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Im looking for Xinhua Bookshop!,A:Ha-ha! This is the post office.,B:Sorry! _2_,A:Sure._3_, turn left at the second crossing and walk on until you reach the end.,B:_4_,A: A little . Its about forty minutes walk.,B: 5,A: Yes. The bus stop is over there.,1.Yes, please. 2.Could you tell me the way there?,3.Walk along this road 4.Is it far? 5.Can I take a bus?,(2),补全对话(话语可能是一个句子,也可能是一个短语或一个词),(John wants to invite Sue and Judy to see a film . He is calling Sue ),Sue:Hello!,John:Hello!May I speak to Sue, please?,Sue: This is Sue speaking._1_,John:This is John.,Sue: Hi,John. How are you?,John: Fine,thank you. And you?,Sue: Im OK. Whats up?,John:_2_,Sue:Yes, Im free.,John: Ive got three tickets for a film this Saturday evening. Id like to invite you and Judy to see the film. Would you like to go with me?,Sue: _3_,John: Great! By the way, have you got Judys telephone number?,Sue: Yes.,John: _4_,Sue:Sure.Ill call her as soon as possible.When and where shall we meet?,John:_5_,Sue:OK. Lets meet at 5:00 p.m. at the cinema.,John: All right. See you then.,Sue: See you .,1. Whos that(speaking)?,2.Are you free this Saturday evening?,3.Yes, Id love to.,4.Could you call her please?,5.What about meeting at 5:00p.m. at the cinema?,(3),Ted: Hi, Bruce! I havent seen you for a long time._1_?,Bruce: Ive just been to Hawaii to take part in the surfing competition.,Ted: 2 ?,Bruce: Yes, I did. I won the first prize.,Ted: 3 ! Youre a superman.,4 ?,Bruce : I have taken part in five or six matches. Surfing is my favourite sport. I really like it.5 ?,Ted : No, I havent . I think that surfing is like reading a great book. Once you start, it is hard to stop.,1.Where have you been 2.Did you win the competition,3.Congratulations 4 How many matches have you taken part in 5.Have you surfed?,(4),H: Hi, Li Dong! I havent seen you for alongtime.1_,L: To America. I went to Washington D.C. last year.,H: 2_,L: Half a year.,H: 3_,L: Not bad.,H: _4_,L: New York. I visited some colleges, schools and factories there. I also went to see my middle school teacher. He teaches Chinese in a night school in a city.,H: 5_-,L:About five years or more, I suppose.,1. Where have you been these days? 2. How long did you stay there?,3.How was everything there? 4. Did you go anywhere else?,5.How long has he worked in the school?,(5),Yang Mei:Hi, Lora!1_,Laura:Oh,Ive been to many places, such as Xian, Hangzhou, Shanghai, Guilin and Tibet.,Yang Mei:2_,Laura: Really? What places have you been to?,Yang Mei: Very few. Ive only been to Pingyao.,Laura:3_,Yang Mei: Its in Shanxi . Its a small place, but it has a long history. Its one of the oldest towns in China. There you can see a well-kept city wall.,Laura:4_ Ive just seen a lot of natural beauties, but not much old Chinese culture yet.,Yang Mei:5_,1.What places have you been to in China?,2.Youve been to more places than I have.,3.Wheres that?,4.Ive never seen such a place in China?,5.Well,youll have a lot of chances if you like.,(6),A:Hello! May I speak to Miss Zhao?,B:1_! (A moment later) I m sorry,2_.,Could I take a message?,A: Certainly,3_.I want to speak to her about my son David Smith.,4_. Im afraid he isnt able to go to school today.,B: 5_. I hope hell be all right very soon.,A: 6 _! Could I leave my telephone number to you?,B:OK. 7_! Ill go and get a pen and a piece of paper. OK!Please give me your phone number.,A:3579860. Thats my office telephone number. My name is Peter Smith .,B: All right. Ill ask her to call you as soon as she is back.,A:8_. Thank you very