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(come),3.,中心词前,有序数词,形容词最高级,或,no,all,any,修饰,且动词与中心词是,主动关系,,用,to do,做定语,to do,to come,1.Do you have the ability_ in English? (read),2.His attempt_ his relationship with his classmates succeeded. (improve),to read,to improve,4.,被修饰的词是抽象名词时用不定式做定语,常见的有:,ability, chance, idea, hope, wish, fact, excuse, promise, attempt, way,等,The ability_ (express) an idea is as important as the idea itself.,to express,二、分词作定语,a developing country,a developed country,boiling water,boiled water,falling leaves,fallen leaves,1. -ing,作定语(动作正在进行),1. -ed,作定语,(,动作已完成,),2,、,look/expression/voice,an exciting voice,an excited voice,a puzzling expression,a puzzled expression,总结:,v-ing,表示 “令人,”,v-ed,表示“某人自己因为,感到,对,感到,”,类似表达还有:,surprised/surprising,shocked/shocking,amazed/amazing,astonished/astonishing,interested/interesting,depressed/depressing,pleased/pleasing,satisfied/satisfying,bored/boring,frightened/frightening,embarrassed/embarrassing,disappointed/disappointing,encouraged/encouraging,3.-ed,分词作定语,The building _ last year is our teaching,building. (build),The building _ next year is our teaching,building.,The building _ at present is our teaching building.,built,to be built,being built,总结:,1.,动词和所修饰名词之间是被动关系,有三种形式,done/to be done/being done,2.,区别是:表达事情发生的,时间,不同,去年被建成的图书馆由他爸爸设计,.,现在正在被建的图书馆下个月就要被完工了,.,将要被建成的图书馆能容纳,2000,人,.,The library,built last year,was designed by my father.,The library,being built,now,will be completed next month.,The library,to be built,can hold 2000 people.,语法填空,-ed,和,-ing,前的,be,动词,The house _ (buy) 3 years ago.,We are decorating the house _ (buy) 3 years ago.,Look! The girl _ (stand) beside the street lamp.,The girl _ (stand) beside the street lamp is my cousin.,主语,谓语动词,was bought,非谓语动词,bought,is standing,standing,5.A great number of houses _ (destroy) by the earthquake.,6.The university _ (found) over 100 years ago has turned out lots of excellent students.,7.The boy _ (listen)to the music wrote a song himself last year.,8.,The first textbooks_ (write) for teaching English as a foreign language, were produced in the 16,th,century.,were destroyed,founded,listening,written,To make,Ordered,turning,making,To catch,spent,Absorbed,Having worked,To learn,wondering,11. to talk,using,Raised,accompanied,staring,To free,To work,To find,throwing,having caught,非谓语动词作状语练习,Having eaten,to take,offering,having set,bathing,To stay,Founded,to watch,asked,Used,Basing,32. leaving,33. Having been asked,following,sliding,comparing,leaving,Amazed,making,Judging,making,Taken,非谓语动词作宾语,下列动词后用什么动词形式,1.consider,2.wish,3.happen,4.avoid,5.appreciate,6.refuse,5.resist,6.promise,7.pretend,8.suggest,9.imagine,doing,to do,to do,doing,doing,to do,doing,to do,to do,doing,doing,10.choose,11.practise,12.mind,13.decide,14.expect,15.admit,16.allow,17.agree,18.forbid,19.escape,20.offer,to do,doing,doing,to do,to do,doing,doing,to do,doing,doing,to do,一,.,作主语,饭后散步对我们的身体有好处,.,Walking after meals,is,beneficial to our health.,大声朗读对我们提高英语有帮助,.,Reading aloud,helps,improve our English.,1),Seeing,is,believing,.,2),To save,time is,to lengthen,life.,1.,若句子的主语和表语都为非谓语动词,其 形式要求一致。,一,.,作主语,Walking after meals is beneficial to our health.,To finish the work in one hour is impossible.,习惯,抽象,泛指,具体,将来,特指,作主语的区别,To collect information,is important for business men.,It,is important for business men,to collect information.,一,.,作主语,2.It,作形式主语的情况,.,It +is/was +adj./n. +(for/of sb.) to do sth.,1,),It is/was,no use/good,worth,+doing sth.,但是:,a waste of time,fun,2)There is no sense (in) doing,做,没有道理,There is no point (in) doing,做,无意义,做这件傻事毫无意义。