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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,CET-B4 Writing,1. 论说型,2. 综合型,3. 图表型,4. 书信型,精品资料,你怎么称呼老师?,如果老师最后没有总结一节课的重点的难点,你是否会认为老师的教学方法需要改进?,你所经历的课堂,是讲座式还是讨论式?,教师的教鞭,“不怕太阳晒,也不怕那风雨狂,只怕先生骂我笨,没有学问无颜见爹娘 ”,“太阳当空照,花儿对我笑,小鸟说早早早”,Type 1:,论说型,A. 现象/问题解决型论说文,B.,对立观点型论说文,C. 利弊型论说文,A. 现象/问题解决型论说文,1.当前越来越多的人使用电子邮件,2.电子邮件给人们生活带来哪些便利,3.我对电子邮件的看法,More and more people are communicating via email.,Communicating via email is convenient.,I like to communicate via email.,more and more people are communicating via email,send emails to friends; university students hand in their homework via email,Communicating via email is convenient,fast: reaches the reader in a minute,cheaper than sending a letter or making a phone call,easier: dont have to so long as,I like to communicate via email. a good way,First,ly,Second,ly,Last,ly,引出话题的常用句式,1.,It is universally a fact that (社会现象).,2. Nowadays, more and more people are,concerned about the problem of,3. Recently, the issueproblemquestion ofhas been brought to public attention.,分析原因的常用句式,1Here are several reasons for it.,FirstSecondFinally,2The reasons can be listed as follows. For,one thing, For another,3. What has possibly contributed to this problem?,In the first place In the second place,4Perhaps the mainprimarymost important reason is,5. is alsopartlychiefly responsible for the problem.,6A number of factors could account forlead tocontribute toresult in,提出解决方案的常用句式,1The first key factor to solve this problem is,Another key factor is,2People have found many solutions to dealing with this problem.,3We can figure out many ways to relieve the present crisis.,4Then, how should we solve this problem?,Here are some suggestions, which may be of some help.,5Faced with, we should take some effective measures to cope with the situation.,B. 对立观点型论说文,Directions,:,For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic,Spring Festival Gala on CCTV,.,You should write at least 120 words and base your composition on the outline given below.,许多人喜欢在除夕观看春节联欢晚会,有些人却提出取消春节联欢晚会,在我看来,The CCTV Spring Festival Gala is one of Chinas most popular annual television events, watched by millons of people on the eve of the lunar New Year. However, in recent years, the 4-hour show is,losing its appeal, especially to youngsters.,People in increasing numbers choose not to watch the show.,They claim that,the,stereotyped,Gala should,give,way,to,diverse,modern celebrations.,However, some other people are faithful audience of it.,They argue that,the Evening Gala has somewhat become a tradition since it was,initiated,in the 1980s. whats more, watching the show is an,indispensable,part of the festival for them.,Though the Gala is no longer popular with young people, I enjoy watching the show with my family. Yet to,maintain the interest,of the young generation, the organizing committee should develop a program more exciting, more colorful and more entertaining than the previous ones. For example, its a good idea to invite some big names in Chinas films and music industries to perform on the Gala stage.,There has been a debate over (中心问题). Some people believe that (观点1).,They insist that (观点1之理由),. Other people however, insist that (观点2).,They believe (观点2之理由),. In my opinion, (我的观点).,There are three reasons for my opinion. First of all, (理由1). (展开). Furthermore, (理由2). (展开). Finally, (理由3). (展开).,Conclusively, (重复我的观点). (展开).,点明文章主题的常用句式,1. . . . has become a hot topic among people recently. Opinions towards it vary from person to person.,2. There is an argumentmuch disagreementamong people concerningoveras toon. . .,3. Different people have / hold /take different viewsperspectives on. . .,4. When it comes to/asked about. . . different people will offer different answers.,具体介绍两种对立观点的常用句式,1. Some people suggestmaintainhold the opinion that. . . But However While NeverthelessYet, other people hold a different point of view. . .,2. Some people think that. . . On the contraryIn contrast, there are still many people who wont agree, and they claim. . .,3. When it comes to. . . some people thinkbelieve that. . . while others argueclaim that the opposite is true.,4. Now it is commonlygenerallywidelyuniversally thoughtacceptedbelievedheld that. . . But I wonderdoubt whether. . .,陈述自己观点的常用句式,1. For my partAs to meAs far as I am concerned, Id like to agree to the formermy favor goes to the first view.,2. In my opinion, both sides are partly right. When we. . . we should take into consideration all aspects of the problems and then make the right decision.,3. There is probably some truth in both argumentsstatements, but. . .,C. 