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,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,*,*,T,wenty-four,S,olar terms,Introduction,1,The Solar Terms in Spring,2,The Solar Terms in Summer,3,The Solar Terms in Autumn,4,The Solar Terms in Winter,5,Summary,6,Contents,All classes of authors,(诸子百家),Chinese martial arts,(中国武术),Introduction,Introduction,Differing from the Western World,Unique and Pragmatic,Guide Farming,Use the Weather,Some Characteristics,Introduction,TheancientChinesedividedayearinto24equal,segments,accordingtothepositionsofthesunonthe,ecliptic.,Segments:,等分,Ecliptic,:黄道(坐标系),Introduction,Introduction,by,徐志源,名称,Name,开始日期,Beginning,立春,theBeginningofSpring(1stsolarterm)Feb.3,4,or5,雨水,RainWater(2ndsolarterm)Feb.18,19or20,惊蜇,theWakingofInsects(3rdsolarterm)Mar.5,6,or7,春分,theSpringEquinox(4thsolarterm)Mar.20,21or22,清明,PureBrightness(5thsolarterm)Apr.4,5or6,谷雨,GrainRain(6thsolarterm)Apr.19,20or21,Introduction,by,徐志源,The Solar Terms in Spring,by,杨荣博,立春,Spring begins,雨水,The rains,惊蛰,Insects awaken,春分,Vernal Equinox,清明,Clear and bright,谷雨,Grain rain.,The Beginning of,Spring,立春,Around February 4th each year,the sun reaches the,celestial,longitude of,315 degrees.,Turning point of warm and cold.,Pouring and fertilizing crops duly during the fast growth.,Celestial: adj.,中国的,celestial longitude,黄经(度),The Beginning of Spring,Following the nature and protecting the Yangqi in body.,Take care of the liver, because spring has the nature of wood, and it is most closely connected with liver.,White Radish and ginger will protect liver well,Keep stomach warm.,Health preserving in the Beginning of Spring,Rain Water,雨水,Around February 18th each year,The sun reaches the celestial longitude of 330 degrees.,Beginning of yearly rainfall,Cold before rainfall with snowflake, blizzard seriously.,Keep water to provide crops blossoming out.,Rain Water,Health preserving in Rain Water,Take care of,spleen,and stomach, which can improve and regulate the physical metabolism,Not eat too much oily and fat food but the red Chinese date, lotus, leek, spinach, orange, honey and sugarcane.,Spleen: n.,脾,leek:,青蒜,spinach:,菠菜,sugarcane:,甘蔗,The Waking of,Insects,The Waking of Insects,Around March 6th each year,Significance of this name:,Hibernators,are awakening by spring thunder,The sun reaches the celestial longitude of 345 degrees.,Comparatively fast growth of temperature and good time to planting rice.,Hibernator :,冬眠的动物,Customs in the Waking of Insects,Sacrifice to White Tiger,Eating pears,Sacrifice to White Tiger,God of misunderstanding and quarrel,Make tooth full of oil, so that it cant open its mouth quarrel with people,A pair of bucktooth(,獠牙,),Eating pears,Peoples dry tongue and cough easily happening because of dry weather. Pears help a lot with lung.,Chinese pronunciation of pears close to keep away from something, this custom means people want to keep away pest and wish rich harvest.,The Spring Equinox,春分,The Spring Equinox,Around March 21th each year,Significance of this name:,Length of day and night becomes nearly equal,The sun reaches the celestial longitude of 0 degrees.,The New Year of Iran, Turkey, Afghanistan and Uzbekistan, history is over 3000 years.,A drizzling rain falls like tears on the Mourning Day;The mourners heart is going to break on his way.Where can a wine shop be found to drown his sad hours?A cowherd points to a cot mid apricot flowers.,Pure,Brightness,Pure Brightness,Around April 5th each year,Significance of this name:,Sunny days and,flourishing,trees,The sun reaches the celestial longitude of 15 degrees.,Essential traditional festival and origin from sacrifice of,mausoleum,by ancient emperors .,Flourishing :,繁茂的,mausoleum:,陵墓,Customs in Pure Brightness,Tomb-sweeping,Have an outing in spring,Cuju,Tomb-sweeping,Sacrifice ancestor in front of graves;,Sweeping tombs to show their homage(,敬意,),Have an outing in spring,& Cuju,Tale said in order to avoid hurt from cold food, some exercises are benefits to our body in Pure Brightness.,Grain Rain,Grain Rain,Around April 20th each year,Significance of this name:,Grains will grow well with plentiful rain,The sun reaches the celestial longitude of 30 degrees.,Average temperature will at 20, meaning the ending of spring.,The Solar Terms