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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,管理学问题汇总与解答,1.问题与关键词,2.理论背景与知识,3.解答,Valadon onry.,ch Asposeslides for NET 4o dient P,Evaluation only.,Created with Aspose Slides for NET 4.0 dient Profilo,71,Copyright 2004-2017Aspose Pty L,1.管理风格题型,1.中国知名企业的管理风格,What are management styles of china,Well known corporations?,2.你所在企业的管理风格和你个人获得,的成就(也有人说:你的工作环境和管,理风格,你的成功经验),Valadon onry.,ch Asposeslides for NET 4o dient P,Evaluation only.,Created with Aspose Slides for NET 4.0 dient Profilo,71,Copyright 2004-2017Aspose Pty L,Autocratic,Permissive autocrat,Directive democrat,Makes decisions,M,akes decisionS,unilaterally, gives,participatively,subordinates latitude in,closely supervises,carrying out their work.,subordinates,Permis,ve,Permissive democrat,Directive autocrat,Makes decisions,Makes decisions,participatively, gives,unilaterally closely,subordinates latitude in,Supervises,carrying out their work.,subordinates.,Evaluauon onr.,ch Asposeslides for NET 4o dient P,Evaluation only.,Created with Aspose Slides for NET 4.0 dient Profilo,71,Copyright 2004-2017Aspose Pty L,如何去回答管理风格的问题,陈述理论(至少你要把4种风格列出,简,单说明4种风格),适用的员工和企业的生命周期,说明你工作的企业现在处于一个什么阶,段或者你的员工处于一个什么状态,我去适用什么风格,Valadon onry.,ch Asposeslides for NET 4o dient P,Evaluation only.,Created with Aspose Slides for NET 4.0 dient Profilo,71,Copyright 2004-2017Aspose Pty L,Telling(命令式),Delegating(授权式),Works best when employees,Works best when the,are neither willing nor employees are willing to do,able to do the job chigh,the job and know how to,heed of support and high go about it(low need of,need of guidance).,support and low need of,guidance).,Participating(参与式),Selling(说服式),Works best when employees Works best when employees,have the ability to do the,are willing to do the job,job, but need a high,but don t know how to do it,amount of support(low,(low need of support but,need of guidance but high,high need of guidance).,need of support),Evaluauon onr.,ch Asposeslides for NET 4o dient P,Evaluation only.,Created with Aspose Slides for NET 4.0 dient Profilo,71,Copyright 2004-2017Aspose Pty L,生命周期理论与管理风格,Beginning:,Apply Participating to build up,harmonious relationship with employees,and create intangible attractions and,organization climate to retain,employees,Valadon onry.,ch Asposeslides for NET 4o dient P,Evaluation only.,Created with Aspose Slides for NET 4.0 dient Profilo,71,Copyright 2004-2017Aspose Pty L,growth,Businesses expanded and more,employees involved,Apply selling to guide their activities,and set up standards to control their,performance,Valadon onry.,ch Asposeslides for NET 4o dient P,Evaluation only.,Created with Aspose Slides for NET 4.0 dient Profilo,71,Copyright 2004-2017Aspose Pty L,Maturi,Organizations become stable apply,Delegating and Telling to establish,empowerment as well as authority,Executive manager focus on innovation,and strategic planning,Valadon onry.,ch Asposeslides for NET 4o dient P,Evaluation only.,Created with Aspose Slides for NET 4.0 dient Profilo,71,Copyright 2004-2017Aspose Pty L,管理风格理论可以应用的题型,可以阐述自己的管理风格和优势,可以阐述自己的领导风格和如何处理员,工关系,可以说明目前你工作的企业面临的挑战,和现存问题,Valadon onry.,ch Asposeslides for NET 4o dient P,Evaluation only.,Created with Aspose Slides for NET 4.0 dient Profilo,71,Copyright 2004-2017Aspose Pty L,经典案例,Hair张瑞敏,三九集团赵新先采用的是 Directive,Autocrat, Alibaba马云, Lenovo柳传志采用的是 Permissive,Democrat (when there is an organization,conflict turns up between a vice and a director,he attempt to ask the vice for the issue cos,most of vice get first hand information.,V-formation of migration: When a goose falls out,of formation it feels the resistance of trying to go it,alone, and quickly gets back into formation to take,advantage of flying with the flock,Valadon onry.,ch Asposeslides for NET 4o dient P,Evaluation only.,Created with Aspose Slides for NET 4.0 dient Profilo,71,Copyright 2004-2017Aspose Pty L,


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