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,外,研,版,2020,七年级英语上册优质课件,Unit1,Unit3,Starte Module 2,外研版2020七年级英语上册优质课件Unit1 Un,Unit1,目 录,使用说明:点击对应课时,就会跳转到相应章节内容,方便使用。,Unit 2,Unit 3,Unit1 目 录使用说明:点击对应课时,就会跳转到,New words,sit,down,sit down,open,book,listen,v,.,坐,adv.,向,下,地,prep.,向,下,坐下,v.,打开,n.,书,v.,听,倾听,New wordssitv. 坐,draw,put,up,hand,stand,stand up,close,v.,绘画,,,画,v.,放;置,adv.,向上地,prep.,朝上;向上,n.,手,v.,站立,起立,v.,合上,;,关闭,drawv. 绘画,画,sit,down,open,book,Words game,listen,draw,sitdownopenbookWords gameliste,put,up,stand,close,hand,stand up,putupstandclosehandstand up,How do you prepare for an English lesson?,How do you prepare for an Engl,外研,七年级上册,Unit 1 Open your book.,Starter Module 2,My English lesson,外研七年级上册Unit 1 Open your boo,Look and guess.,Who are they?,What class are they having?,Look and guess.Who are they?,1 Listen and read.,Good morning,class.,Good morning, Miss Zhou.,Please sit down.,1 Listen and read.Good mornin,Role-play the conversation.,A: Good morning, class.,B: Good morning, Miss Zhou.,A: Please sit down.,Role-play the conversation.A:,2 Listen and repeat.,Sit down.,Open your book.,Listen.,Draw.,2 Listen and repeat.Sit down.,Put up your hand.,Stand up.,Close,your book.,Put up your hand.Stand up.Clos,根据图片内容,快速说出图片代表的英语指令。,根据图片内容,快速说出图片代表的英语指令。,3 Listen again and do.,3 Listen again and do.,Sit down.,Open your book.,Listen.,Draw.,Put up your hand.,Stand up.,Open your book.,When you hear the orders,you do the actions.,Sit down.Open your book.Listen,1. Put up.,a),.your book.,2. Open. b),.down.,3. Stand. c),.up.,4. Sit. d),.your hand.,4 Match.,1. Put up.,5 Write.,1,2,3,4,5,6,5 Write.123456,Now listen and check!,Now listen and check!,6 Work in pairs. Say and do.,Stand up.,Yes.,Open your book.,Yes.,6 Work in pairs. Say and do.S,Listen.,Yes.,Draw.,Yes.,Listen. Yes.,Put up your hand.,Yes.,Close your book.,Yes.,Sit down. Yes.,Put up your hand. Y,Language points,1. open,v,.,(打)开,eg:,Open the door.,打开门。,open,反义词,close,eg: Close the door.,关上门。,考点一,open,adj.,开着的 反义词,closed,adj.,关着的,eg: The door is open.,门开着。,考点二,Language points1. open v. (打)开,2. listen,v.,听,倾听,eg: Listen!,Who is crying?,听!谁在哭?,listen,为不及物动词,后面,不能直接跟宾语,,如果跟宾语,应在,listen,后面加介词,to,。,listen,可以单独使用,以提醒对方注意。,eg: Listen to me,class.,听我说,同学们。,Listen! Tom is singing.,听!汤姆正在唱歌。,2. listen v. 听,倾听eg: Listen! W,请听老师讲!,Please _ the teacher!,练一练,listen to,解析:,listen,为不及物动词,后面不能直接跟宾语。句中的,the teacher,为宾语,所以应在,listen,后加介词,to,。,请听老师讲!练一练listen to解析:listen为不及,3. put up,举起,eg: Please put up your hands.,请举手。,put up,反义短语,put down,eg: Put down your hands.,放下手。,考点一,“举手”的说法还有“,hands up/raise your hands,”等。,eg: Hands up,please.,请举手。,考点二,3. put up 举起eg: Please put up,put up,是一个动词加副词组成的词组 (动副词组)。名词作宾语时,可放在动副词组中间或后面;但,代词,作宾语时,只能放在,动副词组中间,。,eg,:,Put,it,up.,把它举起来。,考点三,put up是一个动词加副词组成的词组 (动副词组)。名词作,Exercise,一、根据所给的单词的首字母完成句子。