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,湖北鸿鹄志文化传媒有限公司,助您成功,Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation ?,Section A,The First Period,(1a-1c),Revision,How,was,your summer vacation ?,What,did,you,do,in your vacation?,It,was,great,/,OK,/,not bad,/,not very good,do my homework play soccer clean my room,go to the beach play tennis go to the movies,visit my aunt stay at home have a party,do some reading practice English study for the test,summer,camp,guide,camp,museum,test,Central Park,central,Lets learn new words.,stayed,at home,Where,did,she go,on vacation ?,She,stayed,at home.,went,to New York City,Where,did,he go on vacation?,He,went to New York City.,Uncle,visited uncle,Where,did Brad go on vacation?,He,visited his uncle,.,went to,summer camp,Where,did they go on vacation?,They,went to summer camp.,黄山,Mountains,Where,did Tina go on vacation?,She,went to the mountains.,Where,did they go on vacation?,They,went to the beach,.,went to the beach,museums,Where,did Mary go on vacation?,She,visited museums,.,Park,Where,did they go on vacation?,They,went to a park,.,Where,did Lily go on vacation?,She,went shopping.,Where,did,he,go,on vacation ?,He,went,to New York City .,Where,did,she,go,on vacation ?,She stay,ed,at home and,watch,ed,TV .,Where,did,they,go,on vacation ?,They,went,to the beach .,Where,did,they,go,on vacation ?,They,went,to the,mountains .,Where,did,he,go,on vacation ?,He visit,ed,his uncle.,Where,did,they,go,on vacation ?,They visit,ed,museums .,Where,did,they,go,on vacation ?,They,went,to summer,camp .,Read :,1.stay,ed,at home,2.,went,to New York City,3.visit,ed,my uncle,4.,went,to the mountains,5.,went,to the beach,6.visit,ed,museums,7. went to summer camp,去纽约,去夏令营,爬山,去沙滩,呆在家里,看望我的叔叔,参观博物馆,Where,did,he/she/they,go,on vacation ?,He / She /They ,PAIRWORK :,1b Listening,1. Tina 2. Xiang Hua 3.Sally 4. Bob 5. Tom,1,2,3,4,5,1b,Listen and answer:Where did they go on vacation?,Name,Activities,1. Tina,2. Xiang Hua,3. Sally,4. Bob,5. Tom,went to summer camp (d),went to New York City (b),stayed at home (f),visited his uncle(g),went to the mountains(c),1b,Tapescript,Conversation 1,Xiang Hua: Hey, Tina. Where did you go on vacation?,Tina: I,went to the mountains,with my family.,Xiang Hua: Did everyone have a good time?.,Tina: Oh, yes. Everything was excellent.,Where did you go, Xiang Hua?,Xiang Hua: I,went to New York City,.,Conversation 2,Girl: What did you do on vacation, Sally?,Sally: Nothing. I just,stayed at home,.,Girl: And did you do anything interesting, Bob?,Bob: Yes, I,visited my uncle,. we went fishing, but we didnt get any fish,Conversation 3,Boy: Did you go anywhere on vacation, Tom?,Tom: I,went to summer camp,.,Boy: Did you go with anyone?,Tom: Yes, I went with my friends. Everyone had a,great time.,Name,Tina,XiangHua,Sally,Bob,Tom,Activities,went to the mountains,went to New York City,stayed at home,visited his uncle,went to summer camp,Make up dialogues:,A: Where did Tina go on vacation?,B: She went to the mountains.,Pairwork,1c,Name,Tina,Xiang Hua,Sally,Brad,Tom,Activities,went to the mountains,went to New York City,stayed at home,visited his uncle,went to summer camp,Report:,On vacation, Tina went to the mountains. She thinks,it was Xiang Hua He thinks it was,Report like this:,Task 1:Talk about vacation activities.,went to the mountain,went to,the summer camp,went to New York City,Where did they go on vacation?,went to the beach,Summary,words,phrases,camp central museum guide exam,1.went to New York City,去纽约,2.went to summer camp,去夏令营,3.went to the mountains,爬山,4.went to the beach,去沙滩,5.stayed at home,呆在家里,6.visited my uncle,看望我的叔叔,7.visited museums,参观博物馆,根据句意及首字母填空。,1.Where did you go on v_.,2.Tina went to summer c_.,3.Did Lucy v_ her uncle? Yes,she did.,4.Where did Sally go ?,She w_ to New York.,acation,amp,isit,ent,Do some exercises,汉译英,.,1.,呆在家里,2.,去夏令营,3.,去爬山,4.,参观博物馆,5.,去度假,6.,去沙滩,7.,去看爷爷奶奶,stay at home,go to summer camp,go to the mountains,visit the museum,go on vacation,go to the beach,visit the grandparents,Thanks a lot !,


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