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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,胆道疾病病人护理化工企业本质安全理论实践及方法内科护理学呼吸系统总论概论脾胃病常见症状及治疗经验偏瘫截瘫康复训练手册偏执性精神障碍品管圈实践,Myers,PSYCHOLOGY,Chapter 4,Developing Through the Life Span,.,Myers PSYCHOLOGY Chapte,1,Prenatal Development and the Newborn,Developmental Psychology,a branch of psychology that studies physical, cognitive and social change throughout the life span,.,Prenatal Development and the N,2,Prenatal Development and the Newborn,Life is sexually transmitted,.,Prenatal Development and the N,3,Prenatal Development and the Newborn,Zygote,the fertilized egg,enters a 2 week period of rapid cell division,develops into an embryo,Embryo,the developing human organism from 2 weeks through 2nd month,Fetus,the developing human organism from 9 weeks after conception to birth,.,Prenatal Development and the N,4,Prenatal Development and the Newborn,40 days 45 days 2 months 4 months,.,Prenatal Development and the N,5,Prenatal Development and the Newborn,Teratogens,agents, such as chemicals and viruses, that can reach the embryo or fetus during prenatal development and cause harm,Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS),physical and cognitive abnormalities in children caused by a pregnant womans heavy drinking,symptoms include misproportioned head,.,Prenatal Development and the N,6,Prenatal Development and the Newborn,Rooting Reflex,tendency to open mouth, and search for nipple when touched on the cheek,Preferences,human voices and faces,facelike images-,smell and sound of mother,preferred,.,Prenatal Development and the N,7,Prenatal Development and the Newborn,Habituation,decreasing responsiveness with repeated stimulation,.,Prenatal Development and the N,8,Prenatal Development and the Newborn,Having habituated to the old stimulus, newborns preferred gazing at a new one,.,Prenatal Development and the N,9,Infancy and Childhood: Physical Development,Maturation,biological growth processes that enable orderly changes in behavior,relatively uninfluenced by experience,At birth,3 months,15 months,Cortical Neurons,.,Infancy and Childhood: Physica,10,Infancy and Childhood: Physical Development,Babies only 3 months old can learn that kicking moves a mobile-and can retain that learning for a month (Rovee-Collier, 1989, 1997).,.,Infancy and Childhood: Physica,11,Infancy and Childhood: Cognitive Development,Schema,a concept or framework that organizes and interprets information,Assimilation,interpreting ones new experience in terms of ones existing schemas,.,Infancy and Childhood: Cogniti,12,Infancy and Childhood: Cognitive Development,Accommodation,adapting ones current understandings (schemas) to incorporate new information,Cognition,All the mental activities associated with thinking, knowing, remembering, and communicating,.,Infancy and Childhood: Cogniti,13,Typical Age,Range,Description,of Stage,Developmental,Phenomena,Birth to nearly 2 years,Sensorimotor,Experiencing the world through,senses and actions (looking,touching, mouthing),Object permanence,Stranger anxiety,About 2 to 6 years,About 7 to 11 years,About 12 through,adulthood,Preoperational,Representing things,with words and images,but lacking logical reasoning,Pretend play,Egocentrism,Language development,Concrete operational,Thinking logically about concrete,events; grasping concrete analogies,and performing arithmetical operations,Conservation,Mathematical transformations,Formal operational,Abstract reasoning,Abstract logic,Potential for moral reasoning,Piagets Stages of Cognitive Development,.,Typical Age Description Develo,14,Infancy and Childhood: Cognitive Development,Object Permanence,the awareness that things continue to exist even when not perceived,.,Infancy and Childhood: Cogniti,15,Infancy and Childhood: Cognitive Development,Baby Mathematics,Shown a numerically impossible outcome, infants stare longer (Wynn, 1992),1. Objects placed,in case.,2. Screen comes,up.,3. Object is removed.,4. Impossible outcome:,Screen drops, revealing,two objects.,4. Possible outcome:,Screen drops, revealing,one object.,.,Infancy and Childhood: Cogniti,16,Infancy and Childhood: Cognitive Development,Conservation,the principle that properties such as mass, volume, and number remain the same despite changes in the forms of objects,.,Infancy and Childhood: Cogniti,17,Infancy and Childhood: Cognitive Development,Egocentrism,the inability of the preoperational child to take anothers point of view,Theory of Mind,peoples ideas about their own and others mental states- about their feelings, perceptions, and thoughts and the behavior these might predict,Autism,a disorder that appears in childhood,Marked by deficient communication, social interaction and understanding of others states of mind,.,Infancy and Childhood: Cogniti,18,Social Development,Stranger Anxiety,fear of strangers that infants commonly display,beginning