2021 2022学年新教材高中英语Unit2ExploringEnglishPeriod1Star课件

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,P,eriod,1,Starting out & Understanding ideas,Unit 2 Exploring English,Period 1Unit 2 Exploring Engli,Learning aims,1.,To learn some interesting facts in English.,2. To learn the main idea of the text.,3. To improve the basic reading skills especially skim.,4.,To learn useful language points.,Learning aims1. To learn some,Lea,d,ing,-in,Think:,Do you know some interesting facts in English?,Leading-inThink:Do you know so,ham,hamburger,There is no,ham,in a,hamburger.,hamhamburgerThere is no ham i,eggplants,eggs,There is no,egg,in,eggplant,eggplantseggsThere is no egg i,?,Neither,Pine,nor,Apple,in,Pineapple,+,=,pine,apple,pineapple,pine,apple,?Neither Pine nor Apple in Pin,Is English interesting ?,Would you like to know more interesting things about English?,Discussion,Is English interesting ?Discus,Neither,Pine,nor,Apple,in,Pineapple,R,ea,d,ing,Comprehension,Neither Pine nor Apple in Pine,H,aving,known the title of the passage and the pictures, tick what you think the passage is about.,Food,Cooking,Words,Plants,Fruit,Its a prediction, so there is no standard answer.,Before -reading,Having known the title of the,Read the passage quickly and,find out the main idea of each part.,A.,The reason why English is so crazy.,B.,English is a crazy language to learn.,C.,Examples of some pairs of confusing words or phrases,Task 1,F,ast,reading,While -reading,Read the passage quickly and f,1. Scan the text and choose the best choice.,(1) What did the author,s son,s words make her think of?,A.English is a widely used language.,B.English is a crazy language to learn.,C.English is difficult for her to learn.,D.English words are formed in different ways.,Task 2: Careful reading,1. Scan the text and choose th,(2) What does the author try to tell us in para.3?,A.Some English words are really confusing.,B.Some English words are hard to remember.,C.The way adjectives change into adverbs.,D.Words ending with,-less,and,-ful,have the same meanings.,(3) What does the first “it”(in para.7) most probably refer to?,A.English.B.A computer.,C.Creativity.D.Human race.,(2) What does the author try t,(4) How does the author show his ideas?,A. By examples.,B. By facts.,C. By numbers.,D. By explaining.,(4) How does the author show h,One day my son asked me 1.,there was ham in a hamburger.This question got,me thinking how English can be a crazy language 2.,_,(learn). For example, when,whether/if,to learn,2. Read the passage again and fill in the blanks.,when we return home,we don,t feel homesick.“Hard” is the opposite of “soft”,but “hardly” and “softly” are not 4.,opposite pair.“Harmless” and “harmful” have opposite,5.,_,(meaning) while “shameful” and “shameless” mean the same.Some English phrases are also very 6.,(interest).A house can burn up as it 7.,(invent) by people,not by computers,which reflects the 10.,(creative) of the human race.,but,an,interesting,meanings,burns,filling,was invented,creativity,One day my son asked me 1.,1. What do you find most challenging about learning English?,2. How do you deal with this?,After -reading,Pairwork,Discuss the questions below .,1. What do you find most chall,1. have trouble(in) doing sth.,做某事有困难,/,麻烦,(2018,浙江,高考)However, some people,have trouble with,even small amounts of caffeine.,然而,一些人对少量的咖啡因也有困难。