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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,雅思小作文,柱图,The graphs below show the types of music albums purchased,by people in Britain according to sex and age.,16-24,口否5-34,Pereent age of people who buy Classical Musie,Percantage of pe eple who buy Rock Music,口16-24,囗16-24,囗否5-34,25-34,5+,The three bar charts describe in the percentage of the music album,sales concerning three genres, namely, pop, rock and classical in the,UK, and the overall purchases are divided by two categories: age and,gender,It is exhibited in the graphs that the pop and rock music CDs are sold,more than classical music. Whats more. as shown from the charts,that men are the bigger consumers compared to their counterpart,women when it comes to music. It is also worth mentioning that,people ages 16 to 24 and from 35 to 44 are more fond of pop and,rock. On the contrary, those who are older than 45 are more,interested in classical music, and their consumption accounts for 20,%, ranks the first, then the next is 17% consumed by people ages 25,to 34, followed by 3 and o5 purchased by those who are 35 to,44 and 16 to 24, respectively. Finally, it must be pointed out that the,biggest buyer of these three kind of music is the group ages 25 to 34,To sum up, younger people are keen on pop and rock,hile classical enjoys more popularity among those,who are older than 45. Nevertheless, people who are,from 25 to 34 seem to appreciate all three music types,The bar chart below shows the three main causes of land damage,in four different areas,The Main causes of Land Damage in Four Regions,g,T,200,口 f arming,00,A tric,Asia,Australia,Europe,


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