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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 4 Global warming,Grammar,1,1,.,It i,s,human activity,that,has caused this global warming rather than a random but natural phenomenon.,Important sentences in the passage,It is,2.,It was,a scientist called Charles Keeling,who,made accurate measurements of the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere,.,3.,It is,the burning of more and more fossil fuels,that,has resulted in this increase in carbon dioxide.,It is,It was,that,that,who,2,It is /was,that,/who,Emphatic pattern,(强调句型),:,3,归纳总结,4,什么是强调句?, 强调句就是为了强调说话人的意图,突出感情的句子。,强调句型基本结构:,I,t is/was+,被强调部分,+that(who)+,其他部分,注意,:,(,被强调部分,可以是,:,主语,宾语,表语或状语,但,绝不能是谓语,),意为“正是,”,5,It is,in,this s,chool,that,we study,.,We study in this school,.,It is,we,that/who,study in this school.,看图说话,6,Mr Huang , our headteacher, teaches us biology.,It is,Mr Huang,our headteacher,that/who,teaches us biology.,It is,biology,that,Mr Huang,our headteacher teaches us.,7,It is,Mr Hu,that/who,teaches us Chinese .,It is,Chinese,that,Mr Hu teaches us.,8,maths,physics,chemistry,9,新知汲取,10,1.,强调句的,一般疑问式,:,Is / Was it +,被强调部分,+that / who +,其他,?,特别注意:,2.,强调句的,特殊疑问式,:,疑问词,+,is/was it that,+,其他,?,(被强调部分),“到底,/,究竟,?”,11,It is,in,this s,chool,that,we study,.,It is,we,that,study in this school.,It is,Mr Huang,our headteacher,that,teaches us biology.,It is,biology,that,Mr Huang,our headteacher teaches us.,Where is it that,we study,?,Who is it that,study in this school,?,Who is it that,teaches us biology,?,What is it that,Mr Huang teaches us,?,12,It is,Mr Hu,that/who,teaches us Chinese .,It is,Chinese,that,Mr Hu teaches us.,Who is it that,teaches us Chinese,?,What is it that,Mr Hu teaches us,?,13,特别注意:,3.,not . until,的强调句式,:,It is/was not until .,+ that,+,其他,.,“直到,才”,14,We cant leave school until 11:50 every day.,11:50,leave school,It is not until,11:50,every day,that,we can leave school .,遣词造句,15,We cant go home until the end of the month.,The end of the month/,go home,It is,not until,the end of the month,that,we,can,go home .,16,活学活用,17,A Letter to My Parents,Dear Mom and Dad,I miss you! I love you !But,how should I convey my deep love to you?,You,encourage me and help me.,Your love,gives me the best things in life.,Your sacrifices,help me achieve my goals in life.,Your appreciation,lights me up in difficulties. I have learned that the best way to reach my goals is to work hard and never give up,by watching you,!,I wont stop to love you until the end of my life!,I am so proud of you!,All My Everlasting Love,Your Son/Daughter,18,A Letter to My Parents,Dear Mom and Dad,I miss you! I love you !But,how is it that I should convey my deep love to you?,It is,you,who,encourage me and help me.,It is,your love,that,gives me the best things in life.,It is,your sacrifices,that,help me achieve my goals in life.,It is,y,our appreciation,that,lights me up in difficulties,.,It is,by watching you,that,I have learned that the best way to reach my goals is to work hard and never give up!,It is not until the end of my life that I will stop to love you !,I am so proud of you!,All My Everlasting Love,Your Son/Daughter,19,完成书本,P29,和,新坐标,P60,有关强调句型的练习题。,Homework,20,Thank you !,21,


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