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Einstein,Thomas Addison,Thomas Paine,Benjamin Franklin,Try not to become a man of success but rather try to become a man of value.,Energy and persistence conquer all things.,A strong man will struggle with the storms of fate.,The unexamined life is not worth living.,Failure is the mother of success.,There is no such thing as a great talent without great will - power.,Balzac WARMING UP EXERCISESSec,WARMING UP EXERCISES,Section 2. Knowledge Accumulation,Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind; it is not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips and supple knees; it is a matter of the will, a quality of the imagination, a vigor of the emotions; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life. Youth means a tempera-mental predominance of courage over timidity, of the appetite for adventure over the love of ease. This often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20. Nobody grows old merely by a number of years. We grow old by deserting our ideals. Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give upenthusiasm wrinkles the soul. Worry, fear, self-distrust bows the heart and turns the spring back to dust. Whether 60 or 16, there is in every human beings heart the lure of wonder, the unfailing childlike appetite of whats next and the joy of the game of living. In the center of your heart and my heart there is a wireless station: so long as it receives messages of beauty, hope, cheer, courage and power from men and from the Infinite, so long are you young. When the aerials are down, and your spirit is covered with snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism, then you are grown old, even at 20, but as long as your aerials are up, to catch waves of optimism, there is hope you may die young at 80.,中文译文:,青春不是年华,而是心境;青春不是桃面、丹唇、柔膝,而是深沉的意志,恢宏的想 象,炙热的恋情;青春是生命的深泉在涌流。 青春气贯长虹,勇锐盖过怯弱,进取压倒苟安。如此锐气,二十后生而有之,六旬男子则更多见。年岁有加,并非垂老,理想丢弃,方堕暮年。 岁月悠悠,衰微只及肌肤;热忱抛却,颓废必致灵魂。忧烦,惶恐,丧失自信,定使心灵扭曲,意气如灰。 无论年届花甲,拟或二八芳龄,心中皆有生命之欢乐,奇迹之诱惑,孩童般天真久盛不衰。人人心中皆有一台天线,只要你从天上人间接受美好、希望、欢乐、勇气和力量的信号,你就青春永驻,风华常存。 一旦天线下降,锐气便被冰雪覆盖,玩世不恭、自暴自弃油然而生,即使年方二十,实已垂垂老矣;然则只要树起天线,捕捉乐观信号,你就有望在八十高龄告别尘寰时仍觉年轻。,WARMING UP EXERCISESSection 2.,PREPARATORY,Section 1.,Match the words in Column A with the Chinese definition in Column B.,distinguished,傲慢的,自大的,人格,个性,胜利,成功,卓越的,著名的,受人尊敬的,不可避免的,必然发生的,激情,热情,压倒,制服,打败,妨碍,束缚,限制,使蒙羞,羞辱,使丢脸,攻克,征服,overwhelm,arrogant,personality,inevitable,hamper,passion,humiliate,triumph,conquer,PREPARATORYSection 1. Match th,PREPARATORY,Section 2.,Write the meaning of each of the following words or phrases in the correspondent blank.,distinguished :,very successful, famous or important,overwhelm :,arrogant,:,personality,:,inevitable,:,hamper,:,passion,:,humiliate,:,triumph,:,conquer,:,gain control or victory over sth.,unpleasantly proud, with an unreasonably strong belief in one years own importance and a lack of respect for other people,the whole nature or character of a particular person,unavoidable,prevent the progress or free movement of,a very strong feeling,cause to feel shame; hurt the pride of,a victory, success or achievement,take complete control of sth.,PREPARATORYSection 2. Write th,10. I my dislike for mathematics.,9. He achieved great .,8. The country was by defeat.,7. He could not control his .,6. Prejudice sometimes a person from doing the right thing.,5. This is the course of history.,4. The children all have very different .,3. Elizabeth thought he was an and selfish man.,2. A great wave the boat.,1. He attended the ceremony as a guest.,PREPARATORY,Section3.Read aloud the following sentences, paying attention to the