,1. Stand u_, please.,2. Please s_ down.,3. O_ your book.,4. L_to the teacher.,5. Put up your h_.,p,it,pen,isten,and,Exercise 一、根据所给的单词的首字母完成句子。,二、连词成句。,your, open, book, please.,up, put, hand, your.,please, up, stand.,4. your, close, book,.,Open your book, please.,Put up your hand.,Please stand up.,Close your book.,二、连词成句。Open your book, please.,new,studenthere,in,one,adj,.,新的,n,.,学生,adv,.,这里,在这里,prep,.,在,里面,num,.,一,New words,newadj. 新的New words,two,three,four,five,six,seven,num,.,二,num,.,三,num,.,四,num,.,五,num,.,六,num,.,七,twonum. 二,eight,nine,ten,telephone,number,num,.,八,num,.,九,num,.,十,n,.,电话,n,.,号码,eightnum. 八,new,five,six,three,in,one,two,four,Lets read,student,here,newfivesixthreeinonetwofourLet,seven,telep-,hone,ten,cake,number,nine,eight,seventelep-tencakenumbernineei,Whats it about?,Whats it about?,外研,七年级上册,Unit 2 Whats your number?,Starter Module 2,My English lesson,外研七年级上册Unit 2 Whats your nu,1 Listen and read.,Hello. Are you a new student here?,Yes, I am.,What class are you in?,Im in Class 3, Mr Chens class.,1 Listen and read.Hello. Are,Read and answer.,1. Is there any new student?,2. What class is the new student in?,Yes, there is one new student.,Shes in Class 3, Mr Chens class.,Read and answer.1. Is there an,2 Listen and repeat.,one,two,three,four,five,2 Listen and repeat.onetwothr,six,seven,eight,nine,ten,sixseveneightnineten,3 Listen and chant.,One, two, three, four, five,Once I caught a fish alive.,Six, seven, eight, nine, ten,Then I let it go again.,3 Listen and chant.One, two,4 Listen and read.,Daming:,Betty, whats your telephone,number?,Betty: Its seven two six, eight one five.,Daming: Whats your number,Tony,?,Tony: Its seven nine one, four five six.,Daming: My number is nine four two,three five one.,Lingling: My new number is four nine six,three eight two.,4 Listen and read. Daming: Be,Betty,Tony,Daming,Lingling,496382,726815,942351,791456,Match the names with the numbers.,Betty496382Match the names wit,Ask your classmates telephone numbers.,Whats your,telephone,number?,Its _.,Ask your classmates telephone,5 Listen and point.,816 275,975 146,359 412,384 926,a,b,c,d,3,2,4,1,5 Listen and point.816 275975,6 Listen and write.,Whats your number?,1 Sam:_,2 Lisa:_,3 Kate:_,4 Mike:_,975 146,816 275,384 926,359 412,6 Listen and write.Whats you,Now listen and check!,Now listen and check!,7 Listen and write.,7 Listen and write.,外研版七年级英语上册ModuleStarterModule2优质单元ppt课件全套,8 Listen and write.,Names,Same,Student numbers,one three one, seven nine one, two,Lisa,Mike,one four one, five six two, seven,one four one, eight nine three, four,8 Listen and write.NamesSameS,Whats your,number?,Its 179 456. Whats your number?,Its 942 381.,9 Work in pairs. Ask and answer.,Whats your Its 179 456. What,Do a survey.,Names,Phone numbers,942351,Daming,.,.,A: Whats your name?,B: My name is/Im,A: Whats your phone number?,B: Its,Do a survey.NamesPhone numbers,Report,: Hello, everyone. My name is Daming. My