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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second Level,Third Level,Fourth Level,Fifth Level,Chinese Perspective on Health & Safety in Factories,从中国观点看工厂的健康与安全,ETI China Conference,Guangzhou May 11, 2004,Pentland Group,Wei Dong Zhou,Pentland,集团商务标准部,东南亚代表,周卫东先生发言,Chinese Perspective on Health & Safety in Factories,从中国观点看工厂的健康与安全,ETI China Conference,Guangzhou May 11, 2004,Pentland Group,Wei Dong Zhou,Pentland,集团商务标准部,东南亚代表,周卫东先生发言,I n t r o d u c t i o n t o,Ethical Trading Initiative,Conference,公正商贸联盟介绍会,11/5/2004,公正商贸联盟,About,Pentland Group,关于,Pentland,集团,The History,Private Business - Rubin Family,Begins life as the Liverpool Shoe Company in 1932,Sells fashion shoes to UK retailer,Today,Managing 10 brands and sold products over 170 countries with annual retail sales of US$2 billion,Purchase US$700 million product from China each year,Series of sports, leisure, outdoor and fashion brands,想当年,鲁宾,(,Rubin),家族,於,1932,年在英,国,成立,售卖時尚鞋类产品到零售商,今天,品牌管理跨,国,集,团,年销售额20亿美金,每年从中国采购的货物约7亿美金,各,类运动,、户外,活动,、及,紧,貼流行,时,尚的,产,品,How We Do Business,我们做生意的原则,Group Sourcing principle,集团的采购政策,Our approach is to do business with suppliers who adopt and compliance with our business standards or,只与采纳和实施本集团商务标准的供货商,Their policies commit with similar standards and,或其政策体现出相同标准的供货商发展业务,并:,Comply with local laws and regulations,自觉遵守当地的法律法规;,Comply with international conventions and rules,遵守国际公约和国际惯例;,Identify and promote good practice on Corporate Social Responsibility,探索和推广企业社会责任的良好实践。,Business Code of Conduct,集团供货商应遵守的商务标准守则,Living wages to be paid,确保最低,工,资,Working hours to be not excessive,禁止超长时间工作,Working conditions to be safe and hygienic,提供安全卫生的工作環境,Child,labour,not to be used,禁止使用童工,No forced,labour,禁止强迫劳动,No discrimination,遵,守不歧視原則,No harsh or inhuman treatment,禁止,残酷,的或非人道的待遇,Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining,尊重自由结社和集,体谈判,的,权,利,Regular employment to be provided,提供稳定的就,业机会,Health and Safety Problems in Chinese Factory,中国工厂的安全卫生管理问题,Management System Issue,工厂管理的问题,Workers,Issue,工人的问题,Owner Issue,老板的问题,Management System,工厂管理的问题,More emphasis on production rather than safety. Poor safety basis create lot of hidden danger,重生产,轻安全,安全基础差,隐患多,Inappropriate storage, usage and process of dangous chemical product. No protection,measurement or warning signs,危险化学品的存放、使用和处理不当,没有保护措施或警告标志(,MSDS),Personal Protection Equipment is not available or not effectively used by workers,工人没有个人防护用品(,PPE),,或者没有有效使用,Workers are exposed to high noise environment. No effective engineering method to control or,isolate noise source,工人暴露高噪音环境中,没有采取有效的工程方法控制或隔离噪声源,No formal policy for accident reporting, investigation or handling. No,prevention measurement to avoid the reoccurrence of the same or similar accidence,没有正规的事故报告、调查和处理制度;没有预防措施,相同或相似事故重复发生,Workers,Issue,工人的问题,Lack of,safety and hygiene knowledge, insufficient training before taking up the post.,安全卫生知识缺乏,岗前培训不足,Unsafe operation as a result of piece,work-based salary,计件工资制导致不按安全操作规范作业,High turnover rate of the immigrant labour,外来农民工多,流动性强,Poor communication with manager,s and supervisors,与主管、班组长沟通技巧差,Most workers lack the confidence to protect their own right,多数工人缺乏维权自信心,Managers