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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2020/8/21,#,The Monster of,Lake Tianchi,Module 6,Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World,The Monster of Module 6,1,Vocabulary,monster,Vocabulary monster,2,tail,hairy,tail hairy,3,footprint,claw,footprintclaw,4,dinosaur,dinosaur,5,_ is a,monster,that lives high up in the Himalayas. Its about two meters tall and has powerful arms and legs. It often gets angry and will,attack,anyone who goes close to it. Local people and people traveling in the mountains have many stories to tell about it.,The Yeti,喜马拉雅山雪人,雪人被称作“夜帝”,(Yeti),,意思是居住在岩石上的动物。关于雪人的传说可以追溯到公元前,326,年,它们高,1.5,米到,4.6,米不等,头颅尖耸,红发披顶,周身长满灰黄色的毛,步履快捷。,_ is a monster t,6,_ got its name because of its large,footprints,. It lives in the mountainous forests of northwest America and probably looks like a very large monkey - tall and,hairy,with big arms and legs. Native Americans believe it is a,spirit,and has no physical form.,The Bigfoot,_ got its na,7,_ is a frightening,creature,that lives in Scotland. Climbers say they have seen it on the mountains. It is tall and has a grey face and long,claws,instead of hands.,The Grey Man,One of the most famous monsters in the world is the _ . It lives in a deep lake (a loch) in the north of Scotland and it is very old. It has a small head and a long,tail,and some people believe it is a,dinosaur.,Loch Ness Monster,_ is a frighte,8,The Lake Tianchi without the monster,The Lake Tianchi without the,9,pictures taken by witnesses,pictures taken by witnesses,10,Read para.1 and decide where it comes from,.,A.,a tourist guide B. a newspaper,C. a dictionary D. a scientific journal,The “Monster of Lake Tianchi” in Changbai Mountains in Jilin province, northeast China,is back in the news,after several recent sightings.,Read para.1 and decide where i,11,Para 1,Para 2,Para 3,Para 4,Para 5,information,about Lake Tianchi,the latest sighting,more information about the Tianchi monster,another recent sightingof Tianchi monster,a third sighting of the Tianchi monster,Match the paragraphs with their main meanings.,Para 1information about Lake T,12,Describe the three sightings .,Sighting,Witness,Place,Description,Sighting 1,Sighting 2,Sighting 3,Meng fanying,Xue Junlin,A group of soldiers,Li xiaohe and his family,Ten meters from the edge of the lake,along the side of the lake,Black , jumped out of the water like a seal.,Its head looked like a horse.,moved on the surface of the water; swam about 2 minutes. Greenish-black and had a round head with 10-centimetres horns.,A round black creature moving quickly through the water, after three or four .it dived into the water.,Describe the three sightings .,13,Careful -reading,1. How many sightings of the monster does the article report?,2. Who saw the monster clearly, and why?,3. Which description of the monster is most detailed?,Three.,Mr. Li Xiao he and his family, because the weather was fine and the lake was calm.,The soldiers.,Careful -reading1. How many si,14,4. When was the monster first sighted?,5. What do many people think about the monster?,6. What do scientists think about the monster?,7. What is special about Lake Tianchi?,The beginning of last century.,They think it might be a distant cousin of the Loch Ness Monster.,They dont believe a large animal could live in Lake Tianchi because its too cold.,Its the highest volcanic lake in the world.,4. When was the monster first,15,Read the 5th Paragraph:,Information about Lake Tianchi:,Height:,Area:,Depth:,2189 m,10 km,2,370 m deep in some places,Read the 5th Paragraph:2189 m1,16,1.,从,.,跳出来,2.,在,表面,3.,声称做某事,4.,不可能做,5.,占有,面积,6.,讲实话,/,说谎,7.,潜入,8,一群,一帮,9.十分钟之后,10.清楚地看到,11.再次成为新闻,jump out of,on the surface of,claim to do sth./ claim that,be unlikely to do/ it is unlikely that,cover an area of,tell the truth,/ tell a lie,dive into,ten minutes later,get a clear look at,be back in the news,a group of,1.从.跳出来 jump out ofon the s,17,Discussion,Do you,believe,there is a monster in Lake Tianchi ? And,why,? Can you,guess,what it really,is?,It may be a,sailing boat.,Discussion Do you believe the,18,It is likely to be a turtle.,Whatever the creature is, we should judge everything scientifically.,It is likely to be a turtle. W,19,Do you,know any other mysteries in the world?,UFO,Un,identified Flying Object,Do you know any other myst,20,The Bermuda Triangle, also known as,the Devils Triangle, is a loosely-defined region in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean, where a number of aircraft and ships are said to have disappeared under mysterious circumstances.,The Bermuda Triangle, also kno,21,巨石阵是是英国最出名的标志之一,这些横着竖着的大石头看似毫无规律的摆放,却是人类史的一大奇迹,这些距今已经有4300年的巨石是如何搬运和抬放依旧是迷。石阵中心的巨石最高的有8米,平均重量近30吨,呈环形排布直径超过100米,极具震撼力,有不少重达7吨的巨石是横架在两根竖着的石柱上的。有人认为建造这样宏伟的巨石阵是纪录太阳的轨迹,有认为是墓碑或是祭神所用,但其真正的建造目的至今未知。,The mysterious,Stonehenge,巨石阵是是英国最出名的标志之一,这些横着竖着的大石头看似毫无,22,Crop Circle,麦田怪圈,是指在麦田或其它田地上,透过某种未知力量把农作物压平而产生出来的几何图案。麦田怪圈的出现给了对支持外星人存在论的人们多种看法。怪圈中的作物平顺倒塌方式以及植物茎节点的烧焦痕迹并不是人力压平所能做到,也有麻省理工学院学生试图用自制设备反向复制此一现象但依然未能达成,至今仍然没有解释该现象是何种设备或做法能够达到。,Crop Circle麦田怪圈,是指在麦田或其它田地上,透,23,1.,近年,越来越多的天鹅选择到伊犁河流域越冬,这与当地实施天然林保护、湿地生态恢复等重点林业工程建设使湿地生态明显改善有很大关系。,2.,校庆在即,学校要求全体师生注重礼仪,热情待客,让从全国各地回母校参加庆祝活动的校友感到宾至如归。,3.,近三十年来,中国社会的快速发展,以及中国和国际交流的扩大,西方媒体从敌视到误读,逐渐改变了对华的片面报道,4,我们可通过河流触摸历史,把河流和历史抽象成一种符号,赋予河流更加丰富和充满变数的内涵。,5,河流不仅焕发了所有大地景观的活力,且还是重要的经济资源、战略资源和不可替代的文化资源。,6, 帮助家境不好的孩子上大学,是我们应该做的,况且这孩子各方面都很优秀,我们一定要帮助她圆大学梦。,7, 在那个民族独立和民族解放斗争风起云涌的时代,能激发人们的爱国热情是评判一部文学作品好坏的非常重要的标准。,8,社会大转型的时代,往往也是造就伟人的时代,几乎所有基本领域,都在春秋战国那个充满活力的黄金时代开山立宗并创造了我们民族精神的最高经典。,9,原生文化是一个民族的根基,其体现的精神没有因为经历了两千多年就逐渐消退,当各种复杂的问题困扰我们的时候,每个人都能从中寻找到再生的动力。,1.近年,越来越多的天鹅选择到伊犁河流域越冬,这与当地实施天,24,


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