telephone number is 942351. This is Tony.,His,telephone number is This is Betty.,Her,telephone number is Thank you.,Report: Hello, everyone. My na,Language points,1.,What,class,are you in?,Im in,C,lass 3, Mr Chen, s,class.,表达个人所在的,class,或,grade,时,先,C,lass + No.,后,G,rade + No.,Eg:,What class are you in?,你在哪个班?,Im in,C,lass,10,G,rade 7.,我在七年级十班,Language points1. What class,2. Mr Chen,s,class,陈老师的课,名词的所有格,在名词后面加,“s”,,,翻译为“,的”,Li Jinyan,s,book,Xiao Yi,s,pen,Eg: This is my class.,这是我的班级。,这是唐老师的班级。,This is M,iss. Tang,s,class.,2. Mr Chens class 陈老师的课,What,s your telephone number?,It,s,., My telephone number is.,3.,询问别人电话号码句型:, Whats your telephone number,英文中的号码:,1.写法:一般写成 _ 数字。,2.读法:英文读,三个三个读,中间停顿一下,(逗号隔开)。,音调:_,注意零的读法:号码首尾的零要读成“_”;而号码中间的 零要读成字母“_”。,前升后降,zero,o,阿拉伯,How to read telephone number?,英文中的号码:前升后降zeroo阿拉伯How to read,一、根据上下文完成对话。,A:,Betty, _ your telephone number?,B: _ seven two six, eight one five.,Whats your _?,number,Whats,Its,Exercise,一、根据上下文完成对话。A: Betty, _,A: _ is two three four, five six seven.,A: Hello. _ _ a new student here?,B: _, I am.,A: _ _ are you in?,B: Im _ _ 3.,in Class,It,Are you,Yes,What class,A: _ is two three four, fi,1. What class are you in?,_(,我在十班,).,2. What _?,My n,umber,is _,_(969142).,3. This is _(,唐老师的,) class.,二、根据提示,补全句子。,Im in Class 10.,is your number,nine six nine one,four two,Mr Tangs,1. What class are you in?二、根据提,外研,七年级上册,Unit 3 Im twelve.,Starter Module 2,My English lesson,外研七年级上册Unit 3 Im twelve.St,New words,old,how old,twelve,eleven,thirteen,fourteen,adj,.,的年龄,,岁,的,多大,几岁,num,.,十二,num,.,十一,num,.,十三,num,.,十四,New wordsoldadj. 的年龄, 岁的,fifteen,sixteen,seventeen,eighteen,nineteen,twenty,num,.,十五,num,.,十六,num,.,十七,num,.,十八,num,.,十九,num,.,二十,fifteennum.十五,boy,girl,desk,chair,bag,n,.,男孩,n,.,女孩,n,.,桌子,n,.,椅子,n,.,包,书包,boyn. 男孩,Who is faster,eleven,twelve,how old,thirteen,fourteen,fifteen,sixteen,seventeen,eighteen,nineteen,twenty,boy,girl,desk,chair,bag,Who is fastereleventwelvehow o,Revision,A,: Hello. Are you a new student here?,B: Yes, I am.,A,: Whats your name?,B: Im,A,: Whats your student number?,B: Its,A,: Whats your telephone number?,B: My telephone number is,RevisionA: Hello. Are you a ne,How many,girl,s,are there,?,Eleven,./,There are,eleven girls.,girl,girl,s,Look and say,How many girls are there?Eleve,How many,boy,s,are there,?,boy,Twelve,./,There are,twelve boys.,boy,s,How many boys are there?boyTwe,How many,desk,s,are there,?,Thirteen,. /,There are,thirteen desks.,desk,s,desk,How many desks are there?Thirt,How many,chair,s,are there,?,Fourteen,./,There are,fourteen chairs.,chair,s,chair,How many chairs are there?Four,How many,book,s,are there,?,Fifteen,./,There are,fifteen books.,book,book,s,How many books are there?Fifte,How many _ _ _?,horses,are,there,Sixteen,./,There are,sixteen horses.,How many _ _ _,How many,apple,s,are there,?,Seventeen,./,There are,seventeen apples.,How many apples