,There is no point,doing,such a silly thing.,3),但是,There is no need to do sth,做,没必要。,1). Its necessary to be prepared for a job,interview. _the answers ready,will be of great help.,A. To have had B. Having had,C. Have D. Having,2). In fact _ is a hard job for the police,to keep order in an important match.,A. this B. that C. there D. it,D,D,我们都知道,喝太多咖啡是没有好处的,.,2.,光想不做是没有用的,.,As we all know, it is no good,drinking,too much coffee.,It is no use,thinking,without action.,宾语,to do,doing,取决于谓语动词,二,.,2.,作宾语,不定式和动名词都可作动词或介词的宾语。,有些动词后,只跟不定式,作宾语,如:,want, manage, demand, promise,refuse, pretend, plan, offer, decide, agree,expect/ hope/wish, choose, happen,等。,I dont want _ like Im speaking ill of anybody, but the managers plan is unfair.,A. to sound B. to be sounded,C. sounding D. to have sounded,A,有些动词后,只跟动名词,作宾语,,如,:,admit, appreciate, avoid, consider, delay, dislike, enjoy, escape, excuse, finish, forgive, imagine, keep, mind, miss, practise, resist, risk, suggest, deny.,1) I cant stand _ with Jane in the same,office. She just refuses _ talking while,she works.,A. working; stopping B. to work; stopping,C. working; to stop D. to work; to stop,2) He got well-prepared for the job interview,for he couldnt risk _ the good opportunity.,A. to lose B. losing C. to be lost D. being lost,C,B,be used to,lead to,devoteto, stick to,get down to, pay attention to,cant stand,feel like, insist on , thank you for, be busy,apologize for,have difficulty/ trouble (in),have a good/ hard/ wonderful time (in),spend time (in) ,waste time (in),动名词,常可用于下列词组后,1). Isnt it time you,got down to,_ the,papers?,A. mark B. be marked,C. being marked D. marking,但,I have no choice,but,_ (accept) the fact.,I have nothing to do,but,_ (sleep).,D,to accept,sleep,介词后一般接,doing,1),有些动词后,既可以跟,to do,,,又可以跟,doing,作宾语,但,意义上有区别,。如,forget, remember, regret, stop, try, mean, go on, cant help,等,。,1) If you think treating a person well means always _ his permission for things, think again.,A. gets B. got C. to get D. getting,2)When asked by the police, he said that he remembered _ at the party, but not,_.,A. to arrive; leaving B. to arrive; to leave,C. arriving; leaving D. arriving; to leave,D,C,As the twentieth century came to a close, the raw materials for a great national literature were at hand, waiting _.,A. to use B. to be used,C. to have used D. to be using,After he became conscious, he remembered _ and _ on the head with a rod.,A. to attack; hit,B. to be attacked; to be hit,C. attacking; be hit,D. having been attacked; hit,B,D,2),有些动词如,begin, start, continue,后,既可以跟,to do,又可以跟,doing,作宾语,意义上,无多大区别。,I begin to do/ doing the task .,3),love, like, hate, prefer,后接,doing,表示经常性的行为;接,to do,表示具体的行为。,1).,I like _ very much, but I dont like _ this afternoon.,A. swimming, swimming,B. to swim, to swim,C. swimming, to swim,D. to swim, swimming,C,2). Little Jim should love _ to the theatre this evening,A. to be taken B. to take,C. being taken D. taking,但要注意,:,如果,like, love, prefer,前有,would/should,后面则应该接,to do,A,need,,,require,,,want “,需要被做”,doing,to be done,1) Your watch needs,repairing, to be repaired,.,2) The windows need,painting again to be painted again.,3.,动名词的复合结构,动名词前由形容词性物主代词和名词所有格构成。,1,)我姐姐病了,使我很担心。,My sisters,being ill made me worried.,2),他一到机场,就被影迷包围了。,On his arriving at the airport,he was surrounded by the fans.,3). Victor apologized for _ to inform me,of the change in the plan.,A. his being not able B. him not to be able,C. his not being able D. him to be not able,C,三,.,作宾语补足语,感官动词,使役动词,with,结构, I heard her _( sing) an English song just now., I heard her _ (sing) an English song when I passed by her room yesterday., I heard the English song _( sing) many times.,1.,接动词原形时,表示动作发生的全过程;,接现在分词时,表示动作正在发生或进行,接过去分词时,表被动或完成。