,in trouble 在危险、受罚、忧虑的处境中,out of trouble 摆脱麻烦;脱离困境,get into trouble 陷入困境;遇到麻烦,take the trouble to do sth.不辞辛劳做某事;费神做某事,have trouble with sth. 做某事有困难/麻烦,Language points,【,知识归纳,】,1. have trouble(in) doing sth.,【即学即练】语法填空,(1)If you are _ trouble, Mike is always willing to lend a hand.,(2)Whenever we have trouble _ our studies, our teacher always help us patiently.,(3)Thanks for the trouble you have taken _(help) us.,(4)What worries me is that I am really having trouble _(collect) useful information.,in,with,collecting,to help,【即学即练】语法填空inwithcollectingto h,2. behavior “举止;行为”,表示抽象概念时是不可数名词,表示具体的事可作可数名词。,(2019全国卷),Then theres the kind of popularity that appears in adolescence: status born of power and even dishonorable,behavior,.还有一种出现在青春期的受欢迎程度:源于权利的地位,甚至是不光彩的行为。,behave,vt,.&,vi,.,举动,;(,举止或行为,),表现,behave well/badly to/towards sb.,对待某人好,/,差,behave oneself,守规矩,;,表现得体,well-behaved,adj,.,表现好的,badly-behaved,adj,.,表现差的,【,知识归纳,】,2. behavior “举止;行为”,表示抽象概念时,【即学即练】语法填空,/,完成句子,(1)People with autism(,自闭症,) often have a lot of respective _(behave).,(2)I think all of us should mind our _(behave) in public places.,(3)Behave _(you) in public, and you win the respect of most of us.,(4)When children _,we say they are like angels.,当孩子们表现良好时,我们说他们就像天使一样。,behaviors,behavior,yourself,behave well,【即学即练】语法填空/完成句子behaviorsbehavi,3. unique,adj,“独一无二的;独特的”,在句中可作定语或表语,(2019江苏高考)The first,unique,human characteristic is that humans have extraordinarily large brains compared with other animals.,与其他动物相比,人类第一个独特的特征就是人类拥有非常大的大脑。,【,知识归纳,】,be unique to (,某人、地或事物,),独具的;特有的,uniquely,adv,.,独特地;与众不同地,uniqueness,n,.,独特性;唯一性,3. unique adj“独一无二的;独特的”,在句中,【即学即练】语法填空,/,完成句子,(1),Satellites are _(unique) suitable to provide this information.,(2),The giant panda,China.,大熊猫是中国特有的。,(3)The examples _ _ _ this dictionary.,这些例证是这部词典独有的。,uniquely,is unique,to,are unique to,【即学即练】语法填空/完成句子(1) Satellites,.,reflect,vt,显示,;,反映,;,反射,;,vi,考虑,思考,;,反省,【,知识归纳,】,reflection,n,反射,;,反映,;,映像,;,显示,;,表达,reflect on/upon,反省,;,认真思考,be reflected in,倒映在,;,反映在,on reflection,经再三考虑,;,反思,(2020全国卷)As the small boat moved gentl,y,along the river he was left speechless by the mountains being silently,reflected,in the water.小船在河上缓缓地移动着,他却对映在水面上的山默不作声。,. reflectvt 显示;反映;反射;vi考虑,思考,【即学即练】语法填空,/,完成句子,(1)It seems beautiful that the tall building _(reflect) in the lake around which there are many trees.,(2)English writing is the comprehensive _(reflect) of studentsEnglish level.,(3)_(reflect) on her volunteer experience, Tina felt proud of what she had done.,(4)The pop star also _ in 2019.,这位流行歌手也反思了他在2019年的不羁行为。,is reflected,reflected on his wild behavior,reflection,Reflecting,【即学即练】语法填空/完成句子(1)It seems bea,5. opposing adj. (,观点、意见等,),相反的,对立的,oppose,v,.,反对;对抗;使对立,opposite,n,. 对立物;对立者;对手,adj.,相反的;对面的,;,对立的,prep.,在 . 对面;,be opposite to,与,.,相反,在,.,对面,opposition,n.,反对,反抗,【,知识归纳,】,The two,opposing,armies faced each other across the battlefield.,敌对两军在战场上严阵对峙。,5. opposing adj. (观点、意见等)相反的,,【即学即练】语法填空,/,完成句子,(1),The couple was looking forward to an overseas wedding but had to drop the idea after facing _(oppose) from parents.,(2),Not everybody agrees to the plan.Some support it, while I am one of those who are _(oppose) to it.,(3),The twins have _attitudes towards life. Thus, one is living happily and the other is just the _.,(oppose),(4),At that time,most villagers _,a chemical plant near the village,当时,大多数村民反对在村庄附近建一个化工厂。