利弊型论说文,Directions,:,For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic,Owing a Car,.,You should write at least 120 words and base your composition on the outline given below.,拥有汽车的好处;,拥有汽车的坏处;,你的看法,观点。,开篇句:随着的发展,汽车日益进入普通家庭。,1) 好处:,2)坏处:,3) 利大于弊。,With the development of modern society, cars,are entering,ordinary families.,there are some advantages of,disadvantages,are greater than,提供最方便的交通方式,b.,旅行,舒服,尤其是,气侯里。,c.,表明事业上的繁荣,a. 所占空间大,b. 小心,否则容易发生交通事故,c. 污染环境,provide sb. with sth.,It is adj. for sb. to do sth.,occupy/take up,is likely to,With the development of modern society, cars,are entering,ordinary families.,T.S.-there are some advantages of,provide sb. with sth. form of transportation,it is +adj. for sb. to do sth. especially,show prosperity/success,T.S.-disadvantages,occupy/take up,be careful/cautious, or/otherwise,it is very easy to X,possible, probable, likely,It is probable/likely that traffic accidents would happen.,Traffic accidents are likely to happen.,Traffic accidents would probably happen.,give off poisonous gases which pollute,T.S.- Despite all the disadvantages mentioned above,are bigger than X,are greater than / outweigh,first, second, third,to begin with, furthermore, moreover;,However/From a certain point of view, these remarks may sound reasonable. But,For one thing, besides, in addition,In my opinion/As far as Im concerned/ Personally,In fact/As a matter of fact/Actually,说明事物优点的常用句式,1There are several advantages in,2For allIn spite ofDespite the disadvantagesside effects, it has its c advantagesbeneficial effects.,3 has a positive impactinfluenceeffect on peoples lives.,4 is playing an increasingly important role in peoples lives.,说明事物缺点的常用句式,1However, just like anything else, has its negative side as well.,2Of course, the disadvantages can not be ignored.,3However, it still has some drawbacks.,4However, just as everything has two sides, also has many disadvantages.,5However, may also causebring aboutlead toresult incontribute to some problems.,6 As the proverb goes, everything has two sides is no exception.,7However, the negative aspects are also apparentobviousevident.,表明事物利大于弊的常用句式,1As to me, I think the advantages outweighcarry more weight are much greater than the disadvantages. 就我而言,我认为利大于弊。,2Anyway, I still believehas more advantages than disadvantages.,3But for me, I think what is more important is its positive side.,Type 3:,图表型,Directions:,Examine the chart carefully. Write a composition based on the outline give below:,1. Detailed situation of the production.2. Analysis and conclusion.,YEAR,OUTPUT,TOTAL,COLOR TV SET,BLACK AND WHITE TV SET,1983,45,000,5,000,40,000,1984,45,000,10,000,35,000,1985,50,000,20,000,30,000,1986,65,000,40,000,25,000,1987,100,000,80,000,20,000,1988,105,000,85,000,20,000,1989,110,000,90,000,20,000,1990,120,000,100,000,20,000,This chart shows us,the increase,in the production of TV sets in the factory from 1983 to 1990,.,一个事物在不同时期所体现出来的发展或变化趋势,提干说明部分或者图表说明部分,We can see that the total output increased from 45, 000 sets in 1983 to 120,000 in 1990. this increase was due to the substantial rise in the production of color TV sets. In 1983, the output of color TV was only 5,000 sets. The figure, however, doubled annually for four years in succession and continued to increase steadily ever since. In 1990 it reached 100, 000, a 20-fold increase in seven years. On the other hand, the output of black and white TV sets declined gradually from 40,000 in 1983 to 20,000 in 1987 and then remained stable.,对图表的变化部分作出具体描述,分析其特点。,The rapid increase in the production of TV sets mirrored the growth of peoples purchasing power, and the growing demand for color TV sets further indicated the improvement of peoples living standard.,对图表的变化部分分析成因。,有时候:,1. 谈论个人看法或者观点2. 陈述图表所体现出来的重要意义3. 