参考 (2)课件

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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,Making the news,*,Making the news,Making the news,How to make the newspaper,2,5,1,3,4,Editor checks the facts (A),Designer lays out the article (B),Reporter interviews people or find out the events (C),Photographers take photographs (D),Printer prints the newspaper (E),Making the news,How to make the newspaper ?,D,E,C,A,B,Making the news,Step1/2 interview,Making the news,Step 1/2 take photographs,Making the news,Step 3 make sure the writing is clear,Making the news,Step 4 lay out,Making the news,Step 5 print the newspaper,Making the news,What are the qualities a good news reporter needs to have?,higher level of education,work experience,good communication skills,curious, active personality,hard-working,enthusiasm for the job,prepared to work long hours,ability to work in a team,Making the news,The duties of a reporter,To work in a team,(Welcome.-Good.),To get an accurate story,(What do I need to-We have the evidence to support our story.),To protect a story from accusations,(I can see - You never know!),Making the news,How to become a successful reporter?,go,Making the news,The skills needed,work in a team,(work with colleagues),research a story,(have a “nose” for a story),be accurate,(get all our facts straight),protect a story from accusations,Making the news,Stages in researching a story,ask many questions,(acquire all the information),note reactions,(when people answer questions),check facts,(tell when people are telling the truth),do research,(discover the truth),Making the news,How to check facts ?,Use research and ask other people,Making the news,Why is listening so important?,Get the detailed,facts,Making the news,How to deal with accusations of printing lies ?,Use small recorders to get all the facts straight,Find out the truth,Prove oneself right,Making the news,Paraphrase,(explain English words and phrases in English ),Cover a story,To have a “nose”,for a story,A trick of the trade,Get all your facts,straight,Get the wrong end,of the stick,A real “scoop”,An important story which your newspaper gets ahead of all the other newspaper,.,You do not understand what is being said .,Sth,that helps you do the job in a professional way,Be able to “smell” when,sb,is trying to hide a good story .,Make sure the story is accurate.,Go and interview,sb,about an incident or happening,Making the news,Interview,( patient imaginative well-organized polite technically good concise thorough creative curious careful gifted professional),A: Which occupation will you choose in,future?,B: I want to be a _.,A: Why?,B: A _ needs to be _ . I think,I would make a good _ because_,_ .,Making the news,Thank you !,Making the news,


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