much. Goodbye!,B: Goodbye!,1.Hold on for a moment,please 2.she isnt here right now,3.thats very kind of you 4.He has got a bad cold,5.Im sorry to hear that 6.Thank you 7.Wait a moment ,please,8.Thatll be fine,(7),Husband:Ive got good news to tell you, dear.,Wife: Whats it?,Husband:1_.,Wife: Thats really good news, but do you think2_?,Husband:I think so. Its not easy, of course. As you know,_3_.,Wife:And youve tred to stop smoking several times.,Husband: You mean to say 4_, right? But now Ive got these pills. Look.5_.,Wife: Oh good! I hope youll make it.,1.Ive decided to stop smoking 2. youll be able to do it this time,3.Ive been smoking for so many years,4.Ill start to smoke soon again 5.Theyll help me give up smoking,(8),A: Look! A new machine.,B: How long _1_?,A: Only a week.,B: I t looks strange. What _2_ ?,A: Its used for making noodles.,B: Where 3_?,A: It was made in Guangzhou.,B: Have 4_?,A: Yes. Ive used it several times already.,1.have you had the machine 2 . is it used for,3.is it made 4. you used it,(9),A: _1_, Madam?,B:Yes, Im looking for you a leather jacket.,A:2_?,B: I want a warm colour.,A: Let me see what colours I have Oh, how about the red one? Here you are.,B:Hmm. It looks too bright. 3_ any other colours?,A:4_ the brown one and the black one?,B:Well, I prefer the brown one. 5_?,A: 880 yuan.,B: 6_. I dont think Ill take it.,A: Maybe you can 7_ and have a look before you decided.,B: OK.,(The lady tries it on and looks at herself in the mirror.),A: It looks very nice on you and it fits you so well. If you take it, Ill give you a 10% discount(折扣),B: Hmm. Its really very nice.8_,though its still a little expensive.,1.Can I help you 2. What colour do you want 3.Do you have 4. How about,5. How much is it 6.This is too dear 7.try it on 8.Ill take it,(10),A:1_,Miss?,B: Im looking for a light yellow suit.,A:2_ do you want ,please?,B:Size M.,A: Yes,3_Size M, but the yellow ones are sold out.,B:4_?,A:Yes, 5_ those over there?,B:Well, this colour looks nice . How much 6_?,A:298 dallars.,B: Hmm! Thats very expensive. Can I 7_?,A:Of course.,B: Its just right.8_.,1.Can I help you 2.What size 3.we have 4.What about different colours,5 What about 6. is it 7.try it on 8.Ill take it,( 11 ),A:Excuse me, sir, could you please tell me how to get to the zoo?,B: Sorry, 1_ Im new here. 2_,A: Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the zoo?,C: Go along this street until you reach the second traffic lights,turn left. At the end of the street youll see the zoo.,A: 3_,C: Yes, you can.,A:4_,C: You can take the No. 6 bus.,A: Thank you very much.,C:5_,1.I dont know 2.Please ask that girl. 3.Can I take a bus to get there?,4.Which bus shall I take? 5. Its my pleasure.,( 12 ),( Mike comes to see Dr. White . W: Dr. White: M: Mike),W: 1_,M: Well, doctor. Its my eyes. I cant see clearly.,W:2_,M: Since last week, I think.,W: Let me have look. Oh,Mike, I guess you are working too hard these days and taking less care of your eyes.,M:3_What shall I do then?,W: Well, when you feel tired , just stop working and come out to enjoy a short rest. Remember,never go to bed too late and dont read in bed.,M: 4_,W: Sure, Mike.,M: 5_. Thank you very much.,1.Whats the trouble, Mike? 2 How long have you had the problem?3. Thats true. 4. Do you think that will help? 5.All right, doctor. Ill try it.,(13),Jenny: Hello, John. How are you?,John:Im fine, thanks. How are you?,Jenny:Fine. Are you doing anything on Saturday?,John:1_,Jenny:Well. Would you like to come to the beach with me and some friends?,John:2_,Jenny:We are meeting at Mikes house. Have you been there before?,John:Yes, its behind the park, isnt it?,Jenny:Thats right. Can you be there at 7:30?,John:3_,Jenny:We are all taking some food. Can you bring something?,John:4_,Jenny:And dont forget to bring your swimming things!,John: Right. Bye!,1.No, I dont think so.Why?