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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,外研版八年级上册M8U1-课件,8,Accidents,Module,Unit 1,While,the lights,were changing,to red, a car suddenly appear,ed,.,8AccidentsModuleUnit 1,Do you know what do these lights mean?,traffic lights,Do you know what do these ligh,Do you know people often have these bad behaviors(,行为,)?,Do you know people often have,Dont go,across the road,while,the red light,were on,.,go across the road,red light were on,while,Dont go across the road whil,take too many people drive,while,Don,take,too many people,while,we,were driving,take too many people,Dont drink,while,we,were driving!,drink driving,while,Dont drink while we were dri,Listen to music ride a bike,while,Dont listen,to music,while,we,were riding,a bike,Listen to music rid,Key words :,本课重点单词:感官系动词,look,,,dangerous,,,suddenly,本课重点短语:,wait,相关短语, round the corner, the risk of sth,复习,: in time, fall off, on your bike, think about.,2. key structure:,(1),While,the lights,were changing,to red,a car suddenly appear,ed,round the corner.,(2) So,when,you are on your bike, think about the risk,of an accident!,3. Ability:,学会用,while ,when,造出时间状语从句,Teaching aims,Key words :Teaching aims,/p,e,I,l/,/,p,I,/,/r,a,nd /,/k,n,/,/h,t,/,/,gl,d /,苍白的,adj.,p,a,le,出现;显露,v.,a,pp,ear,转到(某物的)另一边,prep.,c,or,n,er,拐角;街角,n.,(hit/h,I,t)(,使)碰撞,v.,r,ou,nd,高兴的;欢喜的,adj.,h,i,t,Words and expressions,从,跌落,fall off.,及时,gl,a,d,in time,/peIl/苍白的 adj.pale出现;显露 v.app,/r,sk,/,/,t,en,n,/,/s,a,d/,危险;风险,n.,r,i,sk,注意力,n.,a,tt,e,n,tion,注意;留心,s,i,de,(物体或形状的)侧面,n.,并排地;肩并肩地,pay attention,side by side,round the corner,在拐角处,/rsk /危险;风险 n.risk注意力 n.atten,1. A boy was riding his bilk and,on the road.,listening to music B. talking on the phone,2. Ms James,when the lights changing red.,waiting for the bus,waiting to cross the road,3. The car didnt stop because the driver was,A. listening to music B. talking on the phone,Listen and choose.,1. A boy was riding his bilk,Listen and choose.,4. The car,in time and,the boy.,stopped; didnt hurt,B. didnt stop; hurt,5.The boy fell off his bike,.,but didnt hurt himself,and hurt his knee,Listen and choose.4. The car,Listen and read,Find out these,Everyday English and the suggestions,Are you all right? Dont,Thats very dangerous!,Thats too bad.,Anything else?,Listen and readFind out these,Listen and read,B,: Good morning, Ms James! You look p,a,le. Are you,all right?,M,: Im OK, but I saw an accident. A boy,was riding,his,bike and,listening,to music on the road.,D,: Thats very,danger,ous,.,M,: I,was waiting,to cross the road.,While,the lights,were,changing,to red, a car suddenly appeared,round,the corner,. It wasnt going fast, but it didnt stop.,L,: Did the boy stop?,M,: No. And the driver,was talking,on his mobile phone.,Listen and readB: Good mornin,B,: So did the car hit the boy?,M,: No, Im glad to say. The car stopped just,in time,but the boy,fell off,his bike and,hurt,his knee.,T,: Thats too bad.,M,: So when youre on your bike,think about,the risk of an accident!,Pay attention,stop at the red lights and,what else,?,B,: Dont ride too fast.,D,: Dont ride side by side with your friends.,M,:,Anything else,?,All,: Dont listen to music!,B: So did the car hit the boy,Read and answer.,1.Why Ms James looks pale?,2. How many suggestions does Ms James,give us?,Because she saw an accidents.,Ms James gives us four suggestions.,Read and answer.1.Why Ms James,Now,complete the following advice.,When you are riding a bike, think about the risk of an accident!,Pay _ and stop at the_.,Dont,too fast.,Dont ride _with your friends.,Dont _!,attention,red lights,ride,side by side,listen to music,Now complete the following adv,4 Complete the passage with the words,in the box.,Accidents do not happen very often, I am _ to say. However, when you are riding your bike, pay _all the time, especially,on the corner of the road,and at traffic light. Do not ride side by _with your friends. Sometimes cars _round the corner and do not stop. They may _you.,appear attention glad hit side,glad,attention,side,appear,hit,4 Complete the passage with th,课前预习结果,Ms James,复习一下表达含义:,Ms. _Mr._ Miss._ Mrs._,2. Are you all right?,含义:,_,3. But I saw an