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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,Presentation,:,Hofstedes,C,ultur,al,Dimensions,The,outline of our presentation,Four Parts:,part one :,Collectivism,&,Individualism,part two:,Power,Distance,part three:,Uncertainty,Avoidance,part four:,Masculine & Femininity,*,*,*,*,*,*,Group members and the division of the work,Part one,&,Part two,&,Part three,&,Part four,&,vedio resources,written resources,Give the presentation,Conclud,Tuptim and,Balat,are lovers ,but,Tuptim is sent into Palace.,Tuptims father present,s,his daughter,Tuptim,for the king,T,he King and Tuptim.,Tuptim,becomes one of the kings wife.,Tuptim want,s,to study English for pleasing the king.,Tuptims view about the King,.,but now,previously,Tuptim ask Anna,to,deliver a letter to her family,.,Anna,bring,a letter to Tuptim,which was written by,Balat,.,Balat,wrote to her for,farewells ,and then he goes to the monastery.,Tuptim,comes,to see Balat after received his letter,.,Anna meet with Tuptim,.In order to pursure her true love,Tuptim,disguises herself in the monastery.,Tuptim is arrested by,the,army.,Tuptim is,accused of a traitorous act against the king,.,Tuptim is judged by,the,jud,ge,.,Anna,comes,to,intercede with,King for Tuptim.,The king refuses her request.,Tuptim and balat dead.,Individualism,Collectivism,Power,Distance,Uncertainty,Avoidance,Masculine,Femininity,Collectivism,& Individualism,hat Is Individualism?,Individualists promote the exercise of ones goals and desires and so value independence and self-reliance and advocate that interests of the individual should achieve precedence over the state or a social group.,(个人英雄主义的图片),Collectivism is any philosophic, political, religious, economic, or social outlook that emphasizes the interdependence of every human.,hat Is,Collectivism,?,Performance of,i,ndividualism,&,Collectivism,I,ndividualism,Collectivism,Freedom, human rights,group loyalty, interdependence,Respect for the individual,the,strong,sense of the collective honor.,The pursuit of happiness for the individual,the priority of group goals over individual goals.,System security for the individual,harmony,humility,courtesy,face,-,saving,equality,hierarchy,T,he differences between,Individualism and Collectivism,Collectivist stress the importance of cohesion within social groups.And in some cases,the priority of group goals over individual goals.,When the collective interests of all individuals are violated, the superiority of collectivism will perfectly reflected.,Individualists promote the exercise of ones goals and desires and so value independence and self-reliance and advocate that interests of the individual should achieve precedence over the state or a social group,.,Individualism film,Saving Private Ryan,、,Battle in Seattle,、,Superman,、,Spider-Man,、,Batman,、,Iron Ma,n and so on.,Collectivism film,assembly bugle-calls、,Sanggamyong Ridge、,red womens detachment etc.,In an individualist culture, the interest of the individual prevails over the interests of the group. While in a collectivist culture, the interest of the group prevails over the interest of the individual.,Thats see when facing the problem,what Anna and the king will do,At first,the king didnt want to sentence Tuptim to death.But due to Annas intervention,,,he has to show that he wont listen to Anna who is a woman and also a foreigner.,He has to keep his majesty as the king,,,and then he can remain his power,in his country,,,and make his countrys safety for sure. He gave up Tuptim, for the sake of his country and his national.,Individualism,Collectivism,Power,Distance,Uncertainty,Avoidance,Masculine,Femininity,Power,Distance,What is power distance?,“,Power distance as a characteristic of a culture defines the extent to which the less powerful person in society accepts inequality in power and considers it as normal.” (Hoftede, 1980),And,in order to measure the degree of the Power distance of a country.The Power distance Index was introduced.,Power Distance Index,:权利差距指数,Some features of PDI,High power distance culture,It,s acceptable for a supervisor to display his authority;,If something goes wrong, the subordinates are usually blamed for not doing their proper job;,Teachers are treated respectfully;,Low power distance culture,Supervisors are expected to treat employees respectfully;,If something goes wrong, the superior is usually blamed by giving unrealistic expectations or being too strict,Teachers are simply employees;,Low-power,High-power,consultative,democratic,equal,comfortable,autocratic,(,专制的,),paternalistic,formal,hierarchical,There is a great power distance between supervisor and subordinate in Siam society, which presents a sharp contrast to that in the west.,There are some examples:,1.In Siam, men and women are different in social status,2.A great gap of power distance exist between the nobles and slaves,3. The king is supreme,And in Tuptims story,Tuptim,is,accused of a traitorous act against the king,.,At first she didnt want to defend herself because of the unfair treatment.,The judge,who have higher power,just force Tuptim to admit what she havent done.,Tuptim argues that she and,Balat,are innocent,but none of the judges listen to her.,They just cane her and sentence her to death .,The power distance makes Tuptim unable to do anything but wait for the death.,High power distance,Malaysia,马来西亚,104,Guatemala,危地马拉,95,Panama,巴拿马,95,Philippines,菲律宾,94,Mexico,墨西哥,81,China,中国,80,Low power distance,America,美国,40,Ireland,爱尔兰,28,New Zealand,新西兰,22,Denmark,丹麦,18,Israel,以色列,13,Austria,奥地利,11,Examples in school,Classes in low-power,distance countries,Classes in high-power distance countries,In Chinese Culture,Power distance always exist.,High Power Distance,The same thing still happpens in China.The high power distance exists everywhere.,Advantages,In low-power distance countries,Everyone can bring his potencial into play.,The relationship will become much more harmonious.,In high-power distance countries,The efficiency will become much higher.,Disadvantages,In low-power distance countries,The effiency may be influenced by the freedom.,In high-power distance countries,The staff,s attitudes may be quite unzealous .,It may cause power abuse.,Individualism,Collectivism,Power,Distance,Uncertainty,Avoidance,Masculine,Femininity,Uncertainty Avoidance,Uncertainty