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Tower design novel and unique, is the worlds masterpiece in the history of architecture technology, is an important scenic spot and prominent symbol of Paris, France.,埃菲尔铁塔(法语:La Tour Eiff,建设背景,1880年法国刚刚摆脱普法战争中的耻辱,为了显示国力,1884年,法国议会作出决定:1889年5月5日至11月6日,法国巴黎将再次举办世博会,主体是庆祝法国大革命胜利100周年。1886年5月,法国政府面向全球进行世博建筑招标;在巴黎战神广场设计一座高塔。条件有二:高塔能吸引参观者买票参观;世博会后能轻易拆除。,Construction background,Shame in France just get rid of the franco-prussian war in 1880, in order to show strength, in 1884, the French parliament decided: solstice on May 5, 1889, on November 6, will once again host the world expo in Paris, France, the body is to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the French revolution. In May 1886, the French government globally for the expo construction bidding; Mars square design a tower in Paris. There are two conditions: the tower can attract visitors to buy a ticket to visit; After the world expo can easily removed.,建设背景Construction background,The Eiffel Tower, the structure of the system is intuitive and simple: at the bottom is distributed in the bottom of a 128 m long per side,Seat four giant inclined column pier, 54 inclination, from 57.63 m height in the first layer of the platform contact bearing; The first layer of platform and 115.73 m height of the second layer is four slightly bent column between platform; Four pillar up into almost vertically, stiffness big obelisk, which at 276.13 m height with the third platform; Decorate in the 300.65 m height is the tower platform, the television antenna. Tower total weight of 10000 t, bear the weight of are four strong straight stretch to lie the holding force of soil layer under the caisson foundation. In June 1884, Eiffel EmileNouguier and design office of the two main engineer MauriceKoechlin had the design thought of a high tower. Preliminary design is like a huge tower, there are four composed of lattice frame leg, and at the top of the tower on the basis of discrete support on together, decorate such as span beam connections.,The Eiffel Tower, th,埃菲尔铁塔的结构体系既直观又简洁:底部是分布在每边128m长底,座上的4个巨型倾斜柱墩,倾角54,由57.63m高度处的第一层平台联系支承;第一层平台和115.73m高度处的第二层平台之间是4个微曲的立柱 ;再向上4个立柱转化为几乎垂直的、刚度很大的方尖塔,其间在276.13m高度处设有第三层平台;在300.65m高度处是塔顶平台,布置有电视天线。铁塔总重10000t,承担这些重量的是4个坚固的直伸至下卧持力土层的沉箱基础。在1884年6月的时候,埃菲尔设计事务所的两位主要工程师EmileNouguier和MauriceKoechlin就有了设计一座超高塔的思想。初步的设计像一个巨大的塔架,有四个由格构梁架构成的支腿,分立支撑在基础上并在塔顶收在一起,其间布置等间距横梁联系。,埃菲尔铁塔的结构体系既直观又简洁:底部是分布在每边128m长,建筑大师,埃菲尔铁塔是由古斯塔夫埃菲尔设计的,古斯塔夫埃菲尔出生于1832年古斯塔夫埃菲尔,古斯塔夫埃菲尔,法国东部的第戎城。20岁以优异的成绩考上了培养工程师的法国国立工艺学院。在那里他租用了单身宿舍,经常挤在桌子和火炉中间通宵达旦埋头读书。不久,他以良好的成绩领到了工程师的毕业文凭。毕业后,埃菲尔经朋友介绍进入西部铁路局研究室任工程师。从此,埃菲尔踏上了一个建筑结构工程师的工作道路,为人类的进步与文明贡献自己的杰出才华。,Building great master,The Eiffel Tower was designed by gustave Eiffel, gustave Eiffel was born in 1832, gustave Eiffel,Gustave Eiffel,The first RongCheng in eastern France. Twenty years of age with high honors went to cultivate engineers of the French national institute of technology. Where he rented a single dormitory, often crowded in the middle of the table and the stove burning in reading. Before long, he get the diploma engineers with good grades. After graduation, Eiffel friend introduced into the western railway lab engineer. Since then, Eiffel embarked on a building structure engineers work road, his contributions to human progress and civilization outstanding talent.,建筑大师Building great master,建筑用材,埃菲尔铁塔高300米,天线高24米,相当于100层楼高,铁塔是由很多分散的钢铁构件组成的看起来就像一堆模型的组件。钢铁构件有18038个,重达10000吨,施工时共钻孔700万个,使用铆钉250万个。除了四个脚是用钢筋水泥之外,全身都用钢铁构成,塔身总重量7000吨。每隔7年油漆一次,每次用漆52吨。塔分三楼,分别在离地面57.6米、115.7米和276.1米处,其中一、二楼设有餐厅,第三楼建有观景台,从塔座到塔顶共有1711级阶梯,共用去钢铁7000吨,12000个金属部件,259万只铆钉。