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单击此处编辑文本,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,Unit 2,I think that mooncakes are delicious!,Section B,Revision,A Christmas Carol is a famous novel w_ by Charles Dickens. It t_ us the true m_ of Christmas: the i_ of sharing and giving love and joy to people around us.,The story is about an old man n_ Scrooge who never laughs or smiles.,mportance,ritten,eaning,amed,ells,根据给出的单词首字母填空。,He is mean and only t_ about himself, and doesnt treat others n_. He just cares about w_ he can make more money. And he hates Christmas. One Christmas Eve, Scrooge sees Marley was p_ after he died. That night, three ghosts v_ Scrooge. They t_ him to see his childhood, how others are spending Christmas this year and the f_.,hinks,icely,hether,unished,isit,ake,uture,Scrooge is so scared t_ he wakes up in his bed and f_ out it is already the next morning on Christmas Day! He d_ to change his life and p_ to be a better person. He now treats everyone with kindness and w_, spreading love and joy everywhere he goes. And that is the true s_ of Christmas!,hat,inds,ecides,romises,armth,pirit,In groups of four, make a conversation between the three ghosts and Scrooge about Christmas.,Scrooge:,Why do you visit me?,Ghost A:,Because you look so sad. I,want to take you back to,your childhood.,Role-play,Scrooge:,Im so happy as a child.,Ghost B:,Yes. Do you know other people how to spend Christmas? Everyone is happy, even poor people.,Ghost C:,Hey, I want to take you to the future.,Scrooge:,I know the spirit of Christmas. I decide to change my life and to be a better person.,Talk about your favorite festival, use the following questions.,When is it celebrated in/on?,What do you like best about?,How do people celebrate?,Why do they do that?,Free talk,Your English-speaking pen pal wants to know about your favorite Chinese festival. Make some notes about the festival.,What is the name of the festival?,When is it?,3a,Middle-Autumn Festival,on August,15th of Chinese lunar calendar,What do people eat?,What do people do?,Why do you like it,nxso,much?,mooncakes,People can enjoy the full moon in the dark sky.,Because it makes me happy.,Writing,Write a letter to your pen pal and tell him/her about your favorite Chinese festival. Use your notes in 3a.,3b,帮你构思:,In your letter:,First, introduce the festival and when it is celebrated.,Then talk about what people do and eat.,Finally, explain why you like it best and how it makes you feel.,My favorite Chinese festival is,It is celebrated in / on ,During this festival, people,Its my favorite festival because,It makes me feel,Use the following expressions to help you:,The Middle-Autumn Festival is one of the traditional Chinese festivals, it is often celebrated in September or October. During the festival, family members get together and eat,mooncakes,. There are various kind of delicious,mooncakes,.,Sample,On the evening of the Middle-Autumn,Festival, people can enjoy the full moon in the dark sky. I like Mid-Autumn,Festival because it makes me happy.,Many Western countries celebrate Easter.,This holiday is always on a Sunday,_ March 22nd _ April 25th.,It celebrates the beginning of new life.,spreadaround between and give out business lay relatives,Complete the passage with the,words in the box.,between,and,Self Check,Hens _ eggs, giving birth to life,so,an egg is a symbol of new life. A popular activity during Easter is to hide eggs around your home or garden for friends or _ to find. These can be real eggs, but they are more often chocolate eggs.,relatives,lay,spreadaround between and give out business lay relatives,Not only do people _ them _ in different hiding places for an egg hunt, but they also _ these treats,as gifts. So just like Christmas, Easter creates good _ for supermarkets and chocolate stores.,spread,business,around,spreadaround between and give out business lay relatives,give