/No, nothing much.Why?,2.Yes, Id love to./Yes, Id like to. 3.Yes, I think I will./OK.Ill be there on time./Yes, I can./No problem. 4.OK./Yes,Ill bring some dumplings.,( 14 ),A:Hello!Is that Miss Gao speaking?,B:Im sorry .1_ Could I take a message?,A: OK. I want to say something about my daughter.,2_ Im afraid she cant go to school today.,B:3_ I hope shell be well soon.,A: 4_ Could I leave my telephone number for you?,B: OK. 5_ Ill go and get a pen. Well, your number, please!,A: 23579860. Many thanks. Goodbye!,B:Goodbye!,1.She isnt here at the moment. 2.She has a bad cold today.,3. Im sorry to hear that. 4. Thank you. 5.Wait a moment, please.,(15),Bruce: Hi, Kate! How was your summer holidays?,Kate: 1_,Bruce:Where did you go?,Kate: I,:2_,Kate: Its one of the most beautiful cities in the northwest of China. I like it very much.,Bruce:How long did you stay there?,Kate: We stayed there for five days. 3_,Bruce:Which is your favourite place?,Kate:4_. When I was there, I lost myself in the beautiful scenery.,Bruce: What interesting things did you do there?,Kate: Lots of things, such as swimming, boating, fishing and riding camels.But I think sand sliding I the most exciting one.,Bruce: Oh, really, I cant wait to go there.,1.Oh,it was great. 2.How do you like Yinchuan?,3.Weve been to many wonderful places. 4. I think Sand Lank is the best.,(16),A: Good morning. Can I help you?,B: Yes, pease.1_,A: OK. What do you think of it?,B: Its interesting and helpful.2_,A: Yes, but whats the name of the tape you want?,B: In the Heat of the Sun.,A:3_Let me check the computer for you.,B:4_,A: Ah, you are lucky. Nobody has taken it. Here you are.,B: Thank you.5_,A: Three days. But you should take care of it and return it on time.,B: Sure, I will. Bye.,1. Id like to return this book. 2.Have you got any videotape? 3.Wait a minute, please. 4. Its very kind of you. 5.How long may I keep it?,(17),A:Good morning, Madam.,B: Good morning, Doctor.,A:_1_,B: Ive got a cold today.,A: How long have you been like this?,B: Since this morning.,A:2_,B: Im feeling too bad. A: Have you got a fever?,B: No, but I have a cough. A:Oh,3_Say “Aaah”. B:Did you eat anything for breakfast?,B:Yes. A:4_,B: A glass of milk, two eggs, a piece of bread.,A: Oh, too much. Well, take this medicine three times a day. Have a good rest and drink more water.,B:5_ Goodbye.,A: Goodbye.,1.Whats wrong with you?/Whats the matter with you?/Whats your /the trouble? 2.How are you feeling now?3.Open your mouth.,4.What did you have/eat(for breakfast)? 5. Thanks/ Thank.,(18),A: Hello! May I speak to Mary, please?,B: Hold on, please.,C:1_,A: Hi, Mary. This is Dick. How are you?,C: 2_. And you?,A: Im very well, thanks.,C:Did you have a good time in the holidays ?,A:Yes,we really enjoyed ourselves in the holidays.,C: 3_?,A: We went to Hangzhou and Suzhou The trip was wonderful. You know, tomorrow will be my birthday. Well have a party at home. I hope you can join us.,C: Thats very kind of you. 4_,A: It will begin at four in the afternoon.,C: Thank you for caling me.,A: 5_.See you tomorrow.,C: See you then.,1.This is Mary (speaking) 2. Fine, thank you 3. Where did you go?,4.When/ What time will the party begin? 