新人教版四年级英语下册期中复习 ppt课件

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 1 My School,Unit 1 My School,1,teachers,office,teachers office,2,l,i,brary,library,3,first floor,second floor,first floorsecond floor,4,Where 哪里,Wheres the.?,什么地方在哪?,Its,on,in,under,near,next to,在,.,上面,在,.,里面,在,.,下面,在,.,旁边,挨着,Where 哪里on在.上面在.里面在.下面在.旁,5,Wheres the,library,?,Its on the first floor.,Wheres the library?Its on th,6,Wheres the teachers,office?,Its on the,second,floor.,Wheres the teachers office?I,7,The teachers office is,the library.,next to,The teachers office is,8,Is this the ?这是.吗?,Yes, it is. No,it isnt.,Is that the ?那是.吗?,Yes, it is. No,it isnt.,Is this the ?这是.吗?,9,Is this the teachers office?,No, it isnt.,Is this the teachers office?N,10,Excuse me. Wheres the teachers office?,Its on the second floor.,OK. Thanks.,Hi. Is this the teachers office?,No, it isnt. the teachers office is next to the library.,Hi, Miss White! Heres my homework.,Thank you. Mike.,Bye, Miss White.,Excuse me. Wheres the teacher,11,Go to the library.,Read a book.,Go to the teachers office.,Say hello.,Go to the playground.,Play football.,Go to the garden.,Water the flowers.,Go to the library.Go to the te,12,a,computer room,a computer room,13,an,art room,an art room,14,a,music room,a music room,15,a,playground,a playground,16,a,gym,体育馆,a gym 体育馆,17,Do you have,a/an,?,你们有一个,吗,Yes, we do. No, we dont.,Do you have a/an ?Yes, we do.,18,Welcome to our school! This is my classroom.,Its so big! How many students are there in your class?,Forty-five students.,Is that the computer room?,No, it isnt. Its the teachers office.,Do you have a library?,Yes, we do. Its on the second floor. This way, please.,Welcome to our school! This is,19,wat,er,tig,er,sist,er,dinn,er,comput,er,-er,watertigersisterdinnercomputer,20,unit1单词,first floor,一楼,second floor,二楼,teachers office,老师办公室,library,图书馆,computer room,计算机,室,music room,音乐室,art room,美术室,playground,操场,gym,体育馆,unit1单词first floor一楼computer r,21,unit1句子,Wheres the,library,?图书馆在哪?,Its on the first floor.它在一楼。,Wheres the teachers office?,The teachers office,is,next to,the library.,unit1句子Wheres the library?图书馆,22,Is this the ?这是.吗?,Yes, it is. No,it isnt.,Is that the ?那是.吗?,Yes, it is. No,it isnt.,Is this the ?这是.吗?,23,This is,the library.,这是图书馆。,That is,the playground,.,那是操场。,This is the library.That is th,24,Do you have,a/an,?,你们有一个,Yes, we do. No, we dont.,是的,我们有。 不,我们没有。,Do you have a/an ?,25,新人教版四年级英语下册期中复习 ppt课件,26,time,时间,time时间,27,clock,钟表,oclock,点钟,clock钟表oclock 点钟,28,What time is it,?,现在是几点钟了?,Its seven.,七点了。,=Its seven,oclock.,What time is it?现在是几点钟了?Its,29,Its time for.,到,的时间了,Its time for. 