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,*,尘灰,教学课件, 2008 DUST,Manufacture,XCH,高考复习之现代文阅读, 2008,尘灰,制造,解题思路与技巧,(,第一讲,),完形填空,解题思路与技巧完形填空,完型填空试题主要特点:,1.,通常从一篇,250,词左右,夹叙夹议的文章中,设空,20,个,,首句不挖空,;,2.,干扰项设计严密,.,一般情况下,四个选项的,词性相同,或,属于同等或对等,范畴,干扰项填入后在语法上并不存在错误,对考生,有很大的迷惑作用;,3.,突出,语篇,(,语境,),,,强调,应用,,注重,交际;,4.,大多富有,积极的教育意义,,给人以人生的,启迪,或是充满了生活情趣;,完型填空试题主要特点:1.通常从一篇250词左右,夹叙夹议,6,考查单词以实词,(v.,n.,adj.,adv,pron.),为主,虚词,(conj.,prep.),为辅。实词一般占,80%-90%,,其中又以动、名、形为主。,7.,以考查学生对文章的整体理解和词汇的意义把握为主。有些要结合常识才能正确选项;有些甚至要求在通篇理解的基础上,正确把握上下文的逻辑关系,才能正确判断和选择。,6考查单词以实词(v.,n.,adj.,adv,pron.),没有严格遵循答题步骤,:,很多考生一拿到完形填空题就急于选择答案,不认真分析通篇文章,,单纯求快,,,忽略语篇理解,,只看局部的词义辨析、搭配和语法结构。表面上解题速度挺快,但是这种,见树不见林的做法只会影响解题的质量和效率。,为什么我们在这一题型上总是失分较多,?,切记,:,一定要用,2-3,分钟时间,先进行,缺词阅读,弄清文章大意和基本脉络后再着手逐个填空,.,没有严格遵循答题步骤:很多考生一拿到完形填空题就急于选择答案,2.,不注意,积累,答题,技巧,:,a.,忽略文章,首句,的提示作用;,b.,忽略文章中,上下文之间的照应,关系,;,c.,遇到长句不注意,分析句子结构,在语义模糊时抱碰运气的心理随意作出选择,.,2. 不注意积累答题技巧: a.忽略文章首句的提示作用; b,3,.,时间安排不当,:,在几个选项上,过分纠缠,,追求完美,导致许多本可以做出的题来不及做。,切记,:,正确的做法是,由易到难,,先做会做,的,再考虑较难的。,强烈推荐,:,如尚有几题题目不确定可将某题的,可能的两项填入空格,然后快速地整句整段地默读,选择某一项习惯或短语或动宾搭配读起来较流畅的,.,3.时间安排不当:在几个选项上过分纠缠,追求完美,导致许,细读首句,跳过空格,通读全文, 把握大意,再读全文,反复检查,结合选项,综合考虑,初定答案,瞻前顾后,先易后难, 个个击破,正确的完形填空的解题步骤,把握整体,具体分析,细读首句,跳过空格,通读全文, 把握大意再读全文,反复检查结,细读文章的第一句话,高考完形填空选文的第一句话通常是,完整的。该句往往就是主题句,(,Topic Sentence,),这就为我们理解文章的内在联系提供了一个,“,窗口,”,,它的句意往往为,全文提供中心信息,,能直接概括全文大意、揭示主题。,充分重视首句的标示作用,利用它为,解题找到一个突破口,据此展开思维,争取开局胜利,。,细读文章的第一句话 高考完形填空选文的第一句话通常是完,对于,叙事,描述类,文章。短文的,首句,,往往点明故事发生的,人物,(who),时间(,when,),地点,(where),,和事件,(what),等背景,情况。例:,It was a busy morning,,,about 8:30,when an elderly gentleman in his 80s came to the hospital .,2010,全国卷(,I,),对于叙事,描述类文章。短文的首句,往往点明故事发生的人物,对于,论述文,首句表明了论述的主题,。起到揭示主题的作用。例如:,A man who knows how to write a,personal letter,has a very,powerful,tool. A letter can be enjoyed, read and,21,.,.,2010,全国卷(,II,),对于论述文,首句表明了论述的主题。起到揭示主题,解题方法:,总的原则,:,“,先完意,后完形,”,。,八字方针:,上下求索,瞻前顾后。,三步曲:,读,填,读,解题方法:总的原则: “先完意,后完形”。八字方针:上下求索,三步答题,Step1,Skip,(,跳读,),the passage to get,the general idea,and pay attention to,the first sentence,.,In the cloze test, there is no blank in,the first sentence,(,首句,),.,It helps us to know,the topic,of the whole passage,.,(,完形填空首句不挖空,帮助进入语境),三步答题Step1In the cloze test, th,Step2,Reread,and choose the best answer for each blank by using,some,methods,.,(,在把握语篇大意的基础上,借助于一些恰当的方法选择最佳答案,),Step2,Four methods(,四种常用的方法,),:,1,、,context,(,上下文语境,),2,、,word distinctions or collocations,(,词语辨析和固定搭配,),3,、,information given in the passage,(,利用文章中的信息,-,原词复现、近义词和反义词等,),4,、,cultural background and common sense,(,文化背景和常识,),Four methods(四种常用的方法):1、contex,Step3,Read the passage again and,check,the answers.,(,将所选定的词放到文章中复读检查),Step3,Tips:,1. the tense and the voice,,,the accord between subject and predicate,(,时态语态,主谓语在上下文的中是否一致,),2. grammar and collocations,(,语法和习惯用法的搭配在上下文中是否一致,),3. the connection between sentences and paragraphs,(,段与段,句与句之间的衔接是否连贯,),4. the meaning of the whole passage,(,整体上检查结构、语义及逻辑是否一致,上下文的衔接是否合理,),Tips:,词汇题,高考完形填空,考什么?,篇章结构,(,语境,),句际关系,结合选项,词汇题高考完形填空篇章结构句际关系结合选项,1.,复现,词汇题,1.复现词汇题,1.