作业3 素材补充

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,素材补充,1,作业主旨,写作文时,如果想不到观点或素材,可以问这样一个问题:这个议题想满足人们什么需求?,讲义 61页的马斯洛金字塔有助于观点的形成。,本项作业旨在帮助你丰富素材,丰富词汇,这样考场上才能游刃有余。,2,注意!,在考场上, 请不要照搬原句、原段。一旦考官发现两个连续的句子来自一本书或与另一考生雷同时,将会视为抄袭,给0分。,所以,最好的方式是根据实际情况做差异化处理。主动句变被动句、变化词汇,加入插入语,都是很好的方法!,以下段落参考新东方名师史禺老师的讲义。谨表感谢,3,Maslows Hierarchy,4,Five Needs五大需求,一、生理需求 Physiological,二、安全需求 Safety,三、情感需求 Love/Belonging,四、尊重需求 Esteem,五、自我实现需求 Self-actualization,5,一、生理需求关键词,1. 环境保护,2. 现代科技,3. 身体健康,6,1. 环境保护,光化烟雾 smog,酸雨 acid rain,水污染 water pollution,水资源匮乏 water shortage,砍伐森林 deforestation,打破生态平衡 break the,ecologic balance,7,1. 环境保护,The,Great Smog,of 1952 in London darkened the streets of London and killed approximately 4,000 people within 4 days.,The,Chernobyl Accident,(乌克兰城市切尔诺贝利,1986核爆炸) caused by the overheating of a reactor of the nuclear power plant, was the worst nuclear power plant accident in history. It contaminated a vast area and caused as much as 4,000 deaths.,8,1. 环境保护,The burning of,fossil fuels,release large amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.,The increasing amount of carbon dioxide will bring about global warming.,Global warming will cause the polar ice to melt, which will lead to a great flood.,9,1. 环境保护,适用分论点:,是否鼓励人们乘坐公交,化石能源是否会被取代,科技弊大于利,10,1. 环境保护,空气污染,讲义36页,In the first place, cleaning the air can improve public health. In big cities where cars fill the streets, poisonous gas is released every minute. This might lead to various troubles, including sore throat, chest pains and even lung cancer. In small cities, the situation is even worse. Big factories release chemical wastes every day, which result in diverse diseases. Thus, in order to alleviate health problems caused by air pollution, the best way is to clean the air by using environmental-friendly fuels and treating industrial wastes properly, etc.,11,1. 环境保护,水污染,讲义36页,In the second place, cleaning the water can improve public health. Since water is indispensable for our daily life, its safety is closely linked with our health. If the water source shall be polluted, human health will be gravely affected. Once, a chemical factory in,Minamata, Japan日本水俣湾, discharged waste water that contains mercury into the sea. This polluted the fish and shrimps. As a result, local people who ate the fish showed symptoms of poisoning such as muscle weakness, narrowing of sights, etc. The damage to their physical health could eventually lead to death. If we can clean the water, this disease could be avoided, and public health could be improved.,12,1. 环境保护,噪音污染,讲义36页,In the third place, reducing noise can improve public health. My uncle lives next to a busy commercial street in New York, which is filled with cars day and night. Not only does car beeping break the peace of the day, but big tracks also spoil the silence of the night. Under such a circumstance, my uncle suffers from nervous problems including sleeping difficulty and depression. Thus, the most efficient way to improve public health is to uproot the causes, such as prohibition of beeping and the establishment of soundproof boards along noisy streets.,13,2. 现代科技,Looking at the computer screen for a long period of time will damage ones eyesight.,The advance in transportation technology has brought stressful traffic in some areas.,Computers, while benefiting the human progress, has also posed new threats such as obesity, laziness and a loss of personality.,14,2. 现代科技,工业革命 the Industrial Revolution,流水线 assembly line,自动化设备 automatic machinery,15,2. 现代科技,讲义33页,In the second place, dishwashers make house chores easier and more complicated. Compared with washing by the hands, dishwashers will greatly reduce peoples work load. You can simply dispose the plates and dishes in the machine and press on the button. After a quarter of an hour, the machine will turn the dirty plates shining bright. Despite its convenience, the dishwasher also causes a trouble. Since it consumes a lot of water, people would wait to fill the machine before pressing the start-up. In case there are not enough plates, the washing process might have to be delayed, which could bring inconvenience.,16,3. 身体健康,疾病 illness / disease,肥胖 obesity,高血压 high blood pressure,糖尿病 diabetes,心脏病 heart disease,17,3. 身体健康,Obesity,(肥胖) is the worlds biggest public health issue today. It is the main cause of heart disease. It is also the principal risk for diabetes. Since the World Health Organization labeled obesity an “epidemic”(传染病) in 2000, reports on its fearful consequences have come thick and fast.,18,3. 身体健康,Obesity, high blood pressure, lack of exercise, smoking and being overweight contribute to,heart disease,a leading killer in many industrialized countries. However, healthy people with stressful jobs who work long hours also suffer twice the risk of dying from heart disease than others.,适用分论点:健康 vs. 