谈论图表所表现的问题,Directions:,Examine the graph carefully. Write a composition according to the information given.,思路,该图表的特点:描述多项事物,多项事物的描述顺序:高-低;低-高;高和低掐两头,然后描述中间的其余项事物,其余项事物也要有次序,描述方法:一个事物一句话描述;也可以选用两到三个事物放在一句话里描述,具体词句:,占百分比怎么说?,第一,第二怎么说?,The sports programs enjoy a boom among TV viewers. According to the above graph, 78% of TV viewers frequently watch sports, which is obviously far ahead of other televised events. News follows second with 68% of viewers, compared with 54% movie watchers. Documentary seems to be more preferable among people than Specials do, with 42% and 20% respectively.,如何补上缺失的第一句话?,Type 4:,书信型,书信型,A Letter of Application(自荐信),A Letter of Recommendation(推荐信),A Letter of Complaint,A Letter of Apology,A Letter of Congratulation,Read the following advertisement,published in the newspaper, then write a letter of no fewer than 120 words applying for the job. Be sure to state your,qualifications,and any other necessary information.,Attention,Applied Technology, Inc. is looking for an experienced computer clerk for a position starting Sept. 2009.,If interested, please write to:,Personal manager,Applied Technology, Inc.,289 Changjian Road,Hefei, Anhui,A Letter of,Application,Dear,Sir or Madam,In the newspaper, I noticed your advertisement for the services of a clerk. I hereby wish to apply for the position, feeling confident that Im qualified to fill it to your satisfaction.,1. 用一句话做个大概的自我介绍。(可省略)2. 给出求职的信息来源。3. 表示自己的求职意愿。,Im 22 years old, and shall graduate this summer form the computer Department of Hefei University of Technology. I have a good knowledge of computers. Besides, I am skilled in English. I have passed College English Band 6 Exam. Last summer vacation I worked in a company as a clerk. As a result, I feel sure that I would be a competent clerk in your company.,1. Education related.2. Work experience related.3. 小结句:表示自己的情况符合要求,注意:陈述多项内容时,要使用连接词。,Should my application be regard favorably, I would appreciate your kindness and confidence in me. I hope to have an opportunity for an interview at a time convenient for you. Thank you for your consideration of my application.,Y,ours,F,aithfully,,Liu Yan,1. 如果对方能够考虑,自己感激不尽。2. 期盼答复。,You are allowed 30 minutes to write a complaint letter,to the manager of a shop,where you received a bad service. Be sure to,express your anger in a suitable way,.,A Letter of Complaint,Dear,M,anager,Much to my regret, I write this to place a complaint against one of your shop assistants about his bad service in the course of our shopping in your shop yesterday.,用一句话概述写信的原因。(指出投诉对象、投诉的主要理由、时间和地点),Yesterday about ten oclock in the morning, my husband, I and a lady friend of ours came to your shop with the intention to buy some souvenirs. One of your shop assistants, whose badge number was 15 if I remember right, was asked to remove the dust from some of the bronze status in order that our friend might have a good look at these objects before making up her mind to buy. Under the circumstances, it was the assistants duty either to do what was asked or explain why he was unable to comply with such a request.,Instead of minding his duty and acting in a polite manner, the assistant turned a deaf ear to our request and walked away murmuring in a sarcastic manner that our friend was foolish in asking for removal of the dust. Great our embarrassment to meet with such an awkward occasion.,用记叙的方式,详细陈述事情发生的整个过程。,We wish you would look into this unsatisfactory state of affairs and take steps to prevent a recurrence of offensive conduct of this kind. The lady in question has arrived from Japan and it is a pity that she should be led to form an unfavorable impression of the assistants in this city.,表示出自己希望对方做的事情。,2.,表示自己对于此件事情的心情。,Directions,:,For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic,A Letter to the Editor,.,You should write at least 120 words and base your composition on the outline given below.,假设你是李明,有一天,你在乘坐公交车时,发现一个小伙子给一位老人让座,因为老人没有道谢,小伙子因此和老人吵了起来。请你就此事发表评论,可以批评小伙子,也可以批评老人,或者兼而有之。,June 24, 2007,Dear Sir,I am writing about what I saw on Bus No. 878 at around 16:00 on my way to Wal-Mart.,As soon as an old man got on at one stop, a young man gave him a seat. The old man, however, took the seat without a word. Seeing this, the young man must have got upset, for he wanted it back. As a result, a quarrel started right away.,I was really puzzled. Was the young man making a fuss over trifles? What would have happened if the old man had said thanks? After careful considerations, Id like to propose that young people be respectful to the old even if some of them are not “good-mannered.” At the same time, the old should mind their manners and set good examples for the youth. Only in this way can our society be