(,2010,北京卷,),Mrs. Neidl would ask me for my,37,. She wanted to know how I thought She believed I had opinions, so I began to .,37. A.opinion B.impression,C.information D.intention,opinions,语境,-,原词重现,1.( 2010北京卷)Mrs. Neidl,2. (2010,陕西卷),I had some,28,in my pocker, but I would not give them to him, thinking to myself he would,29,(,only,),use the money to feed his addiction to drugs or alcohol.,28. A. chocolates B. coins,C. tins D. drugs,语境,-,同义词、近义词复现,2. (2010陕西卷) I had some 28,2.,词语的习惯用法,和固定搭配,2.词语的习惯用法,3.,(,2010,全国,I),The nurse had him take a,36,in the waiting area,37(telling),him it would be at least 40 minutes,38(before),someone would be able to see him,.,36 A. breath B. test,C. seat D. break,语境,-,固定搭配,take a,36,3. (2010全国I) The nurse had hi,3.,根据词汇的,意义及用法辨析词义,3.根据词汇的,4.,(2010,江苏卷,),My father,36,me to her with these words:“I would like you to meet the fellow who is, 36.A.rushed B.sent C.carried D.introduced,5.,(2010,全国,I,),The happiest people,dont,53(,necessarily,),have the best of everything,;,they just,54,the best of everything they have,.,54 A. learn B make C.favor D.try,语境,-,词义辨析,36,me to,just,54,the best of,语境,-,词义辨析,4.(2010江苏卷) My father 36,4.,根据生活常识,及文化背景知识进行选择,4.根据生活常识,6. I made my sandwich that afternoon while waiting for Cassie.,39,the butter-cream gave me an idea.,A. Spreading B. Boiling C. Baking D. Holding,生活常识,6. I made my sandwich that aft,1.,语法手段,2.,逻辑手段,句际关系,1.,语法手段,1.语法手段2.逻辑手段句际关系1.语法手段,8.,(,2010,陕西卷),I then,32,(,realized,),I had no right to place myself above,33,just because he was busking.,33. A. it B. all C. him D. them,语法,-,指代,语法-指代,9.,(,2010,天津卷) “,As a policeman,I saw,27,there was violence, drugs were always behind it. They have a damaging,28(impact),on the kids. ”,27. A. where B. unless,C. as D. whether,语法,-,句型,9.(2010天津卷) “ As a policeman,I,逻辑手段,2.,逻辑手段,让步关系,转折关系,因果关系,解释关系,顺序关系,并列关系,逻辑手段2.逻辑手段让步关系转折关系因果关系解释关系,10.,(,2010,江苏卷,) Then she looked at my father and replied,“You are,40(wrong).,This is not the worst boy at all,41,the smartest one who hasnt yet found an outlet,(释放的途径),for his enthusiasm.”,41. A.but B.so C.and D.or,语境,-,转折关系、搭配,the smartest,10.(2010江苏卷) Then she looked,11.,(,2010,湖南卷,) Bean is a white dog, quite handsome and very,38,.,38. A. smart B.sweet C.slow D.shy,语境,-,同类并列关系,11.(2010湖南卷) Bean is a white,12.,(,2010,安徽卷,),First of all, a pen should fit comfortably in your hand, .,Then the writing point of the pen,52,the pen should make a thick, dark line.,52. A. Meanwhile B. Generally,C. Afterwards D. Finally,语境,-,顺序关系,12.(2010安徽卷) 语境-顺序关系,小结:完型填空考查内容,原词复现,同义,.,近义复现,指 代,句 型,并列关系,转折关系,让步关系,解释关系,语法项目,顺序关系,因果关系,词汇手段,语法手段,逻辑手段,语篇信息,(语境理解),小结:完型填空考查内容 原词复现同义.近义复现 指,Problem solving strategies,注意,上下文语境,(,context),了解,常识背景,(,common sense,),掌握,习惯搭配,(,phrases & idioms,),运用,词义辨析,(,comparison,),运用,语法分析,(,grammar analysis),运用,逻辑分析,(logical analysis ),运用,排除法,(,exclusive method,),解题过程中应做到,Problem solving strategies注意上下,实 战 演 练,实 战 演 练,Once upon a time the colors of the world started to quarrel.,细读首句,找出相关信息,1.,叙事文,故事发生的,时间,人物、事件等背景,情况。