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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Corban Festivalan major traditional Islamic festival,1,Introducing of Corban Festival,Corban Festival, an annual major traditional Islamic festival, falls on the 10th of twelfth month of the Islamic calendar and is celebrated by Chinese minority nationalities that believe in Islam, including Hui,Uygur,Kazak,Ozbek and ext.,2,新疆维吾尔自治区,3,4,What are people do on the day ?,In festival ,Muscleman gather at major mosques and other public places and have grand ceremonies and celebrations. They prepare livestock beforehand. the livestock should be healthy camels. oxen or sheep. and the choices depends on ones financial condition. The meat will be separated into three parts .One part is for family itself, one for relatives and friends and the rest part for the poor family,.,5,mosque,.,6,The place where Islam began,7,The belief of Islam,/,8,The festival bears the meaning that disciples will devote everything to show their obedience and faith to Allah.,.,9,The meat will be separated into three parts,.,.,10,Besides, people gather together to eat mutton, cakes, fruits and other delicious food while chatting with each other.,.,11,.,At the festival, Muslims sacrifice sheep or cows as well as fried cakes and Sanzi (a kind of Muslim food). the rest to be shared with the poor.,12,.,.,13,The Corban Festival is an important festival of Islam, which is the Spring Festival of Muslim, and similarily like the New Year. Muslims in Xingjian region call it Festival Eld(Big Festival) .One the day, they dress up, kill livestock and invite relatives and friends to their homes and have various entertainme,nts.,14,They dress up,.,15,the word “cobra” means sacrifice and self-devotion in Arabic. people offer sacrifice to Allah, to whom they are desired to get closer and the poor family,at mosques,16,17,18,19,20,21,/,Activities ,singing and dancing , are held during it. Activities like horseracing and wrestling are held among the Kazak, Uzbek, Tajik and Kyrgyz ethnic minorities. No matter what the method of celebration, the day of Corban festival is full of interests and delight,.,22,23,That is all !,Thank you !,24,


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