, my guardian angel.” (Costa Rica),Core Truths,6.,Kleenex “knows you” (cont),“Kleenex is like a mirror that reflects me.” (Mexico),“Kleenex is a reflection of all the little things in life that are important to me.” (Australia),Core Truths,7.,Kleenex never “takes over” Kleenex,从不“强取”,“She provides soft comfort to the vulnerable around her. Her silent strength exudes character and confidence.” (Malaysia),“True strength can afford to be delicate.” (South Africa),“Like an honorable gentleman. whose noble cause it is to serve everyone else.” (Colombia),“Kleenex embraces me with the softest hand to reassure me.” (Korea),Core Truths,8.,Kleenex says “everythings going to be fine”,Kleenex 说“一切都会好起来的”,“For better, for worse, in illness and in health, Kleenex will be there for me.” (Costa Rica),“A cherished dose of hygiene and comfort that makes sure I get it all sorted.” (U.K.),“Each reach for a Kleenex is a moment of trust that things are well in hand.” (North America),“Kleenex gives you back your “clean” look; socially reborn.” (Brazil),“Whenever you need her, Kleenex will be there.” (Taiwan),Core Truths,1. Kleenex is a global “Trustmark”. 全球性的“信任标志”,2. Kleenex means “clean”. Kleenex 意味着“干净”,3. Kleenex has “always been there”. Kleenex “一直伴随着我”,4. Kleenex evokes the fondest memories. Kleenex “唤醒最深的记忆”,5. Kleenex means “home”. Kleenex,象征着“家”,6. Kleenex “knows you”. Kleenex “了解你”,7. Kleenex never “takes over”. Kleenex 从不“强取”,8. Kleenex says “everythings going to be fine”.,Kleenex 说,“一切都会好起来的”,Bottom-up works,Our teams around the world are good at this!,There are truly Global Brands - Kleenex is one,It takes special skills to lead this process globally,Our brand print composers are a precious commodity,What we have learned,DOVE多芬,BrandStewardship,Dove,A successful U.S. Brand for 40 years,一个40年的成功美国品牌,A global Mega-brand in just 3 years,仅用3年成为全球大品牌,76 countries in 4 years,4年内进入76个国家,No. 1 in North America and Europe,北美和欧洲的第一品牌,Dominant in Australia, Hong Kong and Brazil,在澳洲,香港和巴西强势,One brand idea, global network, local knowledge,同一品牌概念,全球网络,本地知识,What we learned from consumers消费者告诉我们,The bar has endowed the Brand with a rich set of core values : 丰富的核心价值,integrity, honesty, credibility, unpretentiousness, shuns hype, etc. 正直,诚实,不造作,不接受奉承,The bar delivered a real solution to a real consumer problem 为消费者解决了一个真正的问题,Not many of our new products will be in such a unique position 并非许多新产品能拥有如此独特的定位,What we learned from consumers消费者告诉我们,A strong but grounded emotional connection exists between the user and the brand 一种强有力并且实在的联系存在于使用者和品牌之间,The uniqueness comes from how Doves skin feel makes her feel “Glad to be a woman”独特之处在于多芬给女人的皮肤让她觉得“作女人是快乐的”,“Hope” and “Transformation” are not words that resonate with the Dove users; they are beyond what they desire from Dove “希望”和“转变”绝不仅仅是些引起多芬使用者反响的文字,它们超出了女人们的期望,“Dove Is The Promise Of Femininity Restored - To My Skin. And To Me.”,A personal promise that I can be my best.,The promise that when the mere act of washing my face has drained me dry,it will replenish me.,The promise that when a shower is my only escape to a peaceful place,it will reward me.,The promise that when the softness I used to see every day hasnt been seen in a while,it will reveal it to me.,The promise that when Ive had to put on hold the fact that Im a woman,it will remind me.,The promise that when my skin needs protection and nourishment,it will remoisturize it.,It is a simple and unselfish promise, made to the woman inside me.,“多芬的承诺是还给我女人的天性 - 给我的皮肤,也给我自己。”,一个让我能保持最佳的个人承诺。,当我的脸因清洗而干燥时,它承诺给我补充滋养。,当洗澡是我逃脱到平和世界的唯一方式时,它承诺给我奖赏。,当本应属于我的柔软肌肤片刻不见时,它承诺找还给我。,当我有时不得不暂时遗忘我是个女人时,它承诺会提醒我。,当我的皮肤需要保护和营养时,它承诺给我重新滋润。,它是一个简单而无私的承诺,对我心底里女人的天性,MasterBrand Positioning主品牌定位,Dove helps a woman look and feel her best by helping her experience noticeably softer, more beautiful skin,多芬帮助女人显著体验更柔软更美丽的皮肤,由此让女人的外表和内心都处于最佳状态,IBM,Information Technology Brands 信息技术品牌,The BEST technology does not always win,最好的技术并不总能赢,The BEST,brand,does,最好的品牌却可以,These companies did not


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