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按一下以編輯母片標題樣式,按一下以編輯母片,第二層,第三層,第四層,第五層,*,*,*,Marketing on the Internet”,Beijing Institute of Technology,Lecture 3:,eMarketing (2),By Clare Sham,Email: sclare,9/11/2024,1,Well cover ,Why online ad so attractive,Forms of internet ad,Scope of Targeting,What is Rich media,Ad inventory,eCouponing / ePromotion / Loyalty Program,Viral Marketing,9/11/2024,2,Online Advertising -,Why it is attractive to Advertisers,Best tool to track users,Collect transactional data on users,Targeting,Behavior tracking & user profiling,Provide direct & quantifiable link between advertising & sales,Interactivity,Cost-Efficiency,Vast user base,9/11/2024,3,More Measurable & Accountable,Answers “which half of advertising works.”,measure relationship between advertising & sales,Real-Time Measurement,detailed performance reports,allows mid-campaign adjustment to increase effectiveness,9/11/2024,4,Tracking,Internet provides better tracking,Data collection tools,Serve as foundation for targeting,Track behavior of users,Track intent to purchase,9/11/2024,5,Role of Cookies,Critical role in tracking users,A unique identifier,Stored on a PC hard drive when user visit certain web site,Able to follow users trail of browsing, researching & transacting process,Keep track of transactional data & intent of purchase,9/11/2024,6,Targeting,Psychographics,based on user behavioral patterns,categories or clusters,Demographics,user provided demographic information,user privacy assured,9/11/2024,7,Targeting,User Interest,site categories,specific site or page,keyword,Geography,country,state,zip,9/11/2024,8,Targeting,Micro Targeting,company name,domain targeting,company size,industry type,SIC code targeting,Tech Targeting,high level domain,education (.edu), government (.gov),operating system,browser type,service provider,Who will advertise?,Technology & telecom-related companies,Considered Purchases,Require research before purchase,eg. Travel & automobiles,Highly varied items & Services - large database,eg. Job Search,Electronic Delivery Service,eg. Financial services, insurance, credit card issuers,9/11/2024,10,US Top Internet Advertising Categories in 1998,Consumer26%,Computing24%,Financial Services15%,Telecom11%,New Media 9%,Other 15%,Source: Internet Advertising Bureau,9/11/2024,11,Is Internet advertising about branding or direct response?,9/11/2024,12,Direct marketers focus on lead generating responses.,The “Click”,Research Proves Branding Impact,9/11/2024,13,Internet Advertising is a Combination of Media and Technology,9/11/2024,14,Request for,Ad from,AMS,IP Address,Country,Domain,Company,Browser,Operating System,User Profile,Business User,New York,Targeted Ad is,Delivered to Anonymous User,Ad Management,Software,How Dynamic Advertising Works,9/11/2024,15,What form does it take?,Banner,Side Frame / Sponsorships,Pop-up Windows,Interstitials,Push Advertisement,Free ISP Banner / Tool Bar,E-Mail,9/11/2024,16,Banners,Billboard-type ad placed at the top of a web page,When users click on it, users will be lead to advertisers web site.,The most common form of online advertisement,9/11/2024,17,Key Response Drivers:,Message,Frequency,Targeting,Building Traffic - Banner Ads,9/11/2024,18,Side Frame / Sponsorships,Goal: putting ads in context,Offer strong identification of advertisers to user,9/11/2024,19,Pop-up Windows,New windows that can be closed immediately or used to request information or lead to transactions.,Usually pop up when users enter a site,9/11/2024,20,Interstitials,Large, nearly full-screen ads that often appear on browsers as a new page is loading.,Superstitials:,enhanced version of interstitials developed by Unicast,Offers media-rich technology,9/11/2024,21,Push Advertisement,Similar to a banner ad,It follows user when user scrolls down the page,Always in users view,9/11/2024,22,Free ISP Banner / Tool Bars,Free ISPs offer Internet access in return for user information,Enable the free ISPs to target advertising based upon users characteristics,9/11/2024,23,E-Mail,Direct mail on the Internet,Users may receive:,plain