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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Class 4. Values, Attitudes and Job Satisfaction,4.1 Values,1,1.Concepts,Basic convictions that a specific mode of conduct or end-state of existence is personally or socially preferable to an opposite or converse mode of conduct or end-state of existence,Importance:,1.Laying foundation for attitudes, motivation via influencing perceptions; 2. Individuals are not value free, standard of behavior; aligning with the organizations policy,Value system,:,A hierarchy based on a ranking of an individuals values in terms of their intensity,2,2.Sources of,Value system,result of genetic component & learning,Biological parents.,A significant portion is genetically determined; Studies of twins reared apart demonstrate that 40% of the variation in work values;the majority is due to environment,In early years. A significant portion is established from parents,teachers,friends and others,societal values(culture).Learning and education,relatively stable and enduring. Absolute learning combined with genetic imprinting assuring,3,3.Types of values,(1)Allport,Theoretical:,the discovery of truth though a critical and rational approach,Economic:,the useful and practical,Aesthetic:,Form and harmony,Social:,the love of people,Political:,Acquisition of power and influence,Religious:,The unity of experience & understanding of the cosmos as a whole,4,3.Types of values,(2)Roceach values survey(RVS),Terminal: Desirable end-states of existence; the goals to pursue during ones lifetime,comfortable(exciting)life,sense of accomplishment,world of peace(beauty),equality,family(nation) security,freedom, happiness,inner harmony,mature love,pleasure,salvation, self-respect,social recognition,true friendship,wisdom.,Instrumental:preferable modes of behavior or means of achieving ones terminal values,ambitious,broad-minded,capable,cheerful,clean, honest, courageous,forgiving,helpful, imaginative,independent, intellectual,logical,loving,obedient,polite,responsible,self-control,5,3.Types of values,(2)Roceach values survey(RVS),Mean value rankings of Executive,Self-resect ,Family-se, freedom, sense of acco, happiness honest, responsible, capable, ambitious, independent ;,union members,family-secu, Freedom, happiness, self-respect, mature love responsible, honest, courageous, independent, capable,activists,Equality,world of peace, family-s honest happiness courageous, helpful, courageous, responsible, capable,6,3.Types of values,(3)Contemporary work cohorts,Protestant work ethic:,hard work; conservative; loyalty to the organization,Existential:Quality of life,nonconforming,seeks autonomy; loyalty to self; 1960s-mid-1970s,Pragmatic:Success,achievement,ambition,hard work; loyalty to career; mid-1970s-late 1980s,Generation X:Flexibility,job satisfaction,leisure time; loyalty to relationships 1990s,7,4.Values,Loyalty & Ethical Behavior,A decline in ethical standards? Self-centered,4 stages: The action of managers bosses is the most important factor influencing ethical behavior in organizations.,8,Class 4. Values, Attitudes and Job Satisfaction,4.2 Attitudes,9,1.Concept,Evaluative statements or judgement concerning objects,people,or events 3 components,cognitive component,-the opinion or belief segment of an attitude(value statement),affective component,- emotional or feeling,behavioral component,-An intention to behave in a certain way toward someone or sth.,Essentially refers to the affect part,10,2.Sources of Attitudes,Acquired from parents,teachers,peer group members,born with,early years,model or imitate those one admire,respect,fear,less stable(in contrast to values),affect job behavior,11,3. Types of Attitudes,job-related attitude(work environment),Job satisfaction,-an individuals general attitude toward his or her job(almost =),Job involvement,-the degree to which a person identifies with his(her)job, actively participates in it, consider the performance important to self-worth. negatively related to absenteeism,resignation rates; more consistently predict turnover than absenteeism;16% variance,12,3. Types of Attitudes,job-related attitude(work environment),Organizational commitment-,the degree to which an employee identifies with a particular organization and its goals,and wishes to maintain membership in it. negative relationships between Organizational commitment and absenteeism,turnover; better indicator of turnover than job satisfaction predictor,34% variance,13,4. Attitudes and,Consistency,People seek consistency among their attitudes & between their attitudes & behavior,seek to reconcile divergent attitudes and align their attitudes & behavior so they appear rational and consistent-Equilibrium state,Altering their attitudes or behavior,developing a rationalization for their discrepancy,14,5.Cognitive Dissonance Theory,Leon Festinger proposed in late 1950s,sought to explain the linkage between attitudes & behavior,Cognitive Dissonance,-any incompatibility between 2 or more,attitudes or between attitudes & behavior,any form of inconsistency is uncomfortable for one to attempt to reduce.