工作压力,19,二、安全需求,暴力 violence,打架斗殴 hooligan fight,枪击 shooting,犯罪 commit a crime,适用分论点:电视的坏处,20,二、安全需求,投资 investment,效益 profits,收入和支出 income and outgoings,财富蒸发 wealth evaporation,金融危机 financial crisis,大萧条 The Depression,适用分论点:存钱 vs. 消费,21,二、安全需求,Andrew Carnegie, one of the most influential American industrialists and philanthropists, commented, “The man who dies rich dies disgraced.” Carnegie devoted the later part of his life to various philanthropic activities. At the time of his death, he had given away almost his entire fortune, which accounts for 350 million dollars.,相当于今天的3500亿人民币。,22,三、情感需求,在满足了最基本的生存需求后,人们又想有一份感情寄托。,在情感需求中,我们想到以下关键词:,友情、亲情、合作、娱乐,23,三、情感需求,倾听 lend an ear to each other,理解 mutual understanding,支持 support,欣赏 appreciation,体贴 be considerate,分享 share happiness and sorrow,互补 complement each other,释放压力 release pressure/stress,24,三、情感需求,个体合作的例子,Bill Gates founded Microsoft with Paul Allen.,Wozniak helped Jobs assemble the first Apple computer and later founded the Apple Company.,Engels volunteered to publish Marxs unfinished and his most important work,Das Capital,. (资本论),25,三、情感需求,Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer,lived in the same dormitory building at Harvard College. The two almost had nothing in common: Gates was an aggressive tech genius while Ballmer had great people skills and business sensitivity. They became good friends and later Ballmer became Microsofts chief executive officer.,26,三、情感需求,群体合作的例子,The,Apollo,(阿波罗登月飞船) ranked among the greatest human achievements in the 20th century. In 1969, the program landed Neil Armstrong on the surface of the Moon. The program was a national joint effort on a tremendous scale. About,300 universities, 20,000 companies and 300,000 individuals contributed to the program.,27,三、情感需求,旅游的好处 traveling,减轻压力 alleviate pressure,放松心情 relaxation,振奋精神 refresh oneself,丰富阅历 enrich experience,大开眼界 eye-opening experience,交谈 chat with the local people,28,四、尊重需求,怎么样才能得到他人的尊重、社会的认可呢?,According to the old Chinese saying, “要想人前显贵,必先人后受罪.” 通往鲜花的道路铺满荆棘。,在尊重需求里面,我们想到下面几个关键词:persistence, hard work, self-education.,在讲义最后面的机经分类中,五、六、七、八、九类话题都会涉及以上关键词。,29,四、尊重需求,Persistence的例子,Franklin D. Roosevelt,(罗斯福总统)contracted with polio (小儿麻痹症) at the age of 39. He fought the disease with tremendous courage and persistence.,Beethoven,nearly lost his hearing in his later life. Despite his deteriorating conditions, he remained optimistic and composed a series of masterpieces including the famous Symphony No. 9.,30,四、尊重需求,Hard work的例子,Balzac,(巴尔扎克)worked 15 hours a day for a decade. The result was a collection of more than 90 novels collectively titled,The Human Comedy.,Marie Curie,and her husband obtained one gram of radium from 8 tons of pitchblende in 7 years.,31,四、尊重需求,Self-education的例子,Abraham Lincolns,parents were illiterate laborers. And he had received almost no formal school education. Lincoln would borrow any book he could get and read them by the fireplace in his fathers wood cabin.,Charles Dickens,(狄更斯)grew up in a destitute family and had to drop out of school at the age of 12 to work in a shoe-polish factory. And his father was imprisoned for unpaid debt.,32,五、自我实现,人生的最高理想是实现自我的价值,找到生命的意义。那么,在自我实现需求里面,我们会想到以下关键词:,创新、冒险、规划、尝试新事物、坚持不懈,33,五、自我实现,creativity的例子,At the turn of the 20th century, American automobile producers believed that cars should be a luxury only for the rich. Defying the conventional wisdom, Henry Ford produced the,Model T, the first affordable mass-produced car. Over 15 million Model Ts have been sold.,34,五、自我实现,creativity的例子,One of Fords greatest innovations was his,assembly line,(流水线). This innovation enormously improved the productivity of the auto industry. After its adoption by other industries, it revolutionized the industrial world.,35,五、自我实现,Taking risk的例子,Benjamin Franklin put forward a theory that lightning is a form of electricity. In order to test his theory, he made a kite and flew it during a thunderstorm.,Bill Gates, against the strong opposition of his parents, dropped out of Harvard College to dedicate himself to Microsoft.,36,五、自我实现,Careful planning的例子,Normandy Invasion (诺曼底登陆)is generally recognized as the turning point in WWII and the greatest military achievement in the 20th century. Although the campaign was launched in 6 June, 1944, its roots can be traced back to three years ago.,成功的战役必须是蓄谋已久的,37,五、自我实现,Take on new challenges的例子,Schwarzenegger(施瓦辛格), an Austrian (奥地利) village boy who migrated to the US and barely spoke English, is a living proof of the American Dream: he had won seven Mr. Olympia, became an international movie star, and successfully won the election for the governor of California.,38,五、自我实现,坚持的例子,Helen Keller, who was made deaf and blind by scarlet fever, received an inspiring education from Anne Sullivan, her first teacher. Sullivan taught Keller her first words and how to communicate with others, thus helping her to get out of her shell.,39,Maslows Hierarchy,40,


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