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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,5/28/2010,#,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,#,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,#,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,#,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,#,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,5/28/2010,#,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,#,1,Focusing on Instructional Strategies,Using Thinking Maps for Curriculum Planning,Chapter 5,Pages 234 - 240,2,BEGIN WITH THE END IN MIND,-Covey,GREAT TEACHING REQUIRES PLANNING,Page 235,3,Step One: Brainstorming and Defining,Page 236,4,Step One: Brainstorming and Defining,Page 237,5,Step Two: Classify and Task Analyze the Learnings,Page 238,6,Step Two: Classify and Task Analyze the Learnings,Page 238,7,UNIT PLANNING,Step Two: Classify and Task Analyze the Learnings,Page 239,8,9,Page 142,10,Grade Level or Content Area Standards,Create a Tree Map (landscape) with a category for all 8 Thinking Maps.,and Flow,Use the labels to match your standards with the maps that could be used to teach the standard.,If more than one map is needed, write the name of the map below the standard label.,MAKING THE CONNECTION,11,Grade Level or Content Area Standards,Use a highlighter to mark the key word (academic language) for each standard.,Create a list of key words for each Thinking Map category.,Key,Words,Key,Words,Key,Words,Key,Words,Impact,Effect,Cause,changes,Key,Words,Key,Words,Key,Words,Key,Words,MAKING THE CONNECTION,Key Words page 77,12,As a team, choose one of the standards on your Tree Map and deconstruct it.,Try to think of all of the maps you might need to teach that standard. Use the suggestions identified in Chapter 4 to help you connect the Thinking Maps to your content.,If time permits, put the actual content in the maps.,Draw the maps on the same sheet with the standards.,DECONSTRUCTING A STANDARD,13,DECONSTRUCTING A STANDARD,Compares and contrast the motives of characters in a work of fiction.,14,Students know how to differentiate among igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks by referring to their properties and methods of formation (the rock cycle).,DECONSTRUCTING A STANDARD,15,16,17,18,19,Prior Knowledge,How do you know what you know?,(Be Specific),Not just TV, but which shows.,20,21,Now add a Frame of Reference to your Circle Map. Where did you get your information? What was influencing your definition? Write the names of anyone you thought about as you developed your definition.,22,Source(s),Where did you get your information?,What is the best source for information about this subject?,23,Read the following article.,Craig Wilsons “Real heroes: We could all learn something from them.”,USA Today, November 2003,Now lets add a,Source,beyond your Prior Knowledge.,24,COOPERATIVE LEARNING STRATEGY,Count off at your tables,1 3.,Write your number on your paper.,1,2,3,25,Page 73,26,Add a Frame of Reference and identify the “source” of any adjective that you inferred. Your “source” should be textual support.,27,MAP, MOVE, MAP,Hold the map you have created in your hand and stand up.,Raise your hand, holding up either one, two, or three fingers based on your assignment.,Locate someone else with the same number and pair with that person.,Exchange maps and discuss your ideas with each other. “Borrow” ideas from each other and add them to your own map.,This cooperative learning activity can be found on page 260.,28,Page 73,29,MAP, MOVE, MAP,Hold the map you have created in your hand and stand up.,Raise your hand, holding up either one, two, or three fingers based on your assignment.,Locate someone with a different number and pair with that person.,The two of you should sit somewhere and create a Double Bubble Map comparing your two “heroes.”,This cooperative learning activity can be found on page 260.,30,1s,2s,31,Now return to your original table and discuss your Double Bubble Maps. Focus on the similarities. Add a Frame of Reference and answer the question “What conclusions can you draw from the map you made and the others discussed at your table?”,32,Finally, as a team create a Circle Map to define what a hero is. Base your definition on this essay and your maps.,Your maps,33,Page 73,34,Look at the title of the article. What do you think Craig Wilson wants us to learn from these “heroes”?,Your maps,I Think,I Think,I Think,I Think,35,Look at the title of the article. What do you think Craig Wilson wants us to learn from these “heroes”?,I Think,I Think,I Think,I Think,36,AUTHORS PURPOSE,WHAT IS THE BIG IDEA?,37,


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