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Cliquez pour modifier le style du titre du masque,Cliquez pour modifier les styles du texte du masque,Deuxime niveau,Troisime niveau,Quatrime niveau,Cinquime niveau,*,TPM METHOD,TPM,GLOBAL INDICATOR: THE TRS,TRS =,Quality production time,Opening time,TRS =,Number of good parts produced x Cycle time,Opening time,Cycle time = Initial reference + improvements,Initial ref. = Minimum technical time,TPM,RELIABILITY INDICATOR,Average of good working time,MTBF =,Actual production time,Number of real stoppages,TPM,RELIABILITY INDICATOR = MTBF (mean time between failure),It is the average duration in minutes during which the machine or the installation functioned without any stoppages.,The stoppages are:,- machine breakdowns,- breakdowns related to tools,- breakdowns related to the product,- stoppages for change-overs (used or broken),- stoppages for frequent adjustments,- stoppages for inspection (SPC sampling),- stoppages for maintenance,Stoppages for tool change-overs are not taken into account,TPM,BREAKDOWNS AND MICRO-STOPPAGES:,BREAKDOWNS,Stoppages = 5mins,Not often,Systematically noted,Stoppage affects the entire working group,Intervention of an expert,Research necessary before start-up,Identifiable causes,MICRO-STOPPAGES,Stoppages 15 mins: Expert, 30 mins: Maintenance,2,1,3,4,TPM: BREAKDOWNS,TREATMENT METHODOLOGY,Create or modify if necessary the routine sheet of preventive maintenance,Apply the new standard,Steering,: Supervisor,Execution,: Maintenance Prof. + Supervisor,Method,: Update and validation of routine sheet.,Steering,: Supervisor,Execution,: Operators + Maintenance Prof.,Method,: Following the level of maintenance, define the training needs and train the contributors,Steering,: Animation to reach objectives,Execution,: Application of formalised instructions,5,6,The history of breakdowns is the back-up document of the process, it is found on the machine and is available for everybody.,It is completed by the person carrying out the given task,TPM: BREAKDOWNS,WEEKLY MEETING,SUBJECT: breakdowns encountered during the week,PARTICIPANTS: supervisor and maintenance technician,GOAL: ensure that the definitive measures have been implemented to avoid any recurrence of breakdowns,PLAN:,weekly breakdown inventory for the past week,examine causes,actions to be implemented,TPM,MICRO-STOPPAGES : CHARACTERISATION,Shut-down 5mn,Often,No records,Little or no perception by the group,Easy start-up without elimination of the cause (suppression of the effect),Unidentified cause,Little motivation to eliminate them because little perceived impact on production,Strongly involves the operators and automatic installation people for tasks without Added Value,TPM: MICROSTOPPAGES,TREATMENT METHODOLOGY,From the noted effect, define the diagnosis method of causes,Register the micro-stoppages,Select the micro- stoppage to be treated,Quantify the causes (counting),Identify the possible causes of the micro- stoppage,PROCESS,People Concerned,Methods,Steering,: Supervisor,Execution,: Operators, Supervisor, Maintenance and Manufacturing Engineering Technicians,Method,: meetings on the shopfloor with problem solving tools ( Pareto - Brain Storming - 5M cause-effect diagram - 5 Whys),Steering,: Supervisor,Execution,: Technicians and Operators,Method,: Use of exhaustive film of all the machine anomalies (with follow-up of human intervention). Pareto,Steering,: Supervisor,Execution,: Operators,Method,: Noted on numbered workstation form (counting),Steering,: Supervisor,Execution,: Maintenance Expert,Method,: Formalise and train the operator in diagnosis,2,1,3,5,4,Select the machines,TPM: MICROSTOPPAGES,TREATMENT METHODOLOGY,Create or modify if necessary the routine sheet of preventive maintenance,Select the causes to be treated in priority,Set-up the solutions,Look for solutions,Continue with the counting of causes of the micro-stoppage,Steering,: Supervisor,Execution,: Manufacturing Engineering Technician - Maintenance Prof. - Operators,Method,: Depending on the level of machine modification and/or level of maintenance,Define the training needs and train the contributors,Steering,: Supervisor,Execution,: PSG members,Method,: Pareto - Balancing - Brain storming,Steering,: Supervisor,Execution,: Operators,Method,: Noted