out,2. Rewrite these sentences as,exclamations.,The,mooncakes,are delicious.,How _!,2. The festival will be fun.,What _!,This concert is boring.,How _!,delicious the,mooncakes,are,fun will the festival be,boring this concert is,Im really excited.,How _!,The band played really loud music.,What _!,excited am,I,loud music the band played,3. Make sentences about a festival/,festivals you like using these,words+,that/whether/if,.,I think _.,I know_.,I believe _.,I wonder _.,Not only,do people spread them around in different hiding places for an egg hunt,but,they,also,give out these treats as gifts.,句中的,not only . but (also) .,意为“不但,而且,”,。当,not only,位于句首时,其后的,主谓要部分倒装,。,Language points,此外,当,not only . but (also) .,连接两个代词或名词作主语时,谓语动词要与,but (also),后的代词或名词,在数上保持一致,。,如:,Not only,he,but also,I am wrong.,Not only,books,but also,water is needed.,单 词,1,warn,点拨,warn,作为动词,意为“警告”。可构成的短语和句,型如下:,warn sb.(not) to do sth.,提醒某人,(,不,),做某事;,warn sb.of,sth.,提醒某人某事;,warn sb.against (doing) sth.,警告某人不要做某,事。如:,The doctor warns my father not to smoke/against smoking.,医,生警告我父亲不要吸烟。,He has been warned of the danger of smoking.,他已被提醒抽,烟的危害。,2,remind,点拨,remind,是动词,意为“使想起,使记起,提醒”。,如:,I remind him to finish his homework first.,我提醒他首先完成,家庭作业。,Please remind me that I must call her up before nine tonight.,请提醒我在九点之前我必须给她打电话。,链接,remind sb.of/about sth.,提醒某人某事,remind sb.to do sth.,提醒某人做某事,remind sb.that.,提醒某人,;使某人想起,3,decide,点拨,decide,做动词,意为“决定;下决心”;其名词形,式为,decision,。如:,He decided to give a one-man show.,他决定唱一段独角戏。,We havent decided when to start.,我们还没决定何时动身。,链接,make a decision,下定决心,decide to do sth.,决定做某事,decide on/upon sth.(,经仔细思考后,),决定选择,1. _ good advice! Its so helpful to us.,A. How B. What C. What a,2. _ excellent work you have done!,Its very kind of you to say so.,A. What an B. How C. What,单选题。,活学活用,3. _ interesting the storybook is!,Yes. I have read it twice.,A. What B. What an,C. How D. How an,4. _ great picture! Who painted it?,A. How B. What,C. How a D. What a,5.How long does it take to get to the,airport?,Forty minutes. But its foggy today.,Im not sure _ the highway will,closes soon. Lets set off earlier.,A. whetherB. when C. how D. why,6. Could you say it again? I cant,understand _ you are talking about.,A. how B. when,C. what D. which,7. What a nice paper fish! Can you show us _ you make it?,A. whether B. how,C. why D. what,8. When H7N9 bird flu first appeared, people didnt know _ doctors could,cure it.,A. if B. that,C. what D. why,【创新写作,】,3b. Write a letter to your pen pal and tell him/her about your favorite Chinese festival. Use your notes in 3a.,What is the name of the festival?,Mid-Autumn Festival,When is it?,The 15th day of the 8th month of the Chinese calendar,What do people eat?,Mooncakes,What do people do?,Admire the moon, share mooncakes, tell folk stories about Mid-Autumn Festival,Why do you like it,so much?,Families get together on,Mid-Autumn Day,Use the following expressions to help you:,My favorite Chinese festival is. . .,It is celebrated in/on. . .,During this festival, people. . .,Its my favorite festival because. . .,It makes me feel. . .,【思路点拨,】,(1),体裁,:,应用文。,(2),人称,:,第三人称。,(3),时态,:,一般现在时。,【写作模板,】,【妙笔成篇,】,Dear Tony,_ _ _ _,Yours,Li Ming,【参考范文,】,Dear Tony,Do you know Mid-Autumn Festival in China? Its my favorite festival. Its celebrated on the 15th day of the 8th month of the Chinese calendar.,During this festival, people usually hold Mid-Autumn Festival celebrations to celebrate it. People say“Happy Moon Festival”to each other. On Mid-Autumn night, families get together in the open air outside their houses, admire the moon and eat mooncakes. People also tell folk stories about Mid-Autumn Festival. For example, the story of Change,is one of the most popular ones.,Its my favorite festival because families get together during the festival. It makes me happy.,Yours,Li Ming,Write an article about your favorite festival.,Homework,


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