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It is not clear whether chronic colonization by these pathogens is causative for severe persistent wheeze in some preschool children and whether these children might benefit from antibiotic treatment. We assessed the relevance of bacterial colonization and chronic airway infection in preschool children with severe persistent wheezing and evaluated the outcome of long-time antibiotic treatment on the clinical course in such children.,METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS:,Preschool children (n=42) with severe persistent wheeze but no symptoms of acute pulmonary infection were investigated by bronchoscopy and bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL). Differential cell counts and microbiological and virological analyses were performed on BAL samples. Patients diagnosed with bacterial infection were treated with antibiotics for 2-16 weeks (n=29).,Of the 42 children with severe wheezing, 34 (81%) showed a neutrophilic inflammation and 20 (59%) of this subgroup had elevated bacterial counts ( 10 colony forming units per milliliter) suggesting infection. Haemophilus influenzae, Streptococcus pneumoniae and Moraxella catarrhalis were the most frequently isolated species. After treatment with appropriate antibiotics 92% of patients showed a marked improvement of symptoms upon follow-up examination.,CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE:,Chronic bacterial infections are relevant in a subgroup of preschool children with persistent wheezing and such children benefit significantly from antibiotic therapy.,PLoS One.,2011;6(11):e27913. Epub 2011 Nov 29.,14,闭塞性细支气管炎(Bronchiolitis Obliterans),北京儿童医院 赵顺英,15,定 义,闭塞性细支气管炎(Bronchiolitis obliterans)是与细支气管炎症性损伤相关,导致管腔闭塞的慢性气流阻塞综合征。,也可发生于支气管, 出现闭塞、扩张,16,病 因,毒气的吸入,感染,病毒 :腺病毒 、流感病毒、麻疹病毒,细菌: 金葡菌、 B族溶血性链球菌、,肺炎链球菌,肺炎支原体,17,结缔组织病、组织器官移植:,自身免疫性溶血、骨髓移植、心肺移植、,类风湿性关节炎、,渗出性多形性红斑,其它: 支气管肺发育不良(BPD),先天性心脏病、囊性纤维化,吸入: 异物吸入,胃-食管返流(GER),药物、肿瘤,特发性,狭窄性为主,18,症状,咳嗽、喘息,气促、呼吸困难,运动不耐受、反复呼吸道感染,短暂的症状改善期后加重、持续,体征,喘鸣音,“crackles”,临床表现,19,实验室检查,血气分析,肺功能,影像学,电子支气管镜检查,肺通气灌注扫描,20,实验室检查肺功能(续),用来诊断小气道疾病的方法,世界心肺移植协会1993年提议、2002年修订BO临,床分级,被广泛用于描述BO,可用于BO疗效的观察,建议用所测值占预计值的百分数来表示,21,实验室检查肺功能(续),正常婴儿TBFV环,BO婴儿TBFV环,升枝陡,高峰前移,峰值较高,降枝凹陷,潮气流速容量环(TBFV)特点,%V-PF,25/PF,PTEF,Vi,Vi/kg,Ve,Ti,RR,PF/Ve,容量,流速,22,实验室检查胸片,无特异性改变,两肺过度充气,随病情进展,出现斑片状肺泡浸润影,呈毛玻璃,样,边缘不清,可有单侧透明肺,23,实验室检查 肺CT,HRCT征象,:,马赛克灌注征,支气管扩张,支气管壁增厚,气体捕捉征,呼气相CT: 较吸气相CT能更好地,显示小气道病变,24,BO的临床诊断,(1)急性感染或急性肺损伤后6周以上的反复或持续气促,喘息或咳嗽、喘鸣,对支气管扩张剂无反应;,(2)临床表现与胸部x线片轻重程度不符,临床床症状重,胸部x线片多为过度通气;,(3)肺CT显示支气管壁增厚,支气管扩张,肺不张,马赛克灌注征、小叶中心行结节;,(4)肺功能示阻塞性通气功能障碍;,(5)胸部x线片为单侧透明肺;,排除其他阻塞性疾病,如哮喘、先天纤毛运动功能障碍、囊性纤维化、异物吸入、先天发育异常、结核、艾滋病和其他免疫功能缺陷等。,25,治疗,激素,大环内酯类,孟鲁司特,支气管扩张剂:对有反应的病人,抗生素:合并感染时应用,常感染,26,儿科治疗,激 素(泼尼松),足量:12mg/kg.d 13个月,必要时冲击。,维持: 1年以上,大环内酯类,小剂量红霉素、阿奇霉素,抗生素:常合并感染,肺炎链球菌多见,避免再次打击很重要!,27,儿科治疗,孟鲁司特,文献报道对BO有效,主要机制为抑制平滑肌增殖,为抑制肌成纤维细胞活化,临床使用,28,学龄前期反复喘息表型,发作性喘息(Episodic wheezing ):,不能缓解喘息(unremitting wheezing):,未分类喘息:,几周评价治疗反应, 表型评价,29,学龄前期反复喘息表型,发作性喘息: 诱因通常为病毒,发作间歇期正常,常无家族和个人过敏史,不能缓解的喘息: 诱因多种, 有家族和个人过敏史,30,学龄前期反复喘息表型分类,Episodic wheezing is defined as wheezing in discrete episodes of 2 to 4 weeks in duration, with the child being well in between episodes. The trigger is usually a viral infection.,In unremitting wheezing, the child has distinct episodes of wheezing but between these severe episodes also has intermittent symptoms, such as coughing or wheezing at night or in response to exercise, crying, laughter, mist, or cold air. Viral infections are also the most common causes of these severe episodes, but they may persist in the presence of other