Issue,老板的问题,Managers do not care management ignorance and meanness,老板不愿管理 - 视而不见,一毛不拔,A few,managers do not want to invest in health and safety,少数工厂老板不愿投资健康安全,Disregard the health and,safety problem until accidence happen,放任工厂健康安全问题,出了事再说,“Rather pay for the coffin than the medicine”宁愿花钱买棺材,也不愿花钱买药,Managers Issue,老板的问题,Managers do not understand management employing indigenous methods,老板不懂管理 -“土法上马,偏方治理”,Simple and rude, using “police catching thief” method简单粗暴,采取“警察抓小偷式”办法,,Security,staff inspect all around the factory, imposing fine once violation of regulation is found,保安全厂巡逻,发现违章操作就罚款,Managers do not know management-“No scientific methods result in big investment but poor result”,老板不会管理 不讲科学,投入大效果差,Inappropriate,safety,organisation,or,no,implementation of policy. An showy safety production committee with no practical use,安全组织不合理或制度没有实施, “花架子”安全生产委员会,Safety inspection become a mere formality. No prevention measurement,安全检查流于形式,没有预防措施,Irregular,safety training,安全培训时有时无,No,standardised,process for workplace accidence investigation,工伤事故调查处理,不规范,Managers Issue,老板的问题,Solutions 解决的途径,Basic principles 基本原则:,Prevention as the first priority, and to combine with control, strengthen the “3 simultaneously” “,预防为主,防治结合”,狠抓“三同时”,Three ways 三个途径:,Authorities to strengthen supervision - safety production supervision bureau,政府相关部门要加强监督 - 安全生产监督局,Managers awareness of safety investment: 7:4:1,管理层的安全投入意识: 7:4:1,Workers awaress of self protection - effective training methods工人的自我保护意识 有效的培训方法,Chinese,Safety Law,中国的安全生产法,Passed on 29 June 2002 in the 28,th Conference of the Standing Committee of the National Peoples Congress. Enforced on 1st November 2002, through 21 years effort despite all the difficulties,2002,年6月29日 全国人大常委会二十八次会议通过,自2002年11月1日起执行,历经艰辛,21年立一法,97 terms in 7,chapters, around 11700 words,安全生产法共有七章97条,约11700字,Chapter 11-15General Principle,第一章 1-15 总则,Chapter 216-43Enterprise,第二章 16-43 企业,Chapter 344-52Employee,第三章 44-52 职工,Chapter 453-67Government and Social Intermediates,第四章 53-67 政府及社会中介,Chapter 568-76Emergency Provision,第五章 68-76 应急预案,Chapter 677-95Legal responsibilities,第六章 77-95 法律责任,Chapter 796-97Supplementary Articles,第七章 96-97 附则,Impact of the New Safety Law (28 Terms ) ,安全法对企业及经营者的要求(28条),Set up and improve the,safety production responsibility system: Main person in charge or chief position is the first responsibility holder and is responsible for overall performance,建立、健全本单位安全生产责任制: 主要负责人或者正职:第一责任者,负全面责任,Safety production management department should be set up in factories of more than 300 employees, equipped with professional safety production management personnel,从业人员超过300人,应设置安全生产管理机构,配备专职安全生产管理人员,Provide,safety training to employees. Not allow to work without passing the training,对从业人员的安全培训,未经培训合格不得上岗,Special operation taker should receive special training and obtain duty pass including electrician, welder, electric welder etc,对特种作业人员实施专门培训,持证上岗。