by about 8 months of age,Attachment,an emotional tie with another person,shown in young children by their seeking closeness to the caregiver and displaying distress on separation,.,Social DevelopmentStranger Anx,19,Social Development,Harlows Surrogate Mother Experiments,Monkeys preferred contact with the comfortable cloth mother, even while feeding from the nourishing wire mother,.,Social DevelopmentHarlows Sur,20,Social Development,Critical Period,an optimal period shortly after birth when an organisms exposure to certain stimuli or experiences produces proper development,Imprinting,the process by which certain animals form attachments during a critical period very early in life,.,Social DevelopmentCritical Per,21,Social Development,Monkeys raised by artificial mothers were terror-stricken when placed in strange situations without their surrogate mothers.,.,Social DevelopmentMonkeys rais,22,Social Development,Groups of infants left by their mothers in a unfamiliar room (from Kagan, 1976).,0,20,40,60,80,100,3.5,5.5,7.5,9.5,11.5,13.5,20,29,Percentage,of infants,who cried,when their,mothers left,Age in months,Day care,Home,.,Social DevelopmentGroups of in,23,Social Development,Basic Trust,(Erik Erikson),a sense that the world is predictable and trustworthy,said to be formed during infancy by appropriate experiences with responsive caregivers,Self-Concept,a sense of ones identity and personal worth,.,Social DevelopmentBasic Trust,24,Social Development: Child-Rearing Practices,Authoritarian,parents impose rules and expect obedience,“Dont interrupt.” “Why? Because I said so.”,Permissive,submit to childrens desires, make few demands, use little punishment,Authoritative,both demanding and responsive,set rules, but explain reasons and encourage open discussion,.,Social Development: Child-Rear,25,Social Development: Child-Rearing Practices,.,Social Development: Child-Rea,26,Adolescence,Adolescence,the transition period from childhood to adulthood,extending from puberty to independence,Puberty,the period of sexual maturation,when a person becomes capable of reproduction,.,AdolescenceAdolescence.,27,Adolescence,Primary Sex Characteristics,body structures that make sexual reproduction possible,ovaries-female,testes-male,external genitalia,Secondary Sex Characteristics,nonreproductive sexual characteristics,female-breast and hips,male-voice quality and body hair,Menarche,(meh-NAR-key),first menstrual period,.,AdolescencePrimary Sex Charact,28,Adolescence,In the 1890s the average interval between a womans menarche and marriage was about 7 years; now it is over 12 years,10,20,7.2 Year Interval,10,20,12.5 Year Interval,Age,Age,1890, Women,1995, Women,.,AdolescenceIn the 1890s the a,29,Adolescence,Throughout childhood, boys and girls are similar in height. At puberty, girls surge ahead briefly, but then boys overtake them at about age 14.,Height in,centimeters,190,170,150,130,110,90,70,50,0,2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,Age in years,Boys,Girls,.,AdolescenceThroughout childhoo,30,Body Changes at Puberty,.,Body Changes at Puberty.,31,Kohlbergs Moral Ladder,As moral development progresses, the focus of concern moves from the self to the wider social world.,Morality of abstract,principles: to affirm,agreed-upon rights and,personal ethical principles,Morality of law and,social rules: to gain,approval or avoid,disapproval,Morality of self-interest:,to avoid punishment,or gain concrete rewards,Postconventional,level,Conventional,level,Preconventional,level,.,Kohlbergs Moral LadderAs mora,32,Eriksons Stages of Psychosocial Development,Approximate,ageStage Description of Task,InfancyTrust vs. mistrust If needs are dependably met, infants,(1st year) develop a sense of basic trust.,ToddlerAutonomy vs. shame Toddlers learn to exercise will and,(2nd year)and doubt do things for themselves, or they doubt their abilities.,PreschoolerInitiative vs. guilt Preschoolers learn to initiate tasks,(3-5 years) and carry out plans, or they feel,guilty about efforts to be independent.,ElementaryCompetence vs. Children learn the pleasure of applying,(6 years-inferiority themselves to tasks, or they feel,puberty) inferior.,.,Eriksons Stages of Psychosoci,33,Eriksons Stages of Psychosocial Development,Approximate,age StageDescription of Task,Adolescence Identity vs. roleTeenagers work at refining a sense of self by,(teens into confusiontesting roles and then integrating them to,20s)form a single identity, or they become,confused about who they are.,Young Adult Intimacy vs.Young adults struggle to form close relation-,(20s to early isolation ships and to gain the capacity for intimate,40s) love, or they feel socially isolated.,Middle Adult Generativity vs. The middle-aged discover a sense of contri-,(40s to 60s) stagnation buting to the world, usually through family,and work, or they may feel a lack of purpose.,Late Adult Integrity