Avoidance,Uncertainty Avoidance, a societys tolerance for uncertainty and ambiguity.,The uncertainty avoidance dimension expresses the degree to which a person in society feels uncomfortable with a sense of uncertainty and ambiguity.,Uncertainty avoidance Index(UAI),:不确定性规避指数,And in order to measure the degree of the Uncertainty Avoidance of a country.The uncertainty avoidance Index was introduced.,Some features of UAI,Countries exhibiting strong Uncertainty avoidance Index,maintain rigid codes of belief and behavior and,are intolerant of not traditonal behavior and ideas,.,Weak UAI societies maintain a more relaxed attitude in which,practice counts more than principles.,People in cultures with high uncertainty avoidance tend to be more emotional.,They try to minimize the occurrence of unknown and unusual circumstances,and to proceed with careful changes step by step by planning and by implementing rules, laws and regulations.,In contrast, low uncertainty avoidance cultures accept and feel comfortable in unstructured situations or changeable environments and try to have as few rules as possible. People in these,cultures tend to be more pragmatic, they are more tolerant of change,.,When Tuptim is sending to the execution ,all the people are mad and excited,they all think Tuptim should be punished.,Though Tuptim didnt do anything which will damage their interest,something is deep in their mind that their trandtion cant be broken.,Tuptim not only betray the king but also disguise herself in the monastery.,They are nervous about Tuptims unusual behavior and they cant tolerate it.,In the movie,Students in U.S. consider answering a question even if they are not so sure about the answer. If they have a thought, an idea, they like to share it with their fellow students and are open to feedback and criticism.,Their Japanese counterparts, on the other hand, answer a question only if they are absolutely certain about the answer.,This behavior of two contemporary human communities displays different approaches to uncertainty.,Some examples:,On the base of our knowledge we can see that nations with a strong uncertainty-avoidance tendency are,Portugal, Greece, Peru, Belgium, Japan and our China,. A higher level of anxiety and stress also characterizes them: People think of the uncertainty inherent in life as a continuous hazard that must be avoided.,Individualism,Collectivism,Power,Distance,Uncertainty,Avoidance,Masculine,Femininity,Masculine,& Femininity,T,he,D,efinition of Femininity,Femininity (also called womanliness or womanhood) is a set of attributes, behaviors, and roles generally associated with girls and women.,Femininity is socially constructed, but made up of both socially-defined and biologically-created factors.This makes it distinct from the definition of the biological female sex.,Feminine,vs,female,The mean of,Feminine,The mean of female,“,女的”、“女性的”、“雌的”,“,有女性气质的”,collocation of common words of,Feminine,collocation of common words of female,nature,,,sympathy,,,weakness,,,virtue,,,frivolity,,,curiosity,,,voice,,,pursuits,,,hobbies,,,clothes,child,,,friend,,,companion,,,heir,,,ruler,,,servant,,,ward,,,voice,,,figure,,,suffrage,,,education,,,animal,,,plant,the antonymy of,Feminine,the antonymy of female,Masculine,male,Feminine Qualities,vs,Masculine,Qualities,Feminine Qualities,Masculine Qualities,tender, weak, sensitive, shy, sympathetic, dependent, soft, gentle, caring, considerate, delicate, tolerant, cautious, careful, timid, neat and clean,s,trong, brave, adventurous, independent, courageous, creative, bold, persistent, manipulative, confident, competent, dominating, vigorous,The Birth of Venus is a classic representation of femininity painted by Sandro Botticelli.Venus was a Roman goddess principally associated with love, beauty and fertility.,Direct competition of physical skill and strength is a feature of masculinity which appears in some form in virtually every culture on Earth. Here, two U.S. Marines compete in a wrestling match.,fighting for my country,iron man 3,In iron man 3, Tony stark will meet the challenge of a Nemesis has infinite power. Face life had been destroyed, there is no way to retreat, stark must depend on oneself excellent high-tech equipment and wisdom, to protect themselves and their closest person, find out the real culprits behind the scenes at the same time. When he eventually positive Nemesis, ready to give a fatal blow, has long been plagued stark question - what is armor made him, or he has created the armor - have the answer.,THE HOURS,The film is about several hours in three heroines,lives. After these hours, their lives have encountered great changes. One gets the relieved through suicide, one chose to abandon her family and leave alone for a strange place, and out of the fetters, the other begins to enjoy life with her same-sex partner.,It,revels that women begin to realize that life should be for themselves, but not just living for other,s love and obligation, and they has to find their own way to release themselves from it.,Life is long for them. Each of them is oppressed and eager to struggle for liberation.,It is significantly needed in that time and promotes the emancipation of women minds.,From the film, we can kown.I realize that we all live alone mentally, and what we should do is to enjoy the hours in our lives,and to do,anything you,like,just for ourselves,.,THE HOURS,classical lines,about the film,1.To look life in the face, always, to look life in,the face and to know it for what it is. At last to know it, to love it for what it is, and then, to put it away.,2.But if it is a choice between Richmond and death, I choose death.,3.,Y,ou dont have to do anything you dont want to do.You can do as you like.,4.You cannot find peace by avoiding life.,5.Someone has to die in order that the rest of us should value life more. Its contrast.,Each country has each culture, we can not treat any countries at the same attitude. In the business, an American clerk will never understand why staff should stay in the same company for all his/her life. So there will be conflict between them because that is culture influence that not every culture can be adapt to another culture. In a word, the difference is inevitable,and we should treat every culture equally.,Conclusion,Thanks for your attention,!,


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