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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,外研七年级上册,Module 9,People and places,Unit 1,We,are enjoying,the school trip a lot.,授课教师:李颜霞,指导教师:李 艳,Tianjin No. 28 Middle School,1,the Great,Wall,walk on,the Great Wall,Words and phrases,2,wait for the bus,stand in line,3,eat an ice cream,take photos,4,lie in the sun,lie,5,postcard,buy postcards,6,on sale,a few,a lot of,oranges,apples,7,Look at the pictures and talk about them.,buy postcards call lie in the sun,shop stand in line take photos wait for the bus walk on the Great Wall,Betty,WangHui,Tony,Lingling,Daming,8,buy postcards call lie in the sun,shop stand in line take photos wait for the bus walk on the Great Wall,Listen and number the pictures.,a,b,c,d,4,1,3,2,9,Watch and read,10,Underline the correct words.,The children are on a school (1),trip,/,holiday,to the Great Wall. Theyre walking on it, taking photos and buying,(2),a few,/,a lot of,presents, ice creams,and postcards on (3),sale,/,line,at the shop. They (4),are enjoying,/,arent enjoying,the trip a lot.,11,Underline the correct words.,The children are on a school (1),trip,/,holiday,to the Great Wall. Theyre walking on it, taking photos and buying,(2),a few,/,a lot of,presents, ice creams,and postcards on (3),sale,/,line,at the shop. They (4),are enjoying,/,arent enjoying,the trip a lot.,12,Grammar:,thePresent ContinuousTense,be +doing,1.Statement sentence:,2.Negative sentence,:,陈述句,3.General question,:,4.Special question,:,否定句,一般疑问句,特殊疑问句,主语,+be +doing.,主语,+be +,not,+doing.,Be +,主语,+doing+,?,特殊疑问词,+be+,主语,+doing+?,am,is,are,13,),一般在词尾加,ing,),以不发音的,e,结尾的词先把,e,去掉再加,ing,3),以一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音结尾的词,应双写最后的辅音字母,再加,-ing,,,4),特殊,lie-l,ying,现在分词的变化形式有多少种呢?,14,如:,do- do,ing,go- call-,read- write-,take- come-,sing- play-,open- close-,shop-,lie-,go,ing,call,ing,read,ing,sing,ing,play,ing,open,ing,writ,ing,tak,ing,com,ing,clos,ing,sho,p,ping,I.,写出下列动词的,-ing,形式。,Exercises,lying,15,Group work,competition,talk about the pictures using the Present Continuous Tense,16,They _,on the Great Wall.,The boy _ under the tree.,is stand,ing,They _.,are swim,ming,She,in the sun.,is,ly,ing,2,1,3,4,are walking,17,Children _ football.,are play,ing,Da Li _.,is run,ning,They,.,are,sing,ing,She,.,1,2,3,4,is,danc,ing,18,Jessica _ on the suitcase,(,衣箱),.,is sit,ting,He,for a bus.,She,an ice cream.,He,.,is,wait,ing,is,buy,ing,1,2,3,4,is,call,ing,19,Lucy _ at the shop.,Mary _ to music.,is listen,ing,is,sho,pping,Mike _ something.,is writ,ing,They,_ lunch.,are hav,ing,1,2,3,4,20,Sam _ photos.,is tak,ing,Betty _ to her mother.,is talk,ing,He,an apple.,is,eat,ing,They,in line.,are,stand,ing,1,2,3,4,21,Show time,22,When we are travelling ,what should we pay attention to?,Morality,We should love nature.,We should protect the environment. We shouldnt draw on the wall.,We shouldnt litter.,23,Homework,1.Remember all the words and phrases in unit 1.,2.Remember the conversation.,3.Write a short passage(50-100words)using the following words.,drive, enjoy, shop, take photo,a lot, visit, a trip,Homework supermarket,24,Thank you for listening!,25,


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