,7,看,:see, look at, watch, observe, notice, found, catch 2,听,:hear, listen to,1,感觉,: feel 1,嗅觉,: smell,sing,singing,sung,1. sb. be,seen,watched,heard,felt,noticed ,+,to do,2.,使役动词:,1),make/ let/ have/get sb do,Sb. be made/ let/ had/got to do,Paul doesnt have to be made _. He always works hard.,A. learn B. to learn,C. learned D. learning,B,1. I wont,have,you,working,all the day.,2. Im sorry to have,kept,you,waiting,.,3. She has,left,the boy,crying,for a long time.,2) have, keep, leave sb./ sth. doing,使,持续做某事,1. I will,have,my bike,repaired,tomorrow.,2.I raised my voice to,make,myself,heard,.,3) have, keep, make, leave, get + n. + done,使,被做,1. _ poor at English, Im afraid I cant make myself _.,A. To be; understand,B. Im; to understand,C. Being; understanding,D. Being; understood,D,2. I have had my bike _, and,Im going to have somebody,_ my radio tomorrow.,A. repair; to repair,B. repairing; to be repaired,C. repaired; repair,D. to repair; repairing,C,3. You must get the work _ before Friday.,A. do B. to do,C. doing D. done,D,4. _ the room, the nurse,found the tape-recorder _ .,A. Entering; stealing,B. Entering; gone,C. To have entered; being stolen,D. Having entered; to be stolen,B,5.We are pleased to see the,problem _ so quickly.,A. settled,B. having been settled,C. be settled,D. settling,A,6.The director had her assistant _ some hot dogs for the meeting.,picked up,picks up,pick up,picking up,C,As is known to us all, traveling is _, but we often feel _ when we are back from travels.,A. interesting; tired,B. interested; tiring,C. interesting; tiring,D. interested; tired,表语,4.,作表语,我的计划是,5,年实现我的梦想,.,My plan is,to realize,my dream in 5 years.,这场球赛很激动人心,我们都很激动,.,The match was,exciting,and we were,excited,.,They were _ at the news.(,惊奇于),He is _ .(,对神话故事有兴趣),We _.(,为四川大地震而感到震惊),The little boys were _ the long speech.(,感到厌倦),surprised,interested in fairy tales,were shocked at the earthquake in Sichuan,tired of,当他们的父亲发火时很恐怖,.,孩子们看见父亲发火很惊恐,.,Their father,was frightening,when he lost his temper. The children,became frightened,when they saw him losing temper.,I noticed Mother at a nearby table occupy by an elderly woman and a young couple.,“,Excuse me,” she said, put her arm around the unhappy old woman.,3. Face all strange things around me, I,often missed my old friends and classmates.,4. From the disappointing look on his face, we know that he didnt pass the exam.,1.,非谓语动词在改错中,occupied,putting,Facing,disppointed,2. _, her tears came out. A. Hearing the news B. She heard the news C. When she heard the news D. To hear the news,1._ and she burst into tears. A. Hearing the news B. When she heard the news C. Jack told Mary the news D. Hear the news,her tears,She couldnt help crying.,C,C,A.C,2.,非谓语动词在单项选择中,and,1. If not _, youre allowed to return everything within 10days for a full refund and no further duties.,A. to satisfy B. being satisfied,C. satisfied D. satisfying,2. The experiment shows that proper amounts of exercise, if_ regularly, can improve our health.,A. being carried out B. carrying out,C. carried out D. to carry out,C,C,结束语,当你尽了自己的最大努力时,失败也是伟大的,所以不要放弃,坚持就是正确的。,When You Do Your Best, Failure Is Great, So DonT Give Up, Stick To The End,谢谢大家,荣幸这一路,与你同行,ItS An Honor To Walk With You All The Way,演讲人:,XXXXXX,时 间:,XX,年,XX,月,XX,日,


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