vs.When reflecting on his or her life, the older,(late 60s and despairadult may feel a sense of satisfaction or,up) failure.,.,Eriksons Stages of Psychosoci,34,Adolescence: Social Development,Identity,ones sense of self,the adolescents task is to solidify a sense of self by testing and integrating various roles,Intimacy,the ability to form close, loving relationships,a primary developmental task in late adolescence and early,adulthood,.,Adolescence: Social Developmen,35,Adolescence: Social Development,The changing parent-child relationship,100%,80,60,40,20,0,2 to 4 5 to 8 9 to 11,Ages of child in years,Percent with,positive, warm,interaction,with parents,.,Adolescence: Social Developmen,36,Adulthood: Physical Development,Menopause,the time of natural cessation of menstruation,also refers to the biological changes a woman experiences as her ability to reproduce declines,Alzheimers Disease,a progressive and irreversible brain disorder,characterized by a gradual deterioration of memory, reasoning, language, and finally, physical functioning,.,Adulthood: Physical Developmen,37,Adulthood: Physical Development,The Aging Senses,10,30,50,70,90,0,0.25,0.50,0.75,1.00,Proportion of normal,(20/20) vision when,identifying letters on,an eye chart,Age in years,.,Adulthood: Physical Developmen,38,Adulthood: Physical Development,The Aging Senses,10,30,50,70,90,50,70,90,Percent correct when,Identifying smells,Age in years,.,Adulthood: Physical Developmen,39,Adulthood: Physical Development,The Aging Senses,10,30,50,70,90,50,70,90,Percent correct when,identifying spoken,words,Age in years,.,Adulthood: Physical Developmen,40,Adulthood: Physical Development,Slowing reactions contribute to increased accident risks among those 75 and older.,12,10,8,6,4,2,0,16,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55,60,65,70,75 and,over,Fatal,accident,rate,Age,Fatal accidents,per 10,000 drivers,Fatal accidents,per 100 million miles,.,Adulthood: Physical Developmen,41,Adulthood: Physical Development,Incidence of Dementia by Age,Risk of dementia,increases in later,years,60-64 70-74 80-84 90-95,65-69 75-79 85-89,Age Group,40%,30,20,10,0,Percentage,with dementia,.,Adulthood: Physical Developmen,42,Adulthood: Cognitive Development,Recalling new names introduced once, twice, or three times is easier for younger adults than for older ones (Crook & West, 1990).,18,40,50,60,70,Age group,Percent,of names,recalled,0,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100,After one,introductions,After two,introductions,Older age groups have,poorer performance,After three,introductions,.,Adulthood: Cognitive Developme,43,Adulthood: Cognitive Development,In a study by Schonfield & Robertson (1966), the ability to recall new information declined during early and middle adulthood, but the ability to recognize new information did not.,Number,Of words,remembered,20,30,40,50,60,70,0,4,8,12,16,20,24,Age in years,Number of words,recalled declines,with age,Number of words,recognized is,stable with age,.,Adulthood: Cognitive Developme,44,Adulthood: Cognitive Development,Cross-Sectional Study,a study in which people of different ages are compared with one another,Longitudinal Study,a study in which the same people are restudied and retested over a long period,25,32,39,46,53,60,74,67,81,35,40,45,50,55,60,Age in years,Reasoning,ability,score,Cross-sectional method,Longitudinal method,Cross-sectional method,suggests decline,Longitudinal method,suggests more stability,.,Adulthood: Cognitive Developme,45,Adulthood- Cognitive Development,Verbal intelligence scores hold steady with age, while nonverbal intelligence scores decline (adapted from Kaufman & others, 1989).,20,35,55,70,25,45,65,75,80,85,90,95,100,105,Intelligence,(IQ) score,Age group,Nonverbal scores,decline with age,Verbal scores are,stable with age,Verbal scores,Nonverbal scores,.,Adulthood- Cognitive Developme,46,Adulthood: Cognitive Development,Crystallized Intelligence,ones accumulated knowledge and verbal skills,tends to increase with age,Fluid Intelligence,ones ability to reason speedily and abstractly,tends to decrease during late adulthood,.,Adulthood: Cognitive Developme,47,Adulthood: Social Development,Early-forties midlife crisis?,Females,Males,No early 40s,emotional crisis,33 36 39 42 45 48 51 54,Age in Years,24%,16,8,0,Emotional,instability,.,Adulthood: Social DevelopmentE,48,Adulthood: Social Changes,Social Clock,the culturally preferred timing of social events,marriage,parenthood,retirement,.,Adulthood: Social ChangesSocia,49,Adulthood: Social Changes,Multinational surveys show that age differences in life satisfaction are trivial (Inglehart, 1990).,0,20,40,60,80,15,25,35,45,55,65+,Percentage,“satisfied”,with life,as a whole,Age group,.,Adulthood: Social ChangesMulti,50,Adulthood: Social Changes,.,Adulthood: Social Changes.,51,


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