are there?Seve,How many,car,s,are there?,Eighteen,. /,There are,eighteen cars.,How many cars are there?Eighte,How many,banana,s,are there?,Nineteen,. /,There are,nineteen bananas.,How many bananas are there?Nin,How many,telephone,s,are there,?,Twenty,./,There are,twenty telephones.,How many telephones are there?,1 Listen and read.,1 Listen and read.,How old are you?,你多大年龄了?,How old _ he/she?,他,/,她多大了?,_,他们多大了?,is,How old are they?,How old are you? 你多大年龄了?is How,Work in groups,小火车,快快开,:,A: How old are you?,B: Im., How old are you?,C: Im.,D: .,要求:,1.,使用真实的年龄情况回答。,2.,说错必须纠正才能继续开。,Work in groups小火车,快快开:,thir,teen,fif,teen,four,teen,12,13,14,15,11,twelve,eleven,2 Listen and repeat.,thirteen fifteen fourteen1213,eigh,teen,seven,teen,six,teen,17,18,19,20,nine,teen,twenty,16,eighteen seventeen sixteen17,规则类:,14: fourteen,16: sixteen,17: seventeen,18: eighteen,19: nineteen,不规则类:,11: eleven,12: twelve,13: thirteen,15: fifteen,20: twenty,相应数字英文,+teen,规则类:相应数字英文+teen,thirteen,twenty,fourteen,eighteen,eleven,fifteen,sixteen,ninteen,twelve,seventeen,11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20,3 Match.,thirteentwentyfourteeneighteen,two + fourteen =,nine + one =,four + eight =,six + seven=,four - one =,加:,and,减:,minus,等于:,is,Lets calculate!,sixteen,ten,twelve,thirteen,three,two + fourteen =nine + one =fo,4 Listen and point,1,11+4,15,2,12+6,18,3,14+6,20,4,17+2,19,4 Listen and point1 11+415,5 Listen and write.,1,11+_,_,4,3+_,_,2,_ +4,_,5,_+1,_,3,_+2,_,6,2+_,_,6,17,15,19,20,18,14,12,17,16,16,13,5 Listen and write.1 11+_,6 Listen and write.,1,2,3,4,5,6,6 Listen and write.123456,7,8,9,10,78910,11,13,17,19,15,18,20,16,14,12,7 Listen and match.,boys girls desks chairs books bags,12,17,20,14,19,16,111317191518201614127 Listen,8 Work in pairs. Ask and answer.,How many are there,Numbers,boys,15,girls,18,desks,13,chairs,19,books,11,bags,16,8 Work in pairs. Ask and answ,How many boys are there?,Fifteen.,How many _,are there?,_,How many boys are there?Fiftee,How many are there?,有多少,?,这是询问人或物的数量的句子,结构为,_,其答语为,_,如:,How many students are there?,There are twenty students. / Twenty.,How many+,某人,/,物,+are there?,直接回答数量或,There are/is.,Language points,How many are there? 有多少?Ho,Exercise,一、按要求完成下列各题。,1. Martin and Jim are in,Class 1,. (,对画线部分提问,),_ _ _ Martin and Jim in?,What class are,2. Are you in Tonys class? (,作肯定回答,),_,_ _.,Yes I am,Exercise一、按要求完成下列各题。 What,3. Her telephone number is,423665,. (,对画线部分提问,),_ _ _telephone number?,What is her,4. I am,15,. (,对画线部分提问,),_ _ are you?,How old,5. There are,18,boys in the room. (,对画线部分提问,),_ _ boys are there in the room?,How many,3. Her telephone number is 423,二、根据汉语意思完成下列句子,每空一词。,1. _ _ (,多少,) girls are there?, Fifteen.,How many,2. How many _ (,椅子,) are there?, Sixteen.,chairs,3. How many bags are there?, _(19).,Nineteen,二、根据汉语意思完成下列句子,每空一词。 How,


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