on workstation form (counting),Apply the new standard,9,7,6,10,8,11,TPM,ROLE OF THE OPERATOR,PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE,Carry out production operations correctly and set up the machine,Do inspection of the machine everyday,Maintain the performance of the machine,Cleaning, Greasing,Tightening,Apply the self maintenance routine sheets,Communicate with maintenance department,Carry out the counting of micro-stoppage registration sheets,Carry out the recording of micro-stoppages causes,Participate with engineering and trial of new equipment,TPM,ROLE OF THE OPERATOR,CURATIVE MAINTENANCE,Prepare the machine conditions for repair,Give their feelings about the machine and their opinions about the working conditions,Assist technicians during repair and heavy maintenance,Participate in PSG to identify solutions for micro-stoppage and breakdown,TPM: MICRO-STOPPAGES,OPERATOR TRAINING,Steps during which the operator becomes trained,Elaboration of cause-effect diagram,Diagnosis of the causes of micro-stoppages,Research for solutions,Creation or modification of the preventive maintenance routine sheet,Acquired knowledge,Construction of a cause-effect diagram, methodology and research of causes, knowledge of factors responsible for the correct functioning of the machine,Diagnosis methodology of a malfunction,Technical knowledge,Knowledge of machine maintenance needs,TPM,PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE,Train and assist the operators,Improve the reliability of the machine and standardise identical equipment,capability, features,cycle time,Improve maintainability,Do technical inspection that need expertise,Continuous improvement of maintenance organization,Participate in the engineering of new equipment,ROLE OF THE MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT,TPM,Examples of visual means,Position markings (machines, tooling, tools, products, etc.),Colour coding by function, product or workshop,Light paint on dirty objects,Cupboards without doors,Etc.,VISUAL ORGANISATION,Experience analysis,TPM: preventive maintenance,Janvier,Fvrier,Mars,Avril,Mai,Juin,Juillet,Septembre,Octobre,Novembre,Dcembre,Vidange moteur,Vrification serrage vis support bti,Graissage carter,Contrle tension et usure courroie,Contrle dimensionnel axe,Machine,Atelier,Configuration initiale,Date:,Ensemble,Note:,Nouvelle configuration,Board for scheduling the preventive maintenance,Preventive maintenance procedure,Report of the inspection anomalies,Historical account,1,2,3,3,4,5,Weekly meetings,Property of Valeo - Duplication prohibited,Janvier,Fvrier,Mars,Avril,Mai,Juin,Juillet,Septembre,Octobre,Novembre,Dcembre,Vidange moteur,Vrification serrage vis support bti,Graissage carter,Contrle tension et usure courroie,Contrle dimensionnel axe,Board or datasheet for scheduling the preventive maintenance,To be done,JL,Observed defect,finished,JL,Nothing wrong,TPM: preventive maintenance,Working conditions,Property of Valeo - Duplication prohibited,EXAMPLES,Obvious TPM,Visual mark for Min and Max levels,Mark to locate the stop position of a mobile part of a machine,Red mark for pressure manometer,Important screws with nut tightening are repaired with visual mark (see 2 on page 49),Grease locations are highlighted with arrows, numbered and coloured,Part list is labelled on containers (oil tank, pump for greasing operations.),EXAMPLES,Obvious TPM,1,2,3,FIELD APPLICATION,TPM,PILOT WORKSHOP,CRITERIA,Line or bottle-neck machines (in order to gain capacity and availability),Presenting a low MTBF,Strongly penalising the flow,Semi-automatic installations consisting of manual workstations (the activity of the operator depends upon the good functioning of the installation),schedules,Preliminary 5S operations,implementation of cleaning procedure,implementation of inspection procedure,visual organisation,TPM methodology,TRS measure,MTBF measure,Treatment of breakdowns,Treatment of micro-stoppages,Complement the preventive maintenance procedure,TPM,TPM: MICROSTOPPAGES,TREATMENT METHODOLOGY,From the noted effect, define the diagnosis method of causes,Record the micro-stoppages,Select the micro- stoppage to be treated,Quantify the causes (counting),Identify the possible causes of the micro- stoppage,PROCESS,People Concerned,Methods,Steering,: Supervisor,Execution,: Operators, Supervisor, Maintenance and Manufacturing Engineering Technicians,Methods,: meetings on the shopfloor with problem solving tools ( Pareto - Brain Storming - 5M cause-effect diagram - 5 Whys),Steering,: Supervisor,Execution,: Technicians and Operators,Methods,: Use of exhaustive film of all the machine anomalies (with follow-up of human intervention). Pareto,Steering,: Supervisor,Execution,: Operators,Methods,: Noted on numbered workstation form (counting),Steering,: Supervisor,Execution,: Maintenance Expert,Methods,: Formalise and train the operator in diagnosis,2,1,3,5,4,Select the machines,TPM: MICROSTOPPAGES,TREATMENT METHODOLOGY,Create or modify if necessary the preventive maintenance routine sheet,Select the causes to treat in priority,Set-up the solutions,Look for solutions,Continue the counting of the causes of the micro-stoppage,Steering,: Maintenance, Manufacturing Engineering,Execution,: Manufacturing Engineering Technician - Maintenance Prof. - Operators,Method,: Depending on level of machine modification and/or level of maintenance,Define the training needs and train the contributors,Steering,: PSG Leader,Execution,: PSG team members,Method,: Pareto - Balancing - Brain storming,Steering,: Supervisor,Execution,: Operators,Method,: Registered on workstation sheet (counting),Apply the new standard,9,7,6,10,8,11,Look for solutions,TPM WORKSHOPS RESULTS,FEEDBACK TO DESIGN,specification book,set up / start of the machine,Updating of preventive routine datasheet,Collection of experience,Building of preventive maintenance booklet,FMECA,5S,TPM,Supplier,advices,breakdown,Micro-stoppages,Quality,Safety,PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE ELABORATION,FMECA,TPM: FMECA,Failure Modes and Effects Criticality Analysis,Tool to improve understanding of the working conditions and the stop risks of a machine,Identify the weak parts of a machine,Study effects of failure (Reliability Maintainability Risk Safety),Study and plan solutions for corrective and preventive actions to improve reliability,Rules to operate the machine to its optimum,TPM: FMECA,Thinking approach,CAUSE,: Why did it occur ?,EFFECT,: What has happened according to the machine operator ? The machine itself ?,TPM: FMECA,Quotation,Gravity,value,Minor,Midle,Critical,disastrous,Repair time,60mn or quality / saafety risk,Frequency,value,Annual,quarterly,weekly,daily,Less 1 fault/year,rMax,1 fault/quater,Max,1 fault/week,1 fault/day,Detection,probability,Minor,Middle,Critical,disastrous,Detection,probability,Previous signs before failure leading to preventive maintenance,Previous indications but none noticeable for the operator,No Previous sign before failure,Previous signs before failure but difficult to see by the operator,Correctives actions,TPM: FMECA,Risk priority index,IPR = G x F x D,1,16,64,IPR,causes number,correctives actions,necessary,THE MAINTENANCE PLAN,TPM,The current maintenance plans are established from recommendations from the machine manufacturer and do not take into account any specific use and realities observed in the field,THE MAINTENANCE PLAN,TPM,The TPM approach allows the :,Organisation of observations,Construction of maintenance plans from the observation of,reality,Training of operators from these new plans,TPM,MISSION AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF A TPM LEADER,Definitions,Mission of area,Concise summary of what the studied organisation section should carry out,Responsibilities (of area and its members),Areas of activity or of competence in which the area has been delegated, was designated for or is considered as particularly competent,Activities of section members (the actors),Concrete tasks are carried out by the personnel in order to assume their responsabilities and accomplish their mission,TPM,Process,Determination of the mission and of responsibilities,Determination of customers and of their requirements,Determination of suppliers and of their requests,Validation of requests with the customers,Validation of requests with the suppliers,Evaluation and redistribution of means to satisfy the new requests - action plans,Implementation and follow-up of indicators,MISSION AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF A TPM LEADER,


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