harmonious.,Sincerely,Li Ming,点题,记叙,重点段落,结论,描述经过,发表看法,说明目的,June 24, 2007,Dear Sir/Madam,I am writing about what I saw on Bus No. 878 at around 16:00 on my way to Wal-Mart.,As soon as an old man got on at one stop, a young man gave him a seat. The old man, however, took the seat without a word. Seeing this, the young man must have got upset, for he wanted it back. As a result, a quarrel started right away.,I was really puzzled. Was the young man making a fuss over trifles? What would have happened if the old man had said thanks? After careful considerations, Id like to propose that young people be respectful to the old even if some of them are not “good-mannered.” At the same time, the old should mind their manners and set good examples for the youth. Only in this way can our society be harmonious.,Sincerely,Li Ming,June 24, 2007,Dear Sir/Madam,I am writing about what I saw on Bus No. 878 at around 16:00 on my way to Wal-Mart.,As soon as an old man got on at one stop, a young man gave him a seat. The old man, however, took the seat without a word. Seeing this, the young man must have got upset, for he wanted it back. As a result, a quarrel started right away.,I was really puzzled. Was the young man making a fuss over trifles? What would have happened if the old man had said thanks? After careful considerations, Id like to propose that young people be respectful to the old even if some of them are not “good-mannered.” At the same time, the old should mind their manners and set good examples for the youth. Only in this way can our society be harmonious.,Sincerely,Li Ming,向右缩进,5,个字符,Sample 1,June 24, 2007,Dear Sir,/,Madam,I am writing about what I saw on Bus No. 878 at around 16:00 on my way to Wal-Mart.,Sample 1,As soon as an old man got on at one stop, a young man,gave him a seat,. The old man, however,took the seat,without a word,. Seeing this, the young man must have,got upset, for he,wanted it back,. As a result, a,quarrel started,right away.,Sample 1,I was really puzzled. Was the young man,making a,fuss,over trifles,? What would have happened if the old man had said thanks? After,careful considerations, Id like to propose that young people,be respectful to,the old,even if some of them are not “,good-mannered,.”,Sample 1,At the same time, the old should,mind their manners,and,set good examples,for the youth. Only in this way can our society be,harmonious,.,Sincerely/Respectfully,Li Ming,Formality,Sample 2,June 8, 2010,Dear Sir or Madam,I am writing to you about a quarrel I witnessed in a bus this afternoon on my way home, which might be a suitable topic for,Readers Discussion,in your magazine.,Sample 2,At a stop, an old man got on the bus. a young man, seeing that there was no vacant seat left, stood up and gave up his seat to the old man. The old man, however, took the seat without a word of thanks. Obviously, the young man was upset and wanted the seat back. As a result, a quarrel started right away.,Sample 2,I was really puzzled. Was the young man making a fuss? What would have happened if the old man had said thanks?,After careful considerations, I think,young people should be respectful to the old even if some of them are not “good-mannered.”,On the other hand,aged people should mind their manners and set good examples for young people.,Only in this way can people live harmoniously.,Sample 2,Thank you for your time. Looking forward to reading interesting comments in your magazine.,Yours faithfully,Li Ming,老人,(泛指),old people/elders,the old/aged,the elderly,seniors,senior citizens,retired people,pensioners,old people who dont work any more,年轻人,(泛指),young people,the young,the youth of,(today, industrialized nations),youths,adolescents,teenagers,teenage children,young persons who is no longer a child but not yet an adult,Child,a young person from the time they are born until they are aged about 14 or 15,toddlers,a small child who is just learning to walk,kids,youngsters,a word used especially by adults meaning a young person of around 10 years and older,Childrens day,Childermas,tldms,Nov. 28,四级考试流程,8:30到考场,,携带:1),准考证,、身份证或学生证2),黑色,签字笔、铅笔、橡皮、收音机(,新电池,)、耳机、一张白纸,8:30-9:00要做3件事情:1)调试收音设备2)上厕所3)关闭手机并放入书包或者上交给监考老师,四级考试流程,9:00-9:10 填涂答题卡1和答题卡2 (,试卷类型暂不填涂,),9:10-9:40 作文,9:35-9:40 发试题册(,先填涂试卷类型,),9:40-9:55 快读,9:55-10:00收答题卡1,10:00-11:20 答题卡2部分,11:20 考试结束,收取答题纸二和试题册,


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