meanings of the words or phrases in italics.,distinguished,overwhelmed,arrogant,personalities,inevitable,hampers,passion,humiliated,triumphs,conquered,10. I my d,PREPARATORY,Section 4 : Two of a kind : Find out the meanings of the phrases in Column A,and the Chinese definition in Column B,gain from,above all,make a mess (of),dream of,care about,some sort of,knock out,take . seriously,首先,;,尤其是,做梦,(,梦见,),在乎,在意,某种的;仿佛;多少有些,粗略地创作;使筋疲力尽,认真对待,严肃对待,从,获得,把,弄糟,(,搞坏,);,把,搞得糊涂,从,获得,在乎,在意,粗略地创作;使筋疲力尽,认真对待,严肃对待,某种的;仿佛;多少有些,做梦,(,梦见,),把,弄糟,(,搞坏,);,把,搞得一塌糊涂,首先,;,尤其是,PREPARATORYSection 4 : Two of,PREPARATORY,Section 5: Complete each of the following sentences with the expressions you have just learned.,Part A:,When I lived with my father, I,gained,much knowledge,from,him.,I never,dreamed of,such a thing.,But,above all,tell me quickly what I have to do.,This job has quite,knocked,me,out,.,I dont,care,much,about,music.,He,made a mess of,his work.,He could not,take,such questions,seriously,.,Dont worry about priceIm sure we can come to,some sort of,arrangement.,PREPARATORYSection 5: Complete,LANGUAGE IN CONTEXT,Vocabulary,celebrity,n.,generation,n.,wisdom,n.,gain from,distinguished,adj.,cleric,n.,contribution,n.,spectacular,adj.,overwhelm,vt.,oasis,n.,primatologist,n.,conservationist,n.,(,尤指娱乐界的,),名人,名流,一代人,一代,智慧,知识,学问,从,获得,卓越的,;,著名的,;,受,人尊敬的,牧师,教士,神职人员,捐助物,;,贡献,引人注目的,;,轰动一时的,;,惊人的,淹没,;,制服,;,压倒,绿洲,灵长类行为学家,自然资源保护者,生态环境保护者,LANGUAGE IN CONTEXTVocabularyc,LANGUAGE IN CONTEXT,Vocabulary,arrogant,adj.,personality,n.,above all,dream of,mess,n.,make a mess (of),consequence,n.,adversely,adv.,care about,western,n.,some sort of,knock out,take . seriously hamper,vt.,傲慢的,自大的,人格,个性,首先,尤其是,做梦,(,梦见,),杂乱,脏乱,(,把,),弄糟,搞坏,;,(,把,),搞得一塌糊涂,结果,后果,不利地,有害地,在乎,在意,西部片,西部小说,某种,;,仿佛,;,多少有些,使筋疲力尽,;,使竭尽全力,;,粗略地创作,完成,认真对待,严肃对待,妨碍,束缚,限制,LANGUAGE IN CONTEXTVocabularya,LANGUAGE IN CONTEXT,Vocabulary,tuna,n.,passion,n.,aspiring,adj.,critical,adj.,fundamental,adj.,antiapartheid,adj.,Humiliate,vt.,triumph,n.,mask,n.,boldness,n.,conquer,vt.,goodwill,n.,transcend,vt.,intractable,adj.,金枪鱼,激情,热情,有追求的,决定性的,关键性的,;,危急的,;,批评的,批判的,基本的,;,重要的,;,必要的,反种族隔离的,使蒙羞,羞辱,使丢脸,胜利,成功,口罩;面具;掩饰,大胆,冒失,攻克;征服;克服,善意,亲切,友好,超出,超越;胜过,难对付的,难解决的,LANGUAGE IN CONTEXTVocabularyt,LANGUAGE IN CONTEXT,Discussion,1. How did Andrew Zuckerman acquire what others have learned?,Discuss the following questions in pairs or groups.,(,traveled, distinguished, individuals,),2.,Give a brief summary of Desmond Tutus words.,(,contribution, peace,),3. What does Jane Goodall think of the most important thing we can do?,(,consequence, animals, the future,),4. How are you able to move forward according to the director of Million Dollar Baby?,(,take. seriously,),5. In Massimo Vignellis opinion, what are the three fundamental elements to grow in a professional life, and why?,(,history; theory; criticism,),LANGUAGE IN CONTEXTDiscussion1,What is the greatest gift from one generation to the next? Its wisdom gained from experience. The photographer Andrew Zuckerman traveled to seven countries, flew 65,000 miles, and drove 5,000 more, in order to ask 50 individuals aged 65 years and older what they would like others to know. The following is a selection.,cleric; winner, 1984 Nobel Peace Prize; winner, 2005 Gandhi Peace Prize“Each one of us can make a . Too frequently we think we have to do things. Yet if we remember that the sea is actually made up of drops of water and each drop is important, each one of us can do our little bit where we are. Those little bits can come together and almost the world. Each one of us can be an of peace.”,LANGUAGE IN CONTEXT,Text A,Six Celebrities Share What Theyve Learned,spectacular,DESMOND TUTU,oasis,distinguished adj. eminent,卓著的,Premier Zhou is a distinguished politician.,周总理是一位卓越的政治家。