如电工,焊工,电焊工等,Management of dangeous product: set up file,examine, evaluate and control in regular manner, assign special person to oversee,危险物品管理:应登记建档,定期检测、评估、监控,安排专人监护,Provide,qualified protection equipment for employees and supervise the proper use of the equipment,为从业人员提供合格的防护用品,并监督其正确使用,Forbid closing or blocking up the exit of production work place and employee dormitory,禁止封闭、堵塞生产场所与员工宿舍的出口,Conduct regular safety check, set up and implement accident emergency rescue provision,定期的安全检查,制定并实施事故应急救援预案,Must take part in,industrial injury social security (Term 43),必须参加工伤社会保险(第四十三条),Impact of the New Safety Law (28 Terms) ,安全法对企业及经营者的要求(28条),Legal Responsibility (19 Terms)法律责任(共19条),Types,责任类型包括:,A. Administration responsibility: responsibility of government, enterprise units and social groups,行政责任:,政府及其有关企事业单位、社会团体的责任,Administrative sanction,行政处分,Administration punishment 行政处罚,B. Civil responsibility,民事责任,Property,responsibility: eg. Loss compensation, violation of treaty payment,财产责任:如赔偿损失、支付违约金等,Non property,responsibility: eg. Apologize and resume reputation,非财产责任:如赔礼道歉、恢复名誉等,C. Criminal responsibility,刑事责任,Legal punishment including: surveillance, detain, fixed term imprisonment, life imprisonment and fine etc,法律制裁包括:管制、拘留、有期徒刑、无期徒刑、罚金等,Legal Responsibility of Owners,企业负责人的法律责任,1)Not,conform with legal provisions to ensure investment in safety and no safety production condition (Term 80),不依法保证资金投入,无安全生产条件(第八十条),Criminal responsibility if result in accidence and commit crime,导致事故发生,构成犯罪的,追究,刑事责任,Dismiss the main person in charge and impose fine of RMB20,000-200,000 Yuan if not constituting criminal punishment,不够刑事处罚的对主要负责人给予撤职处分,对投资人罚款(220万元),2)Not,performing safety production management responsibility (Term 81),不履行安全生产管理职责的(第八十一条),Criminal responsibility if result in accidence and commit crime,导致事故发生,构成犯罪的,追究,刑事责任,Dismiss the main person in charge and impose fine of RMB20,000-200,000 Yuan if not constituting criminal punishment,不够刑事处罚的对主要负责人给予撤职处分,对投资人罚款(220万元),3),Safety equipment and facility not conforming to requirement (Term 83),安全设备设施不符合要求(第八十三条),Correct within d,eadline,限期改正stop production and business to re,tify,停产停业整顿fine up to,RMB50,000 Yuan,并5万元内罚款,Criminal responsibility,刑事责任,4)Signing,invalid agreement with employees (Term 89),与从业人员签订无效协议(第八十九条),agreement invalidate 协议无效fine between,RMB20,000 to 100,000 Yuan,处210万元罚款,5)The main,person in charge covering up the accidence, leaving post without permission or escape (Term 91),主要负责人对事故隐瞒不报、擅离职守或逃匿(第九十一条),Demote or dismiss,降职、撤职处分,detain up to 15 days 15,日以下拘留,criminal responsibility (plus fine),刑事责任(另+罚款),Legal Responsibility of Owners,企业负责人的法律责任,Related training 相关的培训,1)Organised by government,safety management supervision institution and recognised agency,政府安全管理监督机构和认可的中介机构举办,Safety management training to manufactory manager,厂长经理的安全管理培训,Training to registered safety director,注册安全主任的培训,2),Good Practice,公司的良好实践,Training to emegency rescuer 急救员培训,Training of fire,proof emergency handling,防火应急培训,Special training of dangeous chemical product management 危险化学品管理的专业培训,Safe,ty and Health Committee in the enterprise,企业安全健康委员会,Working Together with ETI,利用,ETI,的平台,共同改善提高,We hope: to,fully use the resources of ETI to,我们希望:充分利用,ETI,的资源优势,Share information 交流信息,Share and promote good practise of safe and health management 分享并促进安全健康管理的良好实践,Reduce learning cost and time through good experience and practise of others 通过他人已取得的经验和良好实践,降低学习成本和时间,Improve and enhance together共同改善提高,


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