text,text with links to a web site,graphics,interactive features,9/11/2024,24,Scope of Targeting,Run-of-network,Run-of-channel,Run-of-specific site,9/11/2024,25,Players,Double-Click (DART for Advertisers),Operates via Asiacontent in Asia,24/7 Media (24/7 Connect),Operate via C,Engage (AudienceNet),Plans to launch via CMGI Asia,Avenue A: No operations in Asia,9/11/2024,26,How advertiser evaluate website?,Unique user : A unique browser (as identify by cookie) that visits (accesses) a website. If a user deletes the cookie, upgrades the browser, or use a different browser, a new unique user is counted,Average visit: The average number of times each unique user visits a given site during a specified period of time,Average visit Length: The amount of time a user spends in a website during a specified period of time,Impression: One ad served.,Average Pageveiw: One download of a web page by a user. There can be multiple impressions in one page,Audience Profile,9/11/2024,27,4 Types of Payment style,CPM,impressions calculate by cost per thousand,CPC,Click-through,CPT,Lead generation,Revenue Sharing when purchase,9/11/2024,28,What is Rich Media?,Anything that is not just a .gif:,HTML,Java,Flash,(,flash.htm),Enliven,(,enliven.htm,),Video/Audio - Real Networks,Unicast,DHTML,(,dhtmlcursors.htm,;,dhtmlsponsorships.htm,;,ctw/default.htm,),Pop-Ups/Interstitials,(,inline.htm,;,popups.htm,;,superstitial.htm,),9/11/2024,29,Why Rich Media?,Brings Interactivity to Ads,Measurable,New = Better Response Rates,Brand Impact,Data Capture,9/11/2024,30,The Research,Response Increase,Wired Study - 340% Increase,Increase in Brand Perception,Wired Study 15% Increase,Increased Recall,60%+ Recall,9/11/2024,31,Barriers To Adoption,Reach,plug-ins,browser types & systems,File Size & Bandwidth,Difficulty of Creation/Management,Consistent Measurement,Site Acceptance,9/11/2024,32,Things To Know,Internet Advertising Agency,Modem Media Poppy Tyson,Grey Interactive,APL Digital,Beyond Interactive,Web Connection,Internet Advertising Network,DoubleClick,24/7,Engage,RealMedia,AdMomentum,9/11/2024,33,Things To Know,Ad Management Software,DoubleClick DART,Engage AdKnowledge,RealMedia OpenAdStream,AdForce,9/11/2024,34,How to determine ad inventory,Unlike traditional medium, there is pre-determined ad inventory (eg. 10 of TVC per hour).,For internet, inventory will only be created if there is a pageview generate by the user,Therefore, how much inventory should I offer to a client ?,A sophisticated AdManagement Software should able to project the inventory available to sell during a certain period of time base on advertisers requirements,Always check with your traffic manager before committing to the advertiser, and whenever possible, place booking immediately upon confirmation,9/11/2024,35,eCouponing & ePromotion,Reports from Jupiter Communications,74% internet purchaser buy online because lower prices,49% motivated by online coupons to purchase product offline,Save Time! (thru “pull” sites & “push” email),Sweet Spot (high rates of return),9/11/2024,36,eCouponing & ePromotion,Require Registration information,Opt-in process (reach receptive audience),Targeting (self-described likes & dislikes from clickstream),9/11/2024,37,Loyalty Programs,eg. “frequent-flier” programs,Accumulate points thru online & offline purchase,Migrate consumers up the value chain (encourage larger purchase),9/11/2024,38,Factors drive success for eCoupons & ePromotion,Offer: drive up conversion ratios,Coupon:,Offline: easily printable but no duplicable,Online: seamless ability to purchase product online,Privacy: clear privacy statements posted & stick on it!,Customer Relations,9/11/2024,39,Trends,Integrate redemption across offline & online,Actual paper coupon will disappear,Automated transfer via credit card, eg. Cybergold,9/11/2024,40,Players:,CoolS,CouponS,C,MyP,B,9/11/2024,41,Group Project,Branding Strategy,Mission & Objectives,Market Analysis,PEST,SWOT,Competitor Analysis local & global,Customer Segmentation & Need,Samples, on the web,9/11/2024,42,


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