-a stable state where there is a minimum of dissonance,the determinant factors:the,importance,of the elements, the degree of,influence,one believes,the,rewards,that may be involved in dissonance,15,6.Measuring the A-B relationship,the relationship between attitudes & behavior,Early research assumption,causal related,;,challenging in the late 1960s: unrelated or alightly; More recent research: moderator, contingency.,moderating variables:,1.specific, attitudes to “environment” “recycling”,the more significant 2.social constraints on behavior. Group pressure 3.experience with the attitude in question,self-perception theory,:,attitudes are used after the fact to make sense out of an action that has already occurred.,16,7. Attitudes Surveys,Obtaining information about employee attitudes to predict behavior in organizational context,Eliciting responses from employees though questionnaire about how they feel about their jobs, work groups,supervisors,&/or organization,5 rating scale,results frequently surprise management.the worst complaint,regular surveys supply feedback on employees perception,17,8. Attitudes & work force diversity,Concerned with changing attitudes to reflect shifting perspectives on racial,gender,& other diversity issues,investing in training to reshape attitudes of employees,self-evaluation phase,group discussion or panel,additional activities-volunteer work in community or social service,18,8. Attitudes & work force diversity,Changing attitudes to reflect shifting perspectives on racial,gender,and other diversity issues,diversity training program-self-evaluation phase,group discussion or panels,do volunteer work in community or social service centers,19,Class 4. Values, Attitudes and Job Satisfaction,4.3 Job Satisfaction -,dissect the concept more carefully,20,1. Measuring Job Satisfaction,An individuals general attitude toward his job,job elements,:obvious activities,require interaction with coworkers & bosses,following rules & policies, meeting performance standards,living with working conditions,single global rating,:respond to 1 question,summation score,(more accurate?):job facets-nature,supervision, present pay,promotion opportunities,relation with coworkers,simplicity wins out over complexity?,21,2. The status of Job Satisfaction in the workplace today,Held c. over time:70-80% of American workers reported their Satisfaction-=65,92%;=25,73%,Table 5-5:aspects, fewer that half gratified with pay, recognition,advancement opportunity,explanation: 1.inconsistencies between satisfaction & staying with their jobs-choose the same again? 2.genetics. Variables are not important, disposition toward life were carried over-positive or negative, hold over time,22,3.Determinants of Job Satisfaction,What job-related variables conducive to Satisfaction?,Mental challenging work,equitable rewards,supportive working conditions,supportive colleagues,personality-job fit. Hollands theory: personality types congruent with their vocations will find they have the right talents to complete the job,23,4. The effect of Job Satisfaction on employee performance,&,productivity,.,1.-60s wishful thinking, r=+0.14; 2. moderating variables,machine-paced job, stockbroker-general movement,higher lever; 3.direction of the causal arrow,reward?; 4.data gathered as a whole,interactions,absenteeism,. r=-0.4,negative relationship; 2. Moderator, reward; 3. Sears natural experiment,absent from work for avoidable reasons without penaity,Turnover.,stronger negative relationship; 2. Moderator, lever of performance(higher,),; labor market, length of tenure;general disposition to life,24,5.How employees to express dissatisfaction,Complaint,insubordinate,stealing,shirking,Active,exit voice,Destructive Constructive,neglect loyalty,Passive,25,


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