5. You are welcome.,(19),A: What are you doing now?,B: _1_,A: Whats wrong with it?,B: Nothing .2_,A: By itself? Oh, my god! What a funny idea!,B:3_Thomas Edison said he liked people who had ideas!,A: OK. Can you tell me why you have such a strange idea?,B:Look! Theres a wonderful football match on the playground,4_.,A: Oh, I See. Well, how can you do it?,B: See, now you are thinking , too. Lets come up with the answer together.,A: Sorry, inventor, I must go to watch the match._5_,Dont give up. Bye!,B: Wait a moment! , bye.,1. Im tying to fix the broom. 2.But I want to get it to sweep the floor by itself.,3.No, it isnt. 4.but I have to clean the classroom.,5You stay here and keep thinking.,(20),A:Have you been here long?,B: No, Ive been here for only a week.,A: Oh, 1_What do you do?,B: Im a college student of Chinese.2_,A:Sorry, will you please say it again?,B: What do you do?,A:_3_Im a college student of English.,B: Thats great.4_,A: OK.Lets help and learn from each other.,B: But when where shall we meet later on?,A: 5_How about meeting here at the same time every day?,B: Thats a good idea. See you tomorrow.,A: See you.,1.Thats not a long time. 2.What about you? 3.Oh, I see.,4.Would you like to help me with my English? 5. Let me see.,( 21),A: Is that Mr Green?,B: Sorry,1_.He left home a few minutes ago.,A: 2_!Will he come back soon?,B:No,Will you ring him up again this evening?,A: Sorry. But I wont be free tonight.,B:3_?,A:Its very kind of you. Therell be a talk on English at 1:30 tomorrow afternoon.,4_.,B:I certainly will. 5_as soon as he comes back.,A: Thanks a lot. Goodbye!,1. he isnt in/he isnt at home2.What a pity 3. Can I take a message for you?,4.Tell him not to be late 5. Ill tell him,( 22),A: Hi, John.,B:1_,Susan. Its a great surprise to see you here. What are you doing here ?,A: Im on a holiday trip in London here. 2_?,B: I came to do some shopping in London on weekdays and now Im ready to be back to Brighton. Its not far from here.,A:So you are not new here, are you?,B:3_. And besides, I often come to visit my friends here.,A: Are you free today?,B: 4_. I have to return to have classes in the afternoon.,A:Well, it doesnt matter. I can go sightseeing(观光)myself.,B:Sorry.I have to say goodbye to you. 5_.,A: I think I will. Thank you for your best wishes. Bye-bye.,B: Bye-bye.,1.Hi/Hello 2. What are you doing here? /Why are you here?/What about you?,3.No, Im not. 4.Im afraid not./ Im sorry. 4.Have a good tome /trip/holiday/Enjoy yourself,(23 ),A: 1_What did you do today?,B: We planted trees just now.,A:Oh, I have remembered. 2_ Where did you work?,B:At the foot of the hill.,A: Which hill?,B:The one on the other side of the river.,A: How did you get there?,B:On foot.3_,A:But what nade your clothes so dirty?,B: I fell into the river when I was carrying some water.,A: Bad luck! Youd better go to see a doctor.,B: 4_ The river snt deep and only my shoes are wetthrough.,A:5_,B:Thanks a lot. Ill do.,1.How dirty your clothes are! 2.Its Tree Planting Day today.,3.Its not far from our school, you know. 4.It doesnt matter.,5.Be careful next time.,(24),A: Can UI help you?,B:Yes, Id like to return this book, please.,A: 1_,B:No,I couldnt read it. I had a hard time reading a few pages,and then I decided to give up.,A:2_,B:It wasnt the language. It was the words. They are two small for me.,A:3_What can I do for you then?,B:Well, Id be glad if you could find me another book.,A: 4_,B: But one with bigger words.,A:5_,B:Oh,Oliver Twist. This one is fine. And the words are much bigger. Thank you very much.,A: Youre welcome.,1.Did you enjoy t


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