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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,*,英语小故事大会,1,英语小故事大会1,让我们来讲故事吧!,Lets tell story!,2,让我们来讲故事吧!Lets tell story!2,鳄鱼怕怕,牙医怕怕,3,鳄鱼怕怕,牙医怕怕3,鳄鱼怕怕,牙医怕怕,I really dont want to see him.,我真的不想看到他.,But I must.,但是我非看不可。,4,鳄鱼怕怕,牙医怕怕I really dont want t,鳄鱼怕怕,牙医怕怕,Aaugh!,啊!,5,鳄鱼怕怕,牙医怕怕Aaugh!5,Shall I go through with it?,我一定得去吗?,I am so,scared,.,我好害怕.,.,I must be,brave.,我一定要勇敢。,6,Shall I go through with it?6,Im ready for the,worst,.,我做好最坏的打算了。,Ouch!,哎哟!,7,Im ready for the worst.7,What an,awful,thing to do.,这是一件多么可怕的事。,But getting,angry,wont help.,但是生气是没有用。,Not much longer.,不用太久.,8,What an awful thing to do.8,Thank you so much.See you again next year.,多谢您啦!明年再见。,I dont really want to him again next year.,我明年真的不想再看到他.,So I must never forget to brush my teeth.,所以我一定不要忘记刷牙。,So you must never forget to,brush,your teeth.,所以你一定不要忘记刷牙。,9,Thank you so much.See you agai,scared,害怕的,angry,生气,brave,勇敢,brush,your teeth,刷牙,worst,最坏的,awful,糟糕的,10,scared 害怕的 10,I really dont want to see him.But I must.,Shall I go through with it?,I am so scared.I must be brave.,Im ready for the worst.,What an awful thing to do.But getting angry wont help.,Thank you so much.See you again next year.,I dont really want to him again next year.,So I must never forget to brush my teeth.,11,I really dont want to see him,第二个故事!,The second story!,12,第二个故事!The second story!12,小公主怕黑,13,小公主怕黑13,Each night before bed,little,princess,likes to read a story,每天晚上睡觉前,小公主都喜欢读一篇故事。,But,she doesnt like the,dark,.”I want my,light,on!”She,yelled,.“Why”dad asked.,但是,她不喜欢黑暗。“我想要灯开着!”她叫道。“为什么呢?”爸爸问。,14,Each night before bed,little p,“Because there could be,ghosts,in the dark.Little,princess,said.,The ghost could be under the bed.,“因为黑暗中会有鬼。”小公主说道。“鬼可能会藏在床底下。”,15,“Because there could be ghosts,“Don t be silly,there are no,ghosts,.”Dad said.“Theres nothing under the bed.”,“不要傻了,那里没有鬼。”爸爸说。“床底下什么也没有。”,16,“Don t be silly,there are no,“Dont be silly,there are no,ghosts,.”the,Admiral,said.“If there were ghosts,the,General,would,catch,them.”,“不要傻了,没有鬼。”护卫说。“如果有鬼的话,将军会抓住他们的。,17,“Dont be silly,there are no g,Dont be silly,there are no ghosts.”the,doctor,said.“If there were,ghosts,,you only have to,blow,your nose,youd,scare,them away.,不要傻了,没有鬼。”医生说。“如果有鬼的话,你只要醒一下鼻子,他们就会被吓跑了。”,18,Dont be silly,there are no g,“I just want my,light,on!”,我就是要开灯!,“Why?”the,maid,came.,“Look,Gigi,bear,isnt,afraid,of the,dark,.”,“为什么呢?”女仆来了。,“你看,吉吉熊就不怕黑。”,19,“I just want my light on!”19,“Im not so much,afraid,of the,dark,.” the little,princess,said “Im more,afraid,of,ghosts.,我不是很怕黑。”小公主说。“我只是更怕鬼。”,”Dont be silly,there are no,ghosts,.”the,maid,said.“If there were ghosts, theyd be,pitifully,small,anyway,Ive never seen them!”,“别傻了,没有鬼。”女仆说。“如果有鬼的话,它们也小得可怜,反正我从来没见过鬼!”,20,“Im not so much afraid of the,“Alright,Gigi bear,maybe ghosts really are,pitifully small,.”the Little Princess was,convinced.,“好吧,吉吉熊,也许鬼真的小得可怜。”小公主相信了。,21,“Alright,Gigi bear,maybe ghost,We must be,careful,when we,walk,and not step on the them!,我们一定要小心走路,千万不要踩到他们!“,22,We must be careful when we wa,“Sleep tight,,sweet dreams,!”The,maid,said.and turned off the,light,.,“睡吧,做个好梦!”女仆说.然后她关上了灯。,“I bet,ghosts are,afraid,of the,dark,too.”the Little Princess,mumbled,to herself.,“我敢打赌,鬼也怕黑。”小公主喃喃自语。,23,“Sleep tight,sweet dreams!”The,“AAAAAAAARGH!”the little,princess screamed,,“I can hear,ghost,sounds!”,“啊!”小公主大叫,“有鬼的声音!”,“AAAAAAAARGH!”the Little Ghost screamed,“I can hear little girl sounds!”,“啊!”小鬼魂大叫,“有小女孩的声音!”,24,“AAAAAAAARGH!”the little princ,The Little,Princess,jumped,off the bed and,hid,under it.,小公主跳到床下藏了起来。,Of course,the little Ghost also,jumped,off the bed and,hid,under it.,可是 小鬼魂也跳到床下藏了起来。,25,The Little Princess jumped off,The Little,Ghost,ran home,towards the,top,of the,castle,.,小鬼魂跑回家,跑向城堡顶层。,“Mum,mum,I just saw a little girl.”,“妈妈!我刚才看到了一个小姑娘!”,26,The Little Ghost ran home,towa,“Dont be silly,there are no little girls”the,Ghost,Mum said,”别傻了,没有小女孩。“小鬼魂的妈妈说。,”I still want my,light,on!“the little ghost said”just,in case,.,我就是想开灯!“小鬼魂说,”以防万一嘛。“,27,“Dont be silly,there are no l,princess 公主 jump 跳,dark 黑暗,ghosts 鬼,light 灯,maid 女仆,bear 熊,small 小的,careful 认真的,walk 走路,sweet dreams 做个好梦,mumbled 喃喃自语,28,princess 公主 ju,片段朗读,Each night before bed,little,princess,likes to read a story,But,she doesnt like the,dark,.”I want my,light,on!”She,yelled,.“Why”dad asked.,“Because there could be,ghosts,in the dark.Little,princess,said.The ghost could be under the bed.,“Don t be silly,there are no,ghosts,.”Dad said.“Theres nothing under the bed.”,“Dont be silly,there are no,ghosts,.”the,Admiral,said.“If there were ghosts,the,General,would,catch,them.”,29,片段朗读Each night before bed,litt,片段朗读,“AAAAAAAARGH!”the little,princess screamed,,“I can hear,ghost,sounds!”,“AAAAAAAARGH!”the Little Ghost screamed,“I can hear little girl sounds!”,The Little,Princess,jumped,off the bed and,hid,under it.,Of course,the little Ghost also,jumped,off the bed and,hid,under it.,30,片段朗读“AAAAAAAARGH!”the little p,


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