,The scientist is distinguished in many spheres of knowledge.,这位科学家在许多知识领域中都是杰出的。,contribution n., the act of contributing or something contributed,贡献,He has made an important contribution to the companys success.,他对公司的成功做出了重要的贡献。,an amount of money given to a cause, charity etc.,捐款,All contribution, however small, will be greatly appreciated.,所有捐款,无论数目多么少,我们都深表感谢。,spectacular adj. unusually interesting or grand; attracting excited notice; very impressive,引人注目的;引人入胜的,轰动一时的, 惊人的;激动人心的,The new play was a spectacular success.,这出新戏获得巨大的成功。,He painted the spectacular scenery of South American jungles.,他的油画描绘了南美洲丛林的壮丽景观。,But the successes have been many and spectacular.,不过成功的例子也很多,而且蔚为大观。,overwhelm v., to defeat or make powerless,打败;毁坏;制服,The enemy forces overwhelmed the camp.,敌军把营地彻底破坏了。,They were overwhelmed by the rival.,他们被对手打垮了。,(of water )to cover completely and usually suddenly,淹没,The village was overwhelmed when the floods came.,这个村庄在洪水泛滥时被淹没了。,(of feelings) to make sb. completely helpless, usually suddenly,使受不了;使不知所措,Your kindness quite overwhelmed me.,你的好意使我感激难言。,I overwhelmed him with the truth.,我拿出事实让他哑口无言。,oasis n., a place with water and trees in a desert (,沙漠中的,),绿洲,The caravan stopped for the night at an oasis.,旅行队在沙漠中的绿洲停下来过夜。,a place or situation that is different from its surroundings, usually in a pleasant or comforting way,宜人的地方;舒适之处,Her bedroom is an oasis of calm in the noisy house.,她的卧室是这幢嘈杂房屋中的一个难得的安静之处。,distinguished,contribution,overwhelm,What is the greatest gift f,primatologist and conservationist “Weve been very arrogant in assuming that theres a sharp line dividing us from the rest of the animal kingdom. We are not the only beings on this planet with personalities, minds, and, , emotions. We need to be more respectful.,As a child, I going to Africa, living there with the animals. Such an amazing thing happened. Being out on my own in nature, with or without the chimpanzees, is just something I loved.,LANGUAGE IN CONTEXT,Text A,above all,dreamed of,JANE GOODALL,above all most important of all,尤其是,最重要的是,Relax, and above all, dont panic.,放松一点,尤其是不要慌。,He is strong, brave, and above all, honest.,他坚强、勇敢,最重要的是诚实。,I enjoyed all the school subjects, but history above all.,学校里的所有课程我都喜欢,尤其是历史。,dream of/about to have (a dream) about,做梦;梦见,Joe dreamed about waking up rich.,乔梦见自己一觉醒来成了富翁。,He dreamed of her all night.,他整夜都梦见她。,LANGUAGE IN CONTEXT,Text A,The most important thing we can do to try to get out of the weve made on this planet is to spend time thinking about the of the choices we make. What did we eat? How was it grown? Did it adversely affect animals? Is it good for human health? What do we wear? Where was it made? Could we make it in a way that is less damaging to the environment? If we start thinking like that, inevitably people make small changes. And if people start making small changes, then we start getting the major change that we must have if we care about the future for our children.”,mess,consequences,make a mess (of) to spoil, ruin, etc.,扰乱,弄乱,She always makes a mess of things; shes a prize idiot.,她总是把事情弄糟;她是个不折不扣的大笨蛋。,He managed to make a mess of it.,他真不错,把事情弄得一团糟。,consequence n. result,结果;后果,The consequence of her fall was a broken arm.,她摔倒了,断了一只胳膊。,The high level of unemployment has produced harmful consequences.,高失业率已经产生了有害的社会影响。