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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Natural Labor Process,自然分娩过程,Hospital,Time interval of Labor pains,Mothers sense,The uterine mouth,Baby,阵痛间隔时间,子宫口,Most women do not need to be hospitalized until the 10-minutes interval begin,Finally going to the hospital. At this point, the doctor will do internal diagnosis (内部诊断,Most mothers are equipped with fetal monitors 胎儿检测to confirm fetal heart sounds,Continues to recognize the fetal heart sounds, and to disinfect the genital area, shave the pubic hair of episiotomy (会阴切开术,Beginning,mother,baby,Approaching the 10-minutes interval,Lower abdomen下腹部may feel hard irregularlyLike minor physical pain This situation may last about 10-20 seconds,The uterine mouth has not open yet,In such a position, the chin will close to chest,710-minutes interval,Labor start,The lower abdominal pain becomes regular May feel sudden contraction,Pain lasts about 3040 seconds,Whenever the uterus contracts, the uterine mouth will gradually open.,Down with whirling,12-minutes interval,The most painful periodpain lasts about a minute and a halfAt this time there begin to be a feeling of falling and the amniotic fluid (羊水brokeFetal head is toward the direction of her mothers anus肛门, from the beginning of labor pain until now, the fetus will do 90-degree turn.,Now mother will be moved to delivery room, if amniotic fluid is defeated, the doctor will check the status of the amniotic fluid. In addition, if the uterus has been fully open, the nurse will guide the mother how to use her strength,After starting forcing,The interval pain happen at 1-minute intervalthe pain time is longer than pain interval,you can faintly see the babys head.,Doctors will suppress the perineum (会阴by hand to prevent perineal laceration. Sometimes doctors will do episiotomy before the babys head is delivered,After the fetal head is delivered,Labor pains become very slightafter the fetal head is delivered the pain stop for a moment then there will be mild pain again,After the head is delivered, shoulders follow, horizontal should match the width of shoulder; vertical have to cope with the long pelvis exitso the fetus will once again towards the side, as if looking for a side of her mothers thigh 大腿deliver gradually .,Or,When the placenta胎盘 is delivered,Feel very relaxedin order to deliver out of the placenta, the uterus will have a slight contraction,This period the uterine mouth has been close to fully open (10 cm), or has reached full-open,The staff will wipe the babys nasal cavity 鼻腔 and throat with gauze to clean up the amniotic fluid remains, then baby can breathe well.,After the placenta is delivered, it may lead to bleeding again. Therefore, the hospital will allow mother to stay in the observation room for some time to do in-depth observation.,Cut the umbilical cord 脐带, measure body weight, after have a bath, measure the height, chest circumference, head circumference width, and to do general physical checkup,Natural Labor end,Thanks,The End,


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