,Building material,The Eiffel Tower is 300 meters high, antenna 24 metres high, the equivalent of 100 storeys high, the tower is made up of many scattered steel components - looks like a pile of model components. Steel components. There are 18038, 10000 - ton, construction drilling 7 million, use rivets, 2.5 million. In addition to the four feet are with reinforced concrete, the whole body with steel structure, the towers are the total weight of 7000 tons. Paint once every seven years, each time with 52 tons of paint. Points on the third floor, respectively from the ground 57.6 meters, 115.7 meters and 115.7 meters, one of them, has a restaurant on the second floor, third floor has a viewing platform, there are 1711 steps from tower to tower, Shared to steel 7000 tons, 12000 metal parts, 2.59 million rivet.,建筑用材Building material,Construction status,The Eiffel Tower is the symbol of across the world at that time of the industrial revolution. So, it is built for the world exposition. To celebrate the 100th anniversary of the French revolution, it is representative of French honor monument. It has become a symbol of that swept the world at the time of the industrial revolution. It is the worlds masterpiece in the history of architecture technology, used to keep the worlds tallest building 45 years. It become an important France and Paris attractions, is the symbol of modern Paris (Notre Dame DE Paris is the symbol of ancient Paris). It shows that the French whimsical romantic appeal, artistic taste, innovation drive and sense of humor. It represents the Europe is in the classical tradition to the modern socialist period of transition and transformation. Tower in the first world war ii made a significant contribution in the aspect of radio communications.,Construction status,Function orientation,The Eiffel Tower, the original is to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the French revolution, and then gradually become a tourist attractions, it is mainly used for tourists to visit. At the same time also Eiffel Tower will play a huge role in the scientific experiment: aerodynamic experiments, material endurance study, mountaineering physiology, radio, telecommunications, meteorological observation and so on. For more than 120 years the Eiffel Tower has experienced from technology to art and then transformed into a symbol of such a process, now the Eiffel Tower as a mixture of technology and art craft design construction, as a kind of cultural symbol in the eyes of the masses.,Function orientation,功能定位,埃菲尔铁塔最初的建立是为了庆祝法国大革命胜利100周年,而后逐渐成为了旅游景点,主要用于游客参观。同时埃菲铁塔也将在科学实验中起到巨大作用:空气动力学实验 、 材料耐力研究 、 登山生理学 、 无线电研究 、 电信问题 、 气象观测等等 。120多年来埃菲尔铁塔已然经历 了从技术到艺术进而转变为象征符号的这样一个过程 ,如今埃菲尔铁塔作为一种技术和艺术混合的工艺设计建筑,作为一种人文符号出现在世界大众眼前。,功能定位,建筑地位,埃菲尔铁塔是当时席卷世界的工业革命的象征。所以,它是为了世界博览会而落成的。庆祝法国革命胜利100周年,是代表法国荣誉的纪念碑。它成为当时席卷世界的工业革命的象征。它是世界建筑史上的技术杰作,曾经保持世界最高建筑45年。它成为法国和巴黎的一个重要景点,是现代巴黎的标志(巴黎圣母院可谓是古代巴黎的象征)。它显示出法国人异想天开式的浪漫情趣、艺术品位、创新魄力和幽默感。它代表着当时欧洲正处于古典主义传统向现代主义过渡与转换的特定时期。铁塔在第一次世界大战中在无线电通讯联络方面做出了重大贡献,。,建筑地位,Tower achievement,The Eiffel Tower was completed for the,world exposition metal construction, used,to keep the worlds tallest building 45 years,until the emergence of the Chrysler building.,Fixed it by 2.5 million rivet connection, it is,said that it on the ground pressure is only,a normal adults was sitting in a chair. Four of the tower, engraved the names of 72 scientists, is in order to protect the Eiffel Tower was destroyed and people engaged in the research.,The Eiffel Tower and Tokyo tower, the Empire State Building and referred to as the three famous western architecture.,The Eiffel Tower is one of the symbols,of Paris, the French love called iron,lady.,Tower achievement,铁塔成就,埃菲尔铁塔为了世界博览会而落成的金属建筑,曾经保持世界最高建筑45年,直到克莱斯勒大厦的出现。 它由250万个铆钉连接固定,据说它对地面的压强只有一个正常的成年人坐在椅子上那么大。塔的四个面上,铭刻了72个科学家的名字,都是为了保护铁塔不被摧毁而从事研究的人们。,埃菲尔铁塔和东京铁塔、帝国大厦并称为“西方三大著名建筑”。,埃菲尔铁塔是巴黎的标志之一,被法国人爱称为“铁娘子”。,铁塔成就,


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