in,Summer,by,周祎,立夏,Summer begins,小满,Grain buds,芒种,Grain in ear,夏至,Summer solstice,小暑,Slight heat,大暑,Great heat,Summer,begins,立夏,Summer begins,(,5,月,5-6,日,),People used to place the summer begins as a temperature rise obviously.,T,he thunderstorm increased; the growth of the crops into a fast period;,The farmers need to transplant rice seeding and prevent the insect.,Summer begins,R,esistant our blood.,E,at a few Onions, a small amount of wine to promote the circulation of blood and prevent the heart disease.,People usually eat eggs and it is the origin of the tea eggs.,Grain buds,小满,Grain buds (5.20-5.22),The meaning is the crops begin to be full, but not mature.,There are a lot of rain. But if lack of rain, there will have a drought.,We should prevent the crop pests; dry-hot wind;thunderstorm; winds; and attack from hail.,People will consume the most nutrition so we need to replenish in time.,Eat sow thistle and sacrifice the silk god.,Grain buds,Grain in ear,Grain in ear,Probably in June 6,All of the peasants are busy with cultivating.,There are a lot of weather disaster such as tornado , hail , gale , drought and rainstorm and so on.,Grain in ear,The summer crops begin to mature, the farmers are busy with seeding autumn crops.,The body is easy to be damp and hot affected by the climate, so the diet should to be light and nourishing,Summer solstice,Summer solstice,Every year on June 21 or 22,It is said that the hot summer has arrived. But the hottest time after about 20 to 30 days.,The weather is hot with a lot of rainfall such as rainstorm,Pay attention to the flood and field management,About the diet, we emphasize eating something light . And we need eat something which can supplement a lot of water.,Slight heat,Slight heat,Probably in July 7th,Means that the weather is become hotter and hotter.,The weather started to be hot, but not to the hottest. And there are a lot of thunderstorm.,Crops begin to growing rapidly and the farmer need to strengthen field management.,combine exertion with rest; protect our yang qi; eat fruit.,Great heat,Great heat,Probably on July 22,It means the hottest time of the year, the highest temperature, the fastest growing.,Many parts of the drought, waterlogging, wind and other meteorological disasters are the most frequent.,Busy in the harvesting and planting; fight with drought ;waterlogging.,eat something to strength our stomach and nourish our spleen.,The Solar Terms in,Autumn,by,谢宇佳,立秋,Autumn begins.,处暑,Stopping the heat,白露,White dews,秋分,Autumn Equinox,寒露,Cold dews,霜降,Hoar-frost falls,Autumn,begins,Autumn begins,on August 8 or 9 every year,the beginning of the fall.,“One leave falls, autumn arrives.”,Sun reaches the celestial longitude of 135 degrees,Weather turns cold gradually; wind; fogs.,Autumn begins,Transformation; Less Yang Qi and more Yin Qi.,Protect ones lung.,People should not eat too much spring onions and ginger. Food such as sesame, sticky rice, honey, loquat and dairy food will be very good to the stomach.,Stopping the heat,Stopping the heat,On August 23 each year,Sun reaches the celestial longitude of 150 degrees,the hot summer passes and heat stops.,Cold air comes make the weather cool down slowly.,hot in the day; cold in the morning and evening.,Its also a season of harvest.,plants and flowers; crops.fishing fish, prawns and shellfish.,Stopping the heat,“Its sleepy in the spring and tired in the autumn”.,have enough sleep, better to go to bed earlier.,eat light dishes,rather than something like spicy meat.,Foods with more vitamins,for example, tomatoes, eggplant, potato and pear.,White,dews,White dews,White Dews,happens around September 7 every year,the sun reaches the celestial longitude of 165 degrees.,the temperature decreases further.,the weather gets cooler.,morning, see the dew on the grass and trees.,White dews,the air is clear, the sky is high.,the clouds are peaceful.,gentle autumn breeze blowing.,the swan goose and swallow fly back to south.,birds start to store food for winter.,a typical solar term in autumn.,White dews,peak season for allergic conditions and bronchial asthma.,Its better to eat less prawns, fish and seafood.,very dry, making people feel thirsty all the time.,Eating ginseng.,Autumn,Equinox,Autumn Equinox,on