accident. accident,前为什么用,an,不用,a_,4. I m glad to say,含义:,_,句内短语,_,5. Thats too bad,含义:,_,6. Pay attention,含义,_,留意某事:,_,7. Anything else?,含义:,_,女士 先生 小姐 太太,你还好吗?,因为,accident,是一个以元音为首音的词,我很高兴的说,Glad to do sth,那太糟了,留意,小心,Pay attention to sth,其他的呢?,课前预习结果Ms James 复习一下表达含义: 女士,一组,1.You look pale. Look,是,_,动词,.,其它类似词语,_,2.A boy was riding his bike and listening to music on the road.,本句时态:,_,句内动词有哪些,_,3.That s very dangerous.,含义:,_,dangerous,词性,_,名词,_,Language points,感官系,feel, smell, sound, taste,过去进行时,ride , listen,那太危险了,adj danger,一组Language points 感官系,二组,1.I was waiting to cross the road.,等待做某事,_,wait for sb/sth,含义,_,cant wait to do sth,含义,_,2.And the driver was talking on his,mobile phone.,on,在本句中含义,_,wait to do sth,等待某人,/,某事,迫不及待做某事,通过,借助,二组wait to do sth,三组,1.The car stopped just in time.,just,含义:,_in time,含义:,_,2.But the boy fell off his bike and,hurt his knee.,句内短语,_,含义,_,3.Stop at the red lights and ,what else?,含义:,_,刚刚 及时,fall off,从,掉落,在红灯时停下来,还有其他的吗?,三组 刚刚,四组,1.While the lights were changing,to red, a car suddenly appeared,round the corner.,While,用法,:,Suddenly,含义:,_,形容词:,_,Round the corner_,突然地,sudden,在角落里,四组,五组,So when you are on your bike,think about the risk of an accident!,When,用法:,on your bike=_ _ _,=_ _,think about,含义:,_,the risk of sth,含义,:_,in your bike,by bike,思考,考虑,做,的风险,五组,过去进行时,+when+,一般过去时,= when+,一般过去时,过去进行时,当我到家,(come home),时,她正在做饭,(cook),。,When,(当. 时侯),I came home, she was cooking dinner.,表示当一个动作突然发生时,另一个动作正在进行时,,she was cooking dinner,when,(当. 时侯),I came home.,过去进行时+when+一般过去时当我到家(come home,While (When),you were speaking to the teacher,I saw you.,一般过去时,+when/while,过去进行时,=,when/while,过去进行时,一般过去时,当你和老师说话(,speak to,)时,我看到,(see),你了,表示当一个动作正在进行时时,另一个动作突然发生,,I saw you,while (when),you were speaking to the teacher.,While (When) you were speaking,过去进行时,+while+,过去进行时,= while+,过去进行时,,过去进行时,My mother was cooking,while/when,I was watching TV.,当我在看电视(,watch TV,)时,我母亲在做饭,(cook),表示两个动作同时进行,While (when),I was watching TV, my mother was cooking.,过去进行时+while+过去进行时My mother was,1. I _at 8:00 yesterday.,A. was sleeping late B. slept late C. sleep late,2.They _at this time.,talking on the phone,B. were talking on the phone,C. was talking on the phone,3.Lily was standing in front of the library _.,A. two hours ago,B. tomorrow,C. at that time yesterday,I.,单项选择。,A,B,C,1. I _at 8:00 yesterday.,5. My father was reading newspaper _my mother,was cooking dinner.,A. when B. while C. what,6. The reporter said that the UFO _ east to west,when he saw it. A. was traveling B. traveled C. traveling,7. My mother _while my father _ TV.,A. cooked, was watching,B. was cooking, was watching,C. cooked, watched,B,A,B,5. My father was reading newsp,1.I was,getting out of bed,when the UFO landed.,(对划线部分提问),_ _ you _ when the UFO landed?,2. They played tennis yesterday afternoon.,(,用,at 5:00 yesterday afternoon,改写句子,),They _ _ tennis at 5:00 yesterday afternoon.,3. While it was raining ,the plane took off.,(改为同义句),It was raining _ the plane _ off.,II,、按要求改写句子。,What were doing,were playing,while was taking,1.I was getting out of bed whe,4.,昨晚八点钟我爸爸在看报纸。,My father _ _ a newspaper at 8:00 yesterday evening.,5.,电话响时,我妈妈在做晚饭。,My mother _ _ _ when the phone_.,6.,当外星人买纪念品时,我报了警。,_ the alien was buying a souvenir ,I _ the police.,7.I was washing my shoes at that time.,(改为一般问句),_ _ _ your shoes at that time?,was watching,was cooking dinner,rang,While called,Were you washing,4.昨晚八点钟我爸爸在看报纸。was watchingwas,一、根据句意及首字母提示,写出相应的单词。,She suddenly noticed how,p_ he looked.,2. We were having a class, suddenly two faces a_ at our window.,ale,ppeared,一、根据句意及首字母提示,写出相应的单词。 aleppear,3. The driver was drunk and h_ three stationary(,停着的,) cars.,4. We were all g_ to hear you pass your exams.,5. Smoking can increase the r_ of developing heart disease.,h,it,g,lad,r,isk,3. The driver was drunk and h_,二、根据汉语提示完成下列句子,每空一词。,1.,她可以步行去,,,就在拐角处,。,She could walk,its only _,_,_,_,_,_,_.,2.,布莱恩通常会及时赶回家里给孩子们洗澡,。,Brain usually gets home _ _ to bath the children.,round the,corner,in time,二、根据汉语提示完成下列句子,每空一词。,5.,我已经说过对不起了,我还能做什么呢,?,Ive said Im sorry.,_,_ can I do?,6.,我们并肩沿着海滨走,。,We walked along the beach, _ _,_,_.,What else,side by side,5. 我已经说过对不起了,我还能做什么呢?What else,


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