triggers, such as passive smoking, allergen exposure, or air pollution. Consequently, this wheezing phenotype has also,been termed multitrigger wheezing.,The wheezing phenotypes can sometimes be hard to distinguish,and can change as children grow older:,31,学龄前期反复喘息表型分类,Episodic wheezing is usually not associated with atopy and rarely progresses to asthma.,In contrast, unremitting wheezing in children of preschool,age is often associated with atopic sensitization,as early as the first year of life. children often have allergies to foods such as hens eggs and cows milk. Many of these children have atopic dermatitis or sensitization to indoor allergens, with subsequent development of impaired lung function.,By the time they are in school, we call their disease asthma.,32,学龄前期反复喘息治疗,发作性(病毒诱发性喘息): 孟鲁司特,不能缓解喘息(多因素有关):吸入激素(ICS)或 孟鲁司特,33,34,A simple tool to identify infants at high risk of mild to severe childhood asthma: the persistent asthma predictive score,J Asthma.,2011 ;48(10):1015-21,Three parameters independently predicted persistent asthma: family history of asthma, personal atopic dermatitis, and multiple allergen sensitizations.,Based on these variables, the PAPS showed 42% sensitivity, 90% specificity, 67% positive predictive value, and 76% negative predictive value for the prediction of persistent asthma.,35,Daily or Intermittent Budesonide in Preschool Children with Recurrent Wheezing,N Engl J Med 2011; 365:1990-2001,BACKGROUND,Daily inhaled glucocorticoids are recommended for young children at risk for asthma exacerbations, as indicated by a positive value on the modified asthma predictive index (API) and an exacerbation in the preceding year, but concern remains about daily adherence and effects on growth. We compared daily therapy with intermittent therapy.,METHODS,We studied 278 children between the ages of 12 and 53 months who had positive values on the modified API, recurrent wheezing episodes, and at least one exacerbation in the previous year but a low degree of impairment. Children were randomly assigned to receive a budesonide inhalation suspension for 1 year as either an intermittent high-dose regimen (1 mg twice daily for 7 days, starting early during a predefined respiratory tract illness) or a daily low-dose regimen (0.5 mg nightly) with corresponding placebos. The primary outcome was the frequency of exacerbations requiring oral glucocorticoid therapy.,RESULTS,The daily regimen of budesonide did not differ significantly from the intermittent regimen with respect to the frequency of exacerbations, with a rate per patient-year for the daily regimen of 0.97 (95% confidence interval CI, 0.76 to 1.22) versus a rate of 0.95 (95% CI, 0.75 to 1.20) for the intermittent regimen (relative rate in the intermittent-regimen group, 0.99; 95% CI, 0.71 to 1.35; P=0.60). There were also no significant between-group differences in several other measures of asthma severity, including the time to the first exacerbation, or adverse events. The mean exposure to budesonide was 104 mg less with the intermittent regimen than with the daily regimen.,CONCLUSIONS,A daily low-dose regimen of budesonide was not superior to an intermittent high-dose regimen in reducing asthma exacerbations. Daily administration led to greater exposure to the drug at 1 year.,36,气道重塑何时发生?,年幼儿气道炎症作为哮喘起源的根本已经受到挑战,因为研究发现在幼儿哮喘发病时,气道结构改变已经存在,但气道炎症相对缺乏,37,气道重塑何时发生?,在哮喘中观察到的“气道重塑”与胎儿肺发育时在分支形成期气道的构建类似,异常构建与哮喘发病有关,认为气道重塑为先天性,至少与气道炎症平行,38,儿童哮喘防治重要性,儿童哮喘的病理变化处于可逆性功能性改变(量变)阶段,,必须防止发展到不可逆性器质性改变,(质变)阶段,对儿童哮喘要抓,“,三早,”,:,关注气道重塑,早诊断、早治疗、早预防,39,谢 谢!,40,


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