September 22 to September 23 each year,the sun reaches the celestial longitude of 180 degrees.,temperature decreases obviously.,“Each autumn rain makes its colder”.,Autumn Equinox,the Yin Qi and Yang Qi are balanced; people should live and eat also in a way that can balance the two inside their body.,as temperature decreases, keep exercises to buid immunity.,To benefiting the lungs, people can drink more water and eat food like sesame, nut, sticky rice,honey, pears.,Cold dews,Cold dews,on October 8 or October 9 each year,the sun reaches the celestial longitude of 195 degrees.,its colder than “White Dews”,the dews are becoming frost.,sparrows are gone and chrysanthemum starts to bloom.,The autumn views are very beautiful,people like to climb high and enjoy the view.,the most obvious climate feature is “dry”.,sweat often evaporate very quickly; feel skin stretched, wrinkle increased, being thirsty, and often cough.,Eating sesame, nut, tremella, radish, tomato,lotus root, milk and lily can help nourishing Yin Qi and moistening dryness.,Its also very good to eat some fruits such as snow pear, banana, Hami melon, apple and grape.,Cold dews,sweat often evaporate very quickly; feel skin stretched, wrinkle increased, being thirsty, and often cough.,Eating sesame, nut, tremella, radish, tomato,lotus root, milk and lily can help nourishing Yin Qi and moistening dryness.,Its also very good to eat some fruits such as snow pear, banana, Hami melon, apple and grape.,Cold dews,Hoar-frost,falls,on October 23 each year,the sun reaches the celestial longitude of 210 degrees. Most areas have frost falling.,temperature in many places reach 0 degree Celsius.,The vapor in the air freezes on the ground in the form of tiny ice needles or hexagonal flower shapes.,There are some chemical changes to the leaves of some tress,Hoar-frost falls,such as maple,persimmon tree and Eurasian smoke tree after this day. The colors turn to red from green,its the best time to see the red autumn leaves.,the peak time for chronic gastritis and gastroduodenal canker.,Aged people can sometimes get arthritis.,Eating pear, apple, ginkgo, onions and leaf mustard can relief these symptoms.,Hoar-frost falls,The Solar Terms in Winter,by,骆甫,立冬,Winter begins,小雪,Light snow,大雪,Heavy snow,冬至,Winter Solstice,小寒,Slight cold,大寒,Great cold.,Winter,begins,Winter begins,The19th solar term, on Nov.7 or 8,It means the winter is coming,In ancient times, Winter begins was an important festival (On this day, the emperor followed by a group of officials would come to the suburb of capital to hold a large sacrifice to the heaven),Nowadays, Chinese people still have the traditional custom such as eating dumplings, eating carrot or radish,Light snow,Light snow,Heavy snow,The 21th solar term, on Dec.7 or 8,It means the times of snowfalls increase, and the quantity of snow becomes large,In Chinese traditional medicine, the great cold is the perfect time to care about the health.,The rainfall is less than anytime else, and the weather is quite dry, moisture is very important.,So it is better time to eat more fruits and vegetables like oranges, apples,How to keep health in the Heavy snow,Winter Solstice,Winter Solstice,The 22th solar term, on Dec.22 or 23,It has the shortest daytime and longest nighttime in north hemisphere all the year around(,昼短夜长),On this day, in many regions of northern China, people have the custom of eating dumplings.,Slight cold,Slight cold,The 23th solar term, on Jan.6 or 7,In China, Slight cold means the coldest time comes.,According to the climatic data of China, the slight cold is the phase with the lowest temperature.,Great cold,Great cold,The 24th solar term, on Jan.20 or 21,It is the last solar term and it means the most extreme cold time appears in the whole year.,people also follow this change. People had better not eat too much but select some easily-digesting food to suit the beginning of spring,Summary,by,骆甫,The twenty-four solar terms is the essence of Chinese traditional culture.,It is the great creation of the ancient people.,It was listed in the list of national intangible cultural heritages in 2006.,Applied for Human intangible cultural heritage list of masterpiece.,-END-,


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