,opposition,opposed,opposing,opposite,were opposed to building,【即学即练】语法填空/完成句子(1)The couple w,6. neither.nor.,“既不,也不,”,(2020新高考全国卷)As the author explains, this is,neither,a travel,nor,a history book, or even a piece of reportage. 正如作者所解释,这既不是一本游记,也不是一本历史书或者报告文学。,(1) neither.nor.,连接两个主语时,谓语动词的单复数应和临近的主语一致,遵循,“,就近原则,”,。,(2) neither,可以单独作主语,表示,“,两者中没有一个,”,。,(3),表示,“,一个人没有做某事,另一个人也没做同一类事,”,时,可用,neither,或,nor,引起的部分倒装句进行简略回答,其结构为:,Neither/Nor,助动词,/,情态动词,/be,动词主语。,【,用法归纳,】,6. neither.nor.“既不也不”【,(1)Neither his parents nor he _ (like) eating meat.,(2) I have never been to New York yet.,_(,我也没去过,).,(3),他过着隐退的生活,既不访客,也不接客,。,(4) 他们俩都不喜欢足球。,likes,Neither / Nor have I,He lives in retirement, neither making nor receiving visits.,Neither of them likes football.,【即学即练】语法填空,/,完成句子,/,翻译句子,(1)Neither his parents nor he,7.That is why. “,这就是,的原因,”,;,why,引导表语从句,,表示结果。,It is raining heavily outside.,That is why,she is late for the meeting.,外面正在下大雨。这就是她开会迟到的原因。,That / It is / was because.,这,/,那是因为,(because,引导表语从句,表示原因,),The reason why.is / was that. ,的原因是,(why,引导定语从句并在从句中做状语;,that,引导表语从句,表示原因,),【,用法归纳,】,7.That is why. “这就是的原因”;w,(1) He,s more of a talker than a doer. This is _ he never finishes anything.,(2) From space, the earth looks blue. This is _ about seventy-one percent of its surface is covered by water.,(3) Tom came late for the meeting because he was ill.,Tom was ill._ _ _ he came late for the meeting.,Tom came late for the meeting._ _ _ he was ill.,_ _ _ Tom came late for the meeting _ _ he was ill.,why,because,That,was,why,That,was,because,The,reason,why,was,that,【即学即练】语法填空,/,同义句转换,(1) Hes more of a talker than,1.,behave,:behave well/badly; behave oneself,2.,reflect,: reflect sb/sth in sth; reflect on/upon,1.sculptsculpturesculptor,opposeoppositeopposition,confuseconfusedconfusion,reflectionreflective,creative,ham, pine, seasick, homesick, carsick, capitalized, alarm,词 汇 清 单,认知词汇,拓展词汇,应用词汇,1.behave:behave well/badly; be,核心短语,have trouble (in) doing sth; wind up; burn up; burn down,重点句式,Neither,is there pine,nor,apple in pineapple.,(neither.nor,既不,.,也不,.),That is why,when the stars are out, they are visible, but when the lights are out, they are invisible.,(that is why.这就是的原因),核心短语have trouble (in) doing st,1. Her _,_,(行为)at the meeting was out of character.,2,. As soon as seeing this wonderful _,_,(雕像),everyone present let out of a cry of surprise.,3,. Your facial expression can _,_,(反应)your real feelings.,4,. The students began to feel _,_,(想家的)after they had been away from home.,5. The film is so c_,that I cant understand it.,.,单词拼写(根据首字母或汉语提示拼写单词),behavior,sculpture,reflect,homesick,onfusing,1. Her _(行为)at the m,.,翻译句子,1.,吃饭的时候我坐在他对面。,I,_ _ _,during the meal.,2.,家长应该教育他们的孩子如何在学校举止得当。,Parents should teach their children, ,at school.,3.,我会说一点汉语,但是在阅读和写汉字方面有困难,。,I can speak a little Chinese,but I,Chinese characters.,4.他从一棵很高的树上摔下来。那就是他弄伤腿的原因。,He fell off a tall tree.,he hurt his leg.,sat opposite him,how,to,behave,well,have trouble reading and writing,That was why,.翻译句子sat opposite himhow,谢谢观看!,谢谢观看!,34,Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass. John Ruskin,生活没有目标,犹如航海没有指南针。,约翰,罗斯金,Living without an aim is like,


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