新概念二册L18 ppt课件

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,新概念二册L18 ppt课件,1,He often does this !,He often does this !,2,Look, listen and answer,Q1: Where did the writer have lunch?,Q2: Why couldnt the writer pay the bill?,Q3: What had happened to the writers bag?,Look, listen and answerQ1: Whe,3,bill,bill,4,landlord,landlord,5,pub,pub,6,New words,pub,n.,小酒店,landlord,n.,店主,bill,n.,账单,New wordspub n.小酒店landlo,7,pub,n.,小酒店,pub - crawl,爬,在数家酒店连续饮酒,public house,酒馆,pub n. 小酒店pub - crawl爬在数家酒,8,landlord,n.,店主,lord,贵族,贵族包括:,duck,公爵,marquis,侯爵,earl,伯爵,viscount,子爵,baron,男爵,landlord n. 店主lord 贵族 贵族包括,9,bill,n.,账单,No bills.,禁止张贴广告,bill n. 账单No bills. 禁止张贴广告,10,Text,Text,11,Discussion,Discussion,12,After I had,had lunch,at a village pub,I,looked for,my bag.,look for 寻找(强调过程),find 找到(强调结果),eg: I looked for my key everywhere, but I couldnt find it.,have lunch,=,eat lunch,吃午饭,After I had had lunch at a vi,13,2. I had,left,it on a chair,beside,the door and,now it wasnt there.,left,原形,leave,离开,出发,leave for 离开去,eg: I will leave for Beijing tomorrow.,把(人、物)留下、遗留、丢下,leave sth. + 地点 把落在,eg: I left my key in the car.,beside = next to 在旁边,besides = in addition to 除之外 还,except 除之外,eg: Besides this photo , I have a lot of others.,I invited everyone except John.,2. I had left it on a chair b,14,3. Did you,have a good meal,?,have a good meal 吃得好,4. but I cant,pay the bill,.,pay the bill 付账,3. Did you have a good meal ?,15,5.,In a few minutes,he returned with my bag,and,give,it,back,to me .,in a few minutes 一会儿之后,give back = return 归还,give in = hand in 上交,give away 赠送,give up = stop 放弃,=surrender 投降,Give in your exercise books to me.,He cant continue fighting . He will soon give in.,I have given up smoking.,I gave away my collection of stamps to the little boy.,5. In a few minutes he return,16,6. My dog had,taken,it into the garden.,take 把带走,bring 把带来,fetch 去取某物(一来一去的动作),Fetch the doctor.,快去请医生来。,bring sth / sb to,take sth / sb to,Please bring that ruler to me.,请把那个尺子给我带来。,My father took me to the park yesterday.,爸爸昨天带我去了公园。,6. My dog had taken it into t,17,Find out “have”,Find out “have”,18,Focus on grammar,动词have的用法:,1. I,have,finished my homework.,2. I,have,a new house.,Do,you,have,a new house?,= I,have got,a new house.,Have,you got a new house?,3. After I had,had,lunch at a village pub.,Did you,have,a good meal?,I,had,a bath before dinner.= I,took,a bath before dinner.,Have,a biscuit.=,Take,a biscuit.,I,had a good time,at the party. =I,enjoyed myself,at the party.,I,had a letter from,him yesterday.=I,received a letter from,him yesterday.,Focus on grammar动词have的用法:,19,Focus on grammar,动词have的用法:,1. have助动词,构成完成时:have+过去分词,eg:,I,have,finished my homework.,2. 表示拥有,具有,have=have got ,不能用于进行时态或被动语态,通常用,于一般现在时。,eg:,I,have,a new house.,Do,you,have,a new house?,= I,have got,a new house.,Have,you got a new house?,3. Have可以表示eat,drink,enjoy,take等意思,这时have是行为动词,可,以用于各种时态。,eg:,After I had,had,lunch at a village pub.,Did you,have,a good meal?,I,had,a bath before dinner.= I,took,a bath before dinner.,have,a biscuit.=,take,a biscuit.,I,had a good time,at the party. =I,enjoyed myself,at the party.,I,had a letter from,him yesterday.=I,received a letter from,him yesterday.,Focus on grammar动词have的用法:,20,have,用法,1. 助动词,have + p.p,had + p.p,2. 实意动词 拥有,have = have got,I have got a book.,I have a book.,I dont have a book.,I havent got a book.,否定句,Do you have a book ?,Have you got a book ?,疑问句,3. have 短语 (,表示eat,drink,enjoy,take等意思),have a bath,have lunch,have a good time,have some beer,4. have to 不得不,have1. 助动词have + p.phad + p.p2,21,give的用法:,He returned with my bag and,gave,it,back,to me.,Give in,your exercise books to me.,He cant continue fighting . He will soon,give in,.,I,gave away,my collection of stamps to the little boy.,I have,given up,smoking.,give back=return 归还,give in =hand in 上交 =surrender 投降,give away 赠送,give up=stop 放弃,beside prep.=next to 在旁边,besides prep.=in addition to 除之外还,except 除之外,eg: Besides this photo , I have a lot of others.,I invited everyone except John.,give的用法:,22,一、选词填空,1.When the bus stopped, an old man,me got off.,2.No one can contact the manager,his secretary.,3.My grandfather goes for a walk every day,Sunday.,4.Every one in my family is,the missing dog.,5.We are,hearing from you soon. Well,miss you.,6.Im,my glasses. I cant,them,anywhere.,beside besides except look for find look forward to,beside,except,except,looking for,looking forward to,looking for,find,一、选词填空 beside besides ex,23,Fill in the blanks 1,He often does this!,After I had had lunch at a village_, I looked for my bag. I had left it on a chair beside the door and now it wasnt there! As I was looking for it, the _came in.”Did you have a good meal? he asked. Yes, thank you, I answered, but I cant pay the_. I havent got my bag.The landlord smiled and immediately went out. In a few minutes he returned with my bag and gave it back to me.Im very sorry, he said. My dog had taken it into the garden. He often does this!,pub,landlord,bill,Fill in the blanks 1He often d,24,Fill in the blanks 3,He often does this!,After I had had lunch _a village pub, I looked _my bag. I had left it _a chair _the door and now it wasnt there! As I was looking for it, the landlord came_. Did you have a good meal? he asked.Yes, thank you, I answered, but I cant pay the bill. I havent got my bag.The landlord smiled and immediately went_. In a few minutes he returned _my bag and gave it back _me. Im very sorry, he said. My dog had taken it _the garden. He often does this!,at,for,on,beside,in,out,with,to,into,Fill in the blanks 3He often d,25,See you !,See you !,26,


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