,LANGUAGE IN CONTEXTText A Th,LANGUAGE IN CONTEXT,Text A,actor, more than 50 films; director, 29 films, including Unforgiven (,不可饶恕,)and Million Dollar Baby (,百万美元宝贝,); winner, 4 Academy Awards “Great stories teach you something. Thats one reason I havent slipped into retirement: I always feel like Im learning something new.,There was a time in my life when I was doing westerns, on the plains of Spain. I could have stayed there and probably a dozen more. But the time came when I said Thats enough of that. As fun as they were to do, it was time to move on. If a story doesnt have anything thats fresh in it, at least for me, I move away from it.,Take your profession seriously; dont . If you take yourself seriously, youre not going to be able to move forward. Youre going to be,by always wanting to look in the mirror and see if you have enough tuna oil on your hair or something like that.”,CLINT EASTWOOD,knocked out,take yourself seriously,hampered,some sort of,some sort of,某种的;仿佛;多少有些,I dont know why she doesnt leave himhe must have some sort of hold over her.,我不明白她为什么不离开他,他一定有一种左右她的力量。,Hes pulling some sort of trick.,他不定在耍什么花招。,I suppose we shall be having some sort of celebration for the bride.,我想我们还是来为新娘庆贺一番吧。,Theres some sort of sticky fluid on the kitchen floor.,厨房的地上有一种发黏的液体。,knock out, (informal) to produce sth., especially quickly and easily,完成,快速而轻易地做成,The artist knocked out a sketch in fifteen minutes.,这位艺术家用,15,分钟就画好了一幅素描。,(informal) to surprise and impress sb. very much,使大吃一惊;使倾倒;给某人留下深刻印象,The movie just knocked me out.,这电影着实令我赞叹不已。,I was knocked out completely by the new song.,我完全为那支新歌所陶醉。,take.seriously,认真对待,But she took him seriously, almost to his own surprise.,可是她竟然出乎他的意料之外,拿他当真了。,He has taken himself seriously, as a writer should.,他很有做派,认为这才像一个作家。,Take everything you do seriously.,认真对待你做的每一件事情。,hamper v. prevent the progress or free movement of,妨碍,束缚,限制,Our progress was hampered by the bad weather.,我们前进时受到了恶劣天气的阻碍。,I tried to find my keys but I was hampered by my thick gloves.,我想找钥匙,但手套很碍事。,LANGUAGE IN CONTEXTText A,LANGUAGE IN CONTEXT,Text A,interior and graphic design team, married 50 years; winners, more than 130 awards,LV: “People ask us, Arent you retiring? But we really like what we do.”,MV: “You need to have passion. The greatest thing Ive learned in my life is that there is room for everybody. Thats the great thing about art and design and communication. Theres room for all.”,LV: “Aspiring designers should know about the good things that happened before. Have a little history. Go back and see what was done before.”,LELLA and MASSIMO VIGNELLI,LANGUAGE IN CONTEXTText A,LANGUAGE IN CONTEXT,Text A,MV: “Learn from the past if you want what matters in the present. Knowledge is the most important thing. To young people, we say, Fill your brain with as much information as you can. Look at everything, know everything, develop a mind. History, theory, and criticism are the three fundamental elements to grow in a professional life. History will provide you with the tools for understanding. Theory will be the philosophy of why youre doing it. And criticism will provide you with the ability to continually master what you are doing. Play with these tools and you can do pretty good things.”,critical,critical adj.,决定性的,关键性的,危急的;批评的,批判的,The tennis game has reached a critical stage.,网球比赛进入了决定性阶段。,It meant another critical decision to be made.,这意味着又要做出一个生死攸关的决定。,Her new book received critical acclaim.,她的新作得到了评论家们的赞扬。,LANGUAGE IN CONTEXTText AMV: “,LANGUAGE IN CONTEXT,Text A,civil rights leader; prisoner for 27 years for his antiapartheid work; cowinner, 1993 Nobel Peace Prize; elected South Africas first freely chosen president (19941999),“Wounds that cant be seen are more painful than those that can be seen and cured by a doctor. I learned that to another person is to make him suffer an unnecessarily cruel fate. I learned that courage was not the absence of fear but the,over it. I felt fear myself more times than I can remember, but I hid it behind a mask of boldness. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid but he who,fear.,Where people of goodwill get together and transcend their differences for the common good, peaceful and just solutions can be found, even for those problems that seem most intractable.”,conquers,humiliate,NELSON MANDELA,triumph,humiliate vt. cause to feel shame; hurt the pride of,使蒙羞,羞辱,使丢脸,She humiliated me in front of my friends.,她当着我朋友的面羞辱我。,Why did you come here to humiliate yourself?,你干嘛到这儿来自讨没趣呢?,He felt himself humiliated by this mercy.,他因这份仁慈而自惭形秽。,triumph n., a successful ending of a struggle or contest,;,victory,胜利,Helen Kellers triumph over deafness, blindness and muteness was a miracle.,海伦,凯勒战胜了聋哑和失明是一个奇迹。,the exultation of victory,欢欣,He gave a cry of triumph.,他得意地叫了起来。,conquer v. to put down by force or authority,;,take possession of by force, as after an invasion,;,overcome by conquest,克服,征服,战胜,When will scientists conquer cancer?,科学家什么时候才能征服癌症呢?,She conquered her fear and crossed the shaking bridge by herself.,她克服了恐惧,自己走过了摇摇晃晃的桥。,LANGUAGE IN CONTEXTText A,LANGUAGE IN CONTEXT,Read the following sentences and tell if they are true or false according to the text. In the brackets leading each statement, put “T” for true or “F” for false,1. ( ) Andrew Zuckerman is 65 years old.,2. ( ) Desmond Tutu is the winner of 1984 Gandhi Peace Prize.,3. ( ) As a child, Jane Goodall dreamed of living in Africa with the animals.,4. ( ) Clint Eastwood directed Unforgiven and Million Dollar Baby.,5. ( ) Clint Eastwood did westerns on the plains of Spain in the past.,6. ( ) In Massimo Vignellis life, the greatest thing he has learned is that there is room for everybody.,7. ( ) Nelson Mandela thought that courage was the absence of fear.,8. ( ) Nelson Mandela was a prisoner for 27 years for his antiapartheid work.,F,F,T,T,T,T,F,T,LANGUAGE IN CONTEXTRead the fo,LANGUAGE IN CONTEXT,Fill in the blanks with the words below. Change the forms where necessary,overwhelm conquer individual contribution arrogant,consequence adversely hamper triumph celebrity,1. Lots of,were at the film premiere.,首映式,2. The mountain was finally,by climbers in 1980.,3. The purpose of the law is to protect the right of the,.,4. I,a pound towards Janes leaving present.,5. The act was adopted by a(n),majority.,6. He has been very,.,7. Nobody can tell what the,may be.,8. Dirt and disease are,to the best growth of children.,9. Prejudice sometimes,a person from doing the right thing.,10. He had met the challenge and,.,celebrities,conquered,individual,contributed,overwhelming,arrogant,consequences,adverse,hampers,triumphed,LANGUAGE IN CONTEXTFill in the,LANGUAGE IN CONTEXT,Rewrite the following sentences with help of the phrases and expressions provided. The italicized part in each sentence may serve as the hints (,提示,) for your task. The first sentence is done for you,gain from,above all,dream of,care about,knock out,take seriously,provide with,not but,1. He thought he would benefit from going to school.,He thought he would gain from going to school.,2. First of all, you should know what profession suits you.,You should above all know what profession suits you.,3. She dreamed about a handsome young prince coming to rescue her from her misery.,She dreamed of a handsome young prince coming to rescue her from her misery.,4. I am really fond of the students in my class.,I really care about the students in my class.,LANGUAGE IN CONTEXTRewrite the,LANGUAGE IN CONTEXT,Rewri


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