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I want some money.,Can you give me some money?” Im sorry” said the tree,”but I have no money. I have only leaves and apples.,Take my apples, Boy, and sell them in city. Then you will have money and youll be happy”,树说,:,来,啊,孩子,,来,,爬上我的,树干,,抓著我,树枝荡秋千,,吃吃,苹,果,在我的,树荫,下玩耍, 快快,乐乐,的!,有一天,男孩,来到树,下,我要,买东,西,来,玩,我要,钱,。,你,可以給我一些,钱吗,?,我不是小孩子了,我不要,爬,树,和玩耍。男孩,说,。,真,抱歉,。,树说,我沒有,钱,。,我只有,树叶和苹果,。孩子,,拿我的,苹,果到城,里去卖,。,这样,,,你就,会,有,钱,,你就,会快乐了,。,Then one day the boy came to t,25,And so the boy climb up the,tree and gathered,her apples,and carried them away.,And the tree was happy.,于,是男孩爬到,树,上,,摘下她的,苹,果,,把,苹,果通通帶走了。,树,好快,乐,。,And so the boy climb up theAnd,26,But the boy stayed away for a long time and the tree was sad. And then one day the boy came back and the tree shook with joy and she said, “,”Come, Boy come and climb up my trunk and swing from my branches and eat apples and play in my shade and be “happy”,“,I am too busy to climb trees,” said the boy. “I want a house to keep me warm,” he said. “I and want a wife and I want children, and so I need a house.,Can you give me a house?” “I have no house” said the tree. The forest is my house.” said the tree but you may cut off my branches and build a house.,Then you will be happy,男孩好久都沒有再,来,树好伤心,。,有一天,,男孩回,来,了,,树高兴地发抖,,,她說:,来,啊!孩子,爬上我的,树干,,抓著我的,树枝荡秋千,,快快,乐乐,的。,我太忙,沒,时间,爬,树,。男孩,说,。我想要一,间,房子保暖。他,说,我想要妻子和小孩,所以我需要一間房子,,你,可以,给,我一,间,房子,吗,?,我沒有房子。,树说,。森林就是我的房子,不,过,,你可以砍下我的,树枝,,去,盖,房子,,这样你就会快乐,了。,But the boy stayed away f,27,And so the boy cut off her branches and carried them away to build a house.,于,是男孩砍下了,她的,树,枝,,把,树,枝帶走,,去,盖,房子。,And so the boy cut off her b,28,And the tree was happy.,树好快乐,。,And the tree was happy.树好快乐。,29,But the boy stayed away for a long time and the tree was sad. And when he came back, the tree was so happy she could hardly speak “Come, Boy” she whispered, “Come and play” “I am too old and sad to play.” said the boy. “I want a boat that will take me away from here.,Can you give me a boat ?”,“,Cut down my trunk and make a boat,” said the tree. Then you can sail away and be happy.”,可是男孩好久都沒有再,来,, 所以,当,男孩再回,来,的,时,候,,树太快乐,了,快,乐,得,几乎说,不出,话来,。,来,啊!孩子她,轻轻地说过来,,,来玩,呀!,我又老又,伤,心,玩不,动,了男孩,说,。,我想要一,条,船,可以帶我,远离这里,。,你,可以,给,我一,条,船,吗,?,砍下我的,树干,去造,条,船吧!,树说,。,这样,你就可以,远,航,你就,会快乐,。,But the boy stayed away f,30,And so the boy cut down her trunk,And made a boat and sail away.,于,是男孩砍下了她的,树干,,,造了,条,船,坐船走了。,And so the boy cut down her tr,31,And the tree was happy.,树好快乐,。,And the tree was happy.树好快乐。,32,But not really.,但不是真的。,But not really.但不是真的。,33,And after a long time the boy came back again. “I am sorry, Boy,” said the tree, “but I have nothing left to give you-,过,了好久好久,那男孩又再回,来,了。,我很抱歉,孩子。,树说,:我已,经,沒有,东,西可以,给,你了,,And after a long time,34,My apples are gone.” “My teeth are too weak for apple,” said the boy.,“My branches are gone,” said the tree.”You cannot swing on them-” I am too old to swing on branches” said the boy.,“My trunk is gone,” said the tree. “You cannot climb-” I am too tired to climb,” said the boy.,“I am sorry” sighed the tree. “I wish that I could give you something but I have nothing left. I am just an old stump. I am sorry”,我的,苹,果沒了。,我的牙,齿,也咬不,动苹,果了。,我的,树,枝沒了。,你不能在上面,荡秋千,了,我太老了,不能在,上面,荡秋千,。男孩,说,。,我真希望我能,给你什么,可是我什,么,也沒了。我只剩下,一,块老树根,。我很抱歉,我的,树干,沒了。,树说,。你不能爬,我太累了,爬不,动,的。男孩,说,。,我很抱歉。,树叹了口气,。,My apples are gone.”,35,I dont need very much now” said the boy. “just a quiet place to sit and rest. I am very tired” “Well” said the tree, straightening herself up as much as she could, “well, an old stump,is good,for sitting and resting. Come, Boy, sit down. and rest.”,And the boy did,我,现,在要的不多。男孩,说,。,只要一個安,静,,可以坐,着,休息的地方。我好累好累。,好啊。,树一边说,,一,边,努力挺,直,身子。,正好啊,老,树,根是最,适,合,坐下來休息的。,来,啊!孩子,坐下,来,,坐下,来,休息。,男孩坐了下,来,。,I dont need very much now”,36,And the tree was happy,The End,树好快乐,。,And the tree was happyThe End树,37,诗朗诵,母亲的赞歌,诗朗诵 母亲的赞歌,38,母亲发言:,说说你和孩子或者和自己妈妈的故事,母亲发言: 说说你和孩子或者和自己妈妈的故,39,学生发言:,说说你和妈妈的故事,学生发言: 说说你和妈妈的故事,40,最想和妈妈说的话,最想和妈妈说的话,41,你准备如何报答母亲,你准备如何报答母亲,42,小学一年级母亲节-班会ppt课件,43,


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