,Once upon a time the col,Key to the cloze test,41-45: DCCDB,36-40: DACBA,46-50: ACBAD,51-55: DDCBA,Key to the cloze test 41-45:,Once upon a time the colors of the world started to quarrel. Green said, Clearly I am the most important. I am the sign of life and hope. I was chosen for grass, trees and leaves. Without me, all animals would,36,.,Blue interrupted, You only think about the,37, but consider the sky and the sea.,38,the water that is the basis of life and drawn up by the clouds from the deep sea,Without my peace, you would all be,39,.,Yellow chuckled,(笑道), You are all so serious. I bring laughter, fun, and,_40_,into the world,36.A.stay B.leave,C.go out D.die,37. A.earth,B.moon,C.star D.sun,38,A.That is,B.I am,C.It is,D.This is,39,A.anything,B.nothing,C.something,D.Everything,40,A.warmth,B.sadness,C.depression,D.anxiety,语境,-,词义,语境,-,转折,.,对比,.,排除,语法,-,强调句,语境,-,词义,语境,-,同类并列,Once upon a time the co,Orange started next to blow her trumpet, I am the color of health and strength. I may be,41, but I am precious for I serve the needs of human life. When I fill the sky,42, my beauty is so striking that no one gives another,43,to any of you.”,Red could stand it,44,and he shouted out, I am the ruler of all of you. I am the color of danger and of bravery. I am willing to,45,truth. I am also the color of passion and of love.,41.A.usual,B.normal,C.common,D.scarce,42,A.at midnight,B.,at noon or at night,C.at sunrise or sunset,D.during the day,43,A.gift B.honor,C.thought D.respect,44,A.for more,B.any more,C.very much,D.no longer,45,A.turn to,B.fight for,C.help with,D.bend over,语境,-,转折对比,语境,-,常识,语境,-,搭配,语境,-,搭配,语境,-,词义,gives another,43,to,could stand it,44,Orange started next to blo,Then came Purple and Indigo,(深蓝),. ,The colors went on boasting, each convinced of his or her own,_46_,. Their quarreling became louder and louder. Suddenly there was a startling flash of bright lightening thunder. Rain started to pour down,_47_,. The colors crouched,(,蜷缩,),down,_48_, drawing close to one another,for comfort.,In the midst of the clamor,(叫嚷), rain began to speak, “You foolish colors, fighting,49,yourselves, each trying to dominate,(支配),50,.,46,A.superiority B.disadvantages,C.inferiority,D.weakness,47.A.gently B.quietly,C.violently,D.peacefully,48,A.with care,B.in fear,C.by chance,D.on purpose,49,A.among,B.by C.for,D.against,50,A.others,B.themselves,C.the other,D.the rest,语境,-,近义词再现,语境,-,词义,.,常识,语境,-,词义,语境,-,搭配,语境,-,词义辨析,Then came Purple and Indi,Dont you know that you were each made for a special purpose,51,? Join hands with,52,and come to me.,Doing as they were told, the colors,53,and joined hands. They formed a colorful rainbow. From then on, whenever a good rain,54,the world, a rainbow appears in the sky. They remember to,55,one another.,51,A.equal and simple,B.ordinary and similar,C.more or less,D.unique and different,52. A.each other,B.me C. them,D. one another,53,A.combined,B.separated,C.united D.divided,54,A.cleans B. washes,C.brightens,D.dampens,55,A.appreciate,B.quarrel with,C.ignore D.praise,近义词再现,常识,语境,-,搭配,语境,-,词义,近义词再现,Join hands,with,52,Dont you know that you were,


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