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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,as 引导定语从句,在限制性定语从句中,如果先行词被the same, such, as, so 等词修饰时,定语从句应由as引导。as作宾语不可省略。,1)He is,such,a teacher,as we respect,.,2) I like,the same,book,as you do.,It,is,so,big a stone,as,no man can lift.,在定语从句中,一般的从句关系代词是,which、who、whom、that、 whose, 其代替主句中的人或物,在从句中做主语、宾语或定语。,一、as引导限制性定语从句,主要结构有:,the sameas,asas,suchas,soas,1. Its,the same,person,as,we wanted to find yesterday .,我们昨天要找的是同一个人。,2.,Such,girls,as,he knows are good at English .,他所认识的女孩都擅长英语。,3. Do you have,such,books,as,we like ?,你有我们喜欢那种书吗?,4. She will marry,as,healthy a man,as,she can find .,她将嫁给她能找到的任何一个有钱人。,5. There is,so,warm a house,as,we want to live in .,这里有如此暖和的房子,我们都想住在里面。,6. He has,so,difficult a problem ,as,none of us can solve .,他有如此难的一个问题,我们没有人能解决。,二、引导非限制性定语从句,as,引导非限制性定语从句,指代整个主句内容,从句可置于句首,句中或句尾,1,As,everyone knows ,China is a beautiful country with a long history .,每个人都知道,中国是一个有着悠久历史的美丽国家。,2 The earth ,as,we know , moves round the sun .,地球,我们都知道,围着太阳转。,3 Tom works hard and is willing to help others,as,we all know.,汤母工作努力,并且乐于助人,这一点我们都知道。,as 引导非限制性从句,常意为“,正如,”。 可出现在句首、句中、句末。常见结构有:,as is,known,to all,众所周知,as is often,the case,as might / could be,expected,as has been,said,before,as has been,mentioned,above,as has been,pointed out,as can be,imagined,正如所设想的那样,as can be,seen,(from these figures),as often,happens,正像经常发生的那样,as will be,shown,这是常有的事,正如人们所预料的,正如上面所提到的,正如前面所说的,正如所指出的,正如所示,as 和 which,都可以指代主句中的一部分或整个句子的内容,,有时可以互换,,但,as,引导的非限制性定语从句位置比较灵活,可以位于,主句前面,中间或后面,,一般用逗号与主句隔开,而,which,所引导的非限制性定语从句只能放在,主句之后,。,As 和 Which 引导的非限制性定语从句的区别,1.,As you know, Taiwan is an inseparate part of China.,2. Taiwan,as you know, is an inseparate part of China.,3. Taiwan is an inseparate part of China ,as you,know,.,4. Taiwan is an inseparate part of China ,which,you know,.,位置不同,As与 which的区别,1. They remarried,as,we expected.,2. They remarried,which,we hadnt expected,3.,As,often happens, they won the match again.,4. It rained heavily,which,prevented us going out.,.,意义不同,(as “正如,就像” 表示符合人们的认识和事物的习惯性等意义,即,从句与主句语义一致,。当,从句与主句语义不一致,时或从句与主句之间是,因果关系,时用which),as anybody can see, as we all know, as we had expected, as is well known, as has been said before, as often happens, as it is, as is natural, as is the case,1.,As is known to everybody,the moon travels round the earth.,2.,Mike,,as we expected,attended the meeting.,3.,She came at once,which,surprised me very much.,4. The girl heard a terrible noise,which,brought her heart into her mouth.,结构不同,( as 常用于一些固定结构中,类似插入语,而which 常用于which +谓语+宾语/ 宾补结构。,定语从句易混句型,1. I still remember the days _ I worked with the farmers., I still remember the days _ I spent with the farmers,which B. on which C. when D. what,2. We were on the way _ it began to rain., I dont like the way _ you speak to your parents.,A. when B. that C. how D. which,when,which,when,that,3., The teacher didnt know the reason _ she was absent yesterday.,The teacher couldnt accept the reason _ she explained yesterday.,A. how B. why C. that D. who,4., Is this school _ you ever visited?, Is this the school _ you ever studied?, Is this the school in _ you ever studied?,A. where B. which C. that D. the one,why,that,D,A,B,5. This is _ he said at he meeting yesterday., This is all_ he said at the meeting yesterday.,A. that B. which C. what D. how,6. _ is reported in the newspapers, they have beaten all the other teams., _ is reported in the newspaper that they have beaten all the other teams.,_ is reported in the newspaper is that they have beaten all the other teams.,A. It B. As C. Which D. What,C,A,B,A,D,7., That is the house, _ windows hasnt been cleaned for months., That is the house, _ the windows hasnt been cleaned for months., That is the house, but _ windows hasnt been cleaned for months.,A. its B. its C. whose D. of which,C,D,A,8., John said hed been working in the office for hours, _ true., John said hed been working in the office for hours, but _ true.,he was B. it was,C. which was D. who was,C,B,“非限定”使用须知,1. 从句中所有的关系词都,不可省略,2. 从句通常,不能用that,引导,3. 在“非限定”中, 指人的关系代词,作宾语,时,只能用宾格whom, 不能用,who,替换, 也不能省略。,4. 从句,不能用why,引导, 要用,for which,代替why,5. 从句,置于句首时, 不能用which,引导; 而要用关系代词,as,引导 (as可放主句前, 也可放主句后),要点归纳,相同之处:,当先行词指,整个主句,的意思时, 这类,非限制性,_只能由_或 _来引导。,两者的区别在于:,which,引导的定语从句只能位于_, 而,as,引导的定语,从句可,位于_。(位置),2. _常译作“,这,”; 而_常译作“,正如,”, 且多与see,expect, imagine, know,hope等动词连用。(含义),3. 在定语从句中,作主语,时, 若用_, 其谓语部分一般有,be,; 若,谓语,是,不含be,的行为动词时, 要用_。,4. _引导的定语从句只表示一个,众所周知或意料之中,的事, 而,which,不受此限制。,5. as常用于固定搭配中:,as is often the case,(这是常有的事),as we expected,(不出所料);,as often happens,(正如经常发生的那样);,as is known to all,(众所周知);,as has been said before,(正如以前所说);,as is mentioned above,(正如上面所提到的)等。,归纳总结,主句后,主句前、中、后,which,as,as,which,as,定语从句,which,as,


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