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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,书面表达能力训练(,5.1,),1,其它,1.,弄确实,弄确定,2.,弄清楚,3.,听从某人指点,4.,向,要,5.,向某人解释某事,6.,占据时间,/,空间,make sure,find out,take ones advice,follow ones instructions,ask for,explain sth. to sb.,take up,2,7.,向某人提供某物,8.,上升,增长,9.,听说,/,接到来信,10.,撒谎,/,说实话,11.,为某事,/,某人担心,12.,做决定决心做,supply sth. to sb.,go up/ rise,hear of/hear from,tell a lie / tell the truth,worry about/ be worried about/ be anxious about,be determined to do/make up ones mind to do,make a decision,3,警察正在努力查明谁是杀人犯。,2.,房价已经上涨了。,3.,请确定列车是否会按时到达。,4.,航班因有雾被推迟,机场官员向乘客们解释了情况。,The flight was delayed by the fog and the officer,explained the situation to passengers,.,The police are,trying their best,to,find out,who was the murderer.,Please,make sure,if the train will arrive on time.,The price for houses,has gone up,.,4,5.,我下定决心将来成为一名医生。,6.,因为担心下一场考试,我晚上难以入睡。,7.,这个地区遭遇了洪水,红十字会向难民们提供食物和必需品。,8.,我的原则是绝不说谎。,I,make it a rule,never to,tell a lie,.,Worried about,the coming exam, I can hardly fall asleep at night.,I have,made up my mind,to be a doctor in the future.,The area was hit by a flood and the Red Cross,supplied,the refugees,with,food and necessities.,5,9.,如果听从我的建议,你现在就不会有麻烦。,10.,我恐怕已经占用了您太多的时间。,11.,我已经好多年没收到你的来信了,你一直在忙些什么?,If you had,taken my advice, you would not be,in trouble,now.,Im afraid I have,taken up,too much of your time.,Its years since I,heard from,you. What have you been doing?,6,Period II,7,13.,把,分隔开,14.,尽最大努力,15.,和,做比较 把,比作为,16.,阻止某人做,17.,给某人树立榜样,separate from,make every effort/ spare no effort/ try ones best/ do ones best,stop,/prevent/,keep,sb. from doing sth.,set an example to sb.,compare with,compare to,8,18.,受,欢迎,19.,与时俱进,20.,发生,21.,取代,22.,迫切想做某事,23.,说服某人做某事,24.,提醒某人某事,keep pace with the times,take the place of,persuade sb. to do sth.,remind sb. of sth.,take place,be eager to do sth.,be popular with sb.,9,12.,北京这些年发生了巨大的变化。,Once he,makes up his mind,to do something, you can never,stop him from doing,it.,Compared with,the past, our life is much better now.,Great changes,have taken place,in Beijing in recent years.,Pop songs,are popular,nowadays, especially,with,young people.,15.,和过去相比现在我们的生活好多了。,13.,一旦他决定 做某事,你就阻止不了他。,14.,现在流行歌曲很受欢迎,尤其是受到年轻人的欢迎。,10,16.,这些照片使我想起了过去的那些美好日子。,The photos,remind,me,of,the good old days in the past.,17.,我父亲过去烟瘾很重,但是我们已经说服他戒烟了。,My father used to be a heavy smoker but we have,persuaded,him,to,quit smoking.,18.,计算机不能完全取代人所做的工作。,Computer cannot completely,take the place of,the woke done by humans.,19.,我们应该多学习以便能跟上时代的步伐。,We ought to learn more so that we will,keep the pace with the times,.,11,20.,每个人都不遗余力的工作,我们的确干得很出色。这真是一次难忘的经历。,Everybody,spared no effort to work,. We really,did,a wonderful job. It,was,an unforgettable experience for me.,21.,作为父亲,你应该给你的孩子树立一个好榜样。,As father, you ought to,set a good example to,your child.,12,Period III,13,25.,对,开放,26.,坚持计划,27.,坚持要做,28.,谋生,29.,为取得的成就而自豪,30.,同意某人的意见 与相吻合,be open to,stick to ones plan,agree with,insist on doing sth.,make /earn ones living,be proud of ones success/,progress,/achievements,14,31.,与,相爱爱上 了某人,32.,许愿,33.,为,作准备已 经准备好了,34.,为,争论,35.,经历艰难困苦,36.,存在于,make a promise,argue about sth.,go through(experience) hardship,prepare for(get ready for)/,be prepared for(be ready for),lie in,be /fall in love with sb.,15,22.,经历过艰难困苦之后,孩子才能长大。,Real happiness,lies in,helping others.,A child will never grow up until he,goes through some hardship,.,My father,made a promise,that he would send me abroad for further education.,23.,真正的快乐来自于帮助他人。,24.,我父亲许诺他将会送我出国深造。,25.,我坚持我的学习计划,无论发生什么。,I,stick to my study plan, no matter what happens.,16,26.,我们正忙着准备高考,我认为我已做好了充分的准备。,We,are busy preparing for,the College Entrance Examination and I think I am,well,prepared for it.,Never be proud of your success and you will make greater achievements.,27.,不要对成功沾沾自喜,这样你才会取得更大的成 就。,17,


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