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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,with 的复合结构,应用,3A,教学模式讲解,第一步,自主学习,依葫芦画瓢,Task 1,:,模仿例子,自主总结 结构特征,.,The cat is sleeping,_,_,with,a duck doll,in her arms.,瞄准,( shoot at ),The young man is shooting at a dog , _,with,a gun,in his hands.,With,复合结构,一,With + n + prep.,With +,名词,+,介词短语,The moon is moving in the space,_,_.,with,a new manmade satellite,moving,around it,人造卫星,manmade satellite,With +,n./pron,. + -,ving,.,With +,名词,+,动词的现在分词,With,的复合结构,二,Two twin babies are sleeping together, _,with,their feet,crossed,A deer, the mans bag, is driving his car home,_,with,the man,bound on the car.,绑,bind bound,bound,With,的复合结构,三,With +,n./pron,. + -,ved,With +,名词,+,动词的过去分词,The dog is waiting for its owner quietly, _,with,its big mouth,open.,With,的复合结构,四,With +,n./pron,. + adj.,With +,名词代词,+,形容词,Two men _ are floating along the river.,with,life jackets,on,With,的复合结构,五,With +,n./pron,. + adv.,With +,名词,/,代词,+,副词,_, Granny Wang has to get up early every morning.,With,a lot of,work,to do,With,a lot of homework,to do,_,the girl goes to bed very late every night.,With,的复合结构,六,With +,n./pron,. + to v.,With +,名词,/,代词,+,动词不定式,第二步,学以致用,Task 2:,说出下列句子中,with,的结构特征,1. You,musnt,talk with a person,with your finger pointing at her.,2.He lay on his back,with his hands crossed under his head.,3.He entered the room,with his nose red with cold.,4.A man broke in ,with a knife in his hand,.,5.He felt asleep,with the radio on,.,6,.With the new term to begin soon, well be very busy again.,深层理解,Task 3:,把下列句子改成同义句,1.,With a lot of homework to do, I cant go to bed early.,2. The woman,with a necklace around her neck,must be very wealthy.,3.,With the bike repaired, he rode on. 4.,With the discussion over for a long time,we still remember everything discussed. 5. The teacher came in ,with her cup in her hand.,With a lot of homework to do, I cant go to bed early.,Because I have a lot of homework to do ,I cant go to bed early,2.,The woman with a necklace around her neck must be very wealthy.,The woman,who wears a necklace around,her neck must be very wealthy.,(原因),(限定),3. With the bike repaired , he rode on.,4. With the discussion over for a long time, we still remember everything discussed.,After he had his bike repaired,he rode on.,Though the discussion has been over for a long time,we still remember everything discussed,(时间),(让步),The teacher came in ,carrying a cup in her hand.,5.The teacher came in , with a cup in her hand.,(,伴随),第三步,实战演练,自主检测,Task4,.,高考链接,(,用所给词的适当形式填空),1. News reports say peace talks between the two countries have broken down with no agreement _ (reach).(2007NMET),2. _ (,介词,) production up by 60%, the company has had another excellent year.(NMET2000) 3.The murderer was brought in, with his,his,hands _(tie) behind his back.(MET9,),reached,With,tied,4. He lied on the chair , with a newspaper _ (cover) his face. (NMET2003) 5. The sick old man was left alone under the tree, with his body _ ( cover ) by a bag. (NMET1998) 6.With nothing _ (eat), the three children had to go hungry. 7. With the fire _, we saw nothing around us.,covering,covered,to eat,out,Task,:,用,with,翻译句子,He was taken to hospital, _ (,腿在流血,bleed).,The fellow stood there, _ (,双手交叉,cross,在背后,),Dont talk _(,嘴里满满的,),with his leg bleeding,with his hands crossed behind,her back,with your mouth full,4. I told her the bad news, _ (,心跳动,beat,地厉害,).,5. _ (,嘴里含着一根勺子,fork), the little girl cried.,6._(,电视机还开着,), the old man fell asleep.,with her heart beating fast,With a fork in her mouth,With the TV on,第四步,能力拓展,Task7:,写作练习,篇章运用,:,李华是一名学生,他住在绿色环绕的房子里。今天是清明节,李华从学校回来。请根据以下内容写一篇日记,内容包括:,李华觉得有很多事要做,这个节假日,他得,努力学习。他,的,父亲工作一天之后觉得很累,头枕着胳膊睡着了。他,的,母亲做完家务后,坐下来看她喜欢看的节目。他,的,弟弟这次数学考试不及格,有点沮丧,此时正躺在床上,两眼盯着天花板。他,的,妹妹得了感冒,门没关就睡了。 他的爷爷坐在椅子上,嘴里叼着一只烟斗。,写作要求,只能使用,5,个句子表达全部的内容;,尽量多使用,with,的复合结构;,日记开头已给出。,April 4 ,Friday Rainy,We live in a house with green trees surrounded. Today is,Qingming, our Chinese traditional festival.,After supper, we stayed at home with the lights,on.,With a lot of work to do ,I had to work really hard this holiday.,My father was very tired after a whole days work and he was asleep with his head on his arms.,My mother sat down to enjoy her favorite program with all her housework done.,My little brother was a little depressed because he failed in the math exam and he was lying on his bed, with his eyes staring at the ceiling.,My younger sister caught a cold so she was sleeping with the door open while my grandfather was sitting on the chair with a pipe in his mouth.,Byebye,!,Thanks,for,coming to,our class!,


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