到的时间了,30,Its time for breakfast.,breakfast,7:00,Its time for breakfast.breakf,31,Its time for lunch.,lunch,Its time for lunch.lunch,32,Its time for dinner.,dinner,Its time for dinner.dinner,33,Its time for English class.,English class,9:00,Its time for English class.En,34,Its time for music class.,music class,2:00,Its time for music class.musi,35,Its time for P,E,class.,PE class,3:00,Its time for PE class.PE clas,36,Hi! School is over. Lets go to the playground.,OK.,What time is it now?,Its 5 oclock.,Time to go home, kids.,What time is it?,Its 6 oclock.,Its time for dinner.,Oh! Lets go.,Hi! School is over. Lets go t,37,Its time to .,到做,的时间了,Its time to . 到做的时,38,get up,起床,It: 6:25.,Its time to get up.,get up起床 It: 6:25.,39,Its 7:30.,Its time to,go to school.,去学校,Its 7:30.Its time togo to sc,40,Its 4:00.,Its time to,go home.,回家,Its 4:00.Its time togo home.,41,Its 9:00.,Its time to,go to bed.,睡觉,Its 9:00.Its time to go to b,42,Oh! Its 6:30. Its time to get up.,Breakfast is ready.,Hurry up! Its time to go to school!,OK.,What time is it?,Its 8 oclock. Its time for English class.,Im ready.,Oh! Its 6:30. Its time to ge,43,unit2,单词,breakfast,早饭,lunch,午饭,dinner,晚饭,English class,英语课,music class,音乐课,PE class,体育课,get up,起床,go to school,去上学,go home,回家,go to bed,睡觉,Its time for,Its time to,unit2单词breakfast 早饭get up起床It,44,What time is it?,几点了?,Its,oclock.,5,What time is it?Its oclo,45,What time is it,now,?,现在几点了?,Its .,8,:,45,8,:,45,What time is it now?Its,46,-ir,-ur,g,ir,l,b,ir,d,n,ur,se,hamb,ur,ger,-ir,-urgirlbirdnursehamburger,47,早上好。这里是天气预报。 今天北京的天气是温暖的。,北京,温暖的,哈尔滨,寒冷的,炎热的(烫的),凉爽的,拉萨,香港,北京哈尔滨炎热的(烫的) 凉爽的香港,48,单词宝库,cold,寒冷的,hot,炎热的,cool,凉爽,的,反义词,warm,温暖的,反义词,weather,天气,report,报告,cold,hot,warm,cool,单词宝库cold 寒冷的hot,49,Lhasa,Its,cool,in,Lhasa,.,cool,LhasaIts cool in Lhasa.cool,50,Beijing,warm,Its,warm,in,Beijing,.,BeijingwarmIts warm in Beijin,51,Whats the weather like ?,Its,rainy,.,rainy,Whats the weather like ?rainy,52,Whats the weather like ?,Its,snowy.,snowy,Whats the weather like ?snowy,53,Whats the weather like ?,Its,windy.,windy,Whats the weather like ?windy,54,sunny,Whats the weather like ?,Its,sunny.,sunnyWhats the weather like ?,55,cloudy,Whats the weather like in,Beijing,?,Is it,sunny,?,Yes, it is.,No, it isnt. Its,cloudy,.,cloudyWhats the weather like,56,world weather,rainy,snowy,windy,cloudy,sunny,Heres the world weather .,Today its,hot,and,sunny,in,Sydney,.,world weatherrainysnowywind,57,新人教版四年级英语下册期中复习 ppt课件,58,weather 天气,cold,冷的,cool,凉爽的,warm,暖和的,hot,热的,sunny,晴天的,windy,多风的,cloudy,多云的,snowy,下雪的,rainy,下雨的,weather 天气cold 冷的sunny晴天的,59,Can I,go ourtside,?,我可以出去吗?,Yes, you can. No,,,you cant.,是的,你能。 不, 你不能。,Can I,have some soup,?,我可以喝些汤吗?,Yes, you can. No,,,you cant.,Can I go ourtside?我可以出去吗?,60,Whats the weather like?,天气怎么样啊?,Its hot and sunny.,天气又热又晴。,Whats the weather like in Beijing?,Its cool.,天气凉爽。,How about?,什么地方呢?,How about,Beijing,?,北京呢?,Its windy and cool?,又刮风又凉爽。,Whats the weather like?天气怎么样啊,61,Its,rainy.,下雨了。,=,It is,rainy.,Is it rainy?,下雨了吗?,Yes, it is . No, it isnt.,Its rainy.下雨了。,62,新人教版四年级英语下册期中复习 ppt课件,63,Thank you!,Thank you!,64,


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