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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Class 8.Work Team,8.1 Teams vs. Groups,how do we explain the current popularity of teams? outperforming individuals when the tasks require multiple skill, judgement, experience(better utilize employee talents); facilitating employee participation in D-M, motivational property.,1,1.Definitions,Work Group,-interacting primarily to share information & to make decisions to help each member perform with his area of responsibility.,-help each member do better; Dont share responsibility for each others results,Team-,Group whose individual efforts result in a performance that is greater than the sum of those individual inputs. -,working interdependently & being jointly accountable for performance goals,.,2,2.Clarity of the difference,Work groups Work teams,Share information- Goal- Collective performance Neutral(negative)-Synergy-Positive Individual -Accountability- Individual & mutual Random & varied-Skills- Complementary,Team work, Team player,-embody teamwork valve, -Intense sense of belonging, Interdependence, Joint responsibility,3,Class 8. Work Team,8.2 Types of Teams,4,1.Classification base on objective,Problem-Solving Teams,:Group of 5-12 employees from the same department who meet for a few hours each week to discuss ways of improving quality,efficiency,& the work setting(P-solving),.,Quality Circles(Total Q P),-Q control,C reduction, P planning,P design,Self-management teams,: Group of 10-15 people taking on responsibilities of their former supervisors(empower).,Office of the President,-collectively assumes the role of the COO In managing internal operations,Cross-Functional team,: employees from about the same hierarchical level,but from different wok area coming together to accomplish a task(coordination),Transnational Team,-joint-venture team,5,2. Druckers 3 types,failure & all-but-universal belief,Task force,-temporary cross-functional team.,Committees,-groups made up of members from across departmental lines,Baseball Team,-Surgical operation team, assembly line. The players play on the team with fixed positions they never leave.-working “in series”,taking turn,Football Team,-the symphony orchestra.The players play as a team with fixed positions,working “in parallel”.,Tennis Double Team,-Jazz combo, Presidents Office.,(5-7)The players have a primary position,adjusting to their teammates strengths,weakness and the changing demands of the “game”.-totally break with the past,6,8.3 Building high-performance team,Size,of teams-keep them under a dozen. Given a larger working unit,breaking into subteams,Abilities of members,-3 different types of skills: technical expertise,P-s & D-m skills,interpersonal,Allocating roles,& promoting diversity-9 roles(1),Having a,commitment to a common purpose,Establishing,specific goals,Leadership & structure,Social loafing &,accountability,Appropriate,performance evaluation & reward system,Developing high,mutual trust,(2),7,1.Team roles,Creator-Innovators,:initiate creative ideas.,Explorer-Promoters,:champion initiated ideas,Assessor-Developers,:analyze decision options,Thruster-Organizers,:provide structure,Concluder-Producers,: provide direction & follow,Controller-Inspectors,:check for details,Upholder-Maintainers,:fight external battles,Reporter-Advisers,:seek full information,Linker,:coordinate & integrate,8,2. Developing high,mutual trust,Characteristic of high-performance teams where members believe in the integrity,character,& ability of each other.,Dimensions,:,Integrity,-honesty ,Competence,-Technical ,Consistency,-Reliability,predictability,Loyalty,-Willingness to protect ,Openness,-share ideas freely,How to build trust,: Demonstrate youre working for others interest as well as your own; Be a team player; Practice openness; Be fair; Speak your feelings; Show consistency in the basic values that guide your D-M; Maintain confidence; Demonstrate competence,9,8.4 Create team player,Design job around team,Challenge,: 1.Inherent resistance-individual achievers; 2. Individualistic national culture;3.An individual-valued organizational history,Shaping team players,:,Selection,-job candidate with team skills, otherwise training,transference to other unit, reject,Training,-workshop to help improve skills like P-S, communication,negotiation,conflict M,coaching,Reward,-encourage cooperative efforts rather than competitive ones; intrinsic rewards from team,10,8.5 Contemporary Issues,TQM,:,the use of team-the essence of process improvement,employee involvement, natural vehicle,Work force,diversity,on team,Advantages,:Multiple perspective;Greater openness to new ideas; Multiple interpretations; Increased creativity, flexibility, P-S skills.,Disadvantages,:Ambiguity;Complexity;Confusion;Miscommunication;Difficulty in reaching a agreement,agreeing on specific actions,Reinvigorating,Mature Teams:1. stagnant,apathy, complacency,groupthinking; 2.success due to easy task 3.mental preparation, refresher training, advanced training, constant learning,11,Class 9.Communication,8.1 Definition & Function,The transference & understanding of meaning.,No group can exist without it,4 major functions:,Control,: job-related grievance,group tease, harass,Motivation,: evaluation,specific goals,feedback on,Emotional expression,: feelings, social needs,Information,:facilitate D-M,12,Class 9.Communication,9.2 The Communication Process,The steps between a source & a receiver that result in the transference & understanding of meaning,13,1.A Communication Model,The,source,: message-what is communicated,Encoding,:converting a message to symbolic form. Skill,attitude,knowledge, social-culture system,Channel,:the medium through which a message travels-selected by the source,Decoding,:retranslating a senders message,The,receiver,Feedback,loop:the final link in the process; puts the message back into the system as a check against misunderstanding,14,2.Distortion & Apprehension,Source of distortion:7 component,Communication Apprehension: undue tension & anxiety about oral,written communication,or both -more serious than that of people dread speaking in front of a group,Oral apprehensive-expect to find suitable job. Teacher-a dominant requirement,15,Class 9.Communication,9.2,Communication fundamentals,1.Direction of Communication,Downward,-flow from one level of a group or organization to a lower lever,upward,- flow to a higher lever,lateral,-taking place among members of the same group,among individuals at the same level,among any horizontally equivalent personnel.,16,2. Communication network,channels by which information flows,Formal network,:task-related communications that follow the authority chain -common-small group,Criteria Chain Wheel All-channel speed moderate fast fast accuracy high high moderate emergence of leader moderate high none member satisfaction moderate low high,Informal network: the communication grapeline Studies:only 10% of people act as liaison Suggestion:1.announce timetable;2.explain inconsistency; 3.emphasize the downside,upside; 4.openly discuss worst case.,17,3.Nonverbal Communication,Messages conveyed through body movement,the intonations or emphasis we give to words,facial expressions,& the physical distance between the sender & receiver,Kinesics:the study of body motions -gestures,facial configurations,Body language linked with spoken language convey fuller meaning,Actions speak louder than words,18,4. Choice of channel,Model of media richness,Channel richness,: the amount of information that can be transmitted during a communication episode richest-leanest,Capacity,-handle multiple cues simultaneously; facilitate rapid feedback;be very personal,message type,:nonroutine,ambiguous-routine,clear,information medium,:face-to-face talk,phone call,E-mail,memos-letters,flyers-bulletins-general reports,19,5.Barriers to effective Communication,Filtering,:a senders manipulation of information so that it will be seen more favorably by the receiver-tell what he wants to hear (condense number of levels,selective perception,:projecting their personal characteristics into communication as they encode or decode,emotions,:feelings at the time of receipt,language,:mean different things to different people,20,Class 9.Communication,9.3 In practice: Effective employee communication in leading companies undergoing dramatic change,21,Guidance based on 10 leading companies,CEOs commitment,managers match actions to words,commitment to 2-way communication,emphasis on face-to-face communication,shared responsibility for employee communication,dealing with bad news,message is shaped for its intended audience,treat communication as an ongoing process,22,ongoing process,5 common activities,Managers convey the rationale underlying decisions,timeliness is vital,communicate continually,link the big picture with the little picture,dont dictate the way people should feel about the news,23,8.4 Current issue in,Communication barriers between women men are often more direct than woman,“politically correct” Communication-cleansing words,sensitive to others feeling; less well understood,eliminating words; trade-off,cross-culture communication-